Evil Insect God

Chapter 986: Run

Originally it seemed to be a battle of life and death. When the two sides were scrupulous about each other, it stopped like this. Huo Hai couldn't casually kill the masters of the vast land empire in public to avoid these people being desperate.

And the team of the Haotu Empire, because it was not Huo Hai's opponent, if it continued like this, even Hao Yun couldn't guarantee that he could retreat completely. Huo Hai obviously didn't use all the means, just using the sword of Luoxia.

In addition to these spiders, and perhaps some unknown methods, people like them are about to suffer. The more masters, the more cherish their lives. Besides, the two masters of the spiritual emperor realm present, But they are the most precious talents in the empire. If they die here, from fame to reality, it will be a huge blow to the empire.

"Here you are, this time we will accept the plant." Hao Yun threw a scroll to Huo Hai, looking at the spiders around, Hao Yun felt bitter in his heart. He didn't expect to use all his strength because of various scruples, but now Huo Hai has already Fully grown up.

In addition, Huo Hai himself, a master of the thirteen spiritual emperor realm, is such a strength that even the vast empire would not dare to touch it easily. Once a war begins, Huo Hai may not win, but the vast empire is gone. Definitely grasp Huo Hai's grasp.

That’s not to say, if one is not careful, they will lose a lot. At that time, the head of the three top powers will definitely be knocked down. If one is not good, even the entire vast empire may fall apart. .

The Haotu Empire is the power with the highest war potential, and it is also the power that can't stand the consumption at the master level. The more you look at the spiders around Huo Hai, the more bitter Hao Yun's heart becomes.

Huo Hai took the scroll and said calmly: "Hehe, this is the follow-up to the secret tempering method you gave me last time. I hope it will be complete this time." Huo Hai's voice is very flat, but the people around it are clear. I heard what Huo Hai said.

"Oh my God, the last time the Great Land Empire lost to the secrets of others was actually incomplete. This time it was too shameless to challenge others with the follow-up secrets." Huo Hai's words, of course everyone believes, because all along, The vast empire likes to play with these word games, perhaps, this is the characteristic of the country, regardless of the kingdom or the empire's high-level people like this set.

"You don't understand this. This is in line with the style of the Haotu Empire. Don't look at their usual way. Those are all deceptive. When we take the task of the Haotu Empire, we are all cautious, lest we be calculated. Up."

A young man next to him whispered: "Don't say it, it's not good for people to hear it. Can you use this method without seeing other people's open challenges." Then, the young man pointed to the surrounding weapons. And the army.

But the more this happened, the more people were talking about. Haoyun's expression became more ugly when he heard these sounds. Not only did he not catch Huo Hai this time, he also made the Haotu Empire lose a big face in front of everyone The blow to reputation is even more serious. When challenging others, he actually used this despicable method.

Those who did this kind of thing, but the imperial spirit emperors of the two great earth empires, in the eyes of others, are enough to represent the working style of the great earth empire. If such a thing spreads out, anyone will be able to guard against the great earth empire in the future. Take it one hand.

Maybe when choosing a partner for cooperation, if the conditions are the same, or even worse, others will choose other sects instead of the vast empire. The loss here is really too great, if it weren’t for the troubles nowadays, Haoyun really wanted to turn around and leave if the Haotu Empire couldn't be absent. Next to him, the face of the prince was very ugly.

"Hmph, what do you think our vast empire is? How could it not count, this is the complete secret method."

Huo Hai nodded: "The reputation of your vast empire is really..." Huo Hai shook his head with a face of disdain, and in front of these guys, he carefully checked the secret method several times. .

In this way, the naked people are slapping their faces, just don’t believe what they mean. When the people around saw this scene, they burst into laughter. Who made the Haotu Empire now and Huo Hai completely tore their faces, Coupled with Huo Hai's current strength, he is not afraid of the vast land empire doing anything casually, even if they fight against them in public, what can they do.

After checking, Huo Hai put away the scroll: "Fortunately, it seems that you still have a little credibility this time, and the things are complete. I hope you don't play tricks in the secret method." Hearing these words, Hao Yun's face was angry. livid.

But when he wanted to say something, Huo Hai immediately interrupted him: "Okay, OK, business matters, I think you'd better go quickly, I'm going to have a look too." After that, Huo Hai waved his hand. He took the surrounding scarlet spiders back. Before going back, the scarlet spider stepped forward and took away all the twenty arrays on the spot.

This is Huo Hai’s spoils. No one can say anything after taking it. Although it’s very valuable, after all, the Haotu Empire fouled first. Coupled with Huo Hai’s strength, Hao Yun was distressed, but he didn’t dare to talk casually. what.

Huo Hai was also helpless. If these things weren't taken away, Huo Hai really had trouble sleeping and eating. If this thing was in the hands of the Haotu Empire, when the Haotu Empire would use it, he would be in trouble.

His strength was suppressed, and Huo Hai had no ability to resist at all in the face of an army composed of masters of the spirit general realm. Even if his spider poison was still not weakened too much, the poison was limited after all and it was impossible to use it unlimitedly. When the toxins of these spiders have been used up, they will be nothing more than a solid target.

Taking things away, Huo Hai gave way, Hao Yun snorted, without saying anything, and turned back to his sedan chair. The big prince beside him gave Huo Hai a fierce look and then returned to himself. In the sedan chair.

For a long time, the eldest prince thought he was the most genius in the world, but before, he was repeatedly compared by Huo Hai, and the gap between the two is getting bigger and bigger. For Huo Hai, the eldest prince is no longer jealous. But hatred.

The empire’s team continued to advance, and it was still the same as before. However, compared with the previous spirited spirit, the whole team looked a little lifeless. Looking at the expressions on the faces of the honor guards in the team, there was joy and some Helpless and sad, thinking about it, these people are probably also very disappointed in the vast empire.

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang from behind Huo Hai: "Your Excellency Insect Sovereign, why don't you go in with us, if you go in by yourself, there might be other conspiracies in the vast empire."

Huo Hai turned his head and looked, the standard pleated skirt, the masters of the Molian domain would wear this kind of clothes, and only the people from Piaohua Pavilion, who came to Huo Hai did not know him, and said after thinking about it. It's hard work." There is nothing wrong with what the person said.

Originally, Huo Hai wanted to continue to hide his identity, hiding in the dark, and even left this place immediately before the conference was over. However, staying with the Piaohua Pavilion, the Haotu Empire didn't dare to do anything about it. Don't you dare to start a battle with Piaohua Pavilion, "Where and where, Lord Insect Emperor is our ally of Piaohua Pavilion."

Hearing this, the people around him suddenly widened their eyes and their faces were unbelievable. Who could have imagined that such a casual cultivator as Huo Hai could become an ally with Piaohua Pavilion, but it is right to think about it. simple.

In addition, there are twelve insects and beasts in the spirit emperor realm. It is enough to become a super-first-class power alone. It seems that there is nothing wrong with becoming an ally with Piaohua Pavilion. Besides, Huo Hai is still in strength now. Constantly improving.

Elder Piaohuage's expression was extremely excited. Originally, when the sect decided to win Huo Hai and make Huo Hai an ally of the sect, many elders agreed on the surface, but in fact they were very disdainful in their hearts.

No matter how horrible and special Huo Hai’s performance is, he is only a Spirit King after all. No one believes that Huo Hai can reach the Spirit King in a short time. Besides, even the Spirit King is not qualified to be a Piaohua Pavilion. Formed an alliance, but it was different now. Huo Hai explained everything with his own speed of cultivation, and he was promoted to the realm of Spirit Sovereign in a short time.

Not only that, but also controlled twelve worms in the spirit emperor realm. No one knows whether there are more worms and beasts in Huo Hai’s hands. Huo Hai’s strength and potential are simply terrifying. Hai, already has preliminary qualifications for alliance.

As the strength continues to improve, it may soon be able to grow to a corresponding level. Although the original alliance was handled by the pavilion master, the speed of Huo Hai’s improvement now, even if the pavilion master knows it, may be very Shocked.

Soon, Huo Hai followed the elders of Piaohua Pavilion to the location of Piaohua Pavilion. After arriving here, Huo Hai began to look around. Seeing this scene, the elders of Piaohua Pavilion suddenly laughed: "Your Excellency I was looking for Sister Bi Ya and the others. Before we came here, they were practicing in retreat, so no one came."

Hearing this, Huo Hai was a little disappointed. He hadn't seen them for a long time, "It turned out to be like this, so let me see them when I get to Piaohua Pavilion." Counting time, it has been a long time. Time has not been to Piaohua Pavilion.

Since the breakthrough, the Wine Burst hasn’t been of much use to him. Therefore, a large amount of Huo Hai’s spirit wine has been accumulated. When he returned to the family earlier, he left a lot, so that the family would trade to the Jiu Xianmen. .

These spirit wines in his hand have also accumulated a lot, and they will be disposed of by the time of Piaohua Pavilion. Anyway, there is not much to do. What Huo Hai has to do now is to wait quietly for the completion of the transformation of his spirit insects. , At that time, I believed in my own strength, there would definitely be a qualitative leap, that day, Huo Hai was already looking forward to it.

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