Evil Insect God

Chapter 858: Inner bar

"Quickly, there will be no time." Feiyu roared. If the bone eroding snake runs out, everyone will die. This time is the time when the medicine that the bone eroding snake just took.

Once the drug attack time has passed, the Bone Snake will regain its own strength. The power of the spirit beasts of the Lingshuai realm is not something that their spirits will be able to contend. For such a poisonous beast, the side effects of the drug will occur. The time is usually shortened, and everyone knows it, but this kind of medicine is really undesirable.

"Don't worry, there is no problem with the pill. If you don't believe me, I will take it first." Chu Hong opened his mouth and ate a pill in the bottle. The next moment, Chu Hong drew out his long sword and faced the bones. The snake is a sword.

This sword, whether it is speed or strength, far exceeds the previous standard. It pierced into the vital position of the Bone Eroding Serpent in an instant. Before the blood corroded the long sword, the long sword was already submerged. The next moment Chu Hong Has stepped back.

It didn't take long for the long sword to be completely corroded and clean, and the poisonous blood of the Bone Eroding Snake continued to flow out, corroding the ground straight into blue smoke, "The effect of the pill has passed, I can only issue this sword." Chu Hongtan When he said that he had done what he could do.

"Taking this kind of pill can only increase one's own attack power within a very short period of time. After this time, the effect will be lost." Hearing this, everyone was relieved. They were originally worried. Chu Hong used Those special drugs used for games are used to fool them. After those drugs are taken, their strength will indeed increase a lot, but the side effects are too great.

Chu Hong ate all by himself, so the others were relieved. Seeing the bone-eating snake struggling more and more fiercely, everyone nodded, "Well, let's come too." But before they could do anything, Feiyu just Speak.

"Give us one too, we are about to be out of control." The sword that just pierced the bone eroding snake's vitals, but did not kill the bone eroding snake. On the contrary, because the injury was too serious, the bone eroding snake The struggle became more and more intense.

Fearing that the attack later would make the bone-eating snake go crazy, so Feiyu asked to have one. Soon, everyone had one in their hands. Everyone pointed the gap in the big net to the bone-eating snake's vitals, and then held it. The weapon has also been exposed, and it seems to feel the danger, the bone eroding snake body twists more forcefully, trying to hide its vitals as much as possible.

Everyone looked at each other and quickly ate the pill. Then, a powerful force poured out from his body. Huo Hai took the pill, smelled it, and then ate it. An arc was drawn in the corner of his mouth, "It's really getting more and more. The more interesting it gets."

At the moment when the medicine pill attacked, everyone used this powerful force to aim their weapons at the Bone Eroding Snake in the big net and attacked the past. As the attack power and attack speed both accelerated, they did not wait for the poisonous blood to corrode. When the effect occurred, the weapon had already penetrated the body of the bone eroding snake, and many vital points of the body were injured, even the bone eroding snake could not stand it.

"Give it to me." Feiyu and the others also took the medicine. With the help of the generated power, they suppressed the crazily struggling of the bone eroding snake. After this wave of struggle, a lot of blood flowed from the wound of the bone eroding snake, and the physical strength began. Fast consumption.

Because of the serious injury, the struggling of the bone eroding snake gradually weakened. Five minutes later, the flying fish and others came down from the big net panting. At this time, the bone eroding snake finally died, and even the blood had completely solidified.

"I think we won't be able to take this thing back." The bone eroding snake is very venomous, and it is actually very precious, but because the snake is too big and too toxic, everyone did not bring a special container this time. , Therefore, I had to give up. Only a few people who needed it took out the bottle, collected a little blood and went back for later use.

After taking a rest, Feiyu smiled slightly: "Let’s go, there is no danger ahead." After Feiyu finished speaking, he walked forward relaxedly, but at this moment, five people in the team suddenly took out their daggers, yes. Stabbed at the people around him.

"Ah, you bastards, what the **** are you doing." Flying fish is worthy of being a flying fish, with the fastest reaction speed, instinctively twisting his body, letting go of the attacking dagger, but the heart is avoided, and the shoulder is still pierced by a knife. .

"Spirit-breaking weapons, who are you?" Spirit-breaking weapons are not something ordinary people can get. They are even rarer in casual cultivators. Perhaps lower-level ones can be obtained, but advanced ones are very difficult. At this time, five people quickly Gathered together.

"Haha, flying fish, how could such a valuable spirit beast let you enjoy it alone." One of the people in black whispered. These five people should be in a team. They just launched an attack tacitly. Without using spiritual power, this caused the others to fail to respond. After an attack, four people died, and only the flying fish escaped.

Feiyu snorted coldly: "There are so many people here, can you guys kill all of them." Hearing this, the eyes of the rest of the people began to change, and these people were obviously here prepared. .

Who knows that at this time, the man in black sneered: "Huh, everyone knows that when the contract is signed, the living can only be divided equally when they go back. Don't you think that more people die more benefits? Besides, the strongest here , It's not us."

While talking, the man in black glanced at Huo Hai. Judging from his previous performance, Huo Hai’s strength is the most terrifying. They are not spirit beasts, and they don’t have such a strong defensive ability to face Huo Hai’s sword. Qi, no one is an opponent, except for those who are very familiar, the people around have already started to distance themselves from each other on guard.

People are like this. Once there is no external pressure, there will be divisions immediately. Everyone wants to get benefits. Isn't there anyone who thinks about how to get out after success?

"Yes, what you said is correct. First solve this kid, otherwise we will fight to death to the end, and the benefits will definitely be his." Chu Hong said, then took out a dagger and faced Huo Hai Threw it over.

Chu Hong's action seemed to have lit a fuse, and the scene suddenly became chaotic from the original calm. The five people who had just started the action immediately rushed towards Huo Hai, and Chu Hong, who attacked first, opposed him. With a person next to him, he stabbed out the spare long sword that he had prepared long ago, most of them are not only one weapon in casual repairs.

Several consecutive screams, several people who did not respond in time, either died or were abolished. Feiyu team members were even more dead, leaving Feiyu alone. At this time, under the attack of two opponents, they were struggling. Dodge.

As for Huo Hai, dealing with several people alone, a long sword in his hand turned into pieces of afterimages, which is even more daunting. "Pitch your hands with poison." A man in black suddenly whispered.

It's a pity that Huo Hai heard this voice very clearly, "Use poison, I don't know how to use it." Huo Hai is not afraid of toxins. Xiao Jin has already hidden in his sleeves. Then, five people waved and released it. Huo Hai felt the poisonous smoke for a while and found that the toxicity was still very severe. Unfortunately, such toxicity is nothing to Huo Hai.

"Ah, what's going on." Before Huo Hai started, the five people who had released the poisonous smoke suddenly stopped and did not continue to attack. Instead, one of them fell to the ground because of using too much force.

Looking around, there are less than ten people left in the entire team at this time, all of them look weak, "Damn it, that kid gave us the pill." Finally, someone reacted. What's the matter.

Chu Hong laughed: "Hahahaha, you idiots, don't you know that you can't eat what others give when you go out? There is nothing wrong with me giving you medicinal pills, but I have added something in it, and now the time is up , Don’t you use spiritual power anymore, you don’t even have strength, hahaha, Xueyun beast is mine, you all go to death for me."

With that said, Chu Hong pierced the people around him with a sword, and then walked towards Huo Hai, "No, don't kill me, we are members of the Flying Tiger Mercenary Corps, killing us is not good for you. "The man in black who just attacked Huo Hai suddenly spoke.

The Feihu Mercenary Corps, Huo Hai and Feiyu's heart moved. It turned out that this was the case. These guys actually separated the light and dark lines. The only one that was scared away by myself and others was the open line. Someone had already entered in the dark.

I really don’t know how Feiyu collects people. They actually recruited the Feihu Mercenary Corps. No wonder they have spirit-breaking weapons. The Feihu Mercenary Corps is a large-scale mercenary group with a high-level destroyer. Spirit weapons, it is not difficult to get them.

"Flying Tiger Mercenary Corps, who believes that when you die here, it can be said that you were wiped out by spirit beasts, hahahaha, you idiots, let me die." Chu Hong laughed. When he stepped forward, he didn't listen to these people at all. Whether it was begging for mercy or coercion or temptation, Chu Hong was completely ignoring these things now.

Although Chu Hong himself took the pill before, he later took the medicine for understanding. Therefore, Chu Hong is the only one who can move now. Soon, five members of the Flying Tiger Mercenary Group died. Chu Hong's hands.

Holding a long sword, Chu Hong walked to Huo Hai frantically, looking at Huo Hai who was still standing in front of him, Chu Hong arrogantly said, "Why are you still holding on, shouldn't you beg for mercy like a dog? "

After a pause, Chu Hong's voice became gloomy: "In this world, I am the only genius. All those who are stronger than me should die. It's a pity that you let me meet too early, otherwise I will still There is really no way to kill you."

As Chu Hong said, his eyes were full of madness, and Huo Hai sighed. This guy seems to be crazy, and the jealousy of people is sometimes so crazy, which makes people unexpected.

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