Evil Insect God

Chapter 811: Puppet line

Blood Rose is also concerned and messed up. Otherwise, how could it be unexpected with Blood Rose's cleverness? Huo Hai didn't care. If Yun'er encountered such a thing, he would definitely be more excited.

Pressing down with both hands, Huo Hai hurriedly said: "Blood Rose, don't worry, I didn't say that you want to make your brother a puppet."

When the blood rose calmed down, Huo Hai continued: "What I want to say is that when Feng Xiao made the puppets, he needed to repair the materials used to make the puppets, that is, the damaged spiritual veins. This kind of repair does not require people to be made into puppets. In fact, this is done before they are made into puppets."

After a pause, Huo Hai continued: "That is to say, the method of making puppets is separated, and the rest is just the method of repairing the spiritual veins, and perhaps it can really replace the original spiritual veins and restore a certain strength."

"Really, hurry, tell me what to do." The grievances that had been in my heart for many years were resolved, and the blood rose was a little bit incoherent with excitement. At this time, the blood rose was nothing like his usual appearance.

If Huo Hai had not been very familiar with the blood rose, he would really think that the blood rose was faked, "Calm down, I haven't finished this." Huo Hai broke free and was caught by the blood rose. While soothing her hand, Fang Biya and Ji Mu also hurriedly pulled the Blood Rose back. After a long time, the Blood Rose finally calmed down.

At this time, Huo Hai finally had a chance to speak, "This method can indeed be used on humans, but now there are two biggest problems." When Huo Hai said this, he stopped, making everyone very anxious.

"Brother, come on, what the problem is, you are really anxious." This time Yuner couldn't sit still.

Huo Hai shook his head: "The first problem is the material of the puppet thread. This thing is very troublesome to manufacture. It takes a lot of time and the materials are complicated. I do have some puppet threads in my hand, but these puppet threads can only be substituted. Once the spiritual veins of the spirit king realm are cultivated beyond the spirit king realm, these threads will not be able to withstand their own spiritual power."

Hearing this, the blood rose immediately shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter. With his current appearance, it is basically impossible to break through the spiritual emperor realm in this life. If you really want to break through, you can replace it with a better silk thread in the future."

Huo Hai nodded, this is indeed a way, let's talk about it then, "Then there is only the second problem left. This method of repairing spiritual veins is actually based on the dead, repairing spiritual veins. At that time, most of the people used were dead, even if they were living, they were treated with drugs first, and they became half-dead and resembling puppets."

Huo Hai, who has seen all the secret methods of puppets, is naturally very clear that this manufacturing method is very cruel and very painful, especially when it is made with a living person. At this time, the feeling of the person itself is actually still there.

Not only was it as simple as suffering, but after the restoration, it became a half puppet. Even if the following manufacturing was not carried out, this person would not be able to recover, so this method is absolutely unusable.

"The biggest problem right now is how to repair people while they are alive. After repairing, people must be protected from other injuries." Huo Hai shook his head. Huo Hai can't solve this problem. There was surgery in his previous life. This approach, but the problem is that Huo Hai doesn't understand, and besides, it's useless even if he understands.

Surgery is based on the human internal organs, which is completely different from the spirit channel, which is much more complicated than the internal organs. The most important thing is that the pain from the spirit channel will be directly transmitted to one's own spiritual consciousness.

When repairing the spiritual veins, the terrible pain cannot be solved by anesthetics at all. The best way is to block the Spirit Sea and make people completely lose their perception of themselves. Unfortunately, this method Huo Hai himself does not completely. understand.

Blood Rose wiped a tear: "It's okay, just leave it to me. Keep the human body active and block the sea of ​​consciousness. The sects have them. Just leave them to me..." The tears of blood rose continued. Outflow.

All these years of hard work finally paid off. With Huo Hai’s method, his elder brother can finally recover. This is really exciting. Huo Hai didn’t care about who he was in. Excited, after thinking about it, Huo Hai took out a pen and paper and quickly began to write and draw on it, very fast.

"These are the methods used to repair the spiritual veins. You must pay attention. The closer the spiritual veins are to the spiritual source, the more complicated the repair will be. Some problems have occurred and the impact will be very large after the recovery. You must remember this. ."

Huo Hai recorded the technique of repairing spiritual veins on the paper, then took out a thin line and cut off a long section. Such a large section is usually used to make and repair puppets, and it is enough for several puppets to use.

"If you hold these first, if they are not enough, you will come to me again, although I don't have much here." Huo Hai didn't know that one day, these puppet threads used to make puppets would actually be used. It is not used to make puppets, but to save people. If Feng Xiao is still alive, I don't know what kind of expression it will be.

The Blood Rose took the things and the paper, and then put them away carefully. Facing Huo Hai, the Blood Rose bowed deeply: "Brother Huo, thank you this time. As long as he can recover, my promise is still valid."

Promises, what promises, Huo Hai looked strange. He couldn't remember what promises Blood Rose had made. Forget it, what does this have to do with him? Isn’t it right to help friends? If it’s not for worrying about this repair method Leaking it out would cause too much turmoil, and Huo Hai even gave the blood rose the manufacturing method of the puppet thread.

"Okay, are we friends? It's normal for friends to help each other. You should prepare now. I don't know if I can succeed." Huo Hai doesn't have this method after all. used.

Blood Rose took a deep look at Huo Hai, then turned and left the courtyard where Huo Hai and the others lived. Seeing the blood rose leaving, Huo Hai turned his head: "Okay, now the blood rose is gone, too. You should practice hard."

Huo Hai looked at the three people around him. Now everything was done, and it was finally time to do business. Yun'er rolled his eyes, but she couldn't refute what her brother said. After all, this matter is good for them.

As for Fang Biya and Ji Mu, they would not object to Huo Hai’s proposal. In the next few days, the three of them entered a state of high-intensity cultivation. First of all, they consumed a large amount of pills and forcibly improved themselves. The cultivation base and strength of the person, followed by the washing the fog grass and eating it to help eliminate the erysipelas, while condensing and recovering their spiritual power.

After their spiritual power has been compressed and polished to a level of 10%, they must continue this process, and because of Huo Hai’s proposal, during this period of time, the three people will not only strive to improve their own accumulation, but also choose a spiritual channel to get through. .

It is really not an easy task for the three people who have not practiced the Body Refining Three Spirit Formation to completely open up a complete spiritual vein. Fortunately, Huo Hai has a lot of spiritual energy crystals and spiritual jade to waste, plus Washing the fog grass allowed the three people to continue to use the pill without hesitation. After nearly a month, the three people finally fully penetrated a spiritual vein one after another.

At this time, they realized that Huo Hai’s purpose was not only to lay the foundation, but more importantly, Qi Locking Technique. The practice of Qi Locking Technique can help them continuously condense spiritual power, control their own breath, and strengthen spiritual power. Shield defense.

This kind of good thing, how can you not cultivate well? If it weren’t because they had to open up one spiritual channel, Huo Hai wouldn’t let them stop and stop. There are 72 spiritual channels in his body, and he wants to get through all of them. , It's simply not something they can do, one is enough, anyway, it's just for practicing Qi Locking Technique.

It took more than a month for the three people to consume dozens of times the resources that a normal person would need to cultivate to the Lingshuai. They condensed their foundation quite firmly, and then successfully broke through the Lingshuai realm.

This kind of speed is also unique in Piaohua Pavilion. It is all produced through the consumption of resources. Of course, if Huo Hai himself, the consumption of resources is definitely more terrifying than three people combined.

The cultivation base has just broken through, and it is not suitable for continuing to advance by leaps and bounds, so the following cultivation becomes a battle spirit technique that adapts to his own cultivation base and the cultivation itself. Huo Hai's war spirit technique is very strong, but it is not suitable for teaching them.

Swordsmanship is something of the vast empire. If taught to them, it is easy to cause trouble. As for the inheritance of Tianhui ancestors, when they have cultivated to the realm of the spiritual emperor, they can tell them the things below. Yun'er cultivates the sky. After the change, even Huo Hai didn't know how to cultivate after the spirit king realm, and the spells related to insects were even more impossible to teach.

In terms of body technique, Piaohua Pavilion's body technique is better than its own eight spirit bats. Huo Hai is not needed. In terms of defensive spirit technique, Piaohua Pavilion also has its own supporting war spirit technique, which also does not require Huo Hai to teach.

In the end, it seemed that his own Spiritual War tactics had no value except for a Qi-locking tactic. Huo Hai did not intend to teach them the auxiliary types of Spiritual War tactics, which would waste their energy and time. , So Huo Hai could only watch them practice while also doing his own practice.

Huo Hai's current practice is to polish his spiritual power on the one hand, and on the other hand, there are only two kinds of research and training swordsmanship. Now that he is stable, Huo Hai can finally continue his research.

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