Evil Insect God

Chapter 987: Great momentum

Many of the Piaohua Pavilion masters who came here were Huo Hai’s acquaintances. Even the King of Fantasy and the King of Peony had arrived. The King of Peony was Fang Biya's master, and Huo Hai felt close to the King of Peony.

After introduction, among the people who came to Piaohua Pavilion this time, there was only one spiritual emperor realm master, who was also a third-level spiritual emperor Sikong Rouyu, but after some contact, Huo Hai discovered that the master’s name was very gentle. The appearance is also very pure, like a young girl, but the character is very serious, the contrast is really strong.

Thinking about the age of this person who can basically be his ancestor, Huo Hai doesn't feel much, but Sikong Rouyu is obviously more interested in Huo Hai, after all, Huo Hai's cultivation speed is too fast.

I am afraid that most people in the entire Molian Region are very interested in Huo Hai. Along the way, people around always look at Huo Hai with all kinds of weird eyes. The more they understand, the more they feel that Huo Hai is real. Is a monster.

When we reached the bottom of the mountain, it was only in the afternoon, but it was really not suitable for going up the mountain at this time. The crowd surrounded the mountain gate where the Yaowangmen was located, and prevented anyone from going down the mountain. When they gathered, the people of Yaowangmen had already begun to shrink, the atmosphere on the mountain was very solemn, and the mountain was full of heat.

Many people even set up stalls on the spot and started selling various items and doing some small businesses. In this way, where the masters gather, doing business can always make more money, but generally these people are some casual training and It's just people from the small sect.

"This is the King of Medicine Sect. Looking back, I haven't been here for a long time. I don't know how the old folks of King Sect of Medicine are doing now. If they really did this thing, even if it was a few of them. I won't let go of it either."

Sikong Rouyu looked at the top of the mountain, a soft voice rang, and Huo Hai squinted. This supreme elder is indeed qualified to say such things. In Huo Hai’s perception, Sikong Rouyu can bring herself a while The threatening feeling of the formation, Sikong Rouyu's strength is absolutely not inferior to the Haoyun of the Haotu Empire, and it may even be stronger.

Shaking his head, Huo Hai also looked towards the top of the mountain. This time, Huo Hai instinctively believed that there should be no problems with the Medicine King Sect. Whether they did it or not, they should be able to explain it.

"The people of the Haotu Empire are really thick-skinned, they can come here cheeky even if they are like that." From a distance, noticing the team of the Haotu Empire, a Piaohua Pavilion elder said with a look of disdain, from the major sects. In fact, there are not many people, but all of them are masters, just like the people from Piaohua Pavilion, none of them are below the realm of Spirit King.

Of course, the Piaohua Pavilion actually only came with less than a hundred people, but looking at the vast empire, there was a team of 10,000 people behind, all in the realm of the spirit general, this was obviously showing off.

These people, any expert in the spirit king realm, can easily crush them, but the major sects are still very envious. After all, they can't organize such a team, even if it is the Piaohua Pavilion, they have to find so many spirits. It's not easy.

There are definitely not so many disciples in my own sect. No matter how the Haotu Empire collects them, and no matter how these people are trained, the ability to gather together is enough to show the ability of the Haotu Empire.

"Don't say it, hasn't the vast land empire always been like this? Look at it, the people from the Xuanbing Sect have also come." The three major forces all come by counting the time, and the time difference between them is not big. The three major forces have all come, so almost all other forces have arrived. Except for a few that are too far away, it is absolutely impossible to arrive later than the three top forces.

Hearing this, Huo Hai raised his head and looked towards Xuanbing Sect. Among the people who came to Xuanbing Sect this time, there was only one breath that reached the realm of the Spirit Emperor, but this breath was weaker, only Level 2 Spirit emperor only.

With the three top strengths, Xuanbing Sect is the weakest of the people who came this time. It didn't take long for Huo Hai to see the master of Xuanbing Sect. He looked very young. No, the actual age did not seem to be very large. This person is not simple.

The expert of Xuan Bingzong looked around, then suddenly looked towards Piaohua Pavilion, and took a deep look at Piaohua Pavilion. Huo Hai looked back, only to find Sikong Rouyu's eyes also It was strange that the two seemed to exchange a few glances secretly, but because the speed was so fast, most people didn't even notice.

"Strange, what the **** is going on." If they know each other, Huo Hai doesn't think it's strange. Most of these spiritual emperors know each other, but what's the matter with their eye contact .

Could it be that the two of them have one leg, Huo Hai has a weird smile, and maliciously guessed in his heart, if Sikong Rouyu knows what Huo Hai is thinking, maybe he will have a fight with Huo Hai on the spot. .

Looking around, people from the Shenxuan Sect also came. Huo Hai saw the familiar costumes of the Shenxuan Sect. It's just a pity that Qu Siyu has joined the Piaohua Pavilion, and Huo Hai and the Shenxuan Sect have nothing. Contact, this made the Divine Profound Sect who heard that Huo Hai had broken through to become the Spirit Emperor regretted on the road. Today, Huo Hai's personal strength is stronger than the Divine Profound Sect.

But think about the vast land empire, the people of the Shenxuan faction can only feel sad. Huo Hai's strength is indeed very strong, but they can’t fight against the vast land empire because of their relationship with Huo Hai. Besides, Huo Hai can’t compare to Hao now. Earth empire.

Suddenly, a few flames rose into the sky and exploded in the air on the spot. This kind of momentum suddenly calmed down the lively Yaowangmen Mountain, and everyone looked at the road.

On the road, a team of people rushed toward here with high spirits. From afar, someone could already see the sign on the team’s flag, “Look, it’s from the Danxia faction. The Danxia faction team is here. "Since the last incident happened, the Danxia faction hasn't appeared in front of everyone for a long time, and now it has appeared with such a big fanfare.

"I think Danxia faction is very confident this time, it seems that it is really going to come back." Danxia faction has been studying antidote for some time ago, but until now, Danxia faction still hasn't researched the detoxification of Alien Beast Pill. The law.

Now, I found that the Danxia Sect had strangely given some information to the major sects. Among these sects, it is absolutely impossible to keep the news from leaking out. The news has been leaked only when the major sects have just discussed it. .

But it doesn’t matter, because when the news was leaked, the major sects had already started to set off. At that time, the Yaowang Sect did not react at all. It was directly surrounded by so many sects, and many first-class sects were spiritual. If the emperor master arrives, if the information above is true, then the influence of the alien beast pill on them is too great.

With so many masters of the Spirit Sovereign realm dispatched, if the Yaowang Sect does not give himself and the others an explanation, they will be flattened by these angry masters. The Danxia faction is very confident about their plan this time.

"Hmph, this time we must make the Yaowangmen completely history, dare to use this method to frame us, now let us find evidence." The elders of the Danxia faction were full of spirits, looking at the eyes of the people around them, and they felt more emotional. It's incredibly proud.

This time, the Danxia faction brought a lot of people. In addition to hundreds of masters above the realm of the spirit king, there are also three masters of the spirit king, plus many disciples of the handsome spirit generals. The entire team is vast, along the way, Some disciples kept throwing the flames they had cultivated into the air, using them as fireworks, and it was a huge momentum along the way.

In comparison, the Hatou Empire team with a larger number of people is not as strong as the Danxia faction in terms of momentum. Upon seeing this, the people of the Haotu Empire looked a little ugly. This time they were actually robbed by the Danxia faction. The limelight.

"Huh, the villain has the ambition, so few people, how can you compare with us?" The man from the vast land empire said sourly, but this time the person who came here, the Danxia faction, is the strongest, the three spirits Emperor, this is not easy.

The team slowly stopped at the bottom of the mountain, and the Danxia Sect Master said loudly: "Everyone, thank you for giving you this face, come to the Medicine King Sect for justice. A few months ago, the Medicine King Sect slandered our Danxia Sect creation. Alien Beast Pill, we have no evidence, so we did not explain, but now, we have found evidence that Yaowang Sect did this, so we invite everyone to come here."

Hearing the words of the Danxia sect master, the others were in a commotion: "What is your evidence? How can the evidence prove to be useful?" There was a shout from below. This time, if the matter was not too serious, there would not have been so many people coming .

After all, the reputation of the King of Medicine has always been very good. Speaking of its reputation in the hearts of the public, the King of Medicine can rank at the top in the entire Molian domain, but the reputation of the Danxia School is far inferior to that of the King of Medicine. Up.

Not only that, the Danxia Sect is also very at odds with the Yaowang Sect. They are the same two major alchemy sects, and there is a lot of friction between each other. The Danxia Sect looks down on the pedantic of the Yaowang Sect, and the Yaowang Sect also treats pill. The Xia faction’s eagerness for quick success and short gains is insignificant, and the two sects usually have a contradiction and will pinch each other. God knows if this Danxia faction is deliberately revenge.

The Danxia Sect Master looked confident: “Of course there is perfect evidence, but it can’t be shown here. Otherwise, it would be bad for Yaowang Sect to take the opportunity to deny it. We will all go up the mountain until tomorrow morning. I'll talk later."

The Danxia gate master arched his hands toward the surroundings. After everyone thought about it, they felt that it was the same, so they stopped arguing. A few savage and savage things would not affect the overall situation. If the troubles get worse, the people around you Nor will it let it play. All the spiritualists present are all masters, and no one is a fool.

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