Evil Insect God

Chapter 921: Lava monster

As the comprehension of the celestial mudra gradually deepened, Huo Hai used spells and consumed less spiritual power and power of heaven and earth, and the power of the spells released increased by a bit. This is the effect of comprehending the spells.

It’s a pity that it has become very difficult to realize this level of improvement. At least relying on hard training, it has become very difficult to improve a little. Only when he reached the realm of the Peak Spirit King, Huo Hai realized that he Suddenly, his strength has improved a lot, even the spell power in his hand has also improved a lot.

After reaching the peak of the Spirit King, Huo Hai could already clearly feel that even if he used the Five Swords once, he might break through the geomagnetism of the Geomagnetism King. After careful inspection for a whole day, Huo Hai finally understood how to return. thing.

The pinnacle of the spirit king represents the consummation of the spirit king's realm. At this time, he is fully compatible with the power of the world. Unlike before, there is always a slight rejection between the power of the world and the world. Without this rejection, the power can naturally be Full play.

After reaching the state of Consummation, if you do not choose to break through, it is impossible to condense any star core. Huo Hai feels himself, even if he uses the spiritual energy condensing beads to forcibly condense a star core, the final result is that the condensing of the new star core fails. A breakdown, although it does not have much impact on oneself, but it is normal to cause oneself to be damaged.

Now Huo Hai has never thought of breaking through. He has just reached the peak of the Spirit King and his spiritual power has not been polished to the extreme, so Huo Hai still chooses to continue to condense his spiritual power, when he reaches the extreme, and when he will use the water purification white lotus to break through.

Looking inside, the power of his own kind of fire has increased a lot, with the help of fireflies to swallow it, and Huo Hai's own fire power is not inferior to the average elixirs of the sixth or seventh-level spirit king realm.

This is just the power of the fire itself. If you talk about the ability to control fire and the ability of various alchemy refining tools, Huo Hai is far inferior. Now even if the simplest earth-level pill is given to Huo Hai, Huo Hai is not sure that he will be able to Successful refining.

The reason why Huo Hai can increase the fire so fast is also because of the relationship between the flame power and the absorption of a large amount of flame power. Although the purest part has been denied to Huo Hai, the fire worm itself has actually absorbed a lot. After more than four months of absorbing the flames, these fireflies have reproduced to more than one hundred.

Huo Hai discovered at this time that to accelerate the reproduction of fireflies, an environment full of flames is the key. If it weren’t for the increase in fireflies, Huo Hai would not be able to polish his spiritual power so quickly. Spiritual power is more difficult.

"Hey, it's another lava flying fish." Just as Huo Hai felt his own changes, there was a sudden explosion next to him. It turned out that another lava flying fish was killed by the stars. During this time, Huo Hai only The number of lava flying fish hunted is close to one hundred, and the crystal nucleus in each lava flying fish body can reach the first-class quality as a source of spirit treasure.

A few crystal nuclei have even reached the pinnacle of the earth level. If it weren’t for the environment here is too sinister, it’s not easy for even the masters of the Spirit Sovereign realm to gain something here. I’m afraid the lava flying fish here would have been hunted by others. It's clean.

Fireflies swallow the flames and naturally gather the surrounding flame power. Because of the concentration of the flame power, some lava flying fish will always be attracted. When these lava flying fish rush up along the line of fire, they leave the lava, Star Gu We would naturally act on it. At the beginning, Huo Hai didn't let Star Gu act on it.

The flames in the lava flying fish can be compared with the attacks of the spirit emperor masters. Huo Hai will not let the Star Gus take risks. The flame power of the lava flying fish cannot withstand Xiaodie’s mental attack. He was hit by Xiaodie at that time. Killed one.

After researching, Huo Hai figured out where to attack, which could kill the lava flying fish, but would not let the flames release out. After that, Huo Hai allowed the Star Gus to hunt and kill by themselves, and the harvest has been very great now.

Just as Huo Hai put away the crystal core of the lava flying fish, the whole ground suddenly shook, "What's going on? Could it be an earthquake?" Huo Hai's eyes became serious, and the lava abyss had never heard of it. There will be an earthquake. Suddenly, Huo Hai put his gaze in the lava abyss, and a dark shadow slowly emerged within the lava.

"Shadow, this is. I didn't expect that there will be living creatures here. It's not good..." Huo Hai suddenly sensed a crisis, his figure flashed, and he quickly retreated back, and at the same time waved his hand to collect all the firefly内空间.

It's a pity that Huo Hai's speed slowed down a bit. A pale yellow flame rose into the sky from the lava abyss. A firefly that hadn't had time to retrieve it was rubbed by the flame and turned into fly ash.

Huo Hai felt a trance, and at the same time felt a pain in his heart. He died of a firefly, and the Refining Insect Array immediately backfired, "Damn it, how fast, it's fortunate that it is the improved Refining Array, otherwise it will be troublesome. "Huo Hai took a deep breath and suppressed this trauma. I am afraid it will take several days before he can fully recover.

The flame attack just now was really terrifying. Even the flames released by the lava flying fish, the firefly can survive in it for a period of time. With this time, Huo Hai can fully recover it into the inner space.

The flames released by the lava flying fish were as powerful as a master of the spirit emperor, but I did not expect the flames this time to far exceed the attack of the lava flying fish, and the fire worms could not resist for a moment.

In the next moment, Huo Hai took back all the spirit worms such as Star Gu. He didn't want to lose the spirit worms accidentally, and he didn't want to suffer a strong backlash due to the death of the spirit worms. He quickly retreated, and the lava in the lava abyss below suddenly exploded. After opening, the surrounding temperature continued to rise, making Huo Hai feel shocked.

"Damn it, this temperature, even if Lingshuai is here, I'm afraid I will be heated to death." Huo Hai felt even more shocked in his heart when he felt the violent rise in the surrounding temperature. What happened, he had never heard of Lava Abyss. There will be such a change.

A black shadow slowly flew out of the abyss crack, a large amount of lava continuously distorted the air, the power of the sky and the earth fluctuated violently, a group of fiery red creatures gradually floated, looking from a distance, it looked like a large group of lava .

No, this is a large mass of lava. The lava is constantly flowing, bringing up terrifying high temperatures, and being able to survive in this lava for a long time, this monster itself is already very terrifying, "God, what is this? Things, how could there be such terrifying creatures in the lava abyss." Huo Hai finally understood why the Spirit Sovereign masters couldn't get much harvest in the lava abyss.

It is really unbearable to have this kind of creature. The temperature of the monster's body is very strong, and no master of the Lingshuai realm can approach it. After the lava on the monster's body has flowed out, the flame on his body makes Huo Hai feel a crisis.

Gradually, the body of this monster appeared. From a distance, this thing was very similar to the lava flying fish, but the two fins had changed and became wider, as if they were two huge wings.

There was a faint flame burning on his body. Although the flame was not big, it made Huo Hai feel a huge crisis. A bright red tail. At the end of the tail, a light yellow flame burned, making Huo Hai feel a breath of death. .

With two red eyes, they scanned the surroundings, and finally turned their gazes on Huo Hai’s body, “Damn it, this is the mutant lava flying fish king.” Huo Hai felt it a little, and knew that the monster in front of him had been repaired. After reaching the realm of the Spirit King, you should know that the ordinary lava flying fish are only in the realm of the Spirit Commander.

This lava flying fish is obviously moving in the direction of a fierce beast, which is also related to the environment here. The flames released by the ordinary Lingshuai realm lava flying fish can be compared with the attacks of the Linghuang realm masters.

Then the flames released by this lava flying fish, even if they are not as good as the attacks of a master of the spirit emperor realm, will definitely not be much worse. Thinking of this, Huo Hai suddenly frowned. When Huo Hai considered the problem, the lava flying fish did not have it. Wasting time, after discovering the target, the giant flying fish king roared and opened his mouth to Huo Hai.

Suddenly, Huo Hai felt a huge crisis. If he didn't hurry away, he would definitely die. Huo Hai chose to believe his feelings, moved his feet, and walked away from where he was before.

Then, a light yellow flame fell on the position where Huo Hai was just now. When the flame was emitted, it seemed that the power between the whole world and the earth, don't mobilize, "This monster has a strong ability to pull the power of the world." Huo Hai sighed, such a huge force of heaven and earth is definitely not a spirit king.

Although this has a lot to do with the special environment of the lava abyss. The flame fell on the ground and burned silently. Suddenly, a big pit appeared on the ground. The original stone did not even melt. Disappeared.

"It's so powerful that it can burn this kind of ground like this. I'm afraid this power is already close to the Lingdi master's blow." The ground near the lava abyss, the fire resistance is very strong, and the flying fish king in front of him, there is no Reaching the realm of the Spirit Emperor, but the power of the lava abyss can be mobilized, the power is really terrifying.

Huo Hai has never seen a master hand in the spirit emperor realm, but Huo Hai, a master hand in the spirit emperor realm, has seen him. From his heart, Huo Hai can feel that the flame used by this flying fish king is stronger than any spiritual emperor he has ever seen. .

If you face this flying fish king, will anyone in the Molian Domain dare to ignore this flame? Huo Hai is really not sure. After an attack, the flying fish king did not stop, but raised his tail and aimed at Huo Hai .

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