Evil Insect God

Chapter 959: Inside the hall

Although he had already sent the person away, Huo Hai still did not dare to relax. He quickly made handprints one by one with his hands, displaying the spells in the memory of the Heavenly Soul ancestors. This was to change the rules of the spiritual formation.

The first thing to do is to completely close the entrance here. Huo Hai already knows that the key to entering here is not only one in his own hands. In order to attract people from outside, he issued a lot. The key, this key has no other use except being able to bring people into it and open the spiritual circle to seize the house.

No one can count on the usefulness of these low-grade items of quality. Just now Huo Hai took out the pointer of the dagger, but he was just fooling these people. Now Huo Hai closed the entrance and couldn't enter even if he held the key.

This place, after all, was a secret realm that the Heavenly Soul ancestor spent almost all his savings to build, how could the Heavenly Soul ancestor allow others to control it at will, and after a while, he closed the secret realm door, and Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, what Huo Hai adjusted was the number of spewing soul crystals. After all the falling soul crystals were absorbed, they would all be spewed out, but this thing is a very precious resource after all, and Huo Hai does not want to People from the outside world thought about it for a while, and Huo Hai finally decided that he would spit out the Crystal of Falling Soul in the future, only half the output.

If it is too few to attract enough people to come and die, Huo Hai knows that these Falling Soul Crystals rely on the souls of the creatures that died here. After the transformation of the spiritual formation, they can form over time.

If no one came to die, wouldn't the output of the Falling Soul Crystals here have to be cut off, but now, apart from the large number of spiritual creatures here, there is no Falling Soul Crystals in the entire secret realm.

After thinking about it, Huo Hai feels it's fine. Just ignore this and continue to adjust the spirit formation. Originally, Huo Hai planned to reduce the vortex, or even close it, but after thinking about it for a long time, these vortices are not very strong for killing people. , But it's still useful after all. Besides, if you really close all the whirlpools, you will soon be discovered by people outside.

Once that happens, the Haotu Empire and several other people will naturally mobilize a large number of people to find themselves, which is not a good thing for Hou Huo Hai, and it will be even more troublesome if these people directly occupy here.

After thinking about it, Huo Hai still maintained the existence of the vortex, and did not even change the position of these vortexes. After the entire spirit formation was adjusted, Huo Hai was also relieved a lot, and then Huo Hai placed his gaze on the hall behind him.

In his memory, the ancestor of the heavenly soul only stored the source spirit treasure that he needs to use in the future, but Huo Hai really doesn’t know what kind of source spirit treasure he will use in the future. This thing is probably for him. It is useless, even if the source spirit spirit treasure is good, can it be comparable to his own source spirit spirit treasure? Huo Hai didn't believe it at all.

At the beginning, Huo Hai used a large number of golden silkworms that reached the heavenly level Yuanling Lingbao to create his own Yuanling Lingbao. Even if this thing did not exceed the sky level, in Huo Hai’s heart, I’m afraid Has also reached the peak of the sky level.

Coming to the entrance of the main hall, Huo Hai quickly found a disc: "This is it, the ancestor of the heavenly soul is really cautious."

As he said, Huo Hai put his hand in the disc. This disc is the real key to unlock the hall, and the method of opening is purely broken spiritual power. Except for the ancestor of the heavenly soul, unless someone can The research on the soul is comparable to that of the Heavenly Soul Ancestor, otherwise it would be impossible to open it, and the Heavenly Soul Ancestor also didn't want the contents to be ruined by people before he was resurrected.

Huo Hai carefully mobilized his mental power, and then adjusted it little by little. The mental power followed his palm, and then began to fluctuate strangely. At this time, the mental power was fluctuating according to a very peculiar rhythm. .

The mental power was constantly vibrating, and the disk's floating increase was finally applied to the barrier around the entire hall. The barrier continued to fluctuate, the fluctuations became stronger and stronger, and there was a kind of resonance between faintly.

This kind of resonance reminded Huo Hai of theories about amplitude. However, does the mental power also have amplitude? Huo Hai was puzzled. The constantly vibrating barrier made Huo Hai gradually understand the essence of the barrier. Although there is spiritual power, there is not much spiritual power, just a little on the surface. The main body that really constitutes the barrier is spiritual power.

These spiritual powers are extremely pure, and they contain a very strong willpower. This will belongs to the will of the ancestors of the heavenly soul and the will of the ancestors of the Tianhu. With the help of the spirit formation, it can exist for such a long time. Over time, Huo Hai did not find the three top powers in the memory of the ancestor of the heavenly soul, or even had no impression at all.

This shows that when the Heavenly Soul Ancestor came here, the three top powers were either not established, or were still at a very weak stage. This shows how long the Heavenly Soul Ancestor has stayed here.

I don’t know how long it took, the vibrating barrier that was becoming more and more fierce suddenly burst open, and a wave of violent power spread out in an instant. Even Huo Hai was blown back by this power a few steps. Stand firm.

When this wave of power disappeared, Huo Hai finally discovered that the barrier of the entire hall had completely disappeared at this time. Upon seeing this, Huo Hai's face was extremely excited, "Haha, I don't know what's inside." Huo Hai is not. I believe that the ancestor of the heavenly soul will only put a source spirit spirit treasure in it, if there is no good Dingxi, wouldn't it have corrupted the ancestor of the heavenly soul.

Even if the ancestor of the Heavenly Soul consumes most of his wealth in order to establish this place, it is impossible for him to have nothing left. Huo Hai quickly walked into it, and the first thing he saw was the accumulation in front of the hall.

These things are piled up here like rubbish. Perhaps in the eyes of the ancestors of the soul, these are indeed some rubbish. Many things are low-grade and middle-grade. They have been here for such a long time. Has been damaged.

Even some of the pill can't resist the erosion of the years at this time. Even the bottle of the pill is not kept, let alone the contents. Even if it is intact, the quality has dropped a lot.

There are also some weapons here. Many of them are scarred by themselves. In addition, they are basically unusable after they have been placed for too long. Fortunately, some of them are intact, but they can still exist here. After all, there are ground-level quality items. With the power of blessing and protection, Huo Hai rummaged through the pile of things, and finally drew a black long sword from it.

"It's not bad, it's mid-level, and it's still usable." Huo Hai was very happy when he saw this long sword. His long sword can't keep up with his use and has been destroyed by himself. He originally planned to go out. I will find another one later.

Unexpectedly, I found a suitable one here. Although it seems to be inferior to the quality of the giant sword in Haoyun's hand, Huo Hai uses a long sword in its own right, so naturally he will not use other things. After swiping a few times, Huo Hai felt very comfortable, a sword pierced quickly, the sword light split, and the sword energy sprayed out one after another.

In the end, he actually gave out nine sword qi directly, "Nine swords at a time, haha, finally reached." Since the last time I found a way to improve, after a long period of training, plus previous battles, and the kind of for Haoyun Comprehension of special secrets.

Huo Hai's own swordsmanship finally reached the level of nine swords once. Unfortunately, Huo Hai's use of the nine swords at this time was still a bit far-fetched and a bit blunt. The swordsmanship he displayed did not reach the level of consummation.

Only after reaching the level of Consummation, can I have the opportunity to cultivate Changhong to shake the sky, but anyway, now my own glow is overflowing, and finally reached the peak stage, after a sword, Huo Hai is even more happy. I believe that after I go out, my own The strength can be improved soon, but it is a pity that the speed at which the star core is polished is not very fast.

Up to now, eighty-one perfect star nuclei in Huo Hai's body have been polished to the extreme by Huo Hai, but there are only a handful of three. It seems that the next step is to accelerate the speed of polishing the star nuclei.

I sorted out the garbage on the ground, and then threw it into the inner space. Perhaps for the ancestors of the sky soul, the items that did not reach the peak of the earth level are all garbage, but for Huo Hai, these things are Good thing, even if it was a mid-level sword of prefecture-level quality, Huo Hai found two, one of which is currently used by Huo Hai.

I believe that with this long sword, when facing Haoyun again, he will not be so constrained, even if the other party uses a special entanglement secret method, Huo Hai now has a certain degree of escape.

After finishing packing things, Huo Hai continued to walk inside. On the walls around the main hall, Huo Hai found a lot of reliefs. When Huo Hai took a closer look at these reliefs, he found that they were all kinds of war spirit art, these war spirit art, Although it can't be compared with the cultivation of the Celestial Soul ancestors themselves, it is very complete. Even the battle spirit art of the earth-level high-grade, there is no lack of it here.

"Could it be that the ancestor of the heavenly soul knows that he will lose some memories after he seizes the house, so he will leave a record of these things here." Huo Hai thought slightly and probably understood something.

After all, after he swallowed the opponent’s soul, he also found that the opponent’s memory was incomplete, and there were a lot of incompleteness. Comparing the memory and these reliefs, Huo Hai discovered that many of the incomplete Lingjue and Lingjue in the memory were actually supplemented. These things, any of them, are enough to let many big forces break the battle for the head.

At the end of the main hall, Huo Hai finally found some battle spirit tactics that the Heavenly Soul ancestor himself had cultivated. These spirit tactics can still only be used for reference to Huo Hai, but the quality of these spirit tactics is definitely the pinnacle of the earth level.

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