Evil Insect God

Chapter 474: Variant Lightning

There are not many spirit stones, so the catalysis speed is not very fast. Huo Hai thought for a while, just use the ordinary Explosive Sparrows he controlled to try. The cultivation bases of these Explosive Sparrows are only in the spiritual bone realm, but they are not bad.

In fact, as early as the beginning, Huo Hai saw the distribution of spirit worms on the map, and he was already prepared. The characteristic of this Explosive Flame Sparrow was self-detonation, and Huo Hai was meant to strengthen his lightning technique.

At the beginning, many insects were used to test, but the final test results were not very satisfactory. Only those spirit insects that are born with a certain lightning attribute or flame attribute can exert a stronger power after using the lightning technique. Huo Hai didn't dare to experiment with Star Gu, if he accidentally caused Star Gu to explode, his loss would be great.

When he saw the Explosive Flame Sparrow, Huo Hai understood that the Explosive Flame Sparrow was the best spirit bug to provide a carrier for the lightning technique. The Explosive Flame Sparrow originally used self-detonation as a fighting technique, so he only needed to continuously strengthen its power.

Summoning an Explosive Flame Sparrow, Huo Hai re-arranged a lightning spirit formation next to him, a trace of thunder and lightning slowly condensed, Huo Hai used the lightning technology, absorbed it, incorporated it into his body, and then used a special secret method, slowly Condense into a thunderball.

In the end, Huo Hai used himself as a medium to pour the lightning into the body of the Explosive Flamingo in his hands little by little. Huo Hai transported it while carefully observing it. This Explosive Flamingo did not seem to feel uncomfortable at all. Originally, The structure of this Explosive Flame Sparrow's body is very special, and all the spiritual power it contains is meant to explode instantly when it explodes.

Therefore, the explosive flame sparrow has a very strong ability to contain spiritual power. The lightning of Huo Hai's own attributes has a high degree of compatibility with the spiritual worms. Through Huo Hai slowly injected into it, the spiritual power in the explosive flame sparrows slowly merged with the spiritual worms. Property thunder and lightning.

Gradually, the thunder and lightning became violent and became a pure flame attribute. This is a very powerful fire thunder. When all the spiritual power is completely assimilated, the Explosive Sparrow has no spiritual power in the body, and some are just one. It's just a group of red thunder.

A hint of surprise flashed in Huo Hai’s eyes. After experimenting with so many insects, this was the first insect that could fully integrate all the spiritual power of his body into the thunder and lightning. The others had some residual spiritual power, not so complete. Over.

When all the spiritual powers are fused, the fluctuation of the Explosive Flame Sparrow's spiritual power is also reduced to the limit. As long as the Explosive Flame Sparrow does not want to attack, it is almost difficult to feel the violent spiritual power in the Explosive Flame Sparrow from a distance. "Try it." Huo Hai smiled slightly, threw the Explosive Flame Sparrow into the air, then controlled the Explosive Flame Sparrow and started flying.

The flight is flexible, the steering is no problem, and there is no hesitation when accepting the order, but because the spirit worm level is too low and there is no direct control, when Huo Hai is in command, there are often some unsatisfactory points.

But forget it, Huo Hai shook his head. Anyway, even when this Explosive Flame Sparrow is used, it just makes them rush up and explode. Then, Huo Hai found another Explosive Flame Sparrow, and this one after transformation. Test.

"The speed is the same, the steering is flexible, and the physical strength is about the same, not bad, really good..." Huo Hai experimented while collecting various data. This was the first time he tried to design and refine a bug specifically for a spell.

At this time, Huo Hai has confirmed that using the lightning technique to condense the lightning will not affect itself for the Fire Sparrow. I am afraid that other insects will not be affected. When the lightning was first integrated, the part of the other insects left behind. Spiritual power is just to not affect itself. Different insects use and rely on spiritual power in completely different ways.

At this moment, Huo Hai waved his hand, the Explosive Sparrow flew out, and then hit a rock fiercely. A violent explosion sounded, the rock was blown to pieces, flames and lightning continued to raging around. .

Huo Hai nodded in satisfaction. Just now, it was actually Huo Hai who ordered the Explosive Flamingo to do so. The moment he approached the stone, the Explosive Flamingo's entire body began to swell and twist, then exploded, and the violent power spread out.

The surrounding Explosive Sparrows noticed this situation, but none of them flew randomly. The Explosive Sparrows have long been accustomed to this attack method. Without the directly controlled insects, Huo Hai could not order them to take the initiative to die, but the Explosive Sparrows were different. , Huo Hai couldn't let them go to death, but could let them attack, the attack of the Explosive Flame Sparrow just blew itself.

When the Explosive Flame Sparrow at the initial stage of the spiritual bone explodes naturally, its power can reach the peak of the spiritual bone master with a full blow. When injected with the lightning technique, the power of this self-detonation is much stronger than the normal self-detonation.

Although it has not yet reached the attack of the spiritual realm master, it has exceeded the level that most spiritual bone realm masters can achieve with a full blow. This power is almost the same as before breaking the spiritual realm, Fang Biya The power of using Liuyun Finger is almost the same. The most important thing is that this time it explodes and covers a wider range.

Coupled with the burning power of the flame, the paralyzing power of thunder and lightning, the perfect fusion of the two powers, the effect is extremely terrifying, just such a self-detonation can cause headaches for many spiritual masters.

Imagine that if you create a large area of ​​mountains and plains, and use the self-detonation power, this kind of power, even a master of the Lingshuai realm, I believe it will be difficult to support it, thinking of this, Huo Hai almost laughed.

"It's great, this is the ideal state of the lightning technique." Huo Hai's own spiritual attack attributes are not strong enough, so he can't exert the power of the lightning technique. For Huo Hai, the lightning technique has always been a tasteless. , Finally solved today, and also developed a very powerful use method, which can be regarded as a new type of spell.

After some experiments, the first catalyzed Explosive Sparrows have already emerged from their shells, and with the support of a large amount of spiritual power, they have gradually grown up. When Huo Hai focused on the newly born Explosive Sparrows, he found them Already reaching adulthood.

I felt it for a while. This is indeed the Explosive Flame Sparrow that the spirit hatches the realm mother insects. Once these Explosive Flame Sparrows become adults, they will have the cultivation base of the Spirit General Realm. They are just cultivation bases, and their combat power is actually not very strong. .

But the spiritual power in their bodies is very terrifying, and they can almost reach the level of the spiritual general. The spiritual worms are limited by the physical relationship of their own bodies, and the spiritual power is generally not much, reaching the level of humans of the same level. This is simply a joke. , But now these Explosive Flame Sparrows, which can be said to be Gu worms, have truly reached this level.

"It's a pity, these Explosive Flame Sparrows don't have the ability to reproduce again." Because of the refining, the Explosive Flame Sparrows absolutely obeyed the mother's orders, but these Explosive Flame Sparrows have lost the ability to continue to reproduce, and there is only one female worm.

The Explosive Flame Sparrow at this time is really very similar to a bee. I don't know how powerful the Explosive Flame Sparrow that has reached the realm of the spirit general is to detonate. Thinking of this, Huo Hai immediately began to experiment.

A wave of lightning was absorbed by Huo Hai, and then began to slowly inject it into the body of the Explosive Flamingo. The Explosive Flamingo of the Lingjiang realm, like a bottomless pit, constantly swallowed the lightning, and the speed of the devouring surprised Huo Hai.

When all the spiritual powers in the Explosive Flaming Sparrow were completely integrated into one and completely condensed into a thunderball, Huo Hai discovered that the Explosive Flaming Sparrow absorbed the lightning, and it consumed more lightning than Huo Hai itself formed a thunderball. , Having absorbed so much lightning, but the Blazing Flame Sparrow itself is still not abnormal.

Huo Hai narrowed his eyes and began to conduct a comparative test with the same Explosive Flamingo that had just hatched. As a result, the Explosive Flamingo's performance was not affected, and when it flew at full strength, its speed was very fast.

It hasn't reached the terrifying speed of Star Gu, but it is no different from a streamer. I believe that the average master of the spirit, even the master of the peak of the spirit, is easy to avoid one, and it is difficult to avoid more than ten. .

"Next, I'm going to try the power of self-detonation." Huo Hai smiled slightly, and then ordered the Explosive Flamingo to attack. The Explosive Flamingo that received the order quickly rushed toward a nearby mountain. When it approached, the whole body began to expand. Huo Hai felt it very clearly, an unusually violent force radiated from the body of the Explosive Flame Sparrow, and then spread.

"Boom" The huge explosion sounded as if it filled the entire Lianyan Mountain. Under the explosion, smoke and dust filled. When the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, Huo Hai finally saw the power of the explosion clearly. At this sight, Huo Hai was puffed up. Take a breath.

"Hiss... a powerful force." Huo Hai widened his eyes, looking at him that was completely unrecognizable. He even blasted a big pit. There were many small peaks where rocks fell. This is a real stone mountain. That kind of small soil slope.

This kind of damage, this kind of power, even Huo Hai himself can't do it. This is a Explosive Flame Sparrow who has reached the realm of Ling general. After processing, the power can almost reach the level of an attack by a master of Lingshu realm. Such an attack falls on Huo. Even if only once on Hai himself, without using Star Gu, Huo Hai would definitely be seriously injured or even dead.

This is really terrifying. Now, Huo Hai felt that when he faced the masters of the Lingshuai realm, he was truly confident. The only drawback was that it would take time and spirit stones to rebuild.

Just like making grenades, these are some one-off items. The spiritual power in the spiritual power is transformed into thunder and lightning, and then integrated into the blasting flame sparrow after hatching. When used, it can only be used once and then consumed.

If it is used in large quantities, with Huo Hai's net worth, he can't stick to it at all. It seems that he can only prepare something just in case, and he can't use these Explosive Flame Sparrows casually when he is not forced.

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