Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1134: Nirvana 9 Yang

Chapter 1134: Nirvana Nirvana (second more)

Chapter 1134 Nirvana Nine Suns (Second)

Although the longer the delay, the more sophisticated the warships of the Junyuan Empire will be, which is good for the Junyuan country. ╚ ^ Net But Li Xing still summoned the generals to discuss the matter.

In the military aircraft hall, Li Xing said what he had in mind, saying: "With the action style of Xuanhuang Kingdom, this battle has already begun. Now more than a month has passed, but Xuanhuang Kingdom has nothing to do. Things must happen abnormally. Demon, here, Bendi wants to hear your opinions. "

Li Ba, the highest commander of the military, was the first to express his views and said, "Although the Xuanhuang Kingdom fought for many years, although the territory continued to expand, all industries were abandoned, and the areas under control did not develop, but suffered huge damage. Therefore, I think Xuanhuang Kingdom Delaying the decisive battle is likely to rest for a period of time, which shows that they do not have much chance of winning this war. "

Li Xing nodded and said, "There is some truth, but the Xuanhuang Kingdom plundered almost half of the Xuanhuang Continent. It is impossible for the state treasury to be empty."

At this time, a teenager in white robes stood up, this humane number Zilong Datianzun, young and very light, but has gone through sixty calamities, is a self-cultivation genius. Zilong Datianzun is not an outsider, because he is the son of Xiao Jin and the Dragon Princess.

As soon as he was born, he was the great celestial being in the legendary realm. He was a purple dragon. He was a maverick and was very much loved by Li Xing. He even planned to accept it as a righteous son.

Later, the Zilong gradually grew up. In recent years, he has emerged in the army and gradually risen to the ranks. Now he is a major general in the mixed Yuan empire and can go to the military aircraft hall to discuss matters.

Zilong gave a gift and said: "Your Majesty, the end will think that Xuanhuang Country is unlikely to take the opportunity to take a rest. If he wants to take a rest, he will act low-key in advance and will never harass our borders. . "

Li Xing was very satisfied, nodded and asked, "What do you think made Xuan Huangguo do this?"

Zilong thought for a while and said, "Xuanhuang Kingdom's move should be waiting. Waiting for the maturity of a certain force, or waiting for the maturity of a certain time, will cause a fatal blow to my empire."

Among the generals, many people agreed with Zilong's point of view. They are all field-tested generations, and they have extremely keen insight and are extremely accurate in seeing the problem.

Li Xing frowned slightly. This was what he was most worried about. What was Xuan Huangguo waiting for? Is there really a terrorist force that can threaten the mixed Yuan empire?

After the meeting, Li Xing thought about it, always feeling unreliable. That day, he summoned Jiuyang Fen.

Over the years, he has not used the Jiuyang avatar much, but ordered him to practice in the vortex of time and space, thousands of miles a day. Moreover, he did not mention this to others, this avatar is another killer of his.

Over the years, Jiuyang's avatar has made rapid progress, and has steadily entered the state of Nirvana Nirvana. This avatar, which combines the power of Pan Guzhu, was originally extremely strong.

However, due to the suppression of his own realm, the power of Pan Guzhu could not be fully released. Because of this, Li Xing will throw him to a place to cultivate, the purpose is to improve his realm.

However, like the situation he encountered, after Jiuyang stepped into the sixty calamities, the remaining civilizations in the civilization roulette could not meet his ascension requirements. The practice of detachment requires a higher level of civilization, which Li Xing cannot provide at present.

But even so, the Jiuyang avatar of the Nirvana in Sixty Calamities is quite horrible. It has stabilized Li Xing's deity, and can shake the immense celestial deities above and below the 85th Calamity.

In other words, if Xuanhuang Kingdom's immense Tianzun shots, Jiuyang avatar can fight against it.

This time he summoned Jiuyang's avatar, he wanted to make a trip to Xuanhuang Kingdom, to inquire about Xuanhuang Kingdom, and see what Xuanhuang Kingdom was working on.

Jiuyang's avatar changed his face, and his breath was completely different from Li Xing. If he went out in this way, even the closer people could not see his identity. The avatar was swift and fast, and soon arrived in Xuanhuang City, the most strictly controlled area, Xuanhuang City.

Xuan Huangcheng is heavily guarded, and anyone who enters or exits must be interrogated. Jiuyang's avatar did not sneak directly, but waited for half a day outside the city. During this little half-day, he found that many foreigners who wanted to enter Xuanhuang City were beheaded and killed, and the blood outside the gate was very heavy.

Just a moment ago, a young legend named Tian Tianzun said that he wanted to enter the city to find his own teachers and friends. When he said nothing, he was chopped by the gatekeeper. The beheaded man was in a very high state. It was the practice of forty-eight annihilation of Da Tianzun, killing a legendary Da Tianzun without blinking, directly pinching to death.

Suddenly, Jiuyang's avatar finally found a reason. He gave a roar. The roar shook the mountains and rivers, turbulently, and screamed, "Who killed my apprentice?"

The people in Xuanhuang City were shocked by this roar, and stopped to look outside the city gate. And some of the gatekeepers of the gatekeeper turned pale, was the one who had just died the apprentice of this horror?

Sure enough, a white shadow dangled and appeared in front of the body of the young legend Da Tianzun. This white shadow looks like a middle-aged person with an unpredictable breath and grief on his face.

He stood in front of the boy's body, gritted his teeth, and sent a murderous grudge all over his body, and then suddenly turned his head to look at the Jun gatekeeper.

"Did you kill him?" Jiuyang sternly questioned, the sound wave contained huge lethality, and the people questioned "haha" vomiting blood, how could they have a chance to speak.

"You all **** it!"

The middle-aged man was furious, and in the eyes of everyone's fear, he patted it with one palm. What a horrible blow, I saw a palm burning with white bright flames, covering the sky and covering the sun, full of pure sun, and slamming down.


Not only the gatekeepers, but also the tall and heavy walls made of special materials, were shot into powder by him. Xuanhuang City shook violently, and a large number of buildings in the city collapsed.

The middle-aged man shed his hair, and the uncle had gone crazy, holding the corpse of the young legend Da Tianzun ###, and rushed into the city.

In the distance, a group of nirvana celestial beings rushed to hear a rush, hurriedly hurried, trying to stop, and stood in front of middle-aged people. The middle-aged person keeps walking, just yelling, an "exploding" word exit.

Those blocking them exploded one after another. At the moment of the explosion, they all felt that the order of heaven and earth in their bodies and the laws of the avenue were all destroyed by a strange force. There was a great chaos. Eventually a violent explosion occurred. .

Who dares to stop this time? The middle-aged man went all the way to the deepest part of Xuanhuang City.

Soon, the news reached the old landlord, and Xuanhuang's son also got the news. The first time he heard the news, the son of Xuanhuang thought, Is this person Li Xing?

However, he sensed the other person's breath through the air and denied this idea. It even denied that this was the idea of ​​Li Xing's avatar, because the combat power of the avatar cannot exceed the deity.

Xuanhuang's son asked the people around him: "What's going on, why is this person crazy?"

One said bitterly: "Lord, this apprentice was killed by the gatekeeper, so he broke into the city like a mad man. This man was so high that he killed a lot of Nirvana on the way . "

"Huh! A bunch of waste, send me a Promise Master, you must stop him. Now is the crucial moment, Xuanhuang Kingdom can't make trouble." Xuanhuang's son decisively ordered.


Suddenly, Xuan Huangguo assembled the Promise Master from all directions. After ten breaths, twenty-eight non-great deities came together.

The middle-aged man holding the corpse passed through countless levels all the way, and finally went outside a hall. This hall is the most secret place of Xuanhuang Kingdom. Xuanhuang Hall is equivalent to the Xuanyuan Hall of the Hunyuan Empire.

When people arrived in front of the temple, there were twenty-eight unstoppable deities. One of them had reached 80 calamities and was the most powerful. He stared coldly at the middle-aged man and said, "Friend, you have done too much. Even if your apprentice is dead, you should not be so arrogant."

The middle-aged man glared and said, "Put your mother's fart! People from Xuanhuang Kingdom can't compare to my apprentice's hair and get away!"

This person with no great respect for heaven has a high weight and is usually high above him. When was he scolded like this? Suddenly, one face was full of anger and murder. "Since you don't know what to do, leave your life! Come on!"

Suddenly, the twenty-eight non-maximum Celestials shot at the same time, someone attacked, someone besieged, someone pressed the line, and each showed its ability. For a while, mysteries came out, killing tricks.

Middle-aged people are not afraid, they are independent and stand alone. They only block one palm from the left to the right, and they can easily dispel everyone's attacks. No matter how powerful the mystery, how sharp the moves, as soon as they arrived in front of them, they disintegrated, collapsed by themselves, and could not hurt him at all.

After besieging for a while, everyone feels hairy. What kind of monster is this? Why is it so resistant?

How do they know that this middle-aged man is the nine-yang clone of Li Xing, fused with Pan Guzhu. That Panguzhu is the essence of a super-order destroyer, which can destroy all order.

No matter what secret method or killing method, it is based on the order of heaven and earth, and the avenue of the plane is the core. But these things are not vulnerable in the face of Pan Guzhu's destructive power, www.readwn.com, and cannot pose a threat.

The middle-aged man stopped for a while, and seemed very impatient. He said angrily, "You killed my apprentice, but you still want to kill me. All of them should be damned, kill!"

As soon as he shot, the whole person turned into a white lightning bolt, and instantly approached a non-maximum deity. This immense celestial lord has just broken through to the Seventy-two Calamity.

As soon as the middle-aged person approached, he shot his head in the palm of his hand.

Originally, as a great man, Hugh said that if he was photographed on his head, he would never lose a hair even if he was photographed 108,000 times. But a weird scene happened, and the middle-aged person shot it with a palm, and this action without great respect suddenly became stiff.

Then, in the horror of everyone's attention, his body cracked, and then from the numerous cracks, an infinite amount of white light was emitted.


With a loud noise, a dignified and desolate person exploded instantly, and everyone was shocked.


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