Evil Insect God

Chapter 472: Gift and lead the way

With such a cultivation base, Huo Hai really can't hold up any energy, "Forget it, don't play with you." Huo Hai shook his head, the breath on his body exuded, and the two people who were running here just now, Suddenly felt a terrifying pressure.

This is the aura of a master in the realm of spirit generals. Generally speaking, the pinnacle of a spiritual person with a weaker strength may not be able to withstand it. Not to mention, the two defective products in front of you, even the bandits in the distance, feel a little aura Aftermath, all felt abnormally depressed, and the original footsteps that were rushing forward, oppressed by the momentum, immediately stopped.

"Who are you, why are you bothering us?" The bandit leader sitting on the ground was not injured, but at this time, facing this breath, he still couldn't stand up and could only sit on the ground like this to speak .

Huo Hai said faintly: "Isn't it because you took the initiative to trouble me." Huo Hai stretched out his finger and pointed to his front and back. There are a lot of wood and stone blocking the way. This was not made by Huo Hai himself. .

Seeing this, the bandit leader touched his head awkwardly: "Um, didn't we find a good target, weird, how can I move." The bandit leader finally discovered that Huo Hai's momentum had disappeared, and his reaction seemed to be slow. The bandit leader, who was half shot, stood up and checked his body happily, and the second and third child around him covered their faces with embarrassment.

"We're all right, let's go, let's go back." The bandit leader turned and wanted to leave, but he seemed to have forgotten what the situation was now. After two steps, he remembered that there was a very powerful master beside him.

Turning his head, the bandit leader ran back and said with embarrassment: "Um, this lord, we, can we leave." This guy has already left, and actually ran back again, Huo Hai It was funny.

But Huo Hai happens to use them, how could it be possible for them to leave like this, "Not for the time being, I need you to show me the way, do you know where the Explosive Flame Sparrow is? As long as you take me to find the Explosive Flame Sparrow, I will release it. Pass you, otherwise, you think there is no danger at all to block the road and robbery." Huo Hai looked at them threateningly.

The bandit leader glanced back and forth, his face hesitated, and finally he said, "My lord, or I will take you over, don't embarrass other people." The bandit leader still doesn't worry about his men.

Now Huo Hai finally knows why this no-brainer can become the leader of this bandit group. Such a leader who can devote himself to his own subordinates is indeed easy to be embraced by everyone.

"What do you think." Huo Hai said faintly. The robber leader's expression became awkward. He really frowned and thought about it here. In the end, the two leaders who couldn't stand it carefully came to the robber leader and whispered. He said a few words to him, the bandit leader's eyes lit up, and then a little embarrassed, Huo Hai didn't care, just watched the two people discuss here.

In the end, the bandit leader finally said: "My lord, or we will show you the way together, but you have to promise that you must let us go after you find the Explosive Flame Sparrow." The bandit leader was a little worried. Top of the mountain.

Even if no one leads the way, you can still find it, but it takes a little longer. Huo Hai said indifferently: "You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me, but I promise you that I will let you go by then."

Huo Hai is not a murderous person. These robbers, Huo Hai really can't afford to kill him. Looking at the distance, even though the robbers looked scared and worried, none of them ran away. How many people were just now? There are still so many people, such a sentimental and righteous bandit, Huo Hai has grown up so big, it is really the first time I have seen it.

"Okay, let's go now." The bandit leader ordered a few words, and then everyone quickly removed the stone at the intersection ahead, and the group took Huo Hai to the place where the Explosive Flame Sparrow was infested.

"You don't seem to be real robbers. Let's talk about why you want to do this business." This is not what robbers do. If real robbers are like this, I'm afraid the robbers would have been wiped out.

On the way, Huo Hai already knows the name of the bandit leader, Daniel, this is the name of the bandit leader, this name is not reminiscent of a bandit, but a farmer, but if it is really an ordinary farmer , It is impossible to have such a cultivation base, even if it is a quick finished product.

Daniel looked embarrassed: "My lord, in fact, we are all villagers around here, and we are forced to be robbers, but we have never harmed other people's lives." Daniel said with an embarrassed expression, and the next two leaders added at any time. .

He was worried that his boss could not say clearly. After listening for a while, Huo Hai finally understood that this is not even a suitable place for planting near Yanshan Mountain, but the officials here are very overbearing, and the rent collected is very high. high.

In the past, as long as there was a famine period, the nearby villagers would be hungry. At this time, on the one hand, it is to avoid land rent and on the other hand to fill their stomachs, so the masters in the village will unite and form a band of robbers. Then robbed the people who entered Lianyan Mountain, just as they said, they never hurt people's lives.

Even if they were snatched away, most of them were some food and some ordinary belongings. They would not want valuable things because they did not have sales channels themselves. As for Daniel's strength, this was entirely due to luck.

Similar behaviors in nearby villages have formed a tradition. The ancestors of Daniel had accidentally obtained a set of spiritual skills. Although it was only a mainland product, but even so, some spiritual bone masters appeared in nearby villages. .

After barely having a little strength to protect themselves, the number of these villagers starved to death decreased a lot. Later, the village accidentally found a mysterious source spirit stone, and Daniel was able to break through and reach the realm of spirits. Later, these people also Collected a little valuables and exchanged for two yellow-level source spirit stones, now there are two more people in the realm of spirits.

"It turns out that this is the case, you are really pitiful." Huo Hai's words silenced the group a lot.

"Originally, we didn't want to be like this, but this year, there was a disaster in the country, and the country needed food, and the people on it were getting more and more excessive. If this continues, we will soon be unable to survive." Daniel said with a sad expression.

Huo Hai nodded clearly. Some officials were like this. They didn't know what the people below them were forced to look like. During the talk, the group of people was already close to the destination. At this time, Daniel and others Suddenly stopped.

Pointing to the front, Daniel said in a low voice: "My lord, the front is where the Explosive Flame Sparrow appears. You must be careful. These things are too dangerous." Daniel did not even dare to say aloud. It can be seen that he has an attitude towards the Explosive Flame Sparrow. How frightened, other people did not dare to speak out, even the sound of breathing was much smaller, Huo Hai smiled slightly, and then thought of something.

"By the way, as your reward for bringing me here, these things are for you, and I hope you can do it for yourself." Huo Hai waved his hand and threw something out, two profound level source spirit stones, which are the most valuable .

There are also a few spirit stones, this thing should be given to them, it should be possible for them to worry about food within a few years, the spirit snake moves this kind of war spirit art that has not been needed much, Huo Hai also threw it out. It's just a booklet. It's not a war spirit art, but a lot of fighting skills. For these villagers, this is what is missing.

Finally, after thinking about it, Huo Hai once again threw a booklet to Daniel: "You take this, I hope you can do it yourself." This booklet is a set of spiritual art that has reached the middle rank of the profound level. It was when Huo Hai found out some corpses.

Because the quality is too low, Huo Hai doesn’t care much at all. With this thing, as long as he works hard, there may be a few masters of the spirit general realm here in the future. At that time, people in this village should be able to Have a better life.

As for whether they will have some other thoughts when they gain strength in the future, it's not about Huo Hai's business. Anyway, this is Mingyang Country, not their own. There are a few masters in the realm of Spirit Generals, Huo Hai really doesn't. How to care.

Daniel and the others looked at these things with excitement. The value of these things is very clear to them after they have been robbers for so long. These things were never thought of before. As long as they are used well, they will be used again in the future. There is no need to be oppressed by the officials here. The spiritual realm is not too strong in Mingyang, but the spiritual master realm can't be ignored.

Daniel raised his head, but he could no longer see Huo Hai's trace. In the end, Daniel knelt on the ground and shouted from a distance: "My benefactor, you will always be our benefactor." At this moment, Huo Hai, everyone has been completely convinced.

The other villagers looked at each other, followed Daniel and knelt down, kowtowing at the place where the flaming bird was infested, and then the group stood up, "Boss, shall we go back now." The third child whispered.

Daniel slapped the youngest on the head fiercely: "Asshole, my benefactor is inside now. If we need our help, of course we have to wait here." If Huo Hai is still here, no Know what it will look like.

"But, we don’t have food anymore. It’s not easy to get food on Yanyan Mountain. Boss, it’s better for us to go down first, and then leave a few people nearby. If you have any instructions, we can arrive in time. How is it." The second child is not so brainless, and his proposal is still very pertinent.

Indeed, they don't have much food in their hands. There aren't even many wild beasts and spirit beasts on Yanshan Mountain. Otherwise, people like them would dare to block the road and rob here. Without wild beasts, they would not be able to get enough food.

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