Evil Insect God

Chapter 853: Mercenary rules

It's a pity that no one can be seen around at this time. In this kind of place, even if they are, they must be careful, "Damn, if you let me catch them, you must make them look good." The big man continued muttering .

"Just you, it makes people look good. Everyone is a master of the spirit generals. You haven't even reached the spirit generals. Who do you plan to make look good." Behind, a silly young man swayed the parts of his body. Come here.

"What are you talking about? Believe it or not, the uncle slammed the axe on your stinky mouth." The big man turned his head and looked at the young man behind him furiously, but in the face of the big man's anger, the young man looked indifferent. It seemed that the two were of equal strength. If the fighting capacity is said to be, this big man is not as strong as he is, and the two began to stand in a stalemate.

At this moment, a majestic middle-aged man in black said: "Shut up all of you, when is this, you two are still arguing." As long as these two people get together, there is no peace. time.

If it weren’t for the two men in front of the team as the elites, it is very likely that they will break through to the Lingjiang in the future. How could he tolerate these two men being so presumptuous? Hearing the middle-aged man, they looked at each other and turned their heads. go with.

The incoming person was one of the three spirit generals in the team. Facing the spirit generals, these people who have not yet reached the spirit generals did not even have the right to speak. The two became quiet, and the others also breathed a sigh of relief at this time. .

"Okay, okay, don't make trouble, everyone, let's hurry up and follow, if it's late, the traces they left will probably disappear." There are still a lot of beasts here. If you can't keep up as much as possible, Losing it can be troublesome. With so many masters teaming up to complete the task, the goal value of this task is definitely not to be underestimated.

Even if everyone is in the Cross Canyon, but because the Cross Canyon is too dangerous and the interior is very deep, many valuable things cannot be detected by them. At this time, the people behind have also followed one after another.

"Everyone, be careful to hide, and be careful not to let them discover." While talking, a few people quietly followed, grabbed the soil on the ground and felt for a while, and then determined the goal, "In this direction, everyone hurry up. They have been away for more than ten minutes." In such a place, leaving for ten minutes means that they have run a long distance.

When a group of people heard the words, they stopped talking, but quickly followed up. I have to say that these people really have a way of tracking. According to the clues left by the people in front, they actually came all the way to Huo Hai and others. Within sight.

"Mouse, you really belonged to you, they haven't noticed after such a long time." The big man next to him said to the little man.

The mouse looked smug: "I don't look at who I am. I may not be able to fight, but no one near the Cross Canyon can compare to me with these things." After saying this, everyone agreed with it, and no one felt it. He is talking big.

"No, there are no traces in front, we were caught." At this moment, the people on the road finally traced to the end of the trace left by the mouse. There were no traces in front, and there was no one. These people naturally realized that they were caught. .

The people around did not hide at this moment anymore, but came out from their hiding places one after another. The aura on their bodies made no secret of them, oppressing these people, "Why don't you chase them? Isn't it nice to chase them?" Fei Yuyi He said to the people who came jokingly. When he saw these people, Feiyu suddenly smiled: "So it's you, your courage is really getting bigger and bigger."

Everyone is begging for life in Cross Canyon. People in nearby towns are very familiar with each other, especially the masters of the spirit general realm. They are the backbone of the Cross Canyon, and there are very few Spirit Commanders here.

There are not many spirit generals, and those who can become spirit generals are also outstanding in casual cultivators. How can they be unfamiliar with each other? At this time, the visitor also recognized the flying fish and many people around him.

"You..." The young man in the team just wanted to yell at him, and the big guy next to him immediately blocked his mouth.

"You idiot, just forget about quarreling with me, do you want to kill us all." The big man lowered his voice and said in a low voice. Upon hearing this, the young man who just wanted to talk finally reacted. His talent is better than that of his own companion, but his experience is insufficient, and he is usually arrogant, and just instinctively wants to refute it.

Now that I think about it, I'm simply looking for death. At this time, where he still has the mind and the big man to lift the bar, his heart is full of gratitude to this big man. If he just said it, he would not know what would happen.

Taking a deep breath, the team leader said loudly: "Since you have discovered it, I have nothing to say. Your strength is stronger than ours, but if we work hard, we can also hold you back. I am afraid that the task will not be carried on anymore." Facing the eighteen generals, there are only three on his side, and there is no chance of winning, but it is not impossible to die.

Really desperately desperate, these three people can at least pull two or three masters of the same level to die together.

"People of the Flying Tiger Mercenary Group, of course I know that other methods are nothing. We know the same method." These people are all members of the Flying Tiger Mercenary Group. Everyone is very familiar with this mercenary group. .

A person next to Huo Hai whispered: "I didn't expect these people to be from the Flying Tiger Mercenary Group. This is one of the largest mercenary groups in this area. I heard that the Flying Tiger Mercenary Group has a kind of Secret medicine, I don't know if they have them." These people don't wear badges, and some people have not recognized who their opponents are. As soon as Feiyu speaks, everyone understands.

Their current strength is good, but they are just a makeshift team. In the face of a behemoth like the Flying Tiger Mercenary Group, they really dare not offend easily. Besides, if the opponent is desperate, no one is sure that they can live. Come down.

The two sides fell into a brief silence, one of them was not strong enough to dare to do it, and their hearts were full of grievances, while the other side had a lot of scruples and aggrieved faces, but just let it go, none of them were willing.

"What do you want to do? You are wrong in this matter today. If you don’t give us an explanation, even if you are desperate to die, we can only keep you. The Flying Tiger Mercenary Group will not Dare to provoke, but if you die here, I'm afraid no one knows that we did it." Feiyu said, silent for a while.

The Captain of the Flying Tiger team turned his head and discussed with his team members. At this time, the enemy is strong and we are weak. He cannot escape. If the opponent must do something, he can react confidently. Even when discussing things, he is still vigilant. Around.

After a long time, the captain turned his head and said, "We discussed it. Since we were caught by you, then we will act according to the normal rules. We will offer ten thousand spirit jade, how about you let us go."

Hearing this, Feiyu and the others looked at each other. After seeing the others nodding their heads, Feiyu said: "It's a fair price, but we must have a guarantee, otherwise I don't think you will be relieved."

Ten thousand spirit jade, in the eyes of these people, there are already very many, not everyone can like Huo Hai, the use of spirit jade is calculated in millions, the price is very high, so everyone did not think about bargaining Yes, ten thousand Lingyu, one point after everyone comes back, everyone can get more than five hundred, which is comparable to how many tasks he has usually done.

The captain said immediately: "We can sign a contract so that everyone will have no problems."

Hearing this, Feiyu nodded in satisfaction and said: "Brother you go on the road, I agree, but I have one condition. One must be added to the contract, that is, you must not disclose our information when you go back."

Everyone looked at each other. Although they were very helpless, they agreed without hesitation. Soon, the contract was drawn up. After that, all the members of the Flying Tiger team dropped a drop of their own blood on it. After that, they took the contract. , Feiyu dripped his own blood in another location, and others followed suit.

Seeing this scene, Huo Hai seemed to understand something in his heart, "It turns out that the wild spirits are in conflict with each other. It is not the best way to kill each other. This should be the last way." Others desperately.

When the strength is far surpassed by the opponent, you can naturally eat the opponent in one bite. More often, the strength is similar, or there is scrupulousness between each other. In the end, such negotiation and compensation become the spiritual masters to resolve conflicts. A means.

Huo Hai still doesn’t know much about the rules of casual repairs. Huo Hai’s principle has always been that if someone provokes him, Huo Hai will kill the other party. Basically, as long as things make a big mess, both parties will not die. The endless situation, the reason why it had become like this with the vast empire at the beginning, there are also many reasons.

Of course Huo Hai knew that if he exchanged things with the ancestral empire of Tianhui, he could get more, but Huo Hai's character, even if he figured it out now, was still unwilling to compromise in the face of enemies.

Besides, the difference between the strengths of the two sides is really too great. The strengths cannot stand on the basis of reciprocity. There is no guarantee for any negotiation and transaction. I believe that the vast empire has the opportunity and will definitely swallow itself whole, and will not give it to itself. The slightest benefit.

Soon, the contract came to Huo Hai’s hands. Huo Hai took a little bit and dripped a drop of blood on it, but Huo Hai did not use his own blood, but at the moment he pinched a Explosive Flame Sparrow in the inner space. .

After that, he dripped something that resembled human blood, this contract, Huo Hai never thought of fulfilling this contract, and he just signed the contract to keep himself bound. This is not what Huo Hai wants to see. thing.

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