Evil Insect God

Chapter 967: clue

The death of the blood spider made the eyes of the blood spider full of incredible expressions. He did not expect that the last killer he was proud of would actually become like this. Since childhood, the talent of the blood spider has been very terrifying.

Although he became a concubine, blood spiders have shown quite terrifying abilities in the cultivation of spirit insects. A hundred years ago, blood spiders acquired some powerful spider-type insects. After a long period of training, it is only now that they are cultivated. A second-level spirit emperor came out, equal to his own cultivation base, and the blood spider even specially studied a spell for this.

This kind of spell is to bless one's whole body power to the giant spider's body, forcibly strengthen the spider's own cultivation.

This is a desperate spell with very powerful power. After the blessing, the giant spider can even reach the fourth level of the spirit king. This is the confidence of the blood spider. I believe that using this secret method, not many people in the entire Molian domain are themselves Opponent.

If it weren’t for the unusual loyalty to the flower owner, even the blood spider could kill the flower owner with this trick. What I didn’t expect is that today I encountered Nemesis, Huo Hai’s insect control method, so that the giant spider’s power was completely lost. Play it out.

Had it not been for the secret control method that I had imposed in the spirit of the giant spider all the year round, I am afraid that this spider would have rebelled. In the end, he and Huo Hai for control of the spider did not have a victory, but Huo Hai directly killed the spider. The methods were ruined, and the blood spider's heart was cold. It was good to say that he died, but what about the things he said just now.

He died before he died. The blood spider would not regret it, but he told a lot of secrets related to the sect. The blood spider was very self-blaming. At the same time, Huo Hai waved his hand and collected the giant spider's body. Went back.

"Blood spider, do you have any other means? If you don't have it, you're really going to die." Huo Hai didn't intend to continue wasting time, because he knew that the blood spiders nowadays could not ask anything.

In the past, it was only because the blood spider felt that he could definitely put himself to death, so he said so much. Now, don’t expect these diehard people to say something that interests you. Sure enough, after hearing Huo Hai’s words, the blood spider It was just staring at Huo Hai fiercely, with no intention of begging for mercy or being soft.

"Kill if you want to kill, the flower owner will not let you go." Sure enough, Huazhongge is such a brainwashed idiot. Like the guys I met at the beginning, all Huazhongge people seem to take for granted, The flower owner is the strongest person.

Huo Hai snorted coldly: "Blind self-confidence, since this is your last word, I will send you to death. Don't worry, it won't be long before I will let the flower owner accompany you." Huo Hai snorted coldly. Taking a step forward, a sword pierced the blood spider's spiritual source.

Such a person, Huo Hai did not have any thoughts of pitying Yu Yu. The blood spider widened his eyes, as if he wanted to remember the appearance of Huo Hai, and finally fell to the ground with his eyes open. The blood spider had just died, and his spiritual power began to rapidly increase. Emerging from the body, a reddish spider shadow appeared on the blood spider, and then quickly disappeared.

Huo Hai knew that the shadow just now was the original appearance of the blood spider, the spiritual emperor realm master, his own spiritual power is very strong, and after integrating into the will, it is stronger than the power of heaven and earth, and it is slightly different from the normal aura between heaven and earth.

After death, it will take a little bit of time for these spiritual powers to be transformed into the power of the heavens and the earth to be absorbed in the reverse direction under the influence of the heavens and the earth. Therefore, after the death of the spiritual emperor, a ghost of origin will most likely appear on his body.

When the spiritual power is completely dissipated, this phantom will disappear. Huo Hai snorted coldly. The origin of the blood spider is really related to the spider. Fortunately, there is only one blood spider in the spirit emperor realm. Otherwise, who is today? Death is not necessarily true. With powerful spirit worm spirit beasts, worm spiritists and beast spiritists are the strongest types of spiritists.

After confirming that the blood spider was dead, Huo Hai took the blood spider's space ring from his body. As for the blood spider's corpse, although the corpse of the spiritual emperor master had a certain value, it was of no use to Huo Hai now, so he simply threw it away.

But before Huo Hai could start, he suddenly thought of something, "Yes, how can I forget the ossicles." The prototype of the ossicles is a fusion of bone eater and ghost worms. To upgrade, it needs the role of the same level of bones.

The reason for the previous transformation was not that Huo Hai found the spirit emperor-level bones, but that when he was in the secret realm, some of the bone meal of the spirit emperor realm masters remained on the ground. It is precisely because of these that the small bones can be transformed. Bones are still useful for small bones. Thinking of this, Huohesi waved his hand and put away the blood spider's body.

After the ossicles break through, let the ossicles use the blood spider's bones to strengthen and consolidate their own strength. If not, the bones of this body can also let the scorpions show a certain combat effectiveness.

After cleaning up these bones, Huo Hai began to look at the space ring. Sure enough, similar to ordinary people, most of the blood spider space rings are things that only he can use, for example, many materials on spiders.

There are even a lot of dried spiders, and various toxins, perhaps to keep the secrets of the sect, blood spiders do not have any records of spirit art and war spirit art, which makes Huo Hai want to deepen his The idea that the spirit worm understood directly fell through. The blood spider was the first powerful worm spiritist he encountered, and Huo Hai was a little depressed.

The resources that blood spiders usually collect are all sent back to the Huazhong Pavilion, so the spirit crystals on the blood spiders are very rare, but the number of fallen soul crystals collected during this period is very considerable.

Huo Hai picked it up at will, and these things can be useful to bring back, "Strange, what is this." Suddenly, Huo Hai found a very strange piece of paper in the space ring. There is actually some text on it.

"Is this the way to enter Huazhong Pavilion? That's how it is, I understand." Huo Hai narrowed his eyes slightly. He finally knew how to enter Huazhong Pavilion. The teleportation formation that Huazhong Pavilion entered was just this month. It opens at the end of the month. At this time, it is only less than ten days before the end of the month. It seems that if he doesn't come out, the blood spider is about to leave.

"Let me see how strong your Huazhong Pavilion is." With Huo Hai's current strength, it is not impossible to deal with Huazhong Pavilion. The blood spider is very strong, the flower owner of Huazhong Pavilion. It should be stronger, but it's not as strong as anywhere.

From what the blood spider said earlier, Huo Hai can indeed infer a little, and it seems that in the entire Huazhong Pavilion, there are at most two Spirit Sovereign masters, one is the blood spider and the other is the flower master. As for whether there are any hidden masters. Huo Hai didn't know, "Dare to do something to my family, Huazhongge, I will destroy you this time." Huo Hai said coldly.

Once the spirit formation was activated again, Huo Hai quickly jumped into a whirlpool, and instantly returned to the Secret Realm Square. Inside the Secret Realm Hall, Huo Hai observed the swamp, and as before, Chen Feng and Qiu Mu had already left.

The remaining Han Ying and Hao Yun are not something he can deal with casually. Not only that, there are other spiritual emperor realm masters near these two teams. If they do it, they will attract prying eyes from these people, and it will be even more troublesome.

Huo Hai had already seen how Hao Yun used various benefits to get other Spirit Emperors to help him deal with him. He shook his head, and his strength was still not enough. Forget it, first deal with Huazhong Pavilion.

Huo Hai punched handprints with both hands to activate the spirit formation, and was once again enveloped by the light of the spirit formation. When coming out of the whirlpool, Huo Hai was already very close to the edge of the Falling Soul Swamp. There was no one around this place, naturally. No one would find Huo Hai's location. The ball of light flew out of the whirlpool and landed next to it. The light trembled a few times, and finally shattered.

Huo Hai lifted his hat, and the whole person was shrouded. He walked directly in the air with his footsteps. People on the road saw Huo Hai from a distance, and knew that he was a master of the Spirit Sovereign realm, and no one dared to look for him. trouble.

At the edge, there is no powerful vortex, nor a fierce beast that has reached the realm of the spirit emperor. If Huo Hai wants to come out, there will be no difficulty. This time the goal is a barren mountain between Piaohua Pavilion and Falling Soul Swamp.

Huo Hai suspects that the true location of the Huazhong Pavilion is probably not far from this barren mountain. It's just that Huo Hai doesn't know where it is. Maybe no one in the entire Molian domain knows it, if it wasn't for the blood spider. A master in the spirit emperor realm, conceited his strength and did not destroy that piece of paper, and ordinary people would never carry such things.

Of course, this is also the reason why the blood spider didn't think of it, otherwise this thing would have been destroyed long ago. Leaving the Falling Soul Swamp, Huo Hai marched all the way. At Huo Hai's current speed, it was simply not comparable to before.

After reaching the designated position, Huo Hai quietly hid it, "It's still early, let's break through first." Huo Hai felt himself. At this time, the polishing of the crystal nucleus was very close to the extreme, and it would take about two days at the earliest. Time is enough.

Near the barren mountain, some handsome men and beauties have gathered here, feeling the breath of these people from a distance, and Huo Hai already knows that these people are not the disciples of Huazhongge, or the concubines of Huazhongge disciples. , Huo Hai didn't pay too much attention, and it was impossible to open the teleportation array if time was short, "Let you live a few more days first."

Huo Hai closed his eyes, hidden in the distance, polishing his spiritual power, the person who came to Huazhong Pavilion did not even reach the peak of the Spirit King, let alone a master of the Spirit King realm, how could such a person be possible Huo Hai was discovered.

In an instant, two days passed. Huo Hai cruelly drained the power condensed in the soul-gathering spar during this time, and only then polished his last star core to the extreme. Otherwise, how could it be in two days? enough.

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