Evil Insect God

Chapter 471: Rob

Feng Yu immediately got up and said loudly, "Big Brother, I'm going now, you just wait for my good news." After saying that, Feng Yu turned around and left. With the guarantee of his big brother, he wouldn't worry about anything.

Looking at Feng Yu's back, a cold light flashed in Feng Qing's eyes: "Huh, I'm just waiting for your good news. The blood rose comes from the Molian domain. You have never seen anyone like you. Her love is really in vain." Feng Qing is different from others, for the blood rose, he did not get close like a fly.

Instead, while encouraging Feng Yu to pursue it, while secretly collecting everything about the Blood Rose, it seemed to outsiders as if these were prepared for Feng Yu. In fact, Feng Qing had never told Feng Yu about these materials.

When Feng Qing learned about the character of Blood Rose, he started to have a headache. He believed that Blood Rose had absolutely no feelings beyond friendship for Huo Hai, but it was definitely not an easy task for this kind of woman to succeed.

The Blood Rose is not an ordinary person, it cannot be forced, and there is no way to tempt it. If you really want to tempt it, I am afraid that you will be tempted by people from the Mingyang country. On Huo Hai’s side, Feng Qing doesn’t care much at all. Death by the sea is also of great benefit to Feng Qing. He shook his head, Feng Qing lowered his head, and continued to drink his own tea.

On the other side, after spending less than two days, Huo Hai has come to the vicinity of Lianyan Mountain. From a distance, Lianyan Mountain is continuous. It is amazing that such a small peak can appear such a spectacle.

Especially Huo Hai heard that there are many Tianchi above Lianyan Mountain. These Tianchis are connected into a chain. If you go to the mountain in winter, the connected Tianchi plus the surrounding ice and snow is definitely a rare spectacle.

"That's it." Huo Hai checked the map and determined that the Lian Yanshan he was looking for was this place. In order to save time, Huo Hai did not go to rest, but rushed directly to Lian Yanshan, so he could not continue to waste. Time is up.

Soon, Huo Hai stepped into the range of Lian Yan Mountain, but before Huo Hai moved far forward, a large number of stones and wooden piles suddenly fell from the mountains on both sides. These things did not come to him. , But towards the front and back, and when Huo Hai reacted, the roads on both sides had been completely sealed.

On both sides of the mountain slopes, there suddenly appeared a number of silhouettes, adding up to dozens of them. From a distance, these people looked at Huo Hai below, with a hint of disappointment flashing on their faces, "It's really bad luck, why are you alone? There is no oil and water."

Is this a robber? A question mark flashed in Huo Hai's mind. He was attacked a lot of times, but it seems that this is the first time he has encountered a real robber. The robbers he encountered before were basically certain people. In disguise.

"Who are you guys, why are you blocking my way?" Huo Hai raised his head and asked these people. The strength of these people is really too bad. The strongest is only in the early stage of the realm of spirits, and only Only three people, such a person, dare to stand in front of him, and he can easily kill them all without having to do it himself.

"Boy, our boss is talking, and you don't have the right to talk." A little brother beside him yelled at Huo Hai with a smug look.

"Big brother, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat. Even if it is a person, let's **** it. It should not be easy for people who dare to come here alone." By implication, people who are not simple will naturally have some treasures that are not simple. .

Hearing what the second child said, the bandit leader nodded vigorously: "Well, you are right. Even though Yanshan Mountain is not a dangerous place, there is usually no one passing by. If we let it go, we don’t know what to do. How long have you waited."

Hearing this, the youngest became happy: "Yes, big brother, I think so too. If we don’t open again, eating will be a problem. If this kid is suitable, do you want to let him join? This kid’s image , It should be good to go out to get information." Huo Hai is also from a big family anyway, and his ancestral blood is quite good.

Therefore, Huo Hai's appearance is also very good, perhaps not as good as the really handsome guys, but obviously better than these crooked melons. Such a person, even if he stops outside, will cause others to doubt.

The three people discussed for a long time. Huo Hai looked interesting and did not disturb them. He listened to their discussions from a distance. Finally, the three people agreed, and the bandit leader stood up, looked at Huo Hai from a distance, and shouted. Said: "Boy, you are lucky, we decided to let you join, how about it, are you very excited, we are the strongest bandit group in Lian Yanshan."

Indeed, Lian Yanshan, a place where birds don't shit, might be just such a band of bandits. I really don't know what they are going to do in this place. It's better to change the place. Huo Hai felt very interesting in his heart.

"Really, but what should I do if I don't want to be a robber." Huo Hai said innocently, seemingly very simple.

Who knows, when he heard this, the bandit leader was still at a loss, scratching his head, with an embarrassed expression: "I don't want to be, what should I do, how do I know what to do, second child, tell me." Rut.

The second thought for a while, and whispered: "Boss, it's better to let him leave his belongings. Anyway, one less person, we can also provide a ration." Others don't join, and they don't even force it. These robbers are really interesting.

"Okay, kid, leave the property, we promise you won't hurt you, otherwise, I'm welcome." The robber leader's big knife slashed against a stone next to it, and the stone was chopped down. Shattered, the powerful power of the spiritual realm was undoubtedly revealed, but Huo Hai saw this power and really wanted to laugh.

These robbers are really interesting. I don't know why, Huo Hai didn't have any murderous aura in his heart at this time. Forget it, he just came to Lian Yanshan, and he needs a lead. These people seem to be very familiar with Lian Yanshan.

Thinking of this, Huo Hai immediately asked: "I said, are you familiar with Lian Yanshan." Huo Hai wants to make sure whether these robbers have just migrated over recently. Huo Hai is still not the situation of Lian Yanshan. To understanding.

"Of course, this is our place, kid, have you changed your mind, but no, how can we join the bandit group if you say you can join, but if you have to join, it is not impossible to consider it." The leader looked at Huo Hai, with a tangled expression on his face, as if he was weighing whether it would be beneficial to accept Huo Hai.

Huo Hai smiled slightly. This is their place, which means that they are really familiar with it. Forget it, since they met, even if they are destined, they want to rob themselves, then they should be cleaned up by themselves. There should be nothing. relationship.

"Let me join you, then you have to see if you have this strength." Huo Hai looked at the robbers above with a funny face. These robbers, before robbing them, didn't even know how strong their opponents were. , Speaking of it, if these guys were not too weak, Huo Hai would be too lazy to pay attention, and he would not be blocked by these people.

"What, boy, you actually want to try our strength. Very good. I will let you know today what strength is. If you are injured, don't blame Laozi for being cruel." The bandit leader jumped down from above.

Huo Hai looked at the bandit leader who seemed unstable to land because of the high altitude. He was very speechless. What was going on with this guy, so he was so excited that he actually ran out to single out, are these guys really bandits? Even people who have robbed a few times should have a certain amount of experience. How do you look at these people, they are so nondescript.

After stabilizing for a while, the bandit leader blushed a bit, and then saw Huo Hai who was looking at him with a pitiful face in the field. The bandit leader seemed to be irritated by Huo Hai, raising the big knife in his hand, and gesticulating fiercely at Huo Hai.

"Good boy, dare not to run away, oh, no, you have no way to escape, now it is still too late to give up." The robber leader always seems to be half a beat slower in his brain. Just remembering it, the roads on both sides have been blocked. Up.

Huo Hai shook his head and said indifferently, "I'll wait until you win first." Huo Hai didn't move at all. The bandit leader felt that his face could no longer be hung up, and finally raised his big sword, and then the whole person charged. Come over, "Boy, see Lao Tzu give you a bitter taste." This kind of momentum made the bandits suddenly cheered.

Huo Hai shook his head. There is no way of writing. I don’t know how he reached the realm of spirits, but the foundation is really poor, and there is no war spirit art. Let alone war spirit art, even if it is a little clever. No basic skills.

Seeing such a non-lethal knife, Huo Hai raised his hand, the spiritual power in his hand flowed, and directly greeted the opponent's broadsword. The broadsword slashed into Huo Hai's hand. The leader's vitality was tumbling, and Huo Hai pushed out slightly, and the robber leader suddenly felt a huge force surge.

The body of the bandit leader backed back uncontrollably, and the bandit leader, who stepped back a few steps, could no longer stand, and sat down on the ground, without holding the big knife in his hand, and just fell to the side.

"Big brother, let's help you." Seeing the leader of the robbers lose, the second and third can't help it. They ran down from the slopes on both sides in a few steps, and rushed towards Huo Hai regardless of the others. The foundation of this guy is not even as good as the bandit leader, Huo Hai doubted whether these two guys used Huang-level source spirit stones for breakthroughs.

Any spiritual being that Huo Hai saw, even if it was a recent breakthrough, was stronger than these guys. No wonder the yellow-level source spiritual stones always have a certain value. Not only are they used to refine alchemy, but some people will actually use them. .

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