Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1133: Various calculations

Chapter 1133: Jiuyang Evil Prince

Chapter 1133: Each Wonderful Calculation (First)

Of course, if it is too complicated, such as an imperial ship, it is necessary to provide the necessary construction information and provide the required resources. At the same time, ordinary miracle ancient trees can't make such behemoths at all. They must be the enlarged miracle ancient trees in front of them.

The huge old miracle tree swayed the body. Li Xing passed the complicated construction information to it through the ancient civilization tree, and also gave the miracle ancient tree the order to build the imperial ship.

Of course, as the great deity of the mixed-yuan plane, he has special powers. Others want people to buy items from the miracle ancient tree, and they must be exchanged for an equivalent. He only needs one order to do it, and he has priority.

The miracle ancient tree immediately executed the order, with the assistance of the ancient civilization tree, began the construction of the imperial ship.

The imperial ship originated from the mysterious continent. However, the entire mysterious continent currently has only one imperial ship, and the hull is severely damaged, and its power has dropped to less than one tenth of the original.

But even so, the imperial ship was still occupied by the largest force in the mysterious continent and existed as the treasure of this town's gate.

Nowadays, Li Xing actually has to build an imperial ship by means of construction drawings, which is definitely a challenge to the mixed Yuan civilization. If the mixed Yuan civilization can successfully build the imperial ship, the quality of civilization will be improved as a result.

Even if it cannot be built successfully, the mixed civilization can learn important lessons from it, so as to complete itself and allow the civilization to be sublimated.

All in all, no matter what the outcome, Li Xing will not suffer from the construction of this imperial ship, which will be of great benefit to the mixed world. Of course, the premise is that he can afford so many precious materials and countless great creatures.

When the miracle ancient tree was under construction, it conveyed a message to Li Xing. The general idea was that the construction of the imperial ship could not be completed in one day or two days, it took about 60 days.

In this regard, Li Xing has some regrets, because it is expected that the war between the Empire and the Xuanhuang Kingdom will inevitably erupt within one month and will not change due to his will. By that time, the imperial ship had not been completed, which was a great loss to the mixed Yuan empire on the war side.

"I ca n’t eat hot tofu, and it seems I can only wait patiently. The ninth emperor lent me 180 kingships, plus the part that I have already purchased, should be able to secure a dominant position.

With that in mind, Li Xing immediately took the scroll and went to the emperor's training ground.

The training ground of the mixed empire is very extensive. Each service has its own fixed training ground, complete facilities, and is equipped with strict training methods and training standards. In addition, the training ground has also established an Emperor Academy.

This military academy only recruits young and qualified students for advanced studies and provides high-quality training conditions. Anyone who comes out of the Imperial College will be a general in the future, a talented person who can cross the battlefield.

At this moment, the training training of the battleship is carried out on the playground of the Imperial College. This playground is very simple. It was created by Li Xing with 33 planes.

The thirty-three planes are all non-polar planes, they are connected to each other, and there are countless space-time overlaps in each plane. This makes the seemingly small playground actually have huge training space, not to mention training large ships, even if all the nationals are brought over, they can tolerate it.

This kind of great work can only be done by a man with a wealth of money such as Li Xing.

Li Xing arrived at the playground of the Imperial College and found that the warships were stepping up their training. Training items include boarding, driving, attacking, dodging, formation, and more.

Li Xing directly entered the 33 planes, which was used to train the Wang Jian plane. When the trained soldiers saw the emperor's patrol, they were very excited and shouted in unison: "See your Majesty!"

Li Xing looked dignified, nodded, and said, "The soldiers are working hard. However, the harder work is still behind." He took out the scroll sent by the ninth emperor.

This scroll is actually a storage device, with 120 kingships drawn on it. Li Xing shook the scroll, and then there were 120 light and shadows falling on the scroll.

These lights and shadows grew long after the wind, and with the thunder and thunder, they instantly turned into a real kingship, and were neatly placed in front of the generals.

With a smile on Li Xing's face, he looked at the people who were dumbfounded and said, "Why, did you scare you silly? You don't think you can control so many kingships?"

"No way!"

Below, there was a roar of horror, from the general to the soldier, with excited light spraying from his eyes, staring at the one hundred and eighty kingships.

Of course they are not fools, understand what these kingships mean, with them, Xuan Huangguo's offense is a fart! Take them #minutes in minutes!

Li Xing nodded with satisfaction and said in a deep voice: "Well, take out all your spirits and all your enthusiasm and train me hard. Don't embarrass the emperor after entering the battlefield!"


The roar was thunderous, and the soldiers quickly put themselves into intensive training.

However, because Li Xing suddenly took out the 120 kingships, Li Ba was caught off guard. You have to know that every kingship must be equipped with at least 100 million ancient class celestial beings in order to realize its true power.

For all 185 kingships, 18.5 billion ancient celestial beings are needed, and the deployment of personnel alone cannot be completed in two days. Therefore, these days, Li Ba is so anxious and overwhelmed.

It also lacks the talented people in the mixed Yuan world. Among the mixed real people in Eight Yuan, there are as many as ten billion worth of real people in the ancient heavens. And the gap of 10 billion people can also be made up by fifty times the epic.

Below the kingship, there are sixty sniper ships. Although it is not comparable to the kingship, it still has strong lethality, and it can snip and kill without great honor. Therefore, the military attaches great importance to it.

Each of the sixty sniper ships is equipped with tens of billions of epic gods. These sixty battleships will require a total of 600 billion epic lords in order to exert their maximum combat power.

In the mixed world, there are hundreds of billions of epics, and it is easy to meet the tens of billions of needs.

As for the remaining 12,000 assault ships, it is even more stress-free. Each requires 8 million epic celestial statues, and 12 thousand ships require a total of 16 trillion epic celestial statues.

In the process of equipping, all the epic celestial bodies on the sniper ship were 34 or 35 robbers, and the combat effectiveness was the strongest. On the attack ship, the realm was generally above 30 robberies, thereby ensuring its strongest combat power.

When all the soldiers were equipped, the training became more intensive. Every day, a warship passed by at high altitudes, sometimes attacking alone, and sometimes opposing attack exercises.

However, to launch a warship requires not only maneuvering people, but also the power of the world. The power of the world is the basic driving force for battleship attacks and movements, and consumes a lot.

The power of the world exists mostly in a situation of great transformation. The Empire ’s daily training of warships consumes a large amount of good fortune, which makes Li Xing extremely painful, but he can only stare, because without training, the warships cannot enter the battlefield.

Thanks to his wealth, he can afford it. Not to mention the search by Guiyuanmen and Xiaoyao Palace, in the past decade or so, he has destroyed the good fortune plundered by various forces of all sizes, which is an astronomical figure that can basically support these warships.

In the process of training warships, Li Xingdu participated in the whole process. According to the characteristics of different warships, he designed and perfected several attack formations by himself, which greatly improved the attack and defense of the warships.

At the same time, he is also paying close attention to Xuan Huangguo's developments and is ready to meet.

In a secret base of Xuanhuang Kingdom, Xuanhuang's son and the old lord were both behind them, and a group of generals stood behind them. In front of them, there were actually 60 kingships, 300 sniper ships, and 10,000 attack ships on display.

At this moment, these warships are all training, sharp attack and proficient in movement.

The old landlord smiled and said, "The son of the gods has a clever idea. The mixed Yuan empire must think that we only have a few warships, but we don't know the true strength, and they are hiding here."

A general commander also laughed: "The hidden combat power of the Lord is dozens of times the exposed combat power. When the battlefield is reached, the people of the mixed Yuan empire must stare and be killed by us. "

Xuanhuang's son smiled and said, "In order to purchase these warships, Xuanhuang Kingdom can be said to have exerted all its power. The mixed Yuan empire is a major problem and must be removed. Otherwise, my Xuanhuang Kingdom cannot rule the continent."

At this time, one person said: "Master, now ### training, the amount of consumption of the great fortune Dan is amazing, it is no longer available, is it necessary to use the war reserve?"

Xuanhuang's son frowned, and said, "It costs a lot of money to buy a battleship, and there is not much left in Da Cao Hua Dan. At present, this can only be the case. Hateful! If it was not the emperor of the day, the treasures of the four seas would have fallen into my hands, and it would not have been so tension!"

Suddenly, a powerful momentum rose behind everyone, and everyone immediately turned around and humbly whispered to the rear: "See the Master."

A middle-aged man, ~ www.readwn.com ~, was walking in a jealous manner wearing a purple gold robe with a beast crown on his head. He glanced at the warships in training and nodded, and said, "It seems you didn't bother, these kingships, as long as three or five of them move, I have to work hard."

The son of Xuanhuang nodded and said: "The mixed Yuan empire thought that the national division was Xuanhuang's card, but we never imagined that we could afford to buy so many kingships."

The state division is Xuan Huangguo's infinitely magnificent deity. He said: "Unfortunately, the mysterious mainland is not willing to sell the damaged imperial ship, otherwise our odds are greater."

"Anyway, the current strength is enough to destroy the mixed Yuan empire." Xuanhuang's son sneered. "At that time, I will catch the mixed Yuan emperor alive and torture it to death!"

Time passed day by day, and in a blink of an eye it was one and a half months. What surprised Xing Li was that Xuan Huangguo, who had been eager to move, did not make a major attack except for launching some minor harassment. This puzzled him and felt that there was always something wrong.

ps: There were 101 red flowers yesterday, so today we will update five chapters.


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