Evil Insect God

Chapter 859: Keep going

Chu Hong looked at Huo Hai with a frantic look, and the long sword in his hand was trembling constantly. Huo Hai knew that because of the excitement, killing a person more talented than himself made Chu Hong completely excited.

"Hahahaha, why don't you beg for mercy, beg for mercy, maybe I can make your death slower, but a pity, it would be more interesting if you can turn a genius into a trash, but a pity, in this place, you still die. It makes people feel at ease, kneel down and beg for mercy, I can make your death easier." Chu Hong yelled at Huo Hai.

Seeing Chu Hong's appearance, Huo Hai suddenly felt very boring: "Did anyone tell you that you are like a clown."

Hearing what Huo Hai said, Chu Hong's voice stopped abruptly, and then he looked at Huo Hai as if looking at a dead person: "Joker, hahahaha, you dare to say that I am like a clown, yes, I also feel that way. ."

"You know, I'm a casual cultivator. I can only practice hard by myself since I was young. Looking at those who are not as talented as me, they can improve step by step and quickly improve in large sects. How envious and jealous I am, but Later, I was not jealous, because these people were dead, ridiculous, they still regarded me as a companion, and they didn't even know how to die."

Fei Yu suddenly said, "You lunatic, why don't you join those large sects if you are envious." Chu Hong's talents can indeed be described as one-of-a-kind, and it won't be impossible to join.

"To join the sect, why should I join, how can they accept me, they will only be jealous of my talent, jealous of my talent, I want to destroy them, I want to build my own sect." Chu Hongyi Face frenzy.

Huo Hai shook his head secretly. This guy seemed to be completely mad, "Why don't you kneel down? Kneel me down." Chu Hong stepped forward, with the long sword in his palm facing Huo Hai's leg. He took a shot at the bend. Unfortunately, how could Huo Hai let him succeed so easily, with a long sword in his hand that blocked Chu Hong's slap.

With a soft "ding", Chu Hong's expression suddenly became very surprised as he looked at the blocked sword, "How could it be, how could it be like this?" Chu Hong muttered as he muttered, and then attacked more frantically.

The long sword in his hand was like a torrential rain, constantly attacking all the vitals of Huo Hai's body, but Chu Hong was disappointed. Huo Hai stood in place, like a reef in the sea, and stayed still despite the waves hitting him.

A hand and a long sword quickly resisted in the hand, making Chu Hong unable to get close at all, "No, where did your long sword come from? You obviously don’t have it on you, I see, you have space treasures on your body. "Suddenly, Chu Hong realized something. The attack became even more frantic, but under this frenzy, the attack methods became more and more chaotic.

Against people of the same level, this kind of madness can increase the threat, but for people like Huo Hai far surpassing Chu Hong, such an attack is nothing. After playing for a while, Huo Hai shook his head. This is really boring. Very ah.

"Forget it, I won't play with you. Not everyone is afraid of your medicine." As early as before taking the pill, Huo Hai already felt that Xiaojin's control of toxicity is not ordinary people. Comparable, besides, this medicinal property, even without Xiaojin's ability, with Huo Hai's own anti-toxicity and cultivation base, he is not afraid of the slightest.

So after Huo Hai took the pill, the medicinal properties were resolved by his own spiritual power. After hearing Huo Hai’s words, Chu Hong finally realized that something was wrong. Huo Hai played with himself for such a long time, Chu Hong went crazy. I didn't find anything unexpectedly.

At this moment, Huo Hai was able to use his own power and easily use his aura. There was no sign of poisoning. Thinking of this, even Chu Hong, who was in madness, realized that the situation was not good, and turned to leave.

Huo Hai sneered: "I want to run, is it too late." As he said, the long sword in his hand quickly pierced out, and a sword gas flew out from the long sword. Chu Hong, who felt the danger, desperately tried to block it. The sword, but it was only in vain. The speed of this sword was too fast. When Chu Hong realized that it was wrong, the sword energy had penetrated his chest and penetrated his spiritual source.

Looking at Huo Hai, Chu Hong's face was even more crazy and resentful, but unfortunately he didn't say a word, and died here with resentment.

"Brother Huaiyin, I will give up on this mission. As long as I am left, I don’t want everything. I can give you everything on me. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about your news. I can. swear."

Seeing Chu Hong's death, Feiyu sighed in relief and said loudly. At this time, there were only four people left here, one was Feiyu, and there were two people beside Feiyu who originally attacked Feiyu, but at this time there was no one. Work hard.

After killing Chu Hong, Huo Hai didn’t say much. He flipped over these people and put the things he was interested in into the inner space. At this time, Huo Hai didn’t even want to talk to Flying Fish until Flying Fish said. After a long time, it seemed that I felt hopeless, and then slowly stopped. At this time, Huo Hai finally walked to Feiyu's side.

"Haha, although what you did is not very authentic, but you didn't directly act on me, it's not bad." Fei Yu is very knowledgeable about current affairs, and maybe there is any use in the future, Huo Hai does not want to kill him.

He threw an antidote into Feiyu’s mouth. The antidote that Huo Hai took out, but the detoxification crystals secreted by Xiaojin, were equally effective for this special toxin. After a while, Feiyu had the strength to stand up. .

"What about these two people?" Feiyu pointed at the two people on the ground beside him, completely ignoring their begging for mercy.

"It's up to you, anyway, they are not a good thing." After finishing speaking, Huo Hai walked forward. Not long after, accompanied by two screams, curses and begging for mercy stopped abruptly, Huo Hai knew that these two people had already Dead.

Not far behind the Bone Snake, there is a cave. Outside the cave, there are many small beasts living. Inside the cave is a snow-white, very cute spirit beast. He grinned at the coming Huo Hai.

"This is the Xueyun Beast, right?" Huo Hai stepped forward, suppressing the Xueyun Beast, and then hugged it in his arms. At the beginning, the Xueyun Beast was still struggling, but it didn't take long before it became quiet. , On the contrary, he was enjoying Huo Hai's touch. Everyone said that Xueyun beast was close to humans. It seemed that this was true. Of course, it was also related to the special spiritual power that Huo Hai continuously injected.

Afterwards, Huo Hai saw the trembling flying fish behind him, stepped forward, and placed the Xueyun beast in the hands of flying fish, "Okay, you take the Xueyun beast back to hand in the task, I have things to do, go ahead." After that, Huo Hai turned and left.

Before Feiyu could speak, Huo Hai's figure had disappeared. Seeing the Xueyun Beast who was struggling constantly in his arms, as if trying to get out of his control, Feiyu looked depressed. What is going on? This way, it really is. Turn around.

"Forget it, an expert always has the way of an expert." Even Xueyun beast looked down upon him, he finally knew how strong Huo Hai's true strength was, and that Xueyun beast could reach the realm of the spirit king anyway. The spirit beast of, who doesn't like Xueyun beast, he must be a spirit king. Such a person is actually mixed in his team, Chu Hong really knows how to live and die.

He shook his head, Fei Yu didn't care so much: "Go back first, I believe I will see you again someday." Regardless of Xueyun Beast's struggle, Fei Yu quickly packed Xueyun Beast in a special jar.

After that, a large amount of fur was wrapped around the jar to prevent the Xueyun beast from being heard by the outside world, and finally disguised the jar as a backpack, and Feiyu herself, also wearing a robe, enveloped herself.

"Get out of here soon. After a long time, they won't be able to walk." They have gone all the way and have cleared the road. Now they are going back along the original road. It is safer. After a while, there will be other spirit beasts Come here, besides, if you don't speed up, you won't be able to reach the upper floors before dark, and the consequences will be serious then.

After leaving, Huo Hai did not continue to look for the team. Following the flying fish team for so long, Huo Hai is already familiar with the terrain of the Cross Canyon. To reach the next level, the passage is basically on the edge. Place.

Just follow the edge to find it, but it's a pity that because there are fewer people entering below, there is not even a complete map, and the Cross Canyon, according to Huo Hai's own understanding, only has eight floors.

The eighth layer is the largest layer, which is also the bottom of the canyon. This place is mainly composed of spirit beasts in the spirit king realm. You can often see groups of spirit beasts in the spirit king realm. According to the upper levels Circumstances, there is indeed the possibility of a spirit beast in the realm of the spirit emperor, no wonder no one has dared to go deep into it casually.

This kind of place, even Huo Hai himself, must be careful. Seeing that the sky is going to be dark, just go down one more level. Along the edge of the road, Huo Hai quickly searched for it. There is no burden, but the speed is faster.

With Star Gu patrolling around, Huo Hai’s detection ability is much stronger than those of the previous ones. Unfortunately, those people are all talents, but now only flying fish is dead. Huo Hai didn’t feel too much, before dark. , Finally found the channel to the next level.

"Sure enough, the further down, the stronger the aura. The spiritual power here has already surpassed the aura gathered in the Piaohua Pavilion resident." What Huo Hai didn't understand was why no sect had come to occupy such a treasure. Could it be said that there are still many spirit beasts in the spirit emperor realm below, so that no force dared to do it casually, Huo Hai could only think like this.

Entering the seventh floor, Huo Hai didn't plan to move on today. Although the more he went down, the more Huo Hai could feel the feeling of calling himself, but at night, it would be better to take a good rest.

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