Evil Insect God

Chapter 463: Resurrected?

Large gray spots of light connected into one piece, as if it were a large dark cloud, but Huo Hai knew clearly that this thing was definitely not as simple as a dark cloud, it was clearly a very strange spiritual power.

This is the first time Huo Hai has seen lifeless spiritual power. Even if it is full of negative power, there is no such horrible lifeless energy. Looking at this lifeless energy, Huo Hai feels as if there is a little life in it. Neither will exist the same.

This feeling is really strange. Could it be said that those spirit beasts ran away because of these light spots? When Huo Hai was thinking, the light spots in the sky seemed to notice the corpses on the ground, and all the light spots suddenly After stopping, it didn't take long for a part of the light spot to escape from the main force and landed from the air.

The spot of light fell into the corpse and quickly blended into it. Then, something that made Huo Hai feel terrifying happened. These dead corpses actually stood up swayingly, could it be resurrection.

No, no, this is definitely not a resurrection. Looking at the field carefully, Huo Hai was surprised to find that these corpses are still corpses, and the terrifying wounds on their bodies are still that horrible. Any living creature has been affected by this. It's basically impossible to survive the injury. How can it be resurrected like this.

When a large body of corpses stood up swayingly, the scene was messy, but there was no extra sound. The entire open space was full of weird silence, some, just the sound of corpses walking.

"What the **** is this, viruses, zombies, or undead and zombies." In Huo Hai's mind, various special scenes that fit the current situation flashed through. He didn't think so much before, but now it happened in front of him. Huo Hai really felt the horror of this sight, but no matter what, Huo Hai still wanted to take a serious look.

When all the corpses stood up, more than half of the light spots in the air were consumed. Not all corpses could stand up. Those whose heads were shattered or suffered heavy head injuries could never stand up. .

It seems that like all things resurrected from the dead, the weakness of these undead-like creatures is also in the head. Is this the real secret of the Fragmented Bone Plain? It is really strange, why no one has ever said anything here.

If the undead had been increased at this rate, the Bone Fragment Plain would have been occupied by the undead. How could Mingyang have no reaction at all? Huo Hai doesn't believe that these undead creatures are so honest. There must be other reasons. .

I don’t know how long it has passed. The light spots no longer fall. All the movable corpses slowly stood up. Then, all the corpses turned and ran slowly in one direction. After they became undead, these The body of the creatures became stiffer, and their physical activity was also much slower, but when they moved forward together, the atmosphere was very strange.

These things did not discover the existence of Huo Hai, Huo Hai also wanted to see what this thing was, so Huo Hai released a few Star Gus, converging his own breath far away, and then let Star Gus follow from a distance.

Huo Hai himself followed Star Gu, hanging from a distance. This was an army of undead. Before he figured out the truth of the matter, Huo Hai definitely didn't want to startle the snake. Who knows, is this a demon? The teacher made it out.

After so many years, it is not impossible if the magician has developed any special abilities, or if other masters are hiding in the dark, this is also a hidden danger. Huo Hai doesn’t know, it’s broken. Whether the undead of the plains existed from the beginning or only recently appeared, it is necessary to investigate.

Anyway, I don't know where the spiritual bugs are now, so I can just keep up with them.

All the way forward, Huo Hai didn't know where these things were going. As long as they were living creatures encountered on the road, they would all rush up, and then attack these living creatures.

Fortunately, those who can run away will be killed by the undead, and these undead seem to have consciously avoided destroying the heads of these creatures. In this way, as long as they are killed, Will soon become one of them.

And Huo Hai also discovered that the undead that he saw right now were not all, because there were still some undead following. After the two strands merged together, all the undeads totaled more than 3,000 in total. Along the way, there are fewer and fewer gray spots in the air, and these special energies are constantly being consumed when creating undead.

When the light spots were reduced to the limit, Huo Hai suddenly discovered that these light spots were not simply light spots. All light spots were controlled by a strange bug in the middle.

Huo Hai felt this insect from a distance. It had reached the realm of the ling general's initial stage. Even the insect itself was very strange. The whole body was transparent, emitting a white light, like a ghost. Could it be that in this world, even Do all such strange bugs exist? Huo Hai is not sure whether this thing is a bug after all.

After the light was exhausted, the bug seemed to have achieved its goal, and then drove a large number of undead, ran in one direction, Huo Hai followed closely behind him, if this is really a bug and he can control it, how can it be? Isn't it possible to pull out a powerful army of undead at any time? Huo Hai's mood suddenly changed when he thought of this.

The food problem, when he encountered business, had already been left behind by Huo Hai, and then took out some dry food, while moving forward, while stuffing the dry food into his mouth, Huo Hai did not want to lose the bug.

No, it's not this. When Huo Hai looked at the sky carefully, he found this insect. He had only noticed the most powerful one before. There are also some insects that only have the realm of the spirit, or even the realm of the spirit, look. It looks very similar to the light spots. It is precisely because of this that Huo Hai ignored them. Observing along the way, Huo Hai finally discovered their true colors.

It's a pity that Huo Hai didn't dare to get too close. Otherwise, I'm afraid he would have discovered it. Walking along, Huo Hai followed these bugs for three days. Three days later, a group of undead came to a basin. among.

There is such a basin in this bone-breaking plain, which made Huo Hai feel surprised, but when he saw the scene in the basin clearly, Huo Hai was still taken aback. There were bones everywhere in the whole basin.

I don’t know how many times in the years, the accumulation has accumulated such a huge piece of bone. Among the bones, there are countless undead walking in it. These undead, Huo Hai calculated from a distance, actually there are at least 20,000 or 30,000. The quantity, this was only what he saw, and Huo Hai didn't know how much he didn't see.

When this group of undead walked into it, the small insects in the sky gradually fell down. Huo Hai observed from a distance and found that the same small insects appeared to be many in this basin. This is obviously a mutant group of insects. .

The insects lay down quietly, allowing the undead to move around. The quiet insects began to emit a gray light. As the light flickered, Huo Hai suddenly discovered that the surrounding undead had begun to change.

"Strange, the speed of these undead decays is accelerating." If Xiaodie hadn't watched from a distance, Huo Hai hadn't really noticed that a decaying undead suddenly broke his leg due to rot, and then his whole body Falling to the ground, the undead has no pain, no thoughts, just instinctively struggling on the ground.

An undead who has not known how long it has been here, under this environment, has rotted to the extreme, and suddenly, the undead's body emits a gray light, which instantly envelops the whole body.

The body that had decomposed to the limit, under the action of the light, quickly dried out, and quickly became skin and bones. When a gust of wind blew, the whole body seemed to become a piece of dust, floating everywhere.

Lost the body, as well as the brain, this undead finally fell permanently and died completely, and the gray light from the body just swallowed the body of the undead, and it was suddenly full of death, as if it had grown a lot. In the same way, the light escaped and condensed into gray light spots in the air. As soon as these light spots appeared, they flew to some insects.

Soon, he was integrated into the light spots that originally existed, and Huo Hai suddenly realized that the reason why these insects control so many undead is to let these undead help him breed these gray light spots.

These special spiritual energy energies don't know what the formation principle is, and they can only use this weird method. I am afraid that after all the undead are completely clean, it is time for these weird bugs to set off again.

These undead bodies are very fragile and can be easily killed by using Star Gu, but Huo Hai clearly feels that Star Gu hates this undead. If you use Star Gu to attack these undead, when you enter the body of the undead, your own strength It will definitely consume a lot, which is very unfavorable for Huo Hai.

When attacking these undead, he might get himself in. Huo Hai decided not to act rashly. He had to observe the habits of these insects first, and if he found an opportunity, he would try one first. If he could control it, it would be better.

Huo Hai stayed here, slowly waiting for these bugs to digest the collected undead, those bugs that just returned, according to Huo Hai's calculations, it is impossible to wait until the power of these undeads are absorbed without a month or two. Fortunately, there are already some of the bugs that came back, and they are about to consume the undead in their hands.

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