Evil Insect God

Chapter 813: Colorful butterflies flying

The four princes left, Huo Hai's brows gradually frowned, "The patriarchal organization is still fighting for power, and things are getting more and more interesting now." Despite this, Huo Hai still feels something is wrong.

Piaohua Pavilion has always despised men. Although the seemingly Ling Jue Fighting Ling Jue is also very suitable for men, it may not be that simple. If Piaohua Pavilion's War Spirit Jue really has no influence on men, it has been developed for so many years. This is impossible.

Furthermore, even if it is really not affected, it is entirely due to some reason that the current situation of Piaohua Pavilion is caused. However, the foundation of Piaohua Pavilion is not comparable to those of the outer sects. These outer sects, A mixture of fish and dragons, he belongs to the outer sect of Piaohua Pavilion, and his strength is not very strong. The strongest of the outer sects, on the contrary, most of them are outsiders.

But even so, judging from the displayed strength, it is far from being an opponent of the high-level Piaohua Pavilion. If you want to fight for power, how can it be without strength? This is not the world where everything is measured by law and money in the previous life.

On the Heavenly Spirit Continent, if you want to fight for power, it will not work without strength. If this is the case, there must be a master of the spirit emperor realm behind this outer door, and maybe this person is not weak.

But where did the outer spiritual emperor come from, and what is the purpose? Huo Hai has never heard of the spiritual emperor cultivated by Piaohua Pavilion himself, there are men from the outer sect, if There really are such people, I am afraid that the entire Molian domain has long been famous, and this incident reveals a strange aura from beginning to end.

Huo Hai doesn’t care much about the interior of the Piaohua Pavilion. What really makes Huo Hai care is whether a major change will affect Fang Biya and others. These three people are Huo Hai’s heart. There is no problem at all.

"Hmph, no matter what the future will be, strength is the most important thing. As long as you have strength, what can you do if you come to make trouble." Huo Hai narrowed his eyes, and his murderous aura flashed away. Then Huo Hai got up. The thing seems to have never happened.

When he walked to the big box next to him, Huo Hai opened a box and collected the spirit crystals inside. The total of the four boxes is exactly one million spirit crystals. This time, the number of spirit crystals on his body has almost doubled. , Greeted the people, let them deal with these boxes, and at the same time inquired about the location of Yuner and others, Huo Hai walked towards the backyard.

Coming to the backyard, before Huo Hai entered through the door, he heard Yun'er's cheerful laughter, "Xiaodie, hurry up, wow..." Yuner's cheerful laughter can be heard from far away. Arrived, but this is not what makes Huo Hai depressed.

As soon as he arrived in the backyard, Huo Hai discovered that the backyard was completely covered by butterflies. Butterflies were flying everywhere, and even the body of a maid next to him was completely covered by butterflies, as if she was wearing a weird dress.

This maid Huo Hai also knew it, it was Fang Biya's personal servant Bier. When Fang Biya came to the Molian Domain, she also took Bier with her. Huo Hai shook his head and slowly walked into it. , Just entered, the surrounding butterflies immediately gave Huo Hai a passage, "What is going on, why are there so many butterflies."

After living here for such a long time, Huo Hai also knew that the three of them did not raise butterflies. These butterflies should have come in from outside, and there were even a few butterflies among them, which were actually spiritual worms.

"Brother, these are all summoned by Fluttershy. Really, you don't tell Yuner if Fluttershy has this ability. Yuner is angry." Yuner pouted, did not hold on for two seconds, and immediately recovered. The original state.

Then, yelling and chasing butterflies everywhere, Huo Hai patted his head and smiled bitterly in his heart, "It turned out that Xiaodie made it, I have forgotten it." Huo Hai finally remembered that Xiaodie did have such one. The ability to summon butterflies is very important to Fluttershy itself, but Huo Hai felt like a tasteless at first and ignored it.

Unexpectedly, Yun'er had developed this ability by Yun'er. Huo Hai sighed in his heart. As expected, there is no useless ability. It depends on whether he can use it. This trick is very powerful to make children happy.

No, it should be said that it is not bad to make girls happy. Huo Hai looked at Fang Biya and Ji Mu who were excited at this time, and he already understood that, forget it, it's rare for them to be so happy, neither does Huo Hai What to say, a gust of wind blowing around, a big colorful butterfly landed on Huo Hai's shoulder, this is Huo Hai's spirit insect Xiaodie.

After falling, Fluttershy immediately sent dissatisfaction to Huo Hai's mental fluctuations. Huo Hai felt it, and then smiled helplessly: "Okay, okay, I know your ability is useful." It turned out that Xiaodie was complaining. Huo Hai.

At first, because Huo Hai didn't like it, Xiaodie was also very disappointed in his abilities. Sure enough, after the spirit insects had a high IQ, they would have such troubles. If you don't want to coax them, they will also be awkward.

Following Huo Hai’s good words, Xiaodie’s mood improved, and her mental fluctuations were full of pride and joy. "Om..." At this moment, Xiaodie suddenly made a sound. Huo Hai was taken aback, and then she understood, Xiaodie The sound that Die made this time was not a method of vibrating the air, but Xiaodie's own pronunciation talent, and Huo Hai's ability to summon the butterfly as a tasteless ability.

As the voice sounded softly, bursts of wonderful music continued to flow, and the butterflies around were flying lightly. With the sound of the music, it seemed like they were really dancing. The atmosphere in the entire backyard became very warm.

"Wait, isn't this the piece that Siyu played." The more Huo Hai listened, the more familiar he became. Finally, Huo Hai remembered that this is exactly the piece Qu Siyu played to him. Fluttershy was following her at the beginning. Although she was in a state of invisibility, she didn't expect Xiaodie to have this talent, so she could imitate it perfectly.

It seems that this ability that Xiaodie valued, he did not help at all, Huo Hai began to reflect on whether he was a bit one-sided considering the problem, and sometimes it might be better to let the spirit worm develop by itself.

At this time, Yun'er hopped over and hugged Huo Hai's arm constantly shaking, "Brother, brother, let Xiaodie follow Yun'er in the future, okay?" Yun'er instinctively showed a coquettish act like a baby. Dafa.

Huo Hai rubbed his head with a headache, and didn't agree with him, but when he saw Yun'er's pitiful eyes, Huo Hai felt relieved, but if he agreed, let's not say that Xiaodie is not easy for Yun'er to raise. Yes, Fluttershy is still the most powerful spirit worm around him. Without Fluttershy, his combat effectiveness will drop a lot.

"Yun'er, don't embarrass your brother, Xiaodie is not your toy." Fang Biya stepped forward and held Yun'er to prevent her from embarrassing Huo Hai. Huo Hai immediately voted for Fang Biya. Thankful look.

"Yun'er, Xiaodie is a spiritual worm raised by my brother, and is inseparable from my brother. It is impossible to leave my brother too far away. If you like it, we will find another psychedelic butterfly to raise in the future. Here, as long as you have time, you can play with Xiaodie." Huo Hai said softly, finally dispelling Yuner's thoughts.

Yun'er was still a little dissatisfied: "Huh, there are no psychedelic butterflies here, but they can't be compared with Xiaodie." Yun'er's words made Huo Hai startled, looking at the butterflies flying in the sky, he actually found two Psychedelic butterfly.

These psychedelic butterflies are the same as before Xiaodie did not evolve. Seeing Huo Hai’s appearance, Ji Mu said with a smile: “Hai, you don’t know, the Molian Domain is best at keeping butterflies in the Piaohua Pavilion. Piaohua Pavilion is also the largest producer of all kinds of precious butterflies. People who want to find psychedelic butterflies in the Molian domain will basically come to Piaohua Pavilion."

Huo Hai did not expect that this place is actually a place where psychedelic butterflies are produced, but that's right, because psychedelic butterflies are rare and beautiful, they can't survive in other places, their speed is not too fast, and there is not much self-preservation. .

But it’s different in Piaohua Pavilion. The butterflies here are all cultivated in Piaohua Pavilion. For some precious butterflies, except those in Piaohua Pavilion, everyone else is not allowed to move randomly, and those in Piaohua Pavilion, I don't usually catch butterflies.

Thinking of this, Huo Hai immediately said: "Yun'er, since there are psychedelic butterflies here, how about my brother raising one for you today." Although Huo Hai did not plan to teach Yun'er the secret method of raising insects, he only helped her practice. There is still no problem with the butterfly system.

Hearing this, Yun'er's eyes lit up immediately: "Okay, okay, brother, can my psychedelic butterfly be the same as Xiaodie."

Huo Hai nodded vigorously: "Of course, as long as you break through the spirit king realm as soon as possible, let your psychedelic butterfly break through with you." With Huo Hai's assurance, Yun'er immediately became more excited, her eyes Putting it on the surrounding butterflies seems to be comparing which butterfly is more beautiful. At this time, Ji Mu and Fang Biya's eyes are also very envious.

"You don't have to look like this, you can do it if you like it, but you have to remember that once you raise a psychedelic butterfly, don't let the psychedelic butterfly die, otherwise your mind will also be shocked."

Huo Hai’s words immediately made the three of them roll their eyes, "Huh, we won’t let the little butterfly fight." Unlike Huo Hai, in Huo Hai’s eyes, spirit insects are a tool, or a combat partner. , But in the hearts of Yun'er and the others, this butterfly is his own pet. I have never heard of anyone using pets to fight.

Huo Hai sighed and moved in his heart. Fluttershy immediately performed illusion, and there seemed to be more and more butterflies around. If someone looked inside, they would see the three girls still chasing and playing with the butterflies, and they would not see that there was nothing wrong. .

There are so many butterflies here, if you don't take precautions, God knows if anyone will notice anything.

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