Evil Insect God

Chapter 812: contact

Day by day, the three women's cultivation base has also improved rapidly, and now it has stabilized. The three women's cultivation base at this time is once again leveled. It is in the early stage of Lingshuai and will not improve quickly in a short time.

As for Huo Hai, there is not much improvement in the Luoxia swordsmanship, but he can better control the five swords at a time. If he wants to issue the sixth sword, he still can't touch the edge and doesn't know how to succeed. At the same time, Huo Hai spends most of his time actually studying skeletons, trying to imitate human spirit veins on skeletons.

After this period of research, Huo Hai’s gains are huge. The human bones are very special. Huo Hai is also constantly trying to imitate. Now on the bones, Huo Hai can imitate about half of the complete spiritual vein.

As long as this spiritual vein is completed, the skeletons created by yourself in the future will not be too weak in the face of masters of the same level. At least three or five skeletons will be able to win most masters of the same level.

The only pity is that the ghost bone worm has not been transformed until now. Therefore, the things calculated by Huo Hai’s research cannot be tested carefully, and there is no way to determine whether it will be truly successful. It will take a certain amount of time to complete all this. Ah, Huo Hai is not in a hurry, anyway, there is nothing left for these skeletons to help.

Early in the morning of this day, Huo Hai heard a noisy sound outside again. Hearing this sound, Huo Hai frowned. Could it be that someone came to make trouble again, but the sound was not loud, at least not last time. The momentum.

At this moment, a maid came up and said, "My son, ladies, the four great sons are here, and they said they were here to send a losing bet." Upon hearing this, Huo Hai suddenly realized that he was about to forgotten.

Speaking of it, there are really not many places where spirit crystals are used. What I need recently is to polish spiritual power, and I don’t consume very much spiritual crystals. Even if it is consumed, it is enough to decompose some spiritual energy crystals in the inner space. He was too busy, so Huo Hai had forgotten these things instead, Huo Hai patted his head, he was really forgetful.

"You go back and rest first, and we will continue after I finish talking to these guys." Huo Hai waved his hand, causing Yun'er and others to temporarily stop practicing, return to their room, and talk to outsiders, no need They are here.

Perhaps in Piaohua Pavilion, women’s status is higher than that of men, but in other places, it’s completely the other way around. When discussing business matters, it’s actually very impolite to have family members present. Besides, since the four princes personally Arriving, if there is nothing to say, it is absolutely impossible. As soon as Huo Hai spoke, Fang Biya and Ji Mu immediately agreed.

It's just that Yun'er is a little dissatisfied, Huo Hai shook his head, and then said: "Okay, Yuner, don't you want to play with Xiaodie, so let me lend you Xiaodie." When I first came, because Xiaodie has a mission and cannot play with Yuner.

Later, because of high-intensity cultivation, there was no time to play. Now Huo Hai is willing to lend Xiaodie to Yun'er, and Yuner immediately became happy, "Great, Xiaodie, let's go play." Xiaodie's The shape is so beautiful, as long as she is not invisible, any woman will like it very much when she sees it. When Yuner is happy, Huo Hai is relieved.

Looking back, Huo Hai said indifferently: "Okay, let them in, I'll just wait for them here." The so-called Big Four, Huo Hai really doesn't need to give them face, these days, Star Gu But see their actions in sight.

Except for appearing in those secret places that Star Gu cannot enter from time to time, these four great princes are simply representatives of idleness. Although this may be an illusion, Huo Hai faintly discovered that the water in the floating flower pavilion is very deep.

These four princes should be members of a secret group organization, and this group, without knowing what's going on, actually completely hides itself, even if it is the high level of Piaohua Pavilion, I am afraid that not much is known. .

Soon, the four princes walked in. Behind them, some servants were carrying the boxes: "Be careful, don't break anything." Mei Gongzi ordered the servants, and then turned his head. , Looking at Huo Hai, the four princes were full of smiles at this time, and they couldn't see the previous conflict with Huo Hai. Those who didn't know thought they had a good relationship.

"I've seen Lord Insect King, the previous things were all misunderstandings. We came here to apologize specially this time." Others also bowed their hands and apologized. The so-called four princes do not hit the smiley, so Huo Hai is not good to say anything. .

"Please sit down, this is the tea made with the best clean water white lotus seeds. Let's try it." Huo Hai poured out the tea with the best lotus seeds. To the current Huo Hai, the best lotus seeds are really nothing.

When the four princes saw this, their eyes brightened. For them, this superb lotus seed is a rare treasure. Even if it is used to make tea, it can slightly increase some of their own talent potential after drinking it. , The four people looked at each other and sat down one after another. After that, the scene fell into a strange silence, and no one spoke.

Soon, the subordinates put down all the spirit crystals, and then quickly left here. While drinking tea, the four princes didn't say a word, but their eyes kept gazing around, taking a look at the subordinates from time to time.

Gradually, Huo Hai also understood what they meant, and his heart moved slightly. Then Huo Hai said: "We have something to talk about, you can go down first." Huo Hai waved his hand and the people immediately left here.

After living here for such a long time, the people here know that Huo Hai is the biggest in this family. No matter what the rules of Piaohua Pavilion are, they just need to be obedient. It didn't take long for all of them. The subordinates all left the surroundings. On the bright side, at least no one could be seen. At this time, the four big princes were relieved.

"I don't know what the Lord Insect King thinks of Piaohua Pavilion." Suddenly, Mei Gongzi asked in a low voice.

Huo Hai was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "It's okay, the strength is very strong, but the rules are a bit unbearable." When Huo Hai said this, smiles appeared on the faces of the four princes. They didn't know. What are you laughing at?

Young Master Zhu said faintly: "Yes, the rules here are indeed not very good. Mingling Ling Jue is also suitable for men to practice, but only women can get the true biography. A talented man has no future in Piaohua Pavilion."

After a pause, Young Master Zhu said slowly: "Piaohua Pavilion itself is very good. All men who join Piaohua Pavilion want to have the same power as women. Without these rights, joining Piaohua Pavilion is good for development, but At the same time, it is also a restriction." The four surrounding princes were nodding, and Huo Hai faintly felt that these four people seemed to have something in their words.

Looking at the four people calmly, after a long time, Mei Gongzi finally couldn't help but said: "Your Excellency the Insect King may not know that we men from Piaohua Pavilion have been fighting for so many years, hoping to get the same power. , Once we succeed, we men will also be able to obtain the advanced secrets belonging to the Piaohua Pavilion in the future." Mei Gongzi was a little excited.

Huo Hai was stunned for a moment. What did these have to do with him: "I don't know what a few people are talking about, I can't understand a word." The purpose of these four young masters here today is definitely not as simple as it seems.

Mei Gongzi was silent for a while, and then said: "Your Excellency the Insect King sent his family to Piaohua Pavilion. Obviously, he took a fancy to the potential and secrets of Piaohua Pavilion, but this place is not suitable for you, so you did not join. "

After a pause, Mei Gongzi continued: "With your potential and talent, once you really get the Piaohua Pavilion Advanced Secret Technique, I believe that the speed of improvement will be faster than before. If you join us, it will be a very big one. Help, when we are done, your Excellency can also obtain a very high status in Piaohua Pavilion."

Now, Huo Hai finally understood what they meant. After a long time of trouble, these guys were trying to draw themselves, and they also wanted to draw themselves into that organization. Huo Hai also understood the nature of this organization. some.

To put it bluntly, this organization is a patriarchal organization, but Huo Hai does not believe that the true purpose of this organization is that simple. If the leader of such an organization says that there is no ambition, Huo Hai says he will not believe anything.

Besides, the strength of Piaohua Pavilion is indeed very strong, but Huo Hai did not take it seriously. Don’t look at Piaohua Pavilion now as a behemoth for Huo Hai, but the level of Piaohua Pavilion is too low, his goal, It was the pinnacle of the Spirit Continent that day, how could it be constrained by a small floating flower pavilion, so no matter how good their conditions were, Huo Hai would not agree.

"Piaohua Pavilion has been passed down for countless years, and its strength is unfathomable. I am afraid it will not be that simple to fight for power from them." Huo Hai said indifferently, without showing any thoughts in his heart.

Young Master Zhu immediately replied: "Of course the strength of Piaohua Pavilion is strong, but there are some things that can be done not only by strength. Some things are not convenient for us to say. If you agree to join, we can take you there. Take a look."

These guys, are you planning to pull yourself on the thief ship? Huo Hai sneered in his heart: "Everyone, I will consider this matter again. The strength of Piaohua Pavilion is not something I can contend, and I don't want it. Stand on the opposite side of my family." Huo Hai doesn't want to agree or refuse to face to face. If he dares to do this kind of thing, the strength of this organization is definitely not weak.

"You can rest assured that you will not stand on the opposite side. Piaohuage discriminates against men, but we do not discriminate against women."

Mei Gongzi continued to say, but Zhu Gongzi stopped him: "Your Excellency Insect King, we are really sincere. Since you have to consider carefully, we will not bother you. I think you will see our sincerity and strength. of."

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