Evil Insect God

Chapter 964: No way to escape

Coming out of the sphere of light, Huo Hai smiled slightly: "Blood spider, we meet again." At this time, feeling the breath of the blood spider, although the cultivation base is a second-level spirit emperor, it should not be too high after the breakthrough.

It can be said that apart from the fact that the level of cultivation is a little higher than himself, the blood spider is far inferior to him in all aspects. This is why Huo Hai still dares to look for blood after Huo Hai’s own main battle spirit worm has entered the metamorphosis state. The real reason for spider troubles, but killing blood spiders may be a little troublesome.

After thinking about it, Huo Hai secretly summoned Xiao Shui, and then blended it into the ground below. After controlling the entire spiritual formation, Huo Hai could clearly feel the position of all the vortices, and even temporarily closed the local vortices.

"Hey, it turned out to be Brother Huo, why, meeting someone alone, is it interesting to them, or else, sister will play with you." The blood spider put on a seductive look, and the charm continued to exude .

Now that the spiritual power has increased, after Huo Hai’s divine imperial art has absorbed enough spiritual power, it has also been raised to the point where it is close to the limit at the current stage. Not to mention the blood spider’s current charm art, even if it is ten times stronger, I am afraid that it will not be able to help Huo today. Hai, the mental fluctuations were easily resisted by Huo Hai's barrier of Divine Imperial Art, and the entire barrier did not even produce a trace of fluctuations.

Divine Imperial Art is worthy of an auxiliary type of war spirit art. Huo Hai himself doesn't know what the limit of this thing is. Most auxiliary war spirit art have limits, but before reaching the limit, they will not make people feel at all. Where is the true limit.

The blood spider look is even more seductive: "Brother is really ruthless, how can this be done? Are you going to play with others here, sitting on the floor in the open air, or brother, you like this kind of tune." Then, the blood spider also added himself One of his shoulders was exposed, his body leaned forward, and his charm was even stronger. Unfortunately, it was still a long way from Huo Hai.

Looking at the white shoulders of the blood spider, Huo Hai smiled slightly: "Your conditions are good, but unfortunately you are far worse than my wife. I have no interest at all for an old lady like you." Huo Hai's eyes were full of irony.

At this time, even the blood spider's complexion couldn't help but change. I didn't expect Huo Hai's concentration to be so strong. In addition to being called an old lady, the blood spider's heart was full of anger, and immediately, the blood spider's complexion returned to normal. .

The blood spider twisted his waist, like a water snake, "Brother is really, he said so unbearable, people will not accompany you to the end if you are like this, it is better to let my little friend accompany you to play. "

Following the words of the blood spider, Huo Hai discovered that some red spiders actually crawled towards him at some point below, until a spider bit him, Huo Hai realized that it was because toxins entered the body and caused himself Spontaneous detoxification, otherwise, Huo Hai hadn't noticed the movements of these spiders until now.

"Huh, it is really insidious." Huo Hai snorted coldly, his whole body was shocked, and all the spiders around him were shaken to death. At this time, Huo Hai discovered that the strength of these red spiders had actually reached the realm of the spirit king.

Under the control of the blood spiders, these spiders came to them silently, and they were able to isolate their perception of the blood spiders. Only after they were recruited did they realize that they were attacked, although these spiders were just In the realm of the Spirit King, this toxin is extremely terrifying. I am afraid that a normal Spirit King is poisoned, and it is impossible to do nothing at all.

Using spiders so flexibly, who is the Gu Master? How does Huo Hai feel that the blood spider is more like a Gu Master than himself. At this time Huo Hai has determined that this blood spider is indeed an insect spiritualist, a real insect Spiritualist.

"Isn't it said that there are few insect spiritualists in the Molian domain, and there are no masters? What is going on with this person." Huo Hai cursed in his heart, and some rumors really couldn't be believed. The blood spiders used the spider's methods to achieve a superb level. Degree.

Huo Hai is sure that the origin of blood spiders must have something to do with controlling spiders, otherwise it is impossible to reach this level. You must know that Huo Hai himself uses the refining array to directly control the spirit worms, and the spirit worms themselves have a lot of High IQ may not be able to reach this level, Huo Hai looked at the blood spider's eyes, becoming more and more solemn.

"Brother, what's the matter with you? Why are your complexion so ugly? Don't be anxious." The blood spider raised his hands with a charming smile, and the two red lusters called against Huo Hai. The whole movement was without a trace. The smell of fireworks.

However, Huo Hai still felt how terrifying these two attacks of blood spiders were. If he was really paralyzed by the spider toxin, now these two attacks fell on him, I am afraid that even if he is protected by four dragon shadows, The injury is also certain. In the previous battle, the blood spider had never used such a powerful attack ability.

It is a pity that the toxicity of the red spider has no effect on Huo Hai. The anti-toxicity that Huo Hai himself obtained from Xiaojin is not threatening by ordinary toxins. With a wave of Huo Hai's right hand, two sword auras were emitted.

The purple sword aura hit two red shadows in the air. The two powers actually canceled out completely and were able to compete with their own swords. This attack method was really extraordinary. After the two soft sounds, two things fell from it. .

Huo Hai took a serious look. The thing that was dropped seemed to be two teeth. It seemed that they should be the teeth after the mutation and enlargement of the scarlet spider, and there were terrible poison on them. In comparison, my own Gu Master is really incompetent, "Do you have any other means, just use it."

Seeing that Huo Hai was okay, the blood spider's eyes were fluctuating, unexpectedly immune to his own toxins, and his own assassin had no effect. Looking at the two gaped spider teeth on the ground, the blood spider's eyes were full of distress.

This was a mutant spider tooth that she had finally cultivated. It took ten years for these two teeth. If it weren't for the pressure on her by Huo Hai, the blood spider would really be reluctant to use it.

Afterwards, the blood spider put away his distressed eyes. In this place, it is not easy to escape. If you run into a fierce beast in the spirit emperor realm, it will be more troublesome to strike back and forth. She is different from Huo Hai. It is very normal for the beasts to seize the opportunity to attack if they run around to hide the best beasts.

Regardless of how the Spirit Sovereign realm masters can walk in the air, the height of the air travel is actually limited. Huo Hai has also tried it himself. With his own ability, he can rise to an altitude of more than one kilometer at most. It is better to use the stars. Gu rose higher.

For a second-level spirit emperor like the blood spider, it would be nice to be able to leave the height of 500 meters. Five hundred meters is nothing to the spirit emperor master. He was discovered by the fierce beast below, and he didn't even want to escape. The blood spider was also helpless.

"Brother is really ruthless, how can you throw other people's gifts on the ground? People are sad, and you have to pay me." The blood spider acted like a baby to Huo Hai, and showed his other shoulder. The clothes were loose, and the belts were slowly opened, as if they could take off the blood spider's clothes with just one effort.

With the enchantment method activated by the blood spider's spiritual power, the average person may not be able to bear it, but Huo Hai is a master of God's imperial arts after all. Seeing the blood spider's appearance, there is only some appreciation in his heart, and appreciation of art. The same product.

I have to say that the appearance of the blood spider is really good. If it were placed in a previous life, I am afraid it would be popular all over the world without makeup. Huo Hai shook his head, which is really a pity. The woman in front of me is not a good thing.

"Blood spider, you don't have to work so hard. If you can't come up with the ability to escape today, it's your death date." Huo Hai's eyes were slightly narrowed, the light in his hand flickered, and a jet black long sword appeared in his hand. This long sword was nothing special at all, but the moment he saw the long sword, the blood spider's pupils shrank.

"Really, you really got a lot of treasures in the secret realm. You don't blame you for taking away their treasures, and it's so ruthless to them." The blood spider was tempted on the surface, but in his heart was bitter.

Huo Hai didn't have a long sword of mid-level quality before, otherwise he would have used it. Now, the breath on this long sword, the blood spider really feels a little bit, and he knows that this long sword is at least the emperor. Above level six.

With this long sword, Huo Hai’s combat effectiveness and lethality are much stronger than before. In addition, Huo Hai has now fully adapted to his spiritual power, and it seems that there is still a big improvement. If this fight, he It is definitely not an opponent. If the previous toxin attack was okay, unfortunately the toxin is useless, and the blood spider has no good way now.

"Is this your last words? I think about my baby till I die." Huo Hai was full of sarcasm, and the charm of the blood spider had been used to the extreme. Without the power of charm, the blood spider itself would not pose any threat to Huo Hai. Up.

The long sword in his hand is slowly raised, the purple sword aura has filled the body of the sword, and the long sword has been dyed purple. With the blessing of the long sword, the purple sword is even more powerful. You can take a look from a distance. , There is a feeling of being pierced.

"Brother is too ruthless. People just want to get close to them." As he said, the blood spider suddenly turned and the clothes on his body fell off, but the clothes just fell off, but suddenly they began to grow strangely. In a blink of an eye, Huo Hai's clothes completely enveloped the surroundings, Huo Hai let out a cold snort, and quickly swung the long sword in his hand a few times.

Sword Qi was emitted, and the weird cloth in front of him was smashed into pieces by the Sword Qi, but the shattered clothes exuded some weird gas, "It's highly poisonous again, really a poisonous spider." Huo Hai snorted disdainfully. Immediately rushed to the front.

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