Evil Insect God

Chapter 473: Explosive sparrow

The new book broke out for half a month, and it resumed normal update today. If there is no change in the future, it will be updated four and twelve a day.

Huo Hai didn't care about the people like Daniel. He just threw something out at will. In fact, if it wasn't for worrying that they could not keep their wealth, Huo Hai still had a lot of trash to clean up.

After clearing the inner space last time, Huo Hai found that there were a lot of things in it that he didn’t need. When the things were thrown at Daniel and the others, Huo Hai instantly accelerated and disappeared in front of these people, waiting to stop again. At the time, he had already penetrated into the scope of Explosive Flame Sparrow's activities. If no one led the way, it would really take a lot of time for Huo Hai to find this place.

With a wave of his hand, a large number of Star Gus had left Huo Hai and began to explore around. This time the target was the Explosive Flame Sparrow. Strictly speaking, the Explosive Flame Sparrow was not a bird even though it had a bird in its name.

On the contrary, this kind of thing is a kind of bigger worm, because it looks like a bird, so it is called Explosive Sparrow. Only a moment later, Star Gus have discovered Explosive Flame. The position of the bird.

Huo Hai sneaked up and saw a large piece of creatures the size of fingers that looked like birds. Upon closer inspection, the wings of these birds were actually all fluff, not bird feathers.

Even the structure of the body, on a closer look, are some types of arthropods. Only insects can have this special structure. Of course, for Huo Hai, it doesn’t matter whether this is a spirit insect or not. Although Gu masters practice The most crafted are bugs, but it is not only about crafting bugs, but if this thing is bugs, it is better, at least it can be transformed.

The Explosion Sparrow is very dangerous, but it is not very aggressive. On the contrary, the Explosion Sparrow is a very peace-loving spirit insect. The usual food is just flames. They will devour the flames and absorb the spiritual power contained in the flames. .

Even the Explosive Flame Sparrow can be said to have nothing to do with the world. As long as they don’t take the initiative to provoke them, they will also not attack other creatures casually. The reason why the Big Niu says the Explosive Flame Sparrow is dangerous is because of the Explosive Flame Sparrow’s attack methods .

Like a bee, the Explosive Flame Sparrow has only one attack in its life, and it will die after one. But this thing is not an attack with a tail needle. The Explosive Flame Sparrow’s attack method is self-detonation, and the power of self-detonation is very powerful.

Adult Explosive Flame Sparrows can reach the realm of Spirit Bone in their cultivation. Once they detonate, they are even stronger than the full blow of many Spirit Bone Peak Masters. It’s just a Explosive Flame Sparrow that explodes spontaneously, but once a creature provokes the Explosive Flame Sparrow. , Then the Explosive Flame Sparrows will gather and attack. At this time, all the Explosive Flame Sparrows are not afraid of death.

Not to mention the same level, even a master of the realm of spirits, caught in the siege of the Explosive Flame Sparrow, will be killed by this self-detonating force. The Explosive Flame Sparrow lives in groups, and a group often has a large area.

"It's an ideal creature, Star Gu grab some for me." Huo Hai smiled and immediately ordered Star Gu to move. It was precisely when he saw the record of this magical creature on the map that Huo Hai came to try to explode the flames. Sparrow received it.

Star Gu surrounded it. The uncontested Explosive Flame Sparrow never thought that these ugly bugs would do it on themselves. The next moment, the coercion from the Gu worm radiated, and this coercion , It was the Spiritual Realm Gu worms, the Explosive Flame Sparrows, which were at most only the Spirit Bone Realm, couldn't resist.

In just an instant, a large swarm of Explosive Flame Sparrows all lay down and did not dare to move. At this moment, Huo Hai slowly walked out, the witch curse in his mouth slowly moved, a mysterious force slowly spreading in the air Open.

Gradually, Explosive Flame Sparrows took off again one after another, and the controlled Explosive Flame Sparrows, Star Gu let go of their suppression. With just one action, within a few minutes, Huo Hai indirectly controlled hundreds of Explosive Flame Sparrows. .

Holding a Explosive Flame Sparrow in his hand, Huo Hai did not use the Refining Insect Array at all, and the number of insects he could control became less and less. Huo Hai didn’t want to casually increase the directly controlled spirit insects, the ghost insects he controlled last time. Huo Hai didn't know if it was a tasteless one. Before he could find out clearly, Huo Hai decided not to mess around again.

Slowly exploring everything about the Explosive Flamingo, Huo Hai gradually frowned. This Explosive Flamingo is not an ideal worm. Speaking of which, the Explosive Flamingo seems to be slowly evolving towards a real bird. .

Perhaps in a few hundred or thousands of years, it will truly become a bird race. This incomplete spirit worm still retains the worm's ability to transform, but this kind of transformation is very limited.

Even Huo Hai didn't know whether this kind of bug could be transformed to the realm of Lingshuai. It can be said that if he completely controls it, even if he completely wastes a place, but now it seems that this If things are refined well, they might really have a great effect on them. In that case, let's refine them.

Thinking of this, Huo Hai quickly started to move. The various elixir collected on the road were taken out by Huo Hai. If there was none, he went to the neighborhood to look for it. Now the Star Gu’s IQ has improved, let him help him find the elixir. It has also become possible.

It has been a long time since Huo Hai has not refined Gu worms, but Huo Hai has never been unfamiliar with the basic skills of refining Gu worms. With the witch formation he researched, the effect of refining Gu worms is better and faster than before.

The witch formation was drawn and the ointment was placed. Huo Hai summoned a large number of Explosive Flame Sparrows and put them in a depression. Then Huo Hai took out a canvas, buckled it up from above, and then refined Gu Worm, there is nothing about Huo Hai, Huo Hai waited quietly in place, even with the help of the witch formation, it would take two or three days to refine such a Gu worm.

In order to quickly obtain the Gu worm refined by the Explosive Flame Sparrow, Huo Hai did not hesitate to squeeze the Explosive Flame Sparrow's potential, and also wasted a lot of spirit stones. I don't know why, Huo Hai always felt a sense of anxiety in his heart, feeling that the magician was about to Attacked.

For this reason, Huo Hai didn’t want to waste too much time. The Explosive Flame Sparrow had limited potential and could not continue to evolve and improve with him. Although the spirit worm in his hand had potential limitations, Huo Hai didn’t know how much potential it was, at least Xiaojin and Xiaoxing, spirit worms that swallowed heaven-level source spirit stones, have the potential to reach the pinnacle of spiritual masters.

In his free time, Huo Hai is by his side, working hard to practice snake walking. This set of body skills and spirit skills not long after he has obtained it seems to be gradually entering the realm of Xiaocheng. As long as he succeeds, his speed will increase. A big chunk.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye. When Huo Hai lifted the canvas on the ground, the refining of Gu worms was over. A large number of Explosive Flame Sparrows continued to swallow and evolve. The one that finally appeared in front of Huo Hai was a deformed one. Special explosive flame bird.

This was not an ordinary Explosive Sparrow, but Huo Hai used special methods to guide and refine the Explosive Sparrow female insect, after wasting a lot of spirit stones, finally forcibly elevated it to the peak of the spirit general.

Because there is no direct control, the cultivation base of the female Explosive Flamingo can reach beyond Huo Hai’s own cultivation base, "Not bad, well, you can incubate some Explosive Flamingo for me now, I will do an experiment." Huo Hai points He nodded, and put the Explosive Flame Sparrow into the inner space. The special spiritual power of the inner space made the Explosive Flame Sparrow use no food at all.

Moreover, the female Explosive Sparrow has been refined, causing its own potential to be almost exhausted and the bloodline disordered. In this way, it can only be slowly calmed and organized through the special power of the inner space. With this power, the potential of the Explosive Sparrow can be strengthened. .

Perhaps after finishing the finishing process, the female worm of the Explosive Flame Sparrow has a chance to reach the realm of Lingshuai. Huo Hai shook his head. After all, this is a staged spiritual worm. When his cultivation level surpasses the realm of Lingshuai, I am afraid it will To give up.

During this period of time, he worked hard to practice snake walking, coupled with the cooperation of his own spirit and snake movement, Huo Hai’s efforts finally had results. Two more days passed, Huo Hai, who was practicing on this day, suddenly felt that he had realized something. The speed increased in an instant. I don't know how much, Huo Hai didn't stop, but kept getting familiar with this feeling.

After he was completely proficient, Huo Hai stopped and said, "Yes, it's not bad, it's reached this level." Huo Hai is sure that he now uses snake walking to cooperate with spirit snakes, and his body skills are at the same level. enemy.

Just now, the snake walking finally reached the realm of Xiaocheng, and officially entered the level of the spirit general realm war spirit art. It may be that the fit is too high, and the movement of the snake has broken through its own limit and reached the level of perfection. Consummation is a state of surpassing the great achievement and surpassing the limit of the movement of the spirit snake itself. At this time, the movement of the spirit snake is no longer a mysterious-level low-grade war spirit art.

Just the strange dodge ability of the snake movement, reaching the perfect state, can be regarded as a kind of moderate mysterious level middle-rank war spirit art. The two cooperate, even the master of the Molian domain, in the body technique , It’s hard to compare with yourself.

The body technique has been completed, and there can be no major improvement in a short time, Huo Hai simply stopped, looking inside the inner space, with the help of the inner space, within two days, the Explosive Flame Sparrow laid a lot of eggs.

Incubation takes a certain amount of time, but Huo Hai now wants to experiment, so he can only forcefully catalyze it. The Explosion Flamingo is a one-time use bomb type weapon. Huo Hai doesn’t care if it is catalyzed. Just do it, this is Huo Hai's habit, just find a flat place, Huo Hai quickly set up a simple witch formation.

This witch formation was used to speed up the incubation, but when setting up the formation, Huo Hai found that his spirit stone was almost gone.

"Hey, that's true. The spirit stone can be used really fast. It seems that I have to rob some people to supplement it." Huo Hai shook his head, but did not stop. carry out.

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