Evil Insect God

Chapter 917: Huazhongge

After the yard was rented, no one else dared to come in. After all, Huo Hai's reputation is very big now. On Huo Hai's road, there is a hermit robe, which makes it difficult to see.

But the problem is that some of the women around Huo Hai still know someone. When they see them, they know that Huo Hai is here. The combat power that Huo Hai has shown this time is really terrifying, and he still missed Huo Hai a little. People of, have already suppressed this idea now, seeing Huo Hai, don't run quickly, it will be pretty good.

Secretly, there is also the vast empire that is constantly discrediting Huo Hai, "I have already told the elders of the sect about Sister Siyu, there will probably be an answer tomorrow, and Sister Siyu can also live with us. Up."

In the evening, over the dinner table, Fang Biya whispered to Huo Hai, Fang Biya was very happy that Qu Siyu was able to come and live with her. The Heavenly Spirit Continent was similar to the ancient times, and polygamy was normal.

If it were in a previous life, Huo Hai would not say that he had something to do with such a beautiful woman, just involving a few more, it would be a waste to get a wife like this, so what a husband can do, Huo Hai now has such a feeling in his heart.

Now it’s good, because I have some things, so I can’t accompany them often, let them all be together, and have a company with each other, "If this is the case, I’m relieved. By the way, I will teach you later. Chenguang Jue and the cultivation method of the Heavenly Star Transformation into the Spirit Sovereign realm, so that even if I don't have time in the future, you will still have Spirit Jue to practice."

Hearing what Huo Hai said, everyone was silent. They didn't know how long it would take them to reach the realm of the spirit emperor. However, Huo Hai taught them all the spirit art of the realm of the spirit emperor, which shows that Huo Hai does not know himself. How much trouble there will be in the future.

"Don't ask more, you just need to know that I do have some trouble, um, it's more troublesome than the Haotu Empire, but you don't have to worry about it. Although this matter is troublesome, there is no danger." Huo Hai said indifferently. , But a few people are obviously still very worried now, only Yun'er alone, there is no worry at all.

After a pause, Huo Hai said again: "I can’t teach you the rest of it now. You have to remember that you must not disclose the spiritual tactics you cultivate, and don’t let people know, otherwise it will be very big. trouble."

Not only the Haotu Empire, now even Piaohua Pavilion will be eyeing it. Fortunately now, at least for the true and complete inheritance, in Huo Hai's hands, it is useless to just catch Fang Biya and the others.

Only when Fang Biya and others reach the realm of the Spirit Sovereign and no longer fear any forces in the Molian Region, Huo Hai will teach them the complete Spirit Art at this time. People didn't dare to act rashly. After thinking about it, Huo Hai once again took out a space ring and handed it to Fang Biya.

After all, Fang Biya is her first woman. No matter from which aspect, Fang Biya is the biggest one besides herself in the family. It is reasonable to give things to Fang Biya and avoid them. Battle.

Sure enough, Huo Hai handed the things to Fang Biya. The others just glanced at them and didn’t say much. “This is the resource I leave for you to use for your cultivation. You don’t need to save it when you practice. I will send it again when I have time. Some come back, yes, there are nine sets of materials for the lightning array, you should be able to arrange the lightning array now."

Everyone, look at me, and I will look at you. In the end, Qu Siyu said: "Husband, Siyu has a little research on the formation, and can set up a thunder-inducing formation." Among the four people, only Qu Siyu faced the spirit formation. Understand.

"I'm sorry, I will definitely learn some spirit formations in the future." Fang Biya lowered her head and said with a bit of resentment.

"You don’t need to apologize, just practice as you like. Spiritual formations are not everyone’s favorite. Well, these materials were originally used for Siyu’s breakthrough. After Siyu lays a solid foundation with spiritual energy, he will use it. Let's break through the lightning array, by the way, I still have a heaven-level source spirit stone here. I forgot to give it to you before."

Huo Hai didn’t really forget it, but gave Qu Siyu to Qu Siyu before, and Qu Siyu can’t use it. Now he joined the Piaohua Pavilion and has the advanced method of continuation of the Piaohua Pavilion, so that he won’t be the source of heaven. Lingshi was wasted.

"I will find a heaven-level source spirit treasure that suits you in the future, and I will give it to you at that time." Huo Hai was a little depressed. He only found a heaven-level source spirit treasure in the Molian domain, and it was still very poisonous. In terms of attributes, Qu Siyu's attributes are related to sound waves. Even Huo Hai himself can't say what it is.

Just as Qu Siyu wanted to speak, Huo Hai's expression suddenly changed, "Someone has poisoned him, take the antidote and pretend it with me later." Huo Hai's words were transmitted by means of sound transmission. Others heard that their complexions hadn't changed much.

After all, it’s still in Danxia Pie, so all the food I eat is carried by myself, so this kind of toxicity is probably spread through the air. Just now, Huo Hai felt a slight numbness in his body. Detox.

However, the degree of tingling is not very high, indicating that the toxin is not strong, at least not strong for Huo Hai, "Is it ****, such a strong ****, who is it?" Huo Hai secretly summoned Xiaojin and asked Xiaojin. After distinguishing the properties of the medicine, it didn't take long before Huo Hai nodded, motioning everyone to lie on the table and begin to pretend to be unconscious.

At the same time, Star Gu had been released by Huo Hai and watched the surroundings. Not long after, a figure ran from a distance and quietly observed the surroundings. With a leap, he entered the rented Huo Hai In the courtyard.

"It turned out to be you. It's really looking for death." Huo Hai sneered in his heart. The visitor Huo Hai had also seen it. It was the brother who had asked Fang Biya to strike up a conversation with Fang Biya before the Danxia faction conference started. Actually dared to start with himself.

Soon, the figure came to the room and saw the person lying on the table. The son-in-law shook the folding fan in his hand: "Hahahaha, what can you do even if you have a poisonous spirit insect, how can you resist me if you are not a poisonous spiritist? Special **, haha, a few **, dare to refuse this son, this son will let you **** today."

A pair of peachy eyes scanned the surroundings, and the son-in-law set his eyes on Fang Biya's body, "Haha, this is the best figure, but unfortunately it's not a virgin anymore, no matter what, just start with you."

Brother Gongzi was a little impatient, reaching out and wanted to step forward and grab Fang Biya, but before he could do anything, he suddenly felt his body soft, and he lost the slightest strength. Then, Brother Gongzi stared and lay on the ground. What's going on, I obviously take the medicine to understand why it is still poisoned." Brother brother didn't understand what was going on.

Huo Hai got up and said indifferently: "Because the poison in you was not for your own use." Looking around, Fang Biya was sitting up as a person, but at this time everyone seemed to be in a bad state.

"Hai, his **** is so powerful, we don't have any strength in our whole body now." The special antidote made by Piaohua Pavilion can't be completely relieved. This kind of **** is really strong, Huo Hai nodded, and then let Xiaojin Give them a detoxification crystal to eat.

"Fortunately, Xiao Jin's detoxification crystal effect is strong." Seeing several people gradually recover, Huo Hai also felt relieved. With the continuous improvement of Xiao Jin's strength, the detoxification crystal effect he produced became stronger and stronger.

Then, Huo Hai turned his gaze on the son who was lying on the ground, and then said calmly: "Tell me, how do you want to die, explain clearly, I can make your death easier, otherwise you will feel better. "It was Xiao Jin who had just started his hand, and he secretly bit the son, but the poison used was a strong anesthetic.

This kind of anesthetic will not make people coma, but it will make people feel weak. Even the voice will not be too loud, "You, you bastard, you dare to do it to me, we Huazhongge will not let you go of."

When the son-in-law saw Huo Hai inquiring, his face was horrified and introverted. When he heard the words, Huo Hai sneered: "I have never heard of any flower in the pavilion. I even dare to offend the vast empire. Do you think I am not? Do you dare to offend you Huazhongge? Besides, nobody knows if you are here today. Even if you are dead, I don't think anyone will find out."

When the son-in-law spoke just now, Fang Biya and others looked disgusted: "Huazhongge's scum, Hai, must not let him go. This kind of scum should see one kill another." Fang Biyacong No one has ever hated so much.

Even Qu Siyu nodded and said, "Husband, Huazhong Pavilion is essentially a male sect, but there are some prostitutes within the sect. People in Huazhong Pavilion often catch women everywhere and use them for their own practice. Cauldron, in the hearts of the women in the Molian domain, the people in the Huazhong Pavilion are not good to die, but it is a pity that few people know the location of the Huazhong Pavilion."

Huo Hai nodded. It turned out to be like this. He didn't expect that he was still a prostitute sect. Then Huo Hai became more aware of his purpose of coming here today. When he thought of this, Huo Hai's eyes were full of murderousness.

If you weren't here today, wouldn't your wife and sister be ruined? No normal man can bear this kind of thing, "Huh, I thought that the composition of this sect is similar to the Piaohua Pavilion. ."

Ji Mu coldly snorted: "The name is almost the same, the inside is completely different. The Huazhong Pavilion is a scum sect. It is said that their sect has good strength and seems to be able to reach first-class power, because the sect is very mysterious. Otherwise, it would have been long ago. It was destroyed by us." The one who hates Huazhong Pavilion most is the pure female sect Piaohua Pavilion.

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