Evil Insect God

Chapter 922: Strong but weak

When the flying fish king's tail was lifted, Huo Hai felt a greater crisis enveloped than before. With a quick movement under his feet, he changed his position once again before he could make any noise.

The next moment, Huo Hai began to rejoice that his reaction speed was fast, because at the tip of the flying fish king’s tail, a light yellow flame burned, and finally the flame quickly condensed, actually condensed into substance, a light yellow beam of light passed over Huo Hai’s body. It hit a hill behind Huo Hai, the stone hill that was hit, it was so strangely gasified.

You know, in this environment, even on ordinary ground, the ability to resist fire is very strong, not to mention such a rocky hill, which can be gasified in a single blow. This kind of power cannot help Huo Hai. The side eye.

If such an attack falls on him, Huo Hai is certain that he is absolutely dead on the spot, and I am afraid that he can't even struggle. Seeing this situation, Huo Hai took a deep breath and watched the flying fish king's eyes become more solemn. .

"Hiss..." Seeing that he didn't hit Huo Hai twice, the Flying Fish King finally got angry, roared, opened his mouth, aimed at Huo Hai's position, and another light yellow flame burned out, instantly Permeating the surroundings, the power of heaven and earth suddenly rioted, and it seemed that a large area of ​​flame around the lava abyss had been mobilized.

Huo Hai narrowed his eyes. This flying fish king mobilized the power of heaven and earth, I am afraid that it is different from ordinary spirit kings. The talent of lava flying fish is to mobilize the flames of the lava abyss. Only through these flames can the power of heaven and earth be driven.

Flying Fish King is even more outstanding among them. He has reached the realm of Spirit King. Although it is only a Level 2 Spirit King, the flame range that Flying Fish King can mobilize is far beyond the limit of a normal peak Spirit King. .

The nearby lava itself can be compared with the attacks of the Spirit Sovereign masters. With so much flame power mobilized to compress it, Huo Hai is not sure how strong the Flying Fish King’s attack is. Now Huo Hai can do it. Only quickly dodge, dodge, and then dodge, Huo Hai's figure turned into a phantom, leaving the flame attack range.

Flying Fish King also knew that Huo Hai was fast. Before Huo Hai left, he was ready for the second attack. The flame in his mouth, plus the flame beam above his tail, were two simple attacks that threatened extremely terrifying.

Huo Hai kept evading, and before long, a range of ground around him was melted into lava by the high temperature. Many lavas were directly gasified and disappeared. The lava in the lava abyss was not the same as ordinary lava. thing.

Without a place to stay, Huo Hai did not dare to move in the air with the help of Star Gu. If Star Gu was stuck on his body by this flame, he would definitely be vaporized on the spot. Huo Hai would not be surprised at all about this, don’t look. Star Gu's resistance is so strong, but the flying fish king's attack power, even if it is an ordinary Spirit Sovereign realm master, I am afraid that he will not dare to follow.

In desperation, Huo Hai could only dodge where he was originally, and chose a piece of ground that hadn't been melted away. Once again, he began to dodge. The Flying Fish King seemed to have spotted Huo Hai, no matter how he ran, he just wouldn't let go.

Gradually, Huo Hai also discovered a feature of the flying fish king. This flying fish king and the ordinary lava flying fish are still a kind of creatures after all. The ordinary lava flying fish cannot leave the flames of the lava abyss. Once they leave, they will die.

Although this flying fish king can be better, he can't leave the abyss too far. As long as he escapes from the lava abyss, this flying fish king has nothing to do with himself. Thinking of this, the pressure in Huo Hai's heart suddenly reduces a lot, "huh, since So, then we will have fun." With a retreat, Huo Hai also has confidence.

Gradually, during the dodge process, Huo Hai finally realized that it seemed that the flying fish king was not as terrifying as he thought. I have to say that the flying fish king’s flame is indeed not powerful enough for Huo Hai to contend, but the flying fish king itself is just a second. Grade spirit king.

Compared with his own, Flying Fish King’s attack speed and reaction speed are far inferior. Except for a kind of flame, there is nothing else. Just be careful not to be stuck to the body by the flame. There is no danger. These flame attacks The scope is large, but the attack speed is not fast enough, even if the flames are emitted, Huo Hai can completely dodge.

The fastest is the flame beam from the tail of Flying Fish King. This beam of light is fast and powerful, but unfortunately, this beam of light only has one point of attack. Huo Hai only needs to focus on the tail. can.

Before the tail launches an attack, there is a prelude, which is the concentration of flames. Seeing the concentration of flames, as long as Huo Hai dodges the attack position of Flying Fish King's tail, there will be absolutely no problem. It seems that he is gradually invincible. .

After all, fierce beasts are fierce beasts. Compared with humans, IQ is the biggest flaw. Perhaps the flying fish king has not seen too many powerful opponents, so now he has not found his own problems at all. If he does not leave the lava abyss, Huo Hai hasn't been able to do anything to Flying Fish King, but is he leaving now... Huo Hai's eyes narrowed, his eyes full of sneers.

"Good opportunity." Taking advantage of the flying fish king just finished his attack, Huo Hai Huohai immediately seized a gap. As long as he ignored the flying fish king's terrorist attack, in Huo Hai's view, the flying fish king's strength was really weak. .

A second-level spirit king, in the eyes of Huo Hai, an invincible master in the spirit king realm, what can he do? Grasping the gap, Huo Hai did not rush up. The flame on the flying fish king was not something Huo Hai dared to contaminate. .

But Huo Hai has other means. Fluttershy appeared on Huo Hai’s shoulder in a flash, "Fluttershy, I'm relying on you today." After such a long battle, Huo Hai has long discovered the characteristics of the flying fish king flame. The king's flame is indeed very strong, but after all, it is just a flame naturally formed by the heavens and the earth in the lava abyss. This kind of flame is not essentially the spirit emperor's war spirit art.

In the flame, there is no strong will that belongs to him. Therefore, this flame has no defense at all against mental attacks. This is the real reason why Fluttershy can easily hunt the lava flying fish in the beginning.

After figuring this out, Huo Hai became annoyed on the spot. If he had thought of it earlier, he would not be as passive as he is now. Grasping the gap between the attacks, Huo Hai's hands turned into afterimages.

A few handprints were quickly typed, and the blessing strengthening spell was cast by Huo Hai in an instant, the stars flickered, the dragon shadow moved, the power of heaven and earth was continuously blessed to Xiaodie's body through the spell, and he had enough spiritual power and heaven and earth. Fluttershy's mental power immediately strengthened, his mental power was condensed, and a faint shadow appeared in the air.

The spiritual power can reach this level of materialization, which represents a very high state. During this time, Huo Hai is not the only one who is constantly improving. As Huo Hai rises to the peak of the spirit king, the spirit worm in his hand The strength has also improved a lot.

Star Gus have reached the height of the ninth-level spirit king because of simple accumulation. Other spirit worms need to accumulate more troublesome. Only Xiaojin can reach the height of the ninth-level spirit king because he has swallowed special toxins, but Xiaodie and ghost bone worms Xiao Bone also reached the eighth-level spirit king, although Xiao Yun and Xiao Shui were a little behind, they were barely close to the eighth-level spirit king.

Fluttershy of the eighth-level spirit king, coupled with the spell blessing that Huo Hai fully used, the mental power has reached a level of horror, the next moment, the mental power directly impacts, breaking through the flames on the flying fish king, and entering the flying fish king. .

After all, Flying Fish King is just a fierce beast in the second-level spirit king realm, and his mental power is very weak. Regardless of the high flame attack, after being invaded by Xiaodie's mental power, his eyes instantly became sluggish.

"Great, Fluttershy, pull it out for me." Huo Hai gave an order. Fluttershy immediately controlled the flying fish king to slowly flap his wings, left the sky above the lava abyss, and gradually moved away from the lava abyss. As he moved away, the flames on the flying fish king gradually began to weaken, and the flying fish king himself seemed to be struggling instinctively.

Unfortunately, compared with Fluttershy, the difference in mental power between the two parties is really too great. It didn't take long for the Flying Fish King to completely leave the lava abyss. The flame on his body, losing the blessing of the lava abyss, was gradually approaching extinguishment.

"This thing is really dangerous, but it doesn't seem to be very strong." Huo Hai sighed, the world is really wonderful, the flame just now, if you stick to a point, you will be dead, but the same, if your attack falls When the flying fish king was on the body, the flying fish king didn't want to resist, just like two ordinary people holding guns fighting each other.

Now his attack fell on the flying fish king first, and the one who died was the flying fish king. Huo Hai observed it, and finally gradually determined that the flying fish king's body was indeed a perfect fusion of lava from the lava abyss.

Without the environment of the lava abyss, even King Flying Fish won't live long, and Huo Hai's heart moved: "Fluttershy, kill him." Although the flame on King Flying Fish has disappeared, Huo Hai still doesn't want to touch it casually.

Fluttershy received the order and immediately injected a large amount of mental power into the flying fish king’s mind. The next moment, with an explosion, the mental power suddenly exploded, and the sound was not loud, but the flying fish king’s soul was shattered. One point, Huo Hai was only able to see it through Xiaodie. As Xiaodie's cultivation level got higher and higher, he could gradually sense his soul.

The Flying Fish King struggled and roared, and then lost his sound. The luster of the whole body gradually dimmed, and the color turned gray, like a rotten stone that had been left for a long time.

When the Flying Fish King fell to the ground, it was unexpectedly shattered. The broken meat was really no different from a rock. A huge flame force immediately radiated from the flesh.

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