Evil Insect God

Chapter 968: sneak into

Enduring distress and exhausting the power inside the soul gathering spar, Huo Hai finally polished the last star core to the extreme within two days, and the light of the surrounding stars slowly gathered and finally enveloped it.

If it weren’t for the worry that Huazhongge’s strength surpassed his imagination, Huo Hai would not be so anxious. After the last star core reached its limit, Huo Hai’s foundation in the Spirit Sovereign realm finally reached perfection. Huo Hai, who pursued perfection, Every breakthrough at a level is more difficult than others, but every level is not something others can fight against.

Looking at the distance, these people were still waiting in place, and even some people ran to some hidden places, not knowing what they were doing, Huo Hai ignored them, as long as the passage had not been opened, Huo Hai didn't care.

Huo Hai took out an aura condensed bead, and Huo Hai directly ate it. Under the influence of the aura condensed bead, within Huo Hai’s next spiritual cave, a cloud of air flow began to appear, and as the air flow continued to expand, it gradually formed A whirlpool.

With the help of the special power of the spiritual energy beads, it is very easy to condense a new star core. It only took less than half an hour to successfully condense the new star core. This is because Huo Hai is breaking through at this time. A great realm, that's why it took so much time. With the condensing of the 82nd star core, the spiritual power aura of Huo Hai's body continued to improve.

A large amount of spiritual power was continuously released from the sea of ​​consciousness, and quickly integrated into Huo Hai's spiritual power. At the same time, the range of outside Huo Hai's power to control the world was finally expanded to 200 meters.

The spiritual power that incorporates a large amount of spiritual power, the will contained in it is very strong, and the power that Huo Hai’s own spiritual power can exert is far from the power of the outside world, and with the continuous integration of spiritual power, Huo Hai's control over his spiritual power is becoming more and more free, and his power is getting bigger and bigger, and transforming his spiritual power is originally the exclusive ability of the spiritual emperor.

When Huo Hai's mental power was consumed nearly half, he finally stopped. Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief. There was too much spiritual power, and sometimes it was not entirely a good thing. Fortunately, his spiritual power was better than spiritual power. More solid.

As a magician, it is normal for the spiritual power to be strong. Looking inside his new star core, Huo Hai shook his head and sighed, "Sure enough, the ability of the spiritual energy beads to condense the star core in the spirit emperor realm is really much worse."

The new star core has just been condensed and formed, and there is still some distance from perfection, not to mention the polishing to the extreme. Huo Hai still needs time to supplement the star core bit by bit, and then polish it. .

Fortunately, condensing new star nuclei is the most troublesome, and the following step-by-step training is nothing.

As the strength gets stronger, there will be more and more crystal nuclei in the spirit emperor's body. These crystal nuclei continue to influence each other, and the mutual influence on spiritual power is very huge. The new crystal nucleus is more difficult, and this is why, many people clearly have a clever spirit art, when condensing star nuclei, they rarely achieve the ultimate spirit art.

I am afraid that no one, except for an absolute perfectionist like Huo Hai, would want to condense three thousand crystal nuclei all over his body. When new crystal nuclei are generated, all aspects of Huo Hai’s whole body have begun to greatly improve. Each level of the Spirit Sovereign realm is different. Both are very huge.

Today, Huo Hai, with one man and one sword, is confident that Haoyun will be hit hard. If there is no accident, he can even kill Haoyun directly on the spot. His strength has increased and his own speed has also increased a lot. Now Haoyun can't catch up. Yourself.

Faced with that huge spider again, Huo Hai was confident that he would not rely on any other means, but only rely on his own strength to maintain in front of the fourth-level spirit king realm spider, and maintain it until the spider's power drops, and then win, only if facing A true Level 4 Spirit Sovereign realm master, Huo Hai consciously is still not the opponent's opponent.

Time passed slowly. In a blink of an eye, a few days have passed. Huo Hai has completely recovered his spiritual power during this time, and his spiritual power has also fully adapted, but the speed of upgrading the star core is relatively slow, and the progress is not too great. .

The overall state has been elevated to the peak, and the time is almost the same. Huo Hai changed a piece of clothing, this piece of clothing, but Huo Hai originally based on the invisible and hidden spiritual formation reference, and then re-created it.

However, Huo Hai has never used it because of the presence of Fluttershy before, but now that Fluttershy is not around, Huo Hai can only retreat and use this thing, also in a robe. After being inspired, Huo Hai’s figure It was hidden.

It’s just that when it’s moving, it will still cause distortions in the scenery and create a little flaw. Fortunately, this flaw is much less than before. At least facing the masters of the Spirit King realm, this robe is nothing, as long as it is spent There is no Spirit Sovereign realm master guarding him in the middle pavilion, and Huo Hai is confident that he will never be found out, otherwise, he will blame himself for bad luck.

Huo Hai waited in place, not very far from the Huazhong Pavilion disciples who had gathered. From the ranking order of the Huazhong Pavilion disciples, we knew that the women in Huazhong Pavilion really had a very low status.

Even these concubines with relatively higher status still respectfully stayed behind the others, not daring to go beyond them. I don't know how long it has passed, a wave of spatial fluctuations gradually erupted in the valley of the barren mountains.

Before long, a white light circle appeared from the ground, as if it appeared out of thin air. Huo Hai was surprised: "What a clever way of arrangement of spirit formations, is Huazhong Pavilion so strong?" Huo Hai frowned slightly.

If Huazhong Pavilion’s spirit array is really so powerful that it makes it impossible to see any clues, things will be really troublesome. Seeing that Huazhong Pavilion’s disciples and concubines have already reached the aperture, Huo Hai Gritting his teeth: "If you fight, I don't believe that you really have such strength." This is the only chance. If you miss this time, it will be difficult to find such an opportunity next time.

If Hua Zhongge was really strong, he would have run out a long time ago, instead of hiding like this.

Everyone gathered here has undergone strict inspections, and there will never be any outsiders. Huo Hai knows that it is impossible for him to get in. When these people enter the aperture, Huo Hai is also exploring .

"What a clever spiritual formation, there are actually only a few doors." Huo Hai saw these people walking into the aperture cautiously, and he knew that there was actually a barrier around the aperture. You can't enter without entering through a few gaps. among them.

Huazhongge's acting style was really cautious. After everyone entered, Huo Hai spotted a blind spot. His figure flashed, like lightning, quickly entered the aperture, and then stood still.

"It's weird, how come it feels like a gust of wind has blown." A young man looked around with a strange expression, but Huo Hai was already standing still in the air at this time, and he was still attached to the aperture, so he didn't look at it no matter what. To what extent, Huo Hai, who used the spiritual formation to keep still, can be completely invisible, and as for the breath, these people can't feel it.

A fascinating man next to him looked disdainful: "Hmph, the cultivation level is not enough, and you can still feel the wind, how can there be wind in the spiritual formation, do you think..." The last sentence was for the concubine in his arms. Said.

This concubine's cultivation is not bad compared to the young man, but still smiles forcefully, like a toy, letting the other party play with it. Seeing this scene, Huo Hai thought.

"The strength of the concubine is similar to that of the master. If you say that, no matter how strong the flower master is, it will not be much stronger than the blood spider. I just don't know, the strength of the disciple of Huazhongge and the strength of the concubine herself. How big a relationship is." Huo Hai seemed to grasp something faintly. If this is the case, this operation would be much safer.

The aperture does not appear for a long time, only a few minutes, only such a few minutes each year will appear. If you miss this time, you will have to wait for the next year to enter the Huazhong Pavilion resident. This will have to meet other disciples. .

If the aperture is attacked at this time, it will collapse on the spot. No one can enter the Huazhong Pavilion. In fact, it is not only once a year to enter the Huazhong Pavilion. Basically, everyone only once a year. Listen to them. Huo Hai knew that Huazhong Pavilion seemed to be divided into many different factions, each of which controlled several entrances.

Moreover, these entrances seem to be able to move continuously in the vicinity. When will the spatial spirit array be able to move, could it be said that the residence of the Huazhong Pavilion is actually a secret realm, and Huo Hai suddenly felt that.

A few minutes later, a powerful and concealed power fluctuation gradually began to vibrate, and a faint light enveloped everyone in it. Then, with a wave of spatial fluctuations, the scene in front of Huo Hai suddenly changed. At this time, he must have arrived elsewhere, Huo Hai sneered, and finally came in.

"Quickly, come out, don't waste time inside." Outside, someone shouted loudly, and the people in the teleportation circle quickly walked out of it. Huo Hai's figure moved and instantly disappeared in place and came behind a big rock. .

Just as Huo Hai thought, as expected, the person guarding the teleportation formation did not have a master in the realm of the spirit emperor. How could a master of the spirit emperor do such a thing? I looked around, and the inside of the Huazhong Pavilion was full of birds and flowers, and rugged rocks. If only from the perspective of scenery, the residence of Huazhong Pavilion is indeed a good place for tourism.

Just as Huo Hai admired the surroundings, a wave of spatial fluctuations came, and Huo Hai looked back and felt fortunate in his heart.

"It's really insidious, the teleportation array will actually teleport a second time in reverse." If you were slow just now, you will definitely be sent back by the teleportation array. This is the last layer of defense of the Huazhongge teleportation array to prevent those invisible. Enemy.

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