Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1132: Tianbao Fubao

Chapter 1132: Jiuyang Evil Monarch Chapter 1132

Chapter 1132 Tianzi Mansion Suo Bao (Seventh)

But Li Xing is different. His chaotic heart is the best at estimating, and he really enjoys it. . . [, Even, even the infants are rising from the ancient civilization tree, the chaotic glazed heart in the chest, transparent and crystalline, exuding the glory of wisdom.

The ancient tree of civilization also exuded a scent of breath at this moment, flowing into the chaotic heart, using the power of civilization to assist its calculation. Civilization is all-encompassing, and naturally includes arithmetic skills.

Three days later, he suddenly slammed his thigh, his eyes left the drawing for the first time, and said to himself: "It's exquisite! With this thing, why are you worried about Xuanhuang Kingdom?" Then he laughed and flew directly Go and be missing.

The purpose of Li Xing's visit was not to travel around the mountains, but to find a few rare materials for the purpose of building an imperial ship. After three days of research, he has completely figured out how to build this ship. As long as he has enough materials, he can start construction immediately.

However, the construction of the imperial ship requires several extremely precious materials, such as one of which is Xuanhuang Zuqi. Thanks to Li Xing holding the Xuanhuang Tower, this can not be found. However, there are two differences, one is called Immortal Real Gold, and the other is Chaos Thunder.

Immortal real gold belongs to a class of material that is extracted from the bones of the immortal Great Heavenly Supreme. It is extremely hard. It will be combined with Xuanhuang Zuqi to create some core components of the imperial ship.

Chaos Thunder is used to build the attack parts of the Imperial Ship. This thing is at the time when chaos will be divided. The thunder power contained in the chaos is not trivial, and it is hard to find in the world. It can be said that it is not under the ancestral spirit of Xuanhuang.

Coincidentally, Li Xing has impressions of these two things, because there are these two feats in the hands of the ninth emperor. At that time, the ninth emperor had mentioned him accidentally, and he still remembers it so far.

Li Xing is still quite sure about going to the Ninth Emperor's Mansion. The army will be recruited over there. At that time, the ninth Emperor Man will definitely need his own combatants. The ninth emperor is helping him now, that is, helping himself in the future, it is unlikely that he will refuse his request.

Outside the Temple of Heaven, a ray of light fell, and the guard at the gate of the Temple of Heaven stood up to stop immediately, but when they saw that the person was Li Xing, they were taken aback. One asked: "Why is Heyuan Yuanzun, Tianting no longer arrests you?" Yet?"

Li Xing yelled, "Hugh has to ask more. Immediately pass the Ninth Lord, and say Li Xing has something to ask for!"

The guard didn't dare to delay, he hurriedly informed him, and returned immediately, saying to Li Xing, "The ninth man has a request!"

Li Xing stepped in immediately and knew the road well without having to quote, and soon arrived in the hall of discussions. In that temple, the ninth emperor was still sitting in the center, with some thresholds standing on both sides.

As soon as Li Xing entered the temple, he made a long sigh, saying: "Sinner Li Xing, see Ninth Lord!"

The ninth emperor took a deep look at Li Xing, and then sighed softly, saying, "Your progress is really fast. I remember it was still the Sixth Calamity at that time, but now it is the extinction of the Great Celestial Master, I am afraid that it is an infinite figure. Why can't you do anything to you? "

Li Xing: "The ninth man has passed the prize."

The ninth emperor smiled mildly and said, "You do n’t have to say that, Li Xing, did you come to me for something? Last time, I asked Huanggu to find you and return to heaven, but you refused in one fell swoop. Do you want pass?"

Li Xing said positively, "Back to Ninth Lord, I lived very fast on the Xuanhuang continent, and I really don't want to return."

The ninth life was amused: "Since you don't want to come back, why do you rush to me again? Do you want to be a son?"

Li Xinggan said with a laugh: "If you want to be the ninth man, then there is something. The ninth man is kind to others. As a guest, it is naturally missed. However, my biggest purpose here is to start from the ninth man. A few things here. "

The ninth emperor smiled bitterly: "As soon as you come, I know that Bacheng is not a good thing. Let's say, what do you want?"

Li Xing slowly said, "I want immortal real gold and chaotic thunder."

"What?" The ninth emperor didn't seem to hear clearly, and sat upright and asked.

"The next thing is that you need the ninth Lord to send some immortal real gold and chaotic thunder." Li Xing's voice increased a lot.

The ninth emperor suddenly laughed "haha", the laughter was full of mockery, but Li Xing looked unchanged and looked at him quietly, until he laughed enough, then said: "Nineth Lord, this one It's not ridiculous. Instead, it's very serious. "

The ninth emperor stopped smiling, but his face was extremely cold. "Li Xing, Ben emperor asks you, are you still not a man in heaven?"

Li Xing answered, "No."

"This emperor asks you again, do you think immortal real gold and chaotic thunder are worth it?" On the ninth day, his face was even colder, and he continued to ask.

"Priceless treasure," Li Xing answered seriously.

"Will you give the priceless treasure to a person who doesn't have much relationship?" The ninth emperor asked, his voice was thundering, the nine days was furious, and the central pure land shuddered.

Li Xing looked freely and said, "These are not important. What is important is that Ninth Lord helps me, and I will also assist Ninth Lord."

"You?" The ninth emperor looked away. "It's not my emperor who despise you. Your ability is not in the court of heaven."

Li Xing laughed and said: "The ninth man said that Li Xing is similar to a caterpillar in the eyes of heaven. But the caterpillar also has a time to break the cocoon and become a butterfly. Maybe it is a butterfly that can make waves and storm. "

The ninth emperor did not know the meaning of Li Xing's words. He could not help but be silent for a long time.

Li Xing continued: "Right now, the mixed Yuan empire is at war with the Xuanhuang kingdom. This campaign is very important. If it succeeds, the mixed Yuan empire will unify the Xuanhuang continent and use it as a foundation to develop rapidly.

The ninth emperor was surprised, and the news of the Xuanhuang continent was not easy to reach here, so he didn't know that the war was over there, and asked: "The country you established is going to fight Xuanhuang kingdom?"

"Yes." Li Xing sighed. "That's why I was so anxious to borrow something from Ninth Lord, so these two things are about the success or failure of the war. They are very important."

The ninth emperor gently twisted his thumb and forefinger. Whenever there was a major decision, he always had this action. For a moment, he asked, "Can the mixed Yuan country unify the Xuanhuang continent?"

"It should be okay," Li Xing said. "As long as you are fully prepared, the opportunities are great."

"After all, Xuanhuang continent is one of the fallen heavens. There should be a lot of power on it. Don't you just ignore it?" Obviously, the ninth emperor did not believe this was true.

"Of course, but I am not afraid of them. On the Xuanhuang continent, the Xeon people are nothing but immeasurable gods, but they can't help me." Li Xing said very confidently.

The ninth emperor was obviously shocked. He took a look at Li Xing and said, "You are very good. It seems to have more potential than I expected." He laughed. "Things can be given to you, but you have to agree to this emperor. A condition. "

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "I'm waiting for the ninth man to raise the conditions."

The ninth emperor laughed: "It seems that you understand very well, knowing that the emperor's things can't be taken for nothing." He thought about it, "In the future, he will fight a war with the prefecture. There is no general, I hope you will come back and help me. "

Li Xing thought about it and nodded: "I can promise, but if the local government fails, the ninth man will return me free."

"You can rest assured, this emperor knows that he will not restrain you." The ninth emperor said with a smile, and then with a wave of his sleeves, two jade boxes fell into Li Xing. In the jade box, it is the immortal true iron and the chaotic thunder.

Li Xing didn't even look at it, and accepted it directly, saying: "Thank you, Lord Nine, the matter is urgent. I'll go back and say goodbye."

"Slow." The ninth emperor stopped him, and said, "You tell me, with these two things, are there any weapons to build?"

Li Xing also did not hide, saying: "It is not a weapon, but a ship."

The ninth day went by suddenly and called out, "You want to build an imperial ship! But the imperial ship on the mysterious continent?"

"Yes," Li Xing answered honestly.

The ninth emperor's eyes revealed an excited look, saying: "Okay! I heard that the battleship of the imperial ship can fight against the immortal deity, and it can be used to deal with the people of the prefecture." The picture fell into the hands of Li Xing.

He said: "This is a hundred and twenty kingships. I will borrow you for the time being. I hope you can defeat the Xuanhuang Kingdom and dominate the Xuanhuang continent. This will not disappoint the Son of Heaven."

Li Xing was overjoyed, and he was not polite. He closed the picture and arched, "Ninth Lord is interesting, thank you!"

"OK, do your thing, don't forget the agreement."

Li Xing laughed, his body was raised, he disappeared instantly, and he flew to the mixed Yuan empire in an instant.

In the temple, a threshold came out, worried and said: "Ninth Lord, two priceless treasures, is it cheap Li Xing? This person is still wanted, and Ninth Lord should not be too close to him."

The ninth emperor waved his hand: "I won't explain it now ~ www.readwn.com ~ you will understand it in the future." After thinking about it, and to one humane, "In the name of Benzi, the army of the North Desolation Army pays close attention to the situation of the Xuanhuang continent. If the mixed empire loses, let them go to help. "

However, he said that Li Xing returned to the mixed empire happily and immediately collected hundreds of thousands of materials from the warehouse. At the same time, a thought was released, and numerous ancient miracles suddenly appeared around the ancient civilization tree.

One ancient miracle tree constantly emerged from the air or underground, and then one of them moved to the side of the other, so that they became one in two, forming a larger ancient miracle tree.

If so, thousands of ancient miracle trees are magically merged together to form a giant tree. The diameter of the trunk of this big tree is as thick as that of a mountain.

Immediately after the huge miracle of the ancient tree appeared, Li Xing immediately put all the materials, and a large amount of the vanishing fortune, into the ancient tree, and issued an order at the same time.

The reason why this miracle ancient tree is called "miracle" is that it has magical functions and can create all kinds of items by itself. It is simply a treasure chest. What is it for?


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