Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1135: Make trouble in Xuanhuang City

Chapter 1135: Jiuyang Evil Monarch

Chapter 1135: Big Trouble With Xuanhuang City (Third)

The people who saw this scene were frightened, but they didn't know what was going on. ┝ & Net, only the exploded Wuxi Tianzun knew that first a strange power burst into his body.

At an instant of one hundred thousandth, he felt that the power of the world in his body was suddenly chaotic, all order was disturbed, and all power suddenly ran away. The consequences of this out of control are serious and directly lead to his immense world exploding.

The remaining twenty-seven people have no great deity, everyone is afraid, and they do n’t understand what is the most terrible. They can't figure out how middle-aged people can do it. With a single tap, they can kill a great deity.

Bai Ying flashed again, and this time he was in front of a seventy-four robbery Wuzun Tianzun. The man screamed at the sight of Bai Ying's approach, and the whole body was soaring, and a shot stabbed at Bai Ying.

A bizarre scene took place. The overbearing and piercing shot that stabbed eternity was staggered. Ignoring the laws of time and space, he rushed directly to another immortal.

The latter never imagined that the companion would kill himself. In anxiety, he could only throw a punch with all his strength. The two did not have great celestial respects, and had a hard fight.

But at the moment when the two were fighting, Bai Ying was divided into two, flashed behind the two Great Celestial Masters, and still fluttered lightly.



The voice was not loud, but in the ears of others, it was like the call of the **** evil spirit, the scream of the demon king, and his face changed greatly.

Sure enough, just as everyone expected, these two people have no great esteem. Like the previous people, they were cracked, then brightened, and blasted into powder.

"This man is weird, let's retreat first!" A seventy-eight calamity-free Wu Tianzun called first, and the others responded and hurried back.

This unfathomable person really made them wonder. Not only could they not be attacked without being attacked, but if they fluttered a little, they would be able to fight without great devotion. This is really terrifying. They no longer have the fighting spirit to continue the fight, only to retreat.

The middle-aged man killed three of them without great respect, and howled: "You killed my apprentice, the entire Xuanhuang Kingdom will pay the price of blood!"

After that, he lifted his feet to the ground, only to hear a "bang", a terrifying shock wave set off on the ground, centering on him, spreading out in all directions. Where the shock wave went, the house collapsed and turned into dust. Officers and soldiers in the city were vomiting blood and fell to the ground, unable to afford serious injuries.

"What?" In Xuanhuang Hall, Xuanhuang's son suddenly stood up, angrily, "He was so powerful, even killing three of me without great deity?"

The man who reported it was terrified, and said, "This man is too aggressive. He will kill someone when he shoots. No one is his one enemy. Lord, please find a way quickly."

Xuan Huang's son patted the old case and yelled, "Go and ask a teacher!"

However, it is said that the middle-aged man stepped out and shocked the 3,000 world, causing the entire Xuanhuang City to collapse. And just as the shock wave expanded, a huge bare hand suddenly fell from the sky and pressed down slightly.

A wave of supreme pressure came, and the violent shock wave suddenly subsided. If you look down from the sky, you can see a circle with a diameter of thousands of miles. Everything inside the circle has been destroyed by the shock wave.

In the air, a middle-aged man in a purple gold robe with a beast crown over his head was glared at the middle-aged man, and Shen said, "Your Lord is too aggressive!"

The middle-aged man sneered, his nostrils turned skyward, disdainfully said: "These wastes of Xuanhuang Kingdom, dare to kill my apprentice, then use your entire Xuanhuang Kingdom to bury him!"

The middle-aged man in the purple gold robe is the master of the kingdom, the immeasurable great deity of Xuanhuang Kingdom. He heard Fang laugh: "You are crazy, let alone give you no color to see, you really treat me as Xuanhuang Kingdom."

After all, he reached out to the middle-aged.

This pointing out, a purple light, a thick arm, "Sen" had to hit it.

The middle-aged man was not afraid, and stretched out his palm to push it flat. A pure fire appeared in the palm of his hand, and this fire could melt everything. The purple light and the pure sunlight collided together, and a bright brilliance erupted, as if the thunder blew.

The middle-aged man flickered slightly, but the teacher retreated, and the latter's face changed greatly.

Originally, when he came up, he saw the cultivation of middle-aged people. It seems that he is only the Nirvana of the Sixty Calamities. In this state, it is very rare to be able to defeat the incomparable Nirvana. But he couldn't think of it, this man can even compete against himself!

The middle-aged man took the next move and laughed: "It seems that your Xuanhuang Kingdom is not all waste, but you alone, I'm afraid you can't stop me!"

Talking, the middle-aged man was mad, and punched Xuanhuangdian with one punch.

The teacher was furious, scolded angrily, and pointed out with all his strength.

The middle-aged man banged on the Xuanhuang Hall with a punch, and his body was struck hard. The body flickered, and he could not help but withdraw a distance, and blood shed in the corner of his mouth. After all, it was an immeasurable blow from Tiantian Zun, and he was not badly injured.

However, the middle-aged man's punch also caused great damage to the Xuanhuang Hall. After hearing a loud noise, the Xuanhuang Hall, composed of countless planes, was blasted out of a huge cave, and the screams of countless people were heard inside .

Countless lights and shadows rushed out of the cave, but it was the reflection of the countless planes superimposed in the temple under strong impact. Although the reflection was confusing, middle-aged people still caught a trace of what they wanted.

He saw that in a certain secret plane, there were actually fifty or sixty kingships being trained!

The Xuanhuang Dian was blasted away, and the teacher was furious and yelled, "Today the old man will chop you!" Holding a purple gold whip, he beat him down.

The middle-aged man did not fight hard with him, and shouted, "To this day, I will come again in the future, kill a piece of armor without leaving!" Say, his body flickered, and it disappeared directly, letting the state teacher also No way to chase.

At the same time, in the mixed-yuan empire, Li Xing's face suddenly surprised and murmured: "No wonder! Xuan Huangguo actually hides his strength. Sixty kingships, presumably the number of sniper and attack ships is far more than intelligence Medium quantity! "

Although surprised, Li Xingqing was lucky to have mixed the Yuan Empire. He obtained materials from the ninth emperor and could build an imperial ship. In addition, the ninth emperor lent out 180 kingships!

With these reliances, even if the Xuanhuang Kingdom hides most of its strength, the mixed Yuan empire has no fear. However, he must adjust the strategy accordingly to avoid unnecessary injuries.

Xuanhuang City, at this moment is still dark and suffocating, Jiuyang split up this scene, making Xuanhuang's son extremely depressed. Inexplicably, there is an extreme master with infinite power that killed three in and three out, tossing him up.

"What is the origin of that person? I always feel that he has a terrible atmosphere of destruction. Is it the destroyer?" Xuanhuang's son asked his guru with his teeth at this moment.

The guru looked dignified and said, "This man is really very dangerous. I attacked him two times, and the other side took a trick, and was forced to do it, only to be slightly injured. As to whether he is a saboteur, I am not sure. , But it is definitely possible. "

"How can I mess with this kind of person?" Xuan Huang's son shook his head. "I hope he won't come again, or if he is known by the mixed empire, maybe he will draw this monster past."

"Anyway, I've greeted a great character. If this person dares to come again, he will make him come back." The teacher said confidently.

"Oh? Who did you invite, the Master?" Xuanhuang's son was curious.

"Plundering the Great Celestial Master." Guo Shidao said, "An old antique, the strength is far above me. However, in order to please him, Xuanhuang Kingdom has to pay a considerable price."

"What's the price?" Xuanhuang's son asked.

"Eighty billion people," said Guo Shidao. "It is best to practice above the level of heaven."

Xuanhuang's son said lightly: "It's nothing. Xuanhuang country siege the city, the most important thing is people. Besides, the people of heavenly respect are all ### in Xuanhuang country. It's not a pity to disappear.

Guo Shidao: "The man who plunders Datianzun is terrible. If he comes, you must entertain him, and it is best to make him happy." He laughed. "He likes women the most, and the higher he is, the more he likes it."

Xuanhuang's son showed a clear expression, and said, "I know what to do."

But he said that Li Xing had redesigned his strategy. Soon afterwards, there was movement over the ancient miracle tree. He came to the scene for the first time.

At this moment, the giant miracle ancient tree was trembling slightly, emitting hundreds of millions of glows. Above the canopy, a thick light of nature was shot. In the light of creation, a pen and a blank scroll appear.

Li Xing's eyes widened, and he saw that the pen drew on a blank scroll by itself. The speed was very fast and it was instantaneous. On top of that scroll, there was an extravagant battleship, jumping on the paper.

Then a slight bang, the picture suddenly exploded, and a phantom of a battleship landed down ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing blinked, this phantom became extremely huge, and once blinked, it had turned into a A real battleship.

At the same time, the light of good fortune disappeared, and the pen was gone. Only this battleship remained, and it was exactly the emperor!

The emperor ship emits the supreme treasure light. It uses immortal real gold as bone, xuanhuang ancestor as body, chaotic thunder as weapon, and countless natural treasures as parts. Once it is born, it will shake three thousand worlds. Time and space have shocked Li Xing.

The imperial ship can be large or small. When it is large, it can cross planes. When it is small, it is only a hundred meters long and travels through time and space. At this moment, the imperial ship is presented to the crowd with the smallest volume.

"Success!" Li Xing showed joy in his eyes, and the first rushed to the imperial ship.

Entering the imperial ship, he saw a huge disc, completely formed by the confusion of thunder and thunder, with a diameter of more than ten meters. The disk that surrounds this equal ground is the twelve thrones.

The Twelve Throne is the hub to control the imperial ship, and only characters above the Promise can sit on it. The low-level state cannot bear the pressure caused by the imperial ship.


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