Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1131: Battleship

Chapter 1131: Jiuyang Demon King (Sixth)

Chapter 1131 Battleship (Sixth)

The six people of the Xuanhuang Kingdom and the thirty empires of the Yuan Dynasty had similar per capita combat power. At this time, six to thirty, Xuanhuang's party immediately fell into the downwind and was suppressed with no fighting power. * | When ten breathless nets were unable to breathe, there was a Field Marshal Xuanhuang who hated the battlefield. The deceased was the Field Marshal of Red Beard.

On the other hand, the twelve-square array rushed into the enemy array, and ten nirvana square arrays led it, like a sharp knife, stabbed into the enemy array fiercely. Xuanhuang team was ordered to retreat, unable to organize effective resistance, and could only passively fight back, causing limited damage.

The ten Nirvana squares are amazingly powerful, condensing ten kills, beheading and killing, where blood flows everywhere, and corpses cross the wild, forming absolute suppression of the Xuanhuang Army. In the rear, the extinct Datianzun square and the ancient Datianzun squares pursued from both sides, forming a trend of encirclement.

At the beginning of the battlefield, it was a one-sided situation. Four of the six marshals were beheaded and killed on the spot. A marshal was beheaded in the course of his escape, and only one was seriously injured and escaped with Qimenshu.

As for the eight million troops of the Xuanhuang Kingdom, they were killed by the square of the 120,000 mixed yuan empire, and 30% were beheaded and 60% surrendered. Only 10% of the soldiers fled.

In this battle, the mixed-yuan empire prevailed, cutting more than seven million enemies and beheading five marshals. This campaign caused a sensation in the Xuanhuang Continent. How could those small forces that had not been annexed have never thought that in the first war, the mixed Yuan Empire could play so beautifully.

After the victory, the Junyuan Empire celebrated the whole country. The Junyuan Emperor personally praised the three armies and encouraged morale.

In stark contrast to the jubilation of the mixed-yuan empire, Xuanhuang Kingdom was dead, and the ambition of the nation's crazy expansion was poured into a basin of cold water, and the rising mood was cooled down.

On the main hall of Xuanhuang Kingdom, next to the position of the Lord, there is a more ornate throne, and the son of Xuanhuang sits on it. The lord seems very old, and he asked with a questioning tone: "My son thinks, how is this battle going?"

The son of Xuanhuang faced the ministers and said, "The lord asked me how this battle was, and I can only say that it was very sad. The death of more than seven million soldiers and the five marshals staining the border was a shame and shame for my Xuanhuang country! A blood debt Blood compensation! "

"Blood debt and blood compensation!" Someone cried excitedly below, all tough generals and marshals.

The son of Xuanhuang didn't look at the neighboring country's owner, and said, "I have a lot of adults, and there are hundreds of billions of elite soldiers. What is seven million dead? This only costs us a few thousand points. One of the strengths is not to hurt your bones. As long as I can laugh to the end and finally destroy the mixed empire, that is victory. By then, you are the creators of the Xuanhuang civilization and will glorify all eternity. ! "

There was another cheer below, but the son of Xuanhuang lowered his tone and said, "However, I would like to remind everyone that the mixed empire is not universal and the country is very strong. Otherwise, why did it complete its rise in a very short time? I have played against the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. This person is deeply minded, cunning and super powerful. Therefore, if we want to get rid of this person and destroy the Empire of the Yuan Dynasty, we need everyone to work together to help each other. "

When the rhetoric was almost reached, the son of Xuanhuang mentioned military deployment and said: "The mixed Yuan Empire is located in the east and is less than half the size of my Xuanhuang. Its advantage is that the border defense is very strong. Our army once sent 30,000 forward camp dead men Heading to the test, none of the 30,000 people returned alive, and they all sacrificed on the enemy's first and second lines of defense. "

"And as far as I know, there are at least five similar defense lines in the mixed Yuan Empire, and the more inward they are, the more dangerous they are. The only way to break through these five lines of defense is to launch a large number of troops to attack at the same time, forming a saturated attack. Destroy the line of defense completely. "

The battlefield marshal below, at this time proposed: "Master, this way of battle, Xuanhuang Kingdom will inevitably suffer heavy losses. The old minister has a proposal to mobilize all the infinite and infinite masters from Xuanhuang Kingdom to implement the mixed Yuan empire. To strike, it is better to be able to kill the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. "

Xuan Huang waved his hand and said, "I have led many masters to besiege, and I have not been able to leave this person. The chance of success is not high. And the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty should have anticipated this and should have been prepared. And I want to tell you a message. Behind the mixed empire, there is most likely an immense civilized great deity sitting in town. "

The marshal's expression became heavy, and he nodded slowly.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became somewhat depressed, but the news revealed by the son of Xuanhuang was too shocking. The ministers had some fear of the mixed Yuan empire.

This is exactly the result that the son of Xuanhuang wants. He wants his subordinates not only to have the confidence to win, but also not to despise their opponents.

At this time, his face showed an absolute confidence again, facing the people: "I will inherit the will of Xuanhuang civilization to the mainland, the purpose is to lead everyone to restore the former glory of Xuanhuang civilization. This goal will be achieved, You will all be heroes! "

In this way, after some encouragement, Xuanhuang State officially established a plan to attack the mixed Yuan empire. Xuan Huangguo will assemble all equipment for grain and grass, gather 80 billion soldiers, and gather towards the border within January.

At this moment, Xuan Huangguo's secret weapons were also transported to the front line, but they were all blocked by a cloud of fog, and no one knew what it was.

While Xuan Huangguo was preparing for the emergency, the mixed Yuan Empire was not idle. In the small hall used by Li Xingping for practice, Li Ba, Li Gui, Ronghua Grand Celestial Master, Guangyan Grand Celestial Master, and twelve Prodigious Supreme Celestial Masters.

These twelve Promise of the Promise Realm were all taken by Li Xing from the Xiaoyao Palace. Eighty-three high calibers were repaired at high levels, and seventy-five high calves were at low levels. They belonged to a very powerful force.

Li Xing's face has never been as dignified as he is today. He slowly said: "The war is just these days. There are some things that Bendi will tell you."

Everyone didn't speak, listening quietly.

"This war will inevitably die, and many people will die. This is unavoidable." His voice was steady and low, exuding a strong sense of strength, causing everyone to have a slight pain in the eardrums.

"Knowing that there will be deaths and injuries, but the mixed empire cannot retreat! Because we have no way out unless you are willing to give up this huge foundation."

"Of course I will not give up!" Li Ba stared, his eyes full of warfare. The rest of the people also expressed this view, saying that they would rather die.

Li Xingdao: "It's good not to be afraid of death, but it's not enough, because the enemy is very powerful. There is an expert standing behind Xuan Huangguo. It's impossible for others to do that. There must be more powerful back moves. We must Take precautions. "

The Eighty-Three Calamity Datianzun dismissively said: "The immeasurable master of Xuanhuang Kingdom, I have also seen that there are 85 calamities, and the strength is really strong, but we may not be afraid."

The Daoist kills the celestial deity and has a strong killing. At this time, he has surrendered to Li Xing and is loyal.

Li Xing snorted: "If all are as insignificant as you, the mixed empire will perish." His right palm reversed, and he slowly lifted it up, and a huge battleship appeared in his palm.

"What do you think this is?" He asked, his tone harsh.

Everyone watched for a while, a figure of eighty calamities, Dao Dao Zun Dao, who also sieged the worry-free shirt with Li Xing, he was shocked and said, "Isn't this a warship made by the mysterious mainland?"

Everyone suddenly realized that every time they were shocked with cold sweat, did Xuan Huangguo buy such a warship?

Li Xing sighed and said: "Yes, this is the battleship made by the mysterious mainland. In recent days, Xuanhuang Kingdom has pulled a large number of battleships to the front. This type of battleship is divided into six levels, and the lowest is called guerrilla. A battleship can be controlled by up to 100,000 people, aside from its flexibility, its attack power is roughly equivalent to that of the Great Desolation. "

"The next level is an attacking warship that can accommodate up to eight million people. The attack power is close to Nirvana. On top of it, there are frigates, sniper ships, kingships, and emperors. According to reconnaissance, Xuanhuangguo purchased at least Three thousand attack ships, twenty sniper ships, three kingships. "Li Xingdao," of which the kingship's attack power can fight against the immense amount of heaven. The sniper ship can attack without the great sky. Even the attack ship, Can master the master of Nirvana! "

Everyone was cold-hearted, if they did not know about the battleship in advance, and rashly attacked the Xuanhuang Kingdom, the mixed Yuan Empire would suffer heavy losses! Thanks to the fact that the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty had obtained intelligence in advance, this avoided a possible tragedy in the future.

Li Xing sighed and said, "In order to get this information, we lost hundreds of warriors. However, I will not let them die in vain, they must return to Xuanhuang Kingdom!"

Li Ba quickly asked: "Father, these warships sound difficult to entangle, I do not know how to deal with them?"

Li Xing said with a smile: "Of course it is the other way, but also the other way, Xuanhuang Kingdom can buy things, I can also buy the Yuan Empire." Then, Sanqing Grand Supreme and Ziguang Grand Supreme entered the small hall side by side. .

The two met the Emperor ~ www.readwn.com ~ Ziguang Datianzun said: "Master, things have been done. We have spent huge sums of money to finally buy five kingships and sixty sniper ships from the mysterious mainland. Twelve thousand ships! "

The Supreme Master of Sanqing said: "Lord, the drawings of the Emperor's mainland-class battleship are very confidential, but I still bought it with heavy money."

Li Xing nodded, rejoicing, and said, "You've worked hard, there will be a repeat in the future." Then ordered everyone, "Start training soldiers to board the ship immediately!"

Everyone was shocked and happy, only to know that the emperor had already had a way to deal with it, and he did it very well, and he wanted to develop an imperial ship! This ship really appeared, wouldn't it be possible to directly kill Wuliang Datianzun?

He then issued a series of orders, each leading him away. Subsequently, Li Xing took the drawing of the imperial ship and began to study it in detail. As he watched, his chaotic heart was trying his best.

The amount of information contained in this drawing is extremely huge. Even if there is no great Tianzun at first glance, his head will explode, and he cannot bear so much information at all.

ps: Updated after zero in the next chapter.


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