Evil Insect God

Chapter 965: origin

Although the poison on this weird piece of clothing was stronger than the poison on the red spiders before, it was the same species after all. Huo Hai, who had been poisoned before, already had a strong resistance.

Coupled with his own powerful strength and his own terrifying ability to detoxify himself, even if there is no Xiaojin by his side, Huo Hai doesn't care about this toxicity. He directly passed through the poisonous fog and chased the blood spider.

But when Huo Hai passed through the hole, he found that the blood spider was looking at him with a smile. With the help of the cover of the clothes, the blood spider not only did not escape, but also held a very strange handprint, the spell of the blood spider. Very strange, but in any case, the magical power cannot be underestimated, and a large number of spider silks suddenly appeared around him to entangle him.

At this time, Huo Hai discovered that there were a lot of small spiders on the clothes that had just grown bigger. In fact, they had just enlarged the clothes and threw them out, not to escape, but to cover up the spell of the blood spider.

Although the clothes on the blood spiders were taken off, they were just one piece outside. At this time, the blood spiders were still dressed up as they were just now. There was no change in the clothes, only the color of the clothes changed a little.

"Huh, use spider silk to deal with people. I have used this trick many times a long time ago." Huo Hai sneered, and his left hand also made a handprint. The blood spider uses spider silk and Huo Hai is different. Huo Hai only has a silver bead. , Therefore, with the help of his own special original power, he can directly control the spider silk that has just been created, and silver beads are rarely used before.

The blood spider is different. She can't control the spider silk, but can only control the spider. Although these spider silks are powerful, they are very messy. After being sent out by the spider, even the spider itself can barely guide it.

"Catch it." Seeing that the spider silk has enveloped Huo Hai, the blood spider's complexion is immediately happy. As long as the spider silk can wrap Huo Hai, the blood spider can rely on the blood spider to strengthen the spider silk and capture Huo Hai. .

In this way, not only would he not have to die, but he could also take Huo Hai back for business and get what he needed, but the next moment, the blood spider's face changed, "How is this possible." The spider silk that was about to close. , Suddenly under the influence of a strange force, the spider silk broke away from the control of the spiders and spread strangely to the outside world.

The spider silk produced by the blood spider actually entangled the spiders themselves. Before they could let it go, Huo Hai stepped on his feet, and the whole person got out of the exit. The long sword in his hand pointed at the blood spider in front of him.

Feeling this fierce sword aura, the blood spider's face was pale, and the two were not far apart now. If they turned around and escaped, there would be absolutely no place to bury them. They instinctively raised both hands and blocked Huo Hai's long sword.

"Puff" the long sword into the flesh, pierced the left hand of the blood spider, and sprayed the blood like a fountain. Huo Hai, who did not expect this to happen, was immediately sprayed with blood. The next moment, Huo Hai felt his body As if on fire, "You actually poisoned your own blood. It's really insidious." Huo Hai took two steps back, his eyes full of vigilance.

The poison this time is different from the last time. Even if it is Huo Hai’s anti-toxicity, it will be affected for a while. Seeing Huo Hai’s appearance, the wounded blood spider smiles, "Brother, You found this yourself."

I quickly dealt with my wound. Don’t look at the sword just hurting the palm of the hand, but the blood spider was injured but not lightly. From the very beginning, the blood spider had already started planning, using special clothes to enlarge it, and adding later spiders Silk is actually to confuse Huo Hai. The blood spider is still vivid in the last time Huo Hai escaped.

Huo Hai was able to control his spider silk. How could blood spiders forget this? From the beginning, blood spiders knew that Huo Hai would definitely not be trapped by these spider silks. Of course, it would be better if he could.

Sure enough, Huo Hai broke through the spider silk, and then because he was relatively close to him, he directly gave himself a sword. The blood spider, which had been counting from the beginning, forced the blood toxins originally condensed in the body directly into the palm of his left hand. With the help of Huo Hai's sword, it was completely sprayed from the wound, and finally, Huo Hai was poisoned.

"Brother, you didn't expect it, my blood spider is a master of poison, but its poison is the most poisonous. I absorb some spider poison every day and condense it in the blood. I just gave it all to you, and I feel pretty good. Right."

The blood spider is panting. These toxins are not ordinary goods. To display all of them, the blood consumption of the blood spider is very serious, and the damage to the body is also very serious. It can be said that it is a great injury.

Then, Huo Hai’s sword energy erupted directly from the wound on his palm and entered the body along the spirit vein. Although the blood spider’s left hand had been processed, this left arm would be completely abolished if it was not treated properly. At this time, the blood spider's vitality was greatly injured, so it was even more afraid to break into the unknown area of ​​the Fallen Soul Swamp.

Huo Hai sneered: "The toxicity is indeed very strong, but unfortunately it is the spider venom." At the beginning, Huo Hai did feel that his whole body was burning like a fire, and the terrifying toxicity spread, causing Huo Hai to fall into danger for a while.

If the blood spider was able to endure the injury and do it to himself, it would definitely be the end of both sides. Unfortunately, the blood spider seemed to be very confident in his blood poison. After giving Huo Hai time, after slowly adapting to it, Huo Hai could finally speak. Up.

"You, how can you still talk, this is impossible." The poison accumulated by the blood spider itself, even if it is poisoned by the spirit emperor above level 4, I am afraid that it may be poisoned to death. Why does the person in front of me have nothing, not only I can speak, and I am constantly moving my wrists and ankles, and my body seems to return to normal bit by bit.

"What's impossible, ordinary poison is useless to me, your poison can hurt me to this level, you can feel proud." Following Huo Hai's words, Huo Hai's body finally recovered quickly .

At this time, the blood spider looked terrified: "You, don't come over, what do you want to do." Seeing Huo Hai walking towards him step by step, the blood spider was badly injured, and even his own spider was almost uncontrollable. How to resist.

"Hmph, an old woman like you, I don't want to lie in front of me, and you don't have to pretend, do you think I haven't seen your little actions? Today I must kill you." The blood spider just panicked, It was just a pretend, and Huo Hai said it bluntly at this time, the blood spider's heart really began to panic, and the other party was not in the middle, and she had nothing to do.

The blood spider looked miserable: "You dare to kill me, the flower owner will not let you go." Upon hearing this, Huo Hai was taken aback.

"Flower owner, wait, you actually said that the flower owner." Huo Hai finally knows what the real origin of this woman is. The entire Molian domain is called the flower owner. I don't know this title.

Had it not been for the intersection with the son of Huazhong Pavilion, Huo Hai really didn’t know the title of flower lord if he had investigated the information of Huazhong Pavilion. Flower lord, lord of flower, is really not a good name. .

"It turns out that you are from Huazhongge. I'm curious. Isn't Huazhongge only a man? Are you a ladyboy." Huo Hai looked up and down at the blood spider. If it was really a personal monster, Huo Hai would be sick. Now, the blood spider put on a seductive look earlier, and he seemed to appreciate it, but Huo Hai felt a little sick when he thought of this.

The blood spider stared: "Brother, you actually know the Huazhong Pavilion. Yes, there are only men in the Huazhong Pavilion, but the men in the Huazhong Pavilion can have their own concubines." The blood spider explained to Huo Hai.

Huo Hai knows that the blood spider is delaying time to restore the power to escape and counterattack, but Huo Hai doesn't care, a blood spider in a small area, if she can come back, then she should not be killed. With the blood spider's explanation, Huo Hai gradually understands Now, most people really don’t know that people in Huazhong Pavilion can have concubines. To put it practically, it’s actually a long-lasting furnace.

The men in the Piaohua Pavilion usually practice the technique of replenishment, and improve their cultivation by harming women, but not all women will be killed. Some of the talents are better, or the Huazhong Pavilion disciples prefer.

It will be collected as a concubine, that is, a special cauldron. At this time, the concubine can learn some special secrets. After practicing to a certain level, it will produce the effect of double cultivation in the legend. Of course, it is obtained by men. The benefits are even greater.

Every time these women perform their work, although their strength will increase a bit later, their vitality will be greatly injured, and Huo Hai guessed that this secret method should have the ability to control, because every concubine will also practice the method of spiritual charm. But no one has ever betrayed his master, and these concubines are also their slaves in a sense.

"I finally know why Huazhongge is so mysterious. It turned out to be like this." Huo Hai nodded. The disciples of Huazhongge rarely leave the sect except hunting for beauty. There are special domestication inside the sect. A batch of human resources.

But those who usually collect resources from the outside world to supply Huazhongge for cultivation, on the contrary, these are the concubines with good cultivation. The people of Huazhongge are really happy, and Huo Hai suddenly has such a feeling.

"With your strength, it shouldn't be an ordinary concubine in Huazhong Pavilion." Huo Hai suddenly asked, even if it is a concubine, reaching the realm of Spirit Sovereign, it is definitely not waiting. Huo Hai does not believe it, Huazhong The pavilion would not take a spirit emperor seriously, but watching the blood spider's hard work, Huo Hai also knew that the blood spider would probably not betray.

Simply, the blood spider is willing to delay time, and will definitely tell himself more.

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