Evil Insect God

Chapter 948: Sneak attack against the Spirit Emperor

After collecting some fallen soul crystals collected by Xiaoshui along the road, Huo Hai sneaked to the place where the Haotu Empire was responsible for the ambush along the established road. These locations had long been remembered by Star Gu.

"Is this place the hidden location of the Spirit Emperor of the Great Earth Empire." Huo Hai looked at an empty front, Xiaodie and Xinggu had clearly recorded this location before. This location is in the spirit. On the periphery of the formation, Huo Hai thought about it and knew that the spirit emperor realm masters naturally couldn't shoot casually, and it was impossible to use the spirit formation at will.

As the Spirit Sovereign, they naturally have their own arrogance and dignity. Faced with Huo Hai who has not reached the Spirit Sovereign, they instinctively believe that they can be captured by just hands. Of course, although this is not exactly the case, it is also different. Not far away.

Their plan is to use other spirit kings to set up a combined spirit formation, and then capture or kill Huo Hai. If it doesn't work, there will be masters of the spirit emperor who will grab the formation. At the last moment, you can still capture Huo Hai. .

In order to catch Huo Hai, the Haotu Empire was willing to take it this time, and even with this opportunity of the Falling Soul Swamp, the spirit emperor master who was originally used to protect the team was also sent to deal with Huo Hai. Such a luxurious lineup, the vast land The Empire absolutely did not believe that Huo Hai could not be caught, and even they had already begun to consider what to do with Huo Hai after being caught.

The things obtained from Huo Hai must be used properly to strengthen the strength of the entire empire. As long as the empire has a master of the spirit emperor realm, the entire Molian region will belong to the vast empire in the future. .

For Huo Hai, the Haotu Empire ignored even the most important reputation this time. If it failed this time, the losses and blows of the Haotu Empire would be terrible. The Spirit Sovereign masters dispatched and did not catch Huo Hai.

And because of the exposing of the Crystal of the Fallen Soul by the Haotu Empire this time, it can be said that it has violated the interests of most first-class and above forces. These first-rate and higher-ranking forces, and the spirit emperors that appeared among many forces, have used the Falling Soul Jing's experience, the current actions of the Haotu Empire, may even directly isolate the Haotu Empire's royal family.

Even if it is an empire, it violates its own interests. No matter who it is, it is impossible to watch it. If it is just one or two forces, it is not a big deal. It can offend so much at one time. The vast empire can have it. played.

They didn’t know that Huo Hai had broken through. This was Huo Hai’s greatest opportunity. Soon, Huo Hai had completely determined the hidden position of the spiritual emperor. Based on Huo Hai’s understanding of the spiritual formation, the spiritual formations around this spiritual emperor were mainly It is used to hide, so the defense is not very strong. If the spirit emperor inside is not strong, then he should be able to kill it with one move.

Huo Hai hadn’t made a breakthrough at the time, and I don’t know exactly how far this spiritual emperor was. Using Xiaodie’s concealment method, he couldn’t hide the spiritual emperor at all. In desperation, Huo Hai could only approach from underwater, secretly approaching. .

All the power of the whole body was completely converged, and at the same time, small water was used to carefully control the water flow without making any movement. After half an hour, Huo Hai approached within a hundred meters of the predetermined position in front.

"Can't get close, otherwise it's easy to be discovered." The 100-meter range is the range of his own control of the power of heaven and earth. Huo Hai doesn't know how much the person in front of him has control, but if he continues to approach, he just breaks through and controls In a field that is not very comfortable, it is likely to cause the other party's awareness. Simply, let's do it here.

The next moment, Huo Hai’s spiritual power exploded and turned into an afterimage in an instant. No, if a person with poor strength can't even see the afterimage, the long sword in his hand quickly pierced out, emitting eight sword auras at once, covering it. A range in front.

Almost in the next moment, Huo Hai’s long sword and sword qi hit the target in succession, but Huo Hai immediately noticed that this hit was wrong, "Well, how can I forget this." When he launched the attack, Huo Hai finally found out. Problem.

For the first question, Huo Hai miscalculated the defense strength of this spiritual formation. This spiritual formation is indeed mainly used for hiding, but after all, the spiritual formation itself incorporates geomagnetic element light. With geomagnetic element light, the defense is very scary. In addition to the fact that he smashed the geomagnetism element light last time, this time the geomagnetism element light is more powerful and the number of transfers is also greater.

Breaking through this layer of geomagnetic element light, the sword energy he emits is directly weakened by 30%. The second problem is also the biggest problem, and that is the relationship with his own weapons. Because Huo Hai was anxious to launch an attack, he actually gave this to Ignored.

Before Huo Hai was in the realm of the Spirit King, the Bone Fish Sword was barely enough, but when he broke through to the Spirit King, Huo Hai suddenly discovered that the Bone Fish Sword, which was only a low-grade item, was no longer enough.

Even the eight sword auras that were released with all their strength this time could not be fully displayed because of the insufficient power of the bone fish sword. Even if Huo Hai had just recovered a part of his spiritual power, the bone fish sword in his hand would be damaged. If he continues to improve his cultivation, but still uses the bone fish sword, the long sword itself will probably not be able to withstand its own strength in the future.

In that way, using weapons is not as strong as using weapons. Two reasons have caused Huo Hai's attack to be far from reaching the results he expected. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to stop at this time.

When the sword aura came out and was hindered by the barrier, the hidden spirit emperor finally reacted, the spirit formation was destroyed, and the figure of the spirit emperor was also revealed. The vast empire spirit emperor in a yellow robe waved his hand to the size of the back door. He pulled out his huge sword, and it swept across Huo Hai. The purple sword aura above the sword made Huo Hai's eyes widened.

"Purple sword aura, this is the symbol of Changhong Jingtian." The second layer of Luoxia Sword Art, Changhong Jingtian, merges the differentiated sword energy one after another. At this time, the original purple sword energy will turn purple.

As a sword swept across, Huo Hai’s sword air was smashed, but in a hurry, the Spirit Sovereign of the Haotu Empire was also shaken back several steps. The surrounding area was waiting for those who were ready to ambush Huo Hai, received this force. The impact of, coupled with the backlash of the spirit array, the final result, under this force, many people were shocked to death on the spot.

"Who are you, wait, Luoxia Jianqi, you are Huo Hai, I didn't expect you to break through." Seeing Huo Hai, everyone in the Haotu Empire was shocked, and those injured couldn't help but face Looking over here, I forgot to hide.

Huo Hai nodded: "Yes, it's me. Haven't you been looking for me all the time? I didn't expect that this time the Great Land Empire would send a Spirit Emperor to ambush me. When will the Great Land Empire's Spirit Emperor Capital? It's so mean."

The master of the Haotu Empire snorted coldly: "Boy, don't be profitable, the old man Haoyun, the seventh-generation emperor of the Haotu Empire, as an old man, how can he ambush you as a junior, even if you break through the spirit? The emperor is destined to not be the opponent of the old man. You should follow the old man obediently, or ask the old man to invite you to go."

Huo Hai sneered: "I found that people in your vast empire are just as idiots as you. If this is the case, I have heard this young master many times. If you have the ability, you can come and catch me." The sword shook.

I was frightened by this old guy before, but Huo Hai thought about it and finally figured it out. This old guy is not using the authentic Luoxia sword technique. The reason why he can cultivate to purple sword aura is not the Luoxia sword technique itself. Caused.

What he cultivated was also a simplified and modified version, but it was only possible to achieve this level because of the powerful spiritual power blessings. If he really used the Luoxia sword technique, Hao Yun might not be as strong as his own.

"Good boy, you are the most daring old man I have seen for so many years." Haoyun is not angry, or after living for so many years, he has already passed the age when he gets angry when he encounters small things. , Huo Hai is also a spirit emperor now, the two are essentially the same, there is nothing wrong with Huo Hai talking to him like this.

At least Haoyun himself does not feel insulted. The giant sword in his hand slowly rises. The image of such a middle-aged man, tall and thin, but using such a giant sword is a kind of violation. Sense of.

Of course, Huo Hai does not really think that Hao Yun is a middle-aged man because of his appearance. In Huo Hai’s induction, Hao Yun in front of him is clearly over a thousand years old. Think of the seventh in the Haotu Empire. The emperor on behalf of the emperor knows, this old guy may be more than two thousand years old, the spiritual master is indeed completely different from normal people.

But after living for so many years, if Haoyun didn't continue to break through, his lifespan might not be far from the end. Even if he could live until now, it was caused by Haoyun using a lot of life-prolonging pills.

Normal spiritual emperor realm masters, before breaking through the fourth level, can live for a thousand years is already very good, only the great power such as the great land empire can be so extravagant to give these people a large amount of life-prolonging medicine.

Of course, this kind of pill cannot be eaten indefinitely, especially the life-enhancing pill. If you take almost one or two pills, the same pill will be useless. The resistance of this kind of pill is all pills. The strongest kind of medicine. When there is nothing to eat, these people are faced with a choice. Either go to other places to try their luck, or they can only wait to die.

Hao Yun seemed to be in the second situation, staying in the vast empire and waiting for death. Of course, he didn't wait for death completely. It can be seen from the fact that he is still pursuing a higher level of cultivation, but now it happens to be a good opportunity.

If they can get the inheritance of the Tianhui ancestors, maybe they will have the opportunity to break through the existing coolness and reach a higher level. Then, the life span will naturally be prolonged, and even the previous generation of drug resistance can be Clean up some.

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