Evil Insect God

Chapter 918: Leave secretly

Killing is definitely going to be killed, but the Huazhong Pavilion has been guilty of his own hands, and Huo Hai does not want to let it go, "Tell me honestly, and explain everything you know about Huazhong Pavilion, so you can die. Have fun."

Faced with Huo Hai’s threat, the son-in-law stared at Huo Hai fiercely: “Boy, let me go immediately, otherwise you won’t have a good end, offend our Huazhongge people, no one has a good result.” Wen Yan Below, everyone looked at each other, what the **** was going on with this guy, Huo Hai couldn't believe that Huazhong Pavilion would be stronger than the three top sects.

At this moment, Qu Siyu suddenly said in a low voice: "I've heard that it seems that the inside of Huazhong Pavilion is a structure similar to religion, so people from Huazhong Pavilion often have some..."

Huo Hai immediately understood that the so-called religious situation, what he is best at is naturally brainwashing, just like those guys who engage in pyramid schemes, maybe in the eyes of this young man, Huazhongge is the most powerful sect of the Molian domain. .

Huo Hai was disdainful in his heart. If Huazhong Pavilion is really the most powerful sect, does it need to be hidden? There are many powerful sects and many evil ones. As long as the strength is strong enough, who dares to provoke him, This Huazhong Pavilion didn't know how many people had offended, but he even dared to make such an announcement. Huo Hai was sure that once Huazhong Pavilion was exposed, Piaohua Pavilion would erase it immediately.

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "It seems that you don't plan to say it anymore. If so, then let's have fun." Huo Hai didn't use Star Gu this time. This method is still too violent. Methods.

Huo Hai stepped forward and lightly tapped on him a few times to completely block the spirit source. This is a technique that Huo Hai has just learned recently. Before getting the Heavenly Star Sect inheritance, Huo Hai could only use violence. The method forcibly seals the opponent's spiritual power.

With a move in her heart, Xiaodie appeared in front of her: "Xiaodie, the interrogation work is up to you." Huo Hai gave an order, Xiaodie immediately nodded, and then released her mental power, and the look in your son's eyes gradually changed. Blurred, the body lying on the ground suddenly began to twitch, and the whole body began to sweat continuously, which seemed very painful.

Huo Hai knew that this was Fluttershy using mental power to build the illusion space, using various methods to toss this guy in the space. In the illusion space, no matter how much pain he suffered, he would not leave any sequelae.

Being blocked by her own spiritual power, without the blessing of spiritual power, her own spiritual power is not very strong, and there is no way to show it. It is too easy for Fluttershy to control such a person. For half an hour, Fluttershy kept constructing various scenes. , Constantly tossing this person, the son brother became extremely active in the process of being constantly tortured.

Various things slowly began to recall, and then used by Fluttershy to incorporate these memories into the illusion, and continue to squeeze the deep memories of the son. After half an hour, the son foamed at the mouth and became an idiot.

"Husband, have you found it?" Qu Siyu saw Xiaodie slowly flying back, and immediately asked.

Huo Hai shook his head: "I don't know, Huazhong Pavilion is very secretive. Only one day a year, after arriving at a predetermined location and confirming the identity of the Huazhong Pavilion disciple, will I tell you the location of this temporary entry and exit, and after using it once, no It will disappear in three days. The true location of Huazhong Pavilion is not clear to these Huazhong Pavilion disciples."

Huo Hai frowned and said, and at the same time, he searched for the things on Young Master's body. In the space ring, there are some **** and love potions, as well as various strange tools, some of which are not even known to Huo Hai, a visitor from another world. What is it for?

It seems that in this regard, even in the Tianling Continent, the development is very comprehensive. No, it should be said that in this regard, the development of Huazhongge is more advanced than the previous life. No useful things have been found. The son of the brother, there is no Any cultivating spirit art and war spirit art, there is nothing useful, Huo Hai can only give up.

With a wave of his hand, Huo Hai just put the space ring into the inner space. After that, he asked Xing Gu to drag out the vegetative man who had become an idiot. The next step was naturally to destroy the corpse. Fluttershy's illusion technique stealth protection, deal with The place of the corpse is very far away from Huo Hai's residence, and Huo Hai doesn't want people to doubt himself in the end.

According to Young Master’s memory, although the strength of the Huazhong Pavilion is not strong, it is not something that he can provoke at this stage. Forget it, when there is a chance in the future, I will destroy them again. Looking at the few beautiful beauties around him, Huo Hai's worry is not surprising.

The Star Gus returned after processing the corpse. Huo Hai didn’t want the people present to see the scene, "Well, taking advantage of the time now, I will teach you the next spiritual practice first. You must be careful, but don't be easily calculated by others like this time." Huo Hai's words made several people blush.

It's no wonder they are talking about this. In addition to a special person like Huo Hai, there are a few special ** used by Huazhong Pavilion, but in retrospect, the hearts of the four are really full of fear.

Time flickered. For the whole night, no one had a rest, let alone anything that made Huo Hai comfortable. This night, Huo Hai taught with all his strength, and taught him all the spiritual emperor realm. Wife and sister.

Ling Jue is very complicated. The method of condensing crystal nuclei and different sequences are all very complicated. You must remember them all in one night. There can be no mistakes, and they cannot be recorded.

For the four women, it was also a challenge. After this night, the four of them were tired and a little sluggish. Fortunately, they remembered things. Before dawn, someone knocked on the door of the room, and Huo Hai held the door. When I opened it, I saw an elder of the Piaohua Pavilion, "It turned out to be the Lord of Illusion, please come in." Huo Hai was taken aback, but an acquaintance came.

The King of Fantasy said faintly: "No, Bi Ya said that we have discussed it clearly, and we also understand Qu Siyu's situation. Therefore, this time I am here to take them back and let Qu Siyu join the sect. of."

Huo Hai nodded, so it turned out that the magic king's eyes were full of meaning, Huo Hai also knew what it meant, his current situation is not very good, if Bi Ya and others follow him, there may be trouble.

After thinking about it, Huo Hai said: "Then trouble the elders, I will let them come out." Huo Hai turned around and walked into the yard, and soon brought everyone else out. The King of Illusion did not enter. Just waiting at the door.

After seeing the person, the King of Illusion nodded and said: "As expected, she is a famous woman in the vast empire. She is really beautiful. It seems that my Piaohua Pavilion will soon have another master in the future. Your Excellency Huo Hai, I will bring They leave, we have about two days before we leave after attending the ceremony." With that, the fantasy king motioned to several people.

Several people glanced at each other, their eyes filled with dismay, "Hai, we are leaving now, you must come and see us as soon as possible." Fang Biya whispered, and then followed the King of Illusion, her eyes still tight. Staring at Huo Hai firmly.

"Husband, I, we will always wait for you to come back." Qu Siyu lowered his head embarrassedly, not wanting Huo Hai to see his eyes, Ji Mu looked at Huo Hai affectionately, saying nothing, but Silence is better than sound.

As for Yun'er, she was still heartless, staring at Huo Hai for a long time, and suddenly said in a low voice, "Brother, you must bring a gift to Yun'er next time you meet, otherwise, Yun'er won't let it at night. Sisters go to your room." Huo Hai's eyes widened. When did this little girl learn this? Who taught her?

The three people next to him also heard Yun'er's words, and immediately lowered their heads, their faces flushed, like an apple, the King of Fantasy smiled slightly, and his face was full of helplessness: "Let's go, don't mess with the Lord Insect King."

Soon, the group of people disappeared and closed the door. Huo Hai naturally knew what the Magic King meant. At this time, there were many people around him staring at him. At this point, his Star Gus could see very clearly.

Even Huo Hai discovered that many insects around him made strange fluctuations, and some even stared at their own spirit insects closely, "Want to track me through insects? It's really fantastic." Huo Hai sneered and is here now. Everything is done, and setting up the ring has nothing to do with me. It seems it's time to leave here.

Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly: "Unexpectedly, I still want to use you." The people who have seen Huo Hai's use of illusionism are already prepared for various items to solve illusionism.

Unexpectedly, just one night, these people would be able to prepare to this level. You know, this time not only the Haotu Empire prepared these, but also many other forces. There are more and more people staring at them. .

With a move in Huo Hai's heart, the Star Gus immediately flew up high in the sky. Some of them were taken away by Huo Hai, and there was only a small amount left. Under the sun, they were very far away, and soon disappeared from the sight of everyone. Gu is just a tool for positioning Huo Hai. With a wave of his hand, Huo Hai spilled a bunch of earthworms.

Since the last fight against the Blood Curse King, some earthworms have reproduced in Huohai's inner space. Some time ago, Huo Hai cultivated some earthworms to the realm of spirits, and with handprints on his hands, the earthworms quickly merged into the ground.

At the same time, Huo Hai himself, the earthworm that reaches the realm of spiritual beings, can purify the earth. Huo Hai’s underground walk does not need to avoid stones, will not feel peculiar smell, and even the air is very sufficient, as long as he can maintain Just live with your own spiritual power output, follow the ground, Huo Hai carefully hide, and dive directly into the depth of thousands of meters.

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