Evil Insect God

Chapter 947: Ready to fight back

Time flickered, Huo Hai had been sitting in place for three full days. For ordinary people, using the pure water white lotus, it would be enough to break through the Spirit Emperor in less than a day, but Huo Hai was not satisfied.

At the end, Huo Hai cautiously used his pill power, saving little by little in order to be able to refine his star core to a higher level. You must know that tempering the crystal nucleus, The breakthrough is the first time for tempering, and it is also the best time. This time it can't be tempered to the best, and it can be continued in the future.

However, the future cultivation will become very troublesome. To what extent the first star core can be refined, the subsequent star cores can be easily refined to the same level. If you want to make the star core more perfect, you need to do it yourself. Polished a little bit.

One star core may not waste much time, but when three thousand star cores add up, there is more time. Huo Hai is very thankful at this time. Fortunately, before he chose to improve and break through, he was cruel and refined again. Clean water white lotus.

If it is not used, it would be wasted completely, but now it seems to be just right, because on the next day, Huo Hai recovered a bit of his own mobility and once again ate the second lesson lotus pills.

With the help of this force, Huo Hai has been able to suppress the breakthrough, but persists until now. Three days later, Huo Hai’s first star core is already transparent, like a good crystal, from the star core side, completely I can see the scene on the opposite side clearly, and my character has no flaws. If I don't pay attention, it seems that nothing exists.

At this time, Huo Hai's own star core was finally tempered to the perfection, and could not continue. Even if he continued tempering, there would be no effect. This represented absolute perfection at this stage.

At this time, Huo Hai finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Great, it's finally completed." Huo Hai didn't know what would happen to others when they broke through the Spirit Emperor, but Huo Hai knew that these people would probably prepare a lot. The pill to restore mental power.

I just don’t know if anyone can refine his star core to the limit at one time like himself, but Huo Hai can basically be sure that in the Molian Region, which has relatively few resources, there will probably not be a second one. Personally, Huo Hai relaxed and released the barrier between his star core and surrounding spiritual power, lifting the isolation between the two.

The star core encounters its own spiritual power again, and the spiritual power is affected by the star core, and it changes rapidly, much faster than the previous change. A powerful force rises in Huo Hai’s body, and the power of the surrounding heaven and earth Suddenly there was chaos.

The power of the tempered spiritual power is more than ten times stronger than before, and there is no need to use the power of the outside world to bless it. This way, the continuous combat ability has also been greatly improved. Of course, other spiritual emperors, The continuous combat capability is not bad either.

The surrounding area of ​​control over the power of heaven and earth has expanded to a distance of one hundred meters. Huo Hai himself finally entered the first-level spirit emperor. In the future, each level of the spirit emperor's realm will increase the control range by one hundred meters. The power of heaven and earth is not used to bless oneself, but a range that absorbs the power of heaven and earth.

The larger the control range, the faster the absorption of the power of the heavens and the earth, and the faster the recovery speed during battle. When you reach the realm of the Spirit Emperor, you can restore your own spiritual power, no longer relying on your own body to absorb, and the surrounding fields are the same .

Along with the surge of spiritual power, a layer of hazy silver-white light suddenly appeared around his first star core, which wrapped the already transparent star core. On the surface, it seemed that the star core was still the same as before.

Huo Hai knew that his star core had completely changed in nature. This layer of light was the power of the stars to the extreme. As long as he broke through to the Spirit Emperor, such a layer of original power would appear around his star core. .

It is precisely because of the obstacles of this level of origin power that it will become very difficult to refine one's own star core in the future. The more powerful and pure the original power, the more difficult it is to refine one's own crystal core. Trouble, Huo Hai felt the power of the original stars of his own level, and found that he wanted to continue to refine the star core, although it was not impossible, it was also quite difficult.

Therefore, the moment of breaking through the spirit emperor is the most important thing. Fortunately, his star core has been tempered to the extreme. In the future, he only needs to use the power of heaven and earth to fuse other star cores step by step.

Other star cores are not tempered to the level that they were tempered at the time of the first star core breakthrough. This level of origin power will not appear. Don’t look at such a difference, but it can affect the fighting power of the spiritual emperor. The key factor of strength.

As long as all the eighty-one star cores in the body are fused and tempered, one can reach the pinnacle of the first level of the spiritual emperor, and then continue to condense and refine new star cores, increasing by one for every eighty-one star cores added. Level, condensing 729 perfect star cores, that is the peak of the Spirit Emperor, at this level, it can attack the Spirit Emperor realm at any time.

From now on, using the Aura Condensed Bead, it is no longer an Aura Condensed Bead, and must be able to condense a star core. Huo Hai opened his eyes and gently held his fist, the air in his palm was directly squeezed.

After revolving himself for a while, the strong spiritual power made Huo Hai's heart agitated. At this time, his spiritual power was released, and he could even force a mountain to shatter. The current self can easily crush the previous 100 selves without any problem. "This is the power of the Spirit Sovereign Realm. It's really terrifying." Huo Hai narrowed his eyes, very satisfied.

I have used some of his original spirit war skills, and the power is really not comparable to that before. The eight spirit bats have been able to fully display. At this stage, Huo Hai believes that many spirit emperors below level 3 are not necessarily fast. Can compare with yourself.

His own spiritual shield is getting stronger and stronger. The three dragon shadows are getting stronger and clearer. In a faint, Huo Hai feels that his fourth dragon shadow is about to take shape, and the improvement of Luoxia sword technique is not weak. He can easily use the eight swords once, even if the nine swords are once at the highest level, Huo Hai feels that he is not far away with his own cultivation base.

The only pity is that Xia Guang overflowing is a territorial low-grade fighting technique. Although it is not weak when it is displayed by myself, it is much worse than the second-layer Changhong Jingtian. I don’t know if anyone can come this time. Use the second level.

What caused Huo Hai the most headache was his own spirit worm problem. Following his breakthrough, the spirit worm did not follow the breakthrough. Once again, he could not keep up with his combat effectiveness. Fortunately, his own combat effectiveness was not weak.

Otherwise, at this stage, I am afraid that it is the time when his strength is the weakest. Star Gu is already close to the peak, and its accumulation is simple and sufficient, and can break through at any time, but Huo Hai still wants Star Gu to serve him, he cannot Let the Star Gu go forward and transform, as for the other spirit worms, they have to rise to the peak of the spirit king as soon as possible.

Fortunately, it is relatively easy for spirit worms to rise to the top, far less complicated than humans and other large spirit beasts.

After spending two days and fully adapting to his current state and strength, Huo Hai knew that he should set off, "Huh, the vast empire, today is your death date." Huo Hai looked at the depths of the swamp from a distance. Direction.

When he came to the swamp again, Huo Hai found that there were already a lot of people around. Although it can't be said that there are huge crowds, the number of people at this time is no less than when the tide broke out.

Even Huo Hai overheard that some people from the big powers are complaining about the Haotu Empire at this time. Obviously, everyone has noticed that the matter this time was revealed by the Haotu Empire, but it was right. So many people know the secret of the Falling Soul Swamp, and other casual cultivators discovered by accident will never say it casually.

But this time it was different. How could it be possible for the Great Land Empire to make such a big movement to cover it up, and the Great Land Empire made such a big movement to arrest itself, and many forces knew about this matter.

Huo Hai rejoiced in his heart that if he had not broken through and faced more and more greedy people, he might not be able to do anything. Now that he has broken through to the Spirit Emperor, I don’t know if he can hunt down other Spirit Emperors, but at least he can save his life. Ability.

Before the breakthrough, when Huo Hai faced the spirit emperor, he had a certain ability to escape. Now after the breakthrough, the speed is faster. The first stage of the spirit bats can also be fully displayed. Huo Hai wants to escape. Right now, in the entire Molian Domain, someone might not be able to catch up with him. If that's the case, what's so terrible about him.

Quickly bypassing the crowd, ignoring the invitation of all the team members, Huo Hai did not use the sand, and he casually searched for a place and went straight into the swamp. "It's another person who doesn't understand anything. It seems that there will be another dead person. Up."

Seeing Huo Hai's movements, someone immediately started shaking their heads. They didn't know. In fact, Xiaodie and Xiaoshui had already recorded the location of the surrounding vortex. Huo Hai did not refute, and moved on.

After disappearing in the eyes of everyone, Huo Hai stopped now, "Xiao Shui, doing a good job, there are so many." On the ground, the splash suddenly opened the soil, revealing a large number of falling soul crystals. , Huo Hai waved his hand to put it away, and after calculating it, it actually reached the number of several hundred. I am afraid that there is no Crystal of Falling Soul in a nearby area.

Although the Falling Soul Crystal is of no use to him, it is very useful for the Huo Family, who is constantly developing and growing. The Spirit King of the Huo Family will eventually rise to the peak of the Spirit King and needs a breakthrough.

The Huo family will one day need a lot of their own spirit emperor to support. Although Huo Hai is strong, he can't stay in the family forever. This is not the path he chose. Huo Hai has his own path to follow.

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