Evil Insect God

Chapter 958: Send away

In time for the Spirit Sovereign master, the injury of a broken limb is not minor, and the value of the pill that can restore the broken limb is definitely not the value of ordinary people. Huo Hai knows that this kind of pill is only Yaowangmen and Dan. The Xia faction can be refined.

Moreover, there are only two sects who can refine two kinds of pill, and there are only a few spiritual emperor realm masters. The materials are said to be relatively simple, but this type of recovery pill also has different levels. It is necessary to restore the spiritual emperor realm masters. For the limbs, you can only use materials of mid-level, prefecture-level materials. The material level is too low to function at all.

This time Chen Feng wanted to recover his severed arm. I am afraid that it would cost a lot. After asking what happened here, Chen Feng found a place to sit down on his own, and then began to treat his wounds carefully.

Fortunately, Chen Feng mainly used swordsmanship. As long as his right hand was still there, although he would damage his own strength, the damage was not significant.

"Huo Hai, now that everyone is here, you should be able to open the hall at the back. If you can't do it, we won't spare you lightly." Haoyun saw the last person also come, eyes tight Staring at Huo Hai.

Upon hearing this, other people also looked at Huo Hai. Chen Feng, who was dealing with the wound, stagnated and then recovered, but most of his attention was also focused on Huo Hai.

Huo Hai smiled indifferently: "Even if you want to open it, at least you have to wait for everyone to recover. Senior Chen has just arrived and has been injured. You don't intend to take advantage of Senior Chen. Besides, it is not complete. Recovery." Huo Hai's performance has always been very normal, but no one present dared to guess easily, who knows what Huo Hai is thinking.

"You don't need to use such a low-level provocation method. Only you and Brother Haoyun are the strongest. If you say the most difficult thing, then it must be you." Han Ying looked at Huo Hai and said nothing. , He is not afraid of Huo Hai.

Huo Hai thought for a while, and then said: "Why not wait another three days, I will take three days to adjust the state, there should be no problem." When everyone heard Huo Hai's words, they looked at each other, and then nodded in agreement. Up.

Three days are not long, and Huo Hai is absolutely unable to play any tricks under the surveillance of everyone. Besides, they also need time to adjust. Previously, in order to recover quickly, everyone used various methods, but in fact , All people have not really recovered to the peak, there are three days to adjust, which is better.

Chen Feng also breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was devoted to kendo, Chen Feng was also very interested in the things in the rear hall. If it is valuable, it is also very good to exchange some things that he needs with others.

Of course, everyone knows that the long sword in Huo Hai’s hands has been destroyed at this time. Even if they can take out other long swords, they are not as good as the weapons that have reached the mid-level in their hands. It seems that delaying time is right. Your own benefits are greater.

Huo Hai also breathed a sigh of relief when everyone was relieved. Huo Hai himself did not fully recover, but it would definitely not take three days. The spirit was as early as before, and he was almost restored, and his mental exhaustion disappeared. Trace, next, only need less than a day of recuperation is enough, the rest of the time, it is natural to prepare the means to deal with these people.

Three days later, Huo Hai seems to have been sitting in the same place and never moved. Everyone believes that under their gaze, Huo Hai will not even think about playing tricks. Besides, there is no spirit insect around. nor.

As early as when Haoyun arrived, Huo Hai had already recovered all the spirit worms. He didn't want these people to injure his spirit worms, "Your Excellency Huo Hai, the time for three days has come, is it possible to start? ."

Hearing Qiu Mu’s words, Huo Hai got up and said, “Yes, it’s time to start. Are you ready?” Seeing everyone nodded, Huo Hai said again: “In this case, then everyone stands on the square. Spiritual energy is poured into the stone platform below to weaken the seal, so that the restrictions of the hall can be opened by special means."

Everyone heard this, although it was a little strange, but they did not refute it. There are so many spiritual formations in the world, it is impossible for them to know all of them. Soon, everyone stood on the square, and even the position of the station was messy.

Believe in this way, Huo Hai is even more unlikely to have any means to deal with them. When he left here, Hao Yun sneered in his heart. It was Huo Hai’s death at that time. Everyone tried to inject spiritual power into the ground, and suddenly, The spiritual power was absorbed by the ground. Seeing this situation, everyone was even more sure that Huo Hai did not speak nonsense.

Then, everyone began to infuse their spiritual power with all their strength, and Huo Hai sneered at this moment: "It's a group of idiots, so easy to be fooled, I don't know how beautiful your expressions will be later." In this regard, Huo Hai is already very good. look forward to.

In fact, in the previous two days, almost all of Huo Hai’s energy was spent on the memory of the heavenly soul ancestors about the secret realm spirit formation. This spirit formation was created by the heavenly soul ancestor himself, and he naturally understood all the secret control methods. .

There are good treasures in the hall at the back, but there is no way out. The real way out is actually the huge square in front of you. The entire square is a spiritual formation for teleportation.

The spirit array itself uses special materials, and it also has the purpose of absorbing spiritual power to resist destructive attacks. It can naturally absorb their spiritual power. According to the standards of the peak of the spiritual emperor, a few spiritual emperors, the infusion of this spiritual power is fundamental It's not a big deal, it's a good thing to just use their spiritual power to supplement the opening of the spiritual formation.

At this time, Huo Hai took out the previous pointer dagger, and under his mind control, the dagger just hit the barrier in front. Huo Hai slowly made handprints one by one with his hands, and the runes flew out with the vision.

The barrier of the main hall in front, after being touched by the rune, began to fluctuate strangely. Seeing this scene, everyone immediately worked harder, and the way out and the treasures inside were about to be seen by themselves.

At this moment, Huo Hai smiled weirdly, a peculiar rune suddenly penetrated into the ground. I don't know when, a faint rune appeared underground. These runes formed a very complicated spiritual formation.

When Huo Hai’s runes penetrated underground, a powerful force suddenly emerged from the square. Under the feet of the five masters, the runes flowed, forming five apertures. The apertures produced a spiritual shield, Individuals were locked tightly in the middle, and the sudden change made a few people feel bad in their hearts.

"Your Excellency, what do you mean, do you intend to break the contract?" Han Ying stared at Huo Hai, and the cold air in his hand had been released to the light shield next to him. Unfortunately, the cold air he emitted was directly absorbed by the light shield and did not cause any waves. .

Others also tried this light shield one after another, and found that they could not leave, even the Spirit Sovereign, they couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "What else can you do, what you want to do, in fact I want to do what I want to do, what a pity, the spirit circle here is not lethal, you don't have to worry, here I can't kill you."

After hearing the words, everyone was finally relieved. If Huo Hai could really use such a powerful spirit formation to do something against himself, they would not be sure to survive. In fact, Huo Hai was also very depressed. I don't know why, the whole spirit formation is not a bit. The ability to attack, even if it is a whirlpool from the outside world, is just an auxiliary attack, a passive kill.

Otherwise, Huo Hai would have used this spirit formation to kill these people on the spot, "Brother, what are you going to do with someone else's house, and let your sister come out, OK, sister will definitely repay you."

After hearing the words, everyone around me felt goose bumps on her body, and the blood spider woman started to feel numb again. How old is this woman and she is still pretending to be tender here, which is really disgusting.

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "You don't need to test it. I don't have the ability to hold you down for a long time, but there is no problem if I send you away." Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"Boy, what do you mean, the teleportation location is here." Hao Yun reacted first.

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "That's right, it's a pity that there is no reward. Forget it, don't talk nonsense with you, you guys go slowly." With that, Huo Hai's hands made handprints faster. From the beginning, Huo Hai's handprints were used The barrier of the front defensive light shield that opened the teleportation spirit formation was just Huo Hai's mental stimulation, causing it to fluctuate.

This method is only known to the ancestor of the sky soul. Now that Huo Hai has somehow swallowed the soul of the ancestor of the sky soul, he can naturally use this secret method. Now Huo Hai's soul power has been greatly improved.

Otherwise, it is really not easy to stimulate the defense barrier so easily, and the things that trapped these people before are not really used to trap people, on the contrary, this is a means to protect.

The spirit array can send all people out through any location in the Fallen Soul Marsh, but the exit is the vortex of the Fallen Soul Marsh. If there is no protection, people with insufficient strength will definitely be swallowed by the vortex. This barrier protects The ability is very powerful, even the average Lingdi realm master cannot easily break through it.

Huo Hai turned a deaf ear to the sounds around him, and printed his handprints one by one. Finally, the teleportation spell was completed.

With the completion of the last handprint, five rays of light on the square rose into the sky, and then disappeared without a trace. In the end, only Huo Hai was left on the square. It was only at this moment that Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief.

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