Evil Insect God

Chapter 810: The blood rose conundrum

What Huo Hai didn't expect was that when his Star Gu approached the entrance of the cave, a layer of white light immediately lit up around the entrance of the cave, and it was vaguely visible that the source of this layer of light was actually a strange spiritual formation.

Before Star Gu entered the entrance of the cave, he was directly bounced out by this spirit formation. Huo Hai frowned: "A cave entrance has three spirit formations, one for confusion, one for hiding, and one for it. The defensive ability is getting more and more weird." Huo Hai didn't continue to let Star Gu forcibly break in, but stopped far away.

This layer of spirit array is obviously used to defend against spirit worms, or small objects. As for whether it can defend against humans and spirit beasts, Huo Hai is not clear. For a collision, it is better to say that the people inside may be Think it is a little bug.

But if you do it again, it doesn’t have to be. This layer of spirit formation is not too strong. Star Gu can easily penetrate the past as long as you want to, but once you do this, you will be exposed. This is really not worth the gain. .

Forget it, anyway, today I already know that these four great princes are not easy, and continue to monitor in the future is, "You few stay here, wait until the four of them come out, continue to follow, do not let them find out." Huo Hai commanded. The Star Gu here then shifted his gaze to other places, and the other places were those who had previously incited the people.

These people, Huo Hai also let Star Gu follow, but their performance made Huo Hai a little confused, "It's strange, aren't they all along the way." These people are completely different from the performance of the four masters.

Star Gu followed these guys and went to different places. Some people returned to their homes, and some wanted to hang around outside. Even Huo Hai discovered that some people were maliciously slandering themselves.

However, Huo Hai didn’t pay attention either. Unless these people were killed, he would not be able to seal the mouths of these guys. What surprised Huo Hai was that these people behaved very well, and they didn’t look sneaky at all. Huo Hai didn't know who he had contact with, what was the cause of the incident this time, and who was behind the scenes.

"Is it really just because of jealousy." Huo Hai was a little confused. After a long time, Huo Hai shook his head. Forget it, if you don't understand it, don't understand it. Let Star Gu continue to monitor these people. At the same time, Huo Hai The sea is also observing other locations.

At this moment, Huo Hai suddenly heard Yun'er's voice: "Ah, sister Rose is back." Huo Hai came back to his senses. Just now, he had been focusing on the outside, so he did not hear other people. Say what.

Unexpectedly, the time for breakfast would have passed so soon. Seeing that it was already close to noon, he shook his head. Anyway, Huo Hai would not eat the lunch for today. He looked up and saw the blood rose, and Huo Hai looked strange. What happened? Why is your face so ugly." Huo Hai felt very strange, because the smile on Blood Rose's face was gone.

Since knowing the blood rose, the blood rose has always been smoky and flattering, and like to seduce people. Although the blood rose does not seem to be unscrupulous, the habit cannot be changed at all.

Only in a very small number of special situations, the blood rose will become serious, but it is only a short period of time. Now the blood rose, the smile on his face has disappeared, and he still looks a little sad. When the temptation is not there, but there is a feeling of a sick beauty. Of course, Huo Hai does not believe that the blood rose will be sick.

"I'm fine, but I'm in a bad mood." Blood Rose did not say anything, but sat down openly: "What are you talking about just now, can I listen." Blood Rose pretends to laugh, but Huo Hai Can still see that something is wrong.

Looking around, Fang Biya gave Huo Hai and Ji Mu a wink, and then sat next to Blood Rose, "Sister Rose, we were just talking about this morning." Then she talked to Yun'er. Pull the blood rose together to talk.

Next to him, Ji Mu approached Huo Hai's side and said in a low voice: "Hai, Sister Rose should have gone to visit her brother before." Hearing this, Huo Hai immediately felt very strange and visited his brother. That's all, Huo Hai really couldn't think of such a sad face, what kind of things would make the blood rose behave like this.

Ji Mu rolled his eyes and whispered: "In fact, it's like this. Sister Rose has depended on his brother since childhood, so..." With Ji Mu's explanation, Huo Hai gradually understood what was going on.

There is no family behind the Blood Rose. This is actually not completely accurate. It should be said that when the Blood Rose was very young, because of an accident, all the people in the family died clean. After all, it was just a small family. There could not be too many people. Later, only Blood Rose and his brother were left.

Originally, the relationship between the two is very good, but the bad thing is that Piaohua Pavilion treats men and women differently. The talents shown by the two brothers and sisters since childhood are very good, but Piaohua Pavilion's attitude towards the two is completely different.

At this time, there was a crack between Blood Rose’s brother and Blood Rose, but the crack was not very big, so it did not show up. A few years ago, Blood Rose wanted to make up for this crack, so it would float. The secret of Huage was passed on to his brother. At that time, the two of them didn't even know what it meant by doing so.

As a result, in a later battle, Blood Rose’s brother used this kind of war spirit art. Blood Rose’s talent was so high that Piaohua Pavilion was reluctant to punish him, and the master behind Blood Rose did not want to hurt Blood Rose.

Then this black pot is completely burdened by her brother. For Piaohua Pavilion, a man with very good talents, they really don’t look at it. They really don’t know what’s going on with Piaohua Pavilion. They treat men unexpectedly. So harsh.

These things that are not related to Huo Hai, Huo Hai can’t manage so much, and the result is normal. Because he learned the secret of Piaohua Pavilion secretly, the brother of Blood Rose was shot by the elders of Piaohua Pavilion. Abolished its own important spiritual veins, because the spiritual veins were completely cut off, so from then on, the brother of the blood rose became a useless person who could not use spiritual power.

"From that time on, Sister Rose’s brother thought that this was intentional by his sister, just to prevent himself from surpassing her, so he had a bad attitude towards Sister Rose. Sister Rose wanted to do something to make up for it, but her brother didn’t accept."

Huo Hai nodded, he understood this matter somewhat, "In other words, because of the relationship between Piaohua Pavilion, her brother completely blamed this matter on Blood Rose." Ji Mu nodded.

It seems that when Blood Rose went to visit her brother, she was ridiculed and ridiculed. Perhaps there were other manifestations. In any case, Blood Rose felt sorry for her brother. It is precisely because of this that Blood Rose’s expression is so strange. Unexpectedly, behind the charm of the blood rose, there is such a thing hidden.

In fact, when the two people were talking, Blood Rose had heard it, but didn't say anything. This matter is not a secret in the Piaohua Pavilion. Many people know that otherwise, how could Blood Rose tell others casually.

It’s fine to let Huo Hai know. Blood Rose has long been used to it, but at this moment, Huo Hai suddenly asked: "Blood Rose, did you say whether your brother was just abolished his spiritual veins? Is there any harm to the spiritual source and other aspects."

Hearing what Huo Hai said, Ji Mu and Fang Biya kept winking at Huo Hai. How could this guy sprinkle salt on the blood rose wound? The blood rose's complexion is also a bit ugly. If you know it, you know, Huo Hai. What do you mean, if it weren't for Huo Hai's good performance all the time, the Blood Rose might be ready for a crime.

"No, only the spiritual veins are damaged." This damage is definitely not that simple. When the spiritual veins are irreparably damaged, the spiritual power cannot be operated, which has a great impact on themselves, especially the spiritual veins near the spiritual source. .

Once these spiritual veins are destroyed, no one dares to use spiritual power even if there is spiritual power in the spiritual source. Once used indiscriminately, spiritual power rushes out of the spiritual channel and strays around in the body, which is simply not something humans can bear.

This kind of punishment that has spiritual power but dare not use is really cruel. Piaohua Pavilion's methods are really cruel. "Then, if these spiritual veins are restored, Piaohua Pavilion will continue to trouble him." Huo Hai asked again.

At this time, Blood Rose also thought of something, and looked at Huo Hai with a bit of excitement: "No, absolutely not. Zongmen punishes only once. After one punishment, as long as you don’t make another mistake, you cannot be punished again. Brother Huo, do you have a way, can you tell me, as long as I can recover, I, I will do whatever you want me to...

Blood Rose seemed to have thought of something, and was very excited. Huo Hai whispered after hearing the words: "There are ways, but I don't know if it will work." Huo Hai hesitated, he did have a way.

"It doesn't matter, it's better than no way." The blood rose has stood up excitedly. For so many years, the blood rose has not found a way to restore the completely destroyed spiritual veins. Today I finally encountered it, how can I let it go.

Huo Hai whispered: "As you all know, I got the method of making puppets from Feng Xiao. When making puppets, it is very important to repair the spiritual veins of the human body, because when the body of the opponent is obtained, To a large extent, it will destroy the target's spiritual vein." When Huo Hai said this, everyone had basically thought of something.

"No, absolutely not, I will never make him a puppet." The blood rose looked at Huo Hai very excitedly, his face was instantly covered with ice, if Huo Hai said something wrong, the blood rose would be there on the spot. Will turn your face.

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