Evil Insect God

Chapter 833: Murderous dragon, ghost bone worm wakes up

As the last ray of murderous aura was exhausted, the water dragon finally stopped growing. At this time, the murderous water dragon had grown to more than seven meters in length, circling around Huo Hai continuously, and looked very intimate.

Open your mouth from time to time and make a roar. The sound is not loud, but it has a strong majesty. This is not an ordinary roar, but a roar with dragon power. If it is not because the murderous flood dragon belongs to Huo Hai itself, the distance is only this. Probably the near roar would make Huo Hai feel blood boiled, and it was not simple to have a relationship with the dragon clan.

The dragon's body is full of pressure. This is the dragon's power that belongs to the dragon type creatures. The dragon's power is so powerful that it can even make the beasts surrender. The dragon is the supreme of the beasts. This is not just for fun. .

With a faint smile, Huo Hai began to check the characteristics of the dragon itself. The dragon itself did not have any spiritual power, so it was impossible to judge the strength of the dragon by its aura. Huo Hai asked the dragon to launch several attacks and tried a few times before he was barely sure.

After absorbing its own powerful murderous aura, this dragon actually reached the level of fear of a fourth-level spirit king in one fell swoop. The murderous aura was originally very corrosive and corrosive to creatures. As a flood dragon, the killing aura could even fight Compared with the sixth-level spirit king, this span is not even much smaller than himself.

If he is at the same level as the Flood Dragon, Huo Hai is not sure whether he can defeat this murderous Flood Dragon. The real Flood Dragon Huo Hai is not afraid, but the murderous Flood Dragon itself is composed of murderous intent and is not a real creature.

It can be said that this murderous flood dragon has no entity at all. Unless a special power that can restrain the murderous intent is used, even if the murderous intent flood dragon is smashed to pieces, it will only consume a part of the murderous flood in power at most.

However, after testing, Huo Hai was able to determine that his Star Gu’s luminous power can restrain the Flood Dragon. If you encounter something like a murderous Flood Dragon in the future, you can use the Star Gu’s light attribute power to purify it. , But at a critical time, the murderous dragon can also completely converge its murderous aura into the dragon ball.

This dragon ball is usually invisible to the murderous dragon ball. Huo Hai also found out where the dragon ball is after careful research. "Unexpectedly, the dragon ball can actually be integrated into the dragon ball. This way of existence is really strange."

Huo Hai sighed in his heart that the dragon ball eroded by murderous aura did not know what had changed. When the dragon was fully converged, it would become a dragon ball. At this time, the dragon had no attack power, but its defense was greatly improved.

Moreover, it is almost immune to the erosion of the surrounding forces. Even if you completely restrain your own power, the murderous dragon can ignore it, but unfortunately, this ability is useless for him. When the murderous dragon is restrained, Huo Hai will not continue to let him The murderous Flood Dragon went up to fight with others and took it back directly, or wouldn't it be better to change the target.

After transforming into a murderous flood dragon, the fighting power of the flood dragon itself is much weaker. After all, the murderous flood dragon does not have a real body. The body is condensed with murderous intent, and the strength of the body is not enough, and the power it exerts is not strong.

Without spiritual power, in addition to its own dragon power, various abilities can not be displayed, even if it is displayed, the power is not very good, but the previous ability to breathe toxins has been completely replaced by murderous aura.

This pure murderous aura is spit out, or directly injected into the enemy's body. The effect is more terrifying than toxins. Generally, there is no way to use these stubborn murderous auras. Once it is invaded by the murderous aura, it will even be controlled. , Became a lunatic who only knew killing. Huo Hai had tried this several times before.

What is regrettable is that the murderous aura itself is the only component that constitutes the body of the dragon. If the dragon vomits frequently, the body of the dragon will quickly collapse. The body of the dragon is composed of murderous aura, so it recovers very slowly.

Before this dragon belongs to its real body, I am afraid that it can’t be used casually. The star gu consumes a lot, at least it can quickly recover with spirit stones, but it makes Huo Hai feel distressed. After the dragon is consumed, it will take a long time and wait. The dragon is recovering bit by bit, or it can only be restored by killing and absorbing murderous aura.

Finally, Huo Hai accidentally discovered a characteristic of the dragon, "This is a bit like a dragon, it can be big and small." Looking at the zooming dragon, Huo Hai didn't know whether to cry or laugh. .

The body of the dragon is composed of murderous aura, and it actually has the ability to become bigger and smaller. After it becomes smaller, its body becomes more cohesive and has a stronger attack power. Unfortunately, it is not easy to compress the murderous aura. Doing so will cause the murderous aura itself. Fast consumption.

And letting the dragon amplify its body does not consume extra murderous aura, but such a dragon is just empty and the murderous aura is not condensed enough, and even the only physical attack ability is lost. As for the ability to breathe murderous aura, nothing disappears. Without a trace, after reaching a certain level, even Longwei could not maintain it, and it could only be regarded as a pure murderous aura.

The only function is to wrap the enemy in these murderous auras, let the murderous aura erode the enemy bit by bit, and eventually affect the enemy. Forget it, Huo Hai directly gave up this ability of the murderous flood dragon when he saw this.

"Forget it, anyway, this thing was originally meant to solve my own murderous problem." Huo Hai sighed. He didn't expect this thing to bring him much convenience, so that the dragon could stay quietly on his body.

Suddenly, a light flashed in Huo Hai's eyes, and then he smiled, "Double happiness is here, no, it should be said that three happiness is here." Huo Hai waved his hand, and the dragon rushed towards Huo Hai's arm, as if the dragon is like the sea. It instantly melted into it. When the dragon disappeared, there was a blood-red dragon on Huo Hai's left arm, like a tattoo.

After a few glances, Huo Hai didn't look at it anymore. This thing was just murderous intent. As long as there is no murderous intent to affect him in the future, no matter how many people he kills, he doesn't have to worry. After looking at the hourglass, three days have passed. .

Huo Hai spent three full days smelting the dragon, during which the ghost bone worm had awakened, but because Huo Hai’s attention had been fully concentrated, he didn’t notice it. Just now, when he finished investigating the killing dragon’s ability, Huo Hai Hai realized that there was a breath in the inner space, felt it, and discovered that it was the ghost bone worm he had merged a few months ago.

With a wave of his hand, the newly born ghost bone worm appeared in Huo Hai's hands, still like a weird jellyfish, its body is completely transparent, and it can actually shake the spiritual power between the sky and the earth, the weird floating in the air, as if there is no weight.

The body of the ghost bone worm is very special, it is completely a mutant material after the fusion of mental power and matter. Of course, it can also be regarded as a kind of substantial spiritual power, but at this time the ghost bone worm has blood.

Perhaps this is the future development direction of ghosts. It’s just a pity that they want to make their mental power substantive, but they can’t be achieved by wild ghosts. The newly born ghosts have reached the realm of the spirit king perfectly, and their ability to split is better than that. I don't know how strong it was before, but in the days when Huo Hai was smelting the dragon, the ghost bone worm had already laid a lot of eggs.

Today's division is no longer splitting a part directly from the body, but gestating something similar to an egg, and then laying, the ordinary ghost bone worm hatched from these eggs cannot continue to split and reproduce.

This point is somewhat similar to ants, and it is like the original bone worms. The ordinary ghost bone worms are completely controlled by the ghost bone worms. Even if they leave the control range, they can still be easily commanded the next time they encounter them.

The female ghost bone worm that has reached the realm of the spirit king can control the skeleton of the sixth-level spirit king to fight, while the ordinary ghost bone worms produced can control the skeleton equivalent to the strength of the middle spirit commander.

As he felt it, a smile appeared at the corner of Huo Hai’s mouth: “It’s great, I didn’t expect it. I thought you were not of much use.” Huo Hai’s eyes lit up slightly. These ordinary ghost bone insects are from the mother after all. The female worm that split from the body of the ghost bone worm, after being bred, has reached the sixth level of the spirit king, which is the real spirit king realm.

So these ordinary ghost bone worms are not enough to cultivate, but they can mobilize a little power of heaven and earth. This is because the nature of ordinary ghost bone worms' body and spiritual power has some characteristics of the spirit king realm.

It is precisely because of these characteristics that when ordinary ghost bone insects control the skeleton, it can also bring a little power of heaven and earth to the skeleton. Regardless of this little power of heaven and earth, the power of heaven and earth can only be used by experts above the spirit king .

The skeletons of the Lingshuai realm carry the power of heaven and earth. Except for a few very special masters, these skeletons can be said to be invincible in the Lingshuai realm. What Huo Hai values ​​is not the invincibility of the Lingshuai realm. It is because of the power of heaven and earth, it can cause certain damage to the master of the spirit king realm, and the damage is not too great.

But don't forget that these things can be mass-produced. A large number of skeletons in the spirit commander realm, each with a little power of heaven and earth, is the same as the skeletons blessed by the Yin Bone King that day.

When the Xian Ling King is besieged by this weird skeleton, he will definitely be consumed alive in the end. He can kill the masters of the Ling Shu realm realm with his cultivation base. In the past, Huo Hai would definitely not even dare to think about it. .

"Great. Now that you are awake, we will study the composition of the skeleton spirit veins." Huo Hai was overjoyed. Soon, he will have a powerful skeleton army. This army is his future. As a last resort, a powerful method that can make oneself fight against the vast empire, can the empire abandon its own land.

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