Evil Insect God

Chapter 852: Iriya

Perhaps it was already familiar with this kind of cooperation, and nothing happened in the whole night, even if the people outside, no one specially monitored them.

Huo Hai’s Star Gu is not waiting. If someone monitors him, Huo Hai would have discovered it. Early the next morning, after Huo Hai noticed that someone had come out, Huo Hai walked away from the room. Walking out of it, Huo Hai saw these people just after they came out. Although they are in the same team now, they didn't get together.

Huo Hai, who had also been in casual cultivating for a while, naturally knew what was going on. Whether it was cooperation or something else, he had to be cautious, otherwise he would be unlucky when he met someone like Feng Xiao.

Like everyone else, Huo Hai didn't make a table with the others, but walked to a table in the corner of his own accord. After that, Huo Hai greeted some attendants and brought himself a table of hearty meals.

No one spoke. Everyone was eating their own food silently. When the sun rose, everyone had basically finished eating. At this time, Feiyu got up and said, "The time is up, let's go." Only Jane It's just a single sentence, there is no impassioned swearing ceremony, and no vigorous preaching, and some are just ordinary.

Huo Hai followed these people and walked far away. In fact, this town was very close to the central area. A group of people walked towards the entrance of the central area. In less than half an hour, they had already reached the canyon. central.

"Hmph, I didn't expect someone to follow." At this moment, Fei Yu suddenly sneered. After hearing the words, Huo Hai was taken aback. He didn't even know how Fei Yu discovered it. In fact, the first one among the team. It's Huo Hai himself.

The star worms are distributed around. Huo Hai had already seen it when someone followed up, but the problem was that the flying fish did nothing, and Huo Hai did not see any obvious actions. "These casual cultivators are not easy. The skills of mind and tracking and anti-tracking, these casual cultivators are much stronger than disciples from the orthodox powers." Huo Hai sighed in his heart.

Although Feiyu said something, everyone behaved very well, and none of them had any special performance. Soon, a group of people followed Feiyu and slowly entered the canyon at an intersection discovered by the predecessors.

The interior of Cross Canyon is very special. If Huo Hai speaks, it is basically a structure of terraces. However, this is not a real terrace. On top of each terrace, there are various rocks and trees. Here It is not suitable for planting. At the same time, each terraced field is very huge, in which countless spirit beasts live in it.

Everyone has entered the first level at this time. In this level, even spirit beasts are very rare. Most of them are beasts. Because they are close to the central area, there are a lot of beasts here.

Among the group, many wild beasts have mutated and become spirit beasts. Wild beasts can also become spirit beasts. However, it is more difficult for wild beasts to become spirit beasts than the natural advancement of spirit beasts. The weakest among the spirit beasts.

"Everyone, now I can tell you about our mission this time. The target of this mission is a snow cloud beast cub." Hearing this, the eyes of the surrounding people suddenly changed, and many people His eyes are full of greed.

Seeing this scene, Fei Yu had been prepared for a long time: "As everyone knows, Xueyun Beast itself is an earth-level spirit beast, even if it is a young cub, after training, it is very likely to reach the realm of the spirit king, but this thing is obviously It's not something we people can get involved." Don't think that the people here are all in the realm of the spirit general, but if you want to break through the spirit king, I am afraid that no one can do it.

Huo Hai also knows a little about the Xueyun Beast. In fact, this Xueyun Beast is a very special mutant spirit beast. Its whole body is pure and white, like snowflakes and white clouds in the sky, hence the name.

The Xueyun Beast looks like a mink and a fox. The overall appearance is very cute. The most important thing is that the Xueyun Beast has a very high bloodline quality and can easily reach the realm of the Spirit King. It was raised since childhood and is very close to people. Pets and bodyguards.

"I can tell you clearly that this time the Xueyun beast cub was requested by a big man, and even the news this time was provided by the big man. If there is something wrong, hehe, I must be To be punished."

Feiyu didn’t say anything about it, but everyone knows how it is possible for such an important thing as Xueyun Beast to assign tasks casually. After telling Feiyu, these people will probably also investigate and monitor the people involved in the task. There must be a reason for not setting off on the last night. This flying fish is really sinister.

Once something happens to the Xueyun beast cub, Feiyu will naturally end up badly, but how could other people end up happy? Everyone is not an idiot, and naturally knows what Feiyu means by telling himself this way.

"Haha, brother Feiyu, you are worrying too much. Since we are teaming up together, of course the goal is yours according to the rules, but other things must follow the rules." A big man said with a loud laugh.

"Hehe, this is the best." Feiyu smiled, and then said, everyone tacitly said that the so-called rules are not determined by people. Since they are determined by people, as long as they have the strength, they can naturally be determined. break in.

In many cases, such a task usually does not involve others, because when the value of the task goal is too high, it will often cause peers to disregard the rules and eventually fight. There are not a few teams that are destroyed because of these reasons. , This time Feiyu dared to do this because the people behind the mission objective were powerful.

Feiyu didn't say who posted the task, but these people also understand that if they dare to release this task, on the one hand, it is because the employer does not want their own people to lose, and on the other hand, it is also a means to reduce the attention of others.

If you dare to do the same thing, your strength is usually not bad. If something goes wrong, these people can easily find themselves and then destroy them. They don’t even have their lives. No matter how many other things are needed, there will be more What's the use?

Everyone glanced at each other, and everyone tacitly said, "Brother Flying Fish, I don't know what to do with the people behind." It was found that there was someone following, and not only Flying Fish, the others also had some means of detection.

This situation made Huo Hai even more surprised, because along the way, he didn't notice any obvious actions of these people. These casual cultivators really opened his eyes. The more powerful he is, the various special skills. The more, when there is no strength, these skills are the best means to protect one's own safety. This is true.

Feiyu said coldly: "No matter what these people want to do, whether they know our goal or not, in short, it will be a trouble for these people to keep up. This task is too important to change."

"Understood, let's take a good look. If they are not strong enough, we will destroy them. If they are strong, we can only find a way to get rid of them." At this time, a little man said in a low voice.

Afterwards, the little man greeted him, his stature was short, and he ran to the back, while running, his breath became more and more bleak, and the sense of existence of the whole person was constantly decreasing. It's really hard to notice him. This is another very clever means of hiding. Huo Hai kept silent, observing secretly with Star Gu.

Along the way, Huo Hai discovered that this little man was actually using the light and shadow of the surrounding trees as a means. Every time he went forward and stopped, because of the relationship between light and shadow, people felt an instinct to ignore him.

Huo Hai gradually understood that this is actually a method of using sight characteristics and hearing to hide himself. Star Gu's vision is a bit different from normal people, so it has not been greatly affected. It seems that this method is good, but it is only Suitable for ordinary people to deal with humans, this technique is useless for real masters.

Before long, the little man ran back here quickly, "They will come in ten minutes. I have seen them. Among these people, there are only three spiritual generals. The others are spiritual realm cultivation bases. It’s a team."

A team, everyone knows it, it seems that there are people who want to be oriole, these people are not as strong as them, but seeing these people gathered together, I also know that they must complete a valuable task, just follow Behind them, when these people and spirit beasts are both injured or exposed, the team behind them will start their hands.

In fact, this situation often happens in Cross Canyon, so everyone is not surprised. "Fortunately, it seems that the information about our mission has not been leaked out. If this is the case, please prepare."

Without divulging the news, the visitor must have come at the right time. Feiyu gave an order, and everyone quickly chose a place to hide. This hiding, everyone showed their magical powers, and Huo Hai opened his eyes.

Some people took refuge and hid, some jumped into the pool next to them, and some people even disguised themselves as a stone, even using special methods to integrate themselves into the trunk of the big tree. Only the little man who just explored did not hide immediately. , But quickly arranged in place, leaving some traces of people passing by.

After preparing for all this, the surroundings fell into silence again, and ten minutes passed quickly.

"These **** ran so fast, they disappeared in a blink of an eye." A group of people appeared at the entrance, and a big man headed by touched his sweat and waved the axe in his hand, muttering dissatisfiedly.

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