Evil Insect God

Chapter 832: Murderous Jiao

The most sad part is the parting. Now it is the portrayal of Huo Hai’s heart. Even if it’s only a temporary parting, Huo Hai’s heart is still softened by this parting scene. Ji Mu and Fang Biya took Huo Hai to ask for a long time. .

As for Yun'er, she pulled her arm and shook it, and she hugged her neck and shook Huo Hai's dizziness. Even the blood rose, this time it didn’t stop, she used her body on Huo Hai’s body from time to time. Friction, teasing the anger in Huo Hai's heart, I have never heard of Blood Rose like this, what is going on.

After tossing for a long time, Huo Hai finally sent the four people away. He sighed in relief and shook his head. Huo Hai made up his mind that he would leave in the future and he must not tell others in advance. This really makes him a little unbearable. what.

When the four of them left, Huo Hai's depression gradually dissipated, but he began to worry that although the four women had good cultivation skills and they were still members of the Piaohua Pavilion, they would inevitably lead to some troubles with their beautiful appearance.

At the end of Star Gu's investigation, the four girls left, Huo Hai was even more worried. After a long time, Huo Hai shook his head vigorously: "Forget it, I am worried about what I can do. I have prepared everything I can prepare. When encountering danger, it is destined." Huo Hai sighed, his eyes became clear and firm again.

The four of them contained a large number of special spirit crystals that they had left behind. Once they were spurred, the thunder inside was emitted, and the power exceeded their limit power, and the four of them used them together to make them more powerful.

And as long as it is not one-time overuse, it can continue to attack for a long time. The four-person combination, even if it is the fourth-level spirit king, may not be their opponent, and the fourth-level spirit king, there are not so many in the Molian domain.

Don’t look at the fact that Huo Hai saw a large number of Spirit Kings gather twice, but that was due to a reason. Usually, it is not easy to see a master of the Spirit King realm except in the major sects and prefecture-level cities. Said the four-level spirit king.

After trying to understand all this, Huo Hai took Star Gu back, his figure flashed, and quickly left here. After all, there are four people here who have been through the catastrophe continuously, and the movement is not small. God knows if it will cause any trouble, no After a long time, Huo Hai has been far away from the original place, and his location is still desolate, so there is no need to worry about someone making trouble.

Huo Hai found a cave, looked around the surroundings, and nodded in satisfaction: "Nice place, secret enough, just here." Huo Hai painted lines around and arranged a spirit to hide his breath. Array.

After that, he cleared a clean place in the cave, sat down on the spot, and moved in his heart, the red ball behind slowly emerged, and then floated in front of Huo Hai, in the blood-red ball, the murderous intent was constantly rolling.

In fact, after obtaining the soul of the Flood Dragon, Huo Hai decided to practice the soul-condensing method of Condensation Technique to thoroughly integrate his murderous aura into a murderous dragon. In this way, the murderous aura that can be absorbed will be even greater. There are many, even if it is used for combat, the power will be stronger. If you get a real dragon soul in the future, you can upgrade it.

There is no level limit on the evil spirit technique. The quality of the items incorporated determines the ultimate limit that the evil spirit technique can reach, but because it absorbs too much murderous energy, it will be regarded as a chicken rib by the blood evil door and left aside.

If you are fusing ordinary items and choosing another cultivation method, then the quality of the items to be incorporated can basically be determined, and the level of the congealing technique can basically be determined, and if it is integrated into the soul, the essence of condensing can be continuously improved. The higher the soul's essence, the stronger the potential and the greater its power. Similarly, the murderous aura required for promotion is naturally more.

The cultivation base of the Flood Dragon itself is not the strongest that Huo Hai has seen, but the essence of its soul is the most creature that Huo Hai has ever seen. The most important thing is that the soul of the Flood Dragon itself has the characteristics of a dragon soul, which can be improved.

Once integrated into the dragon soul in the future, the fully grown Blood Fiend Dragon might actually be able to reach the level of a real dragon. As early as the Piaohua Pavilion, Huo Hai had gradually adjusted his murderous aura.

It's a pity that Huo Hai doesn't know if the cultivation of Condensation Technique will attract the attention of Piaohua Pavilion, so he dare not practice in Piaohua Pavilion. There is no time on this road. Now Yun'er and the others have reached the realm of the Spirit King. , With a certain degree of self-preservation, and Huo Hai himself finally left the scope of the Piaohua Pavilion. At this time, it happened to be the best time to practice the Condensation Technique.

Seeing the murderous red ball that had been completely adjusted, Huo Hai didn't wait any longer. With a move in his heart, a white ball slowly flew out of Huo Hai's hand. The black dragon phantom in the ball was the soul of the dragon.

"Let's start now." Huo Hai took a deep breath, and his state had completely reached its peak. After that, Huo Hai Hai used the method of Condensation Technique to mobilize the murderous red ball, bit by bit from the middle.

Afterwards, Huo Hai waved his hand and the soul of the dragon was thrown into it, and the spell restriction was lifted. The white orb disappeared in an instant. After entering the red ball, the black soul of the dragon was rolling back and forth. It felt like a fish in water. , There is another very uncomfortable feeling, in short, Huo Hai is not very clear, he has already started to operate Condensation Technique at this time.

The murderous intent in the murderous red ball originally belonged to Huo Hai himself. It was very easy to control it, but because the murderous intent had too much influence on him, he would appear to be controlled by the murderous intent.

With the operation of the congealing spell, the murderous aura began to erode the black dragon, and the murderous aura continued to be consumed. The black dragon became red bit by bit, but it looked exactly the same as before. The soul itself was actually There is no color. The reason is the same as before. This is a memory color. Now tempered by murderous intent, it naturally becomes a murderous color.

Huo Hai waved his hand and Huo Hai took the Dragon Ball. Dragon Ball is a kind of crystal nucleus unique to dragon creatures. It is not exactly the same as the crystal nucleus of ordinary spirit beasts. It can only be said that the power contained in dragon **** is more refined. , And has dragon spirit.

As the essence of the whole body of dragon creatures, the dragon ball itself has the soul imprint of the flood dragon during his lifetime. Whether it is the soul imprint, spiritual power, or the dragon energy in it, all Huo Hai needs, otherwise he would not want this thing.

Throwing the dragon ball into the murderous red ball, Huo Hai began to control the congealing technique, condensing murderous aura and smelting the dragon ball. The pure spiritual power in the dragon ball was attracted by Huo Hai little by little, and directly dispersed into the void. Power may be very important to other people, but in Huo Hai's eyes, it was nothing but impurities. How could it be compatible with aura.

As soon as the spiritual power appeared, they entangled and repelled each other with murderous aura. Even if Huo Hai wanted to merge them, he couldn’t do it. As the spiritual power was repelled bit by bit, the dragon ball shrank continuously, and at the same time changed from black to blood red. .

The aura in Dragon Ball was gradually replaced by murderous aura. Murderous aura is also a kind of power. It is not as widely applicable as spiritual power, but it is more lethal to creatures. I don't know how long it has passed before the aura in Dragon Ball is completely rejected.

When the aura was rejected, the dragon ball completely turned into a blood bead. At this time, it was completely compatible with the murderous aura. There was no rejection at all. The dragon ghost suddenly rushed over, biting the shrunken dragon ball and swallowing it. For a moment, Huo Hai suddenly felt that some changes had taken place in the Flood Dragon. The originally rigid Flood Dragon had actually become a lot more active, as if it had come alive completely.

I don't know, I really don't think that this is a flood dragon soul tempered with murderous aura, but will treat it as a real mutant flood dragon, "Strange, how these murderous auras are so condensed, it seems to have become real."

Huo Hai frowned slightly, because he also felt that this dragon seems to have become real. If it were not for the connection with himself, Huo Hai would understand that this dragon belonged to him completely, Huo Hai really felt guilty in his heart. .

This phenomenon of completely substantive murderous aura, Huo Hai has seen similar records in the Sha Congealing Technique, and it seems that it has to reach a very high level. He has not even reached the realm of the Spirit Sovereign now, this phenomenon is really strange.

"Is it because there are too many murderous intents that make it like this?" Huo Hai thought for a while. The murderous soul condensed by this condensing technique needs to be continuously fed with murderous intent to gradually form and grow, and eventually become one of his own Helper, the murderous aura collected in the red ball of murderous aura is not comparable to those of the Blood Shaman, and the murderous aura is extremely pure.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this that the murderous aura was so condensed. Forget it, don't care about it. At this time, the condensing technique has already completed more than half, but after all, it has not really succeeded, so Huo Hai still cannot be distracted.

After the condensing technique completed the condensing of the soul, it was already successful, but because the murderous aura in Huo Hai's body was too much, it was not completely absorbed. If the murderous aura was not absorbed, then the murderous soul might collapse at any time. Huo Hai dare not relax, Stopping the condensing spell, let the soul of the dragon continue to absorb the murderous aura, and continue to grow and strengthen itself.

After the Dragon Ball swallowed the Dragon Ball, it became more active. Absorbing murderous aura was no longer passively controlled by Huo Hai, but was able to absorb it actively. Under Huo Hai's control, the absorption speed showed a geometric multiple increase.

As the murderous aura continues to absorb, the body of the dragon is getting bigger and bigger. Gradually, the dragon has grown from the size of a finger to the thickness of an arm and is more than one meter long. The body of the dragon has completely exceeded the size of the murderous red ball. Wrapped by the murderous red ball, it has become a murderous red ball wrapped in its body, but at this time, the dragon is still absorbing the murderous intent.

With the continuous absorption, the body continued to grow. When the murderous aura in the murderous red ball was exhausted, the water dragon had grown to the size of a waist and more than five meters in length, and the momentum of being a water dragon had recovered some.

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