Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1136: A fierce battle

Chapter 1136: The Terrifying Decisive Battle (Fourth)

Chapter 1136: The Cruel Decisive Battle (Fourth)

Unlike other warships, the emperor ship no longer requires the control of millions or even hundreds of millions of people. It only needs twelve people. . . 'And when manipulating the imperial ship, the pilot will not consume too much energy. The main motivation of this ship comes from the disk in front of him.

This disc is called Yuanlipan. As long as enough Dahuahuadan is put into it, it can use the power of the world to drive the entire emperor ship and launch an immortal kill.

In addition, the source disk has a more magical effect, which is to absorb the power of civilization and launch a more powerful attack. Of course, at the moment, only Li Xing can provide civilized people, as limited.

After checking it on the imperial ship, Li Xing found that the ship was perfect and fully met the standards of the drawing, so he summoned twelve men without great celestial respect to come to the imperial ship to converge.

These twelve people have no great deities, and they are all more than seventy-eight calamities, including twelve people, such as killing the great deities, scoring the great deities, and the glorious grand deities. Of the twelve Great Celestial Masters, eight were conquered by the Xiaoyao Palace, and four were capable people recruited at other times.

When these twelve men entered the rear ship, they were all stunned, and the killing of the big deity was said with excitement: "It was really a great deal! This ship is extremely terrifying, and it is said that it can fight the immortal deity! "

The other Great Celestial Masters were also very excited and very emotional. It is no wonder that with this emperor ship, the mixed Yuan empire is already invincible. Even if Xuanhuang Kingdom can invite the immortal **** to exalted, they are not afraid!

Li Xing immediately taught the method of controlling the imperial ship. This method is easy to learn and can be taught in a few words. Then he told everyone: "You are all the people that the Emperor trusts. I hope you will perform well in this decisive battle. When the mixed empire is unified and everyone is rewarded, this emperor will never hesitate. . "

Everyone said, "Thank you, Emperor!"

With the advent of the imperial ship, Li Xing relied on it, and the layout was more meticulous. The entire mixed Yuan empire operates efficiently and is ready to meet the battle with the Xuanhuang Empire.

The time soon came three months later. On this day, the long border between the Xuanhuang Kingdom and the Junyuan Empire was spreading over black soldiers, with 80 billion people! This is almost all soldiers of Xuanhuang Kingdom.

Obviously, Xuanhuang Guo will do his best to defeat the mixed Yuan Empire in one fell swoop and win the position of No. 1 hegemon in Xuanhuang Continent.

In the camp, the son of Xuanhuang and the generals are in a pre-war meeting. The son of Xuanhuang said in a deep voice: "Generals, Xuanhuang Kingdom is fully prepared. Our teeth are out! We need to let them know who is the orthodox Xuanhuang continent and who is the overlord of Xuanhuang! "

The generals yelled in unison, the battle was over.

"This battle is of great importance. I personally direct it. Come, pass my order, and call up the battleship!" Xuanhuang's son gave an order.

At high altitude, clouds were scattered and battleships appeared over the barracks. There are 13 thousand assault ships, 320 sniper ships, and 63 kingships, all of which are black and powerful.

The army did not know that there were so many warships in Xuanhuang Kingdom, and they were very excited and cheered loudly. There were sounds of shouting and killing on the battleship. This was the response of the people on the ship.

Unlike Xuan Huangguo ’s grand momentum, the mixed Yuan empire looks silent and silent, and it seems that it does not know that the army is under pressure.

However, this is not the case. At the same time, the Imperial School site will be on the stage, and Li Xing will personally order 12 generals and 800 generals and order them to lead an army of 80 billion to meet the enemies of the offenders.

In this forthcoming battle, Li Xing served as chief commander. As the so-called fighting tiger brothers, the father and son soldiers battled, Li Ba and Li Gui served as assistants, commanding 12,000 attack ships and 185 king ships respectively.

In addition, there are sixty sniper ships under the command of Zilong Datianzun, responsible for sniping enemy generals.

Naturally, Li Xing was in charge of commanding the most powerful imperial ship, taking a holistic view and commanding the whole. For this battle, he took great pains to calculate everything possible, so as to be foolproof.

Everything is ready, the army is still, waiting for the final moment.

Without waiting too long, Xuan Huangguo's general offensive began. Eighty billion troops, a large number of warships, launched a comprehensive offensive across the long border.

With an army of 80 billion yuan, the tidewater show hit the border line, and it was shocking. The destructive power generated by this attack is huge. The space trap formed by the ancient trees in space is difficult to cause damage to this large-scale invasion.

It is like a large net that can catch a lot of small fish, but when there are too many fish and the size is too large, the fishing net will be torn.

The same is true of the ancient trees in space. Under the first wave of impact, the ancient trees in space were exposed and became the target of countless enemy forces. These armies are not simply independent operations. They are united in one plane, and they form a group plane for a short time.

Tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of celestial beings, united in momentum, can emit a horrible killing light. Killing light and bombardment came directly to the dozens of ancient trees in space to be fragmented.

In just half an hour, the ancient trees in space were continuously destroyed. With the cooperation of battleships, the Xuanhuang Army marched towards the second line of defense of the empire. Soon, they encountered the old trees of war.

The ancient trees of war, each of their branches is a killing weapon, between the pendulums, cut the void, cut off the enemy in an instant. At the same time, each war ancient tree also released a large number of war souls, chaos with the enemy.

These war spirits are not afraid of death, with a block of ten. Unfortunately, they did not form a group attack like Xuan Huangjun, and they were quickly defeated. Billions of ancient war trees have been cut off.

Of course, Xuanhuang Country also paid a huge price, and tens of billions of people left their bodies on the second line of defense.

Among the general kingships, the son of Xuanhuang paid close attention to the war situation. When he saw two lines of defense broken, his own side actually lost tens of billions of troops and could not help but look dignified.

"Master, why hasn't the mixed empire sent troops? Do you want to use up the defense line to consume us? You know, our warships haven't really opened fire. These are our strongest forces." A marshal asked in doubt.

Xuanhuang's son frowned: "The mixed emperor always has ### slippery, he won't do this, he should take the opportunity to send troops. There are problems, there must be problems." He touched his chin, thinking hard.

At this moment, there was a shouting and screaming from below, and it turned out that Xuanhuang Army encountered the soldiers of the third line of defense. The third line of defense is composed of guarding the ancient trees. Within the guarding of the ancient trees, a large number of guardian soldiers were born. Their fighting power is amazing and the number is huge.

Moreover, Dao Ping and War Soul are the same. They have a certain amount of wisdom, they can form a battle line and snip the enemy. Billions of Dao soldiers, Qi machine connected together, fiercely killed the enemy.

On the kingship, the son of Xuanhuang was shocked, and he sat up and shouted, "Give me the full bombardment and blast these things into scum!"

He couldn't help but be shocked, because he saw that in a split second, the battle net composed of billions of soldiers would hang off hundreds of millions of Xuanhuang soldiers, which was terribly efficient. Moreover, among the Taoist soldiers, hundreds of Promiseless Taoists were distributed in various places, becoming the greatest threat to the Xuanhuang Kingdom.

Three hundred sniper warships started slowly, firing a ray of glory. This brilliance, called a lock-shaped light, once locked by it, will temporarily lose its ability to move, even if there is no great deity.

Each of the hundreds of Promise soldiers counted two or three Guanghua locks, and they were very dangerous at once. As long as the opponent volleys once, they can all be killed.

But at this time, there was a loud bang in front of him, and he saw an ancient giant tree in space, faintly showing his figure. Its billions of branches swayed slightly, and thousands of warships appeared.

Twelve thousand attack ships, sixty sniper ships, and one hundred and eighty-five kingships are all there. With the space transfer capabilities of the ancient space super trees, they instantly reached the battlefield and launched an attack on the enemy .

Xuanhuang's son almost # 一 ## Sitting on the ground, he almost exclaimed at the same time as the marshals around him, shouting: "How come there are so many?"

He couldn't figure out why he would kill more warships than the Xuanhuang Kingdom. That's Wang Jian, it's so expensive that the other party has more than 180 ships! Can the Junyuan Empire have such great financial resources? Could it be that the treasures of the four seas were opened by him?

There were a few thoughts in his mind ###, and then he yelled, "Go all out!"

At this time, there is no need to talk about any tactics, and the other party has the advantage, so it can only be desperate, and only then can there be vitality.

"Boom boom!"

One hundred and fifty kingships opened fire on the enemy's three hundred sniper ships as soon as possible. Each kingship fired two lock-shaped beams of light and locked two sniper ships at the same time.


Emperor Li returned to order, and suddenly, each kingship fired two shots. This kills light and is powerful, and it can fight against the immense amount of heaven.

The sniper ship and the Wang ship were not in the same grade at all. After being locked, they could not move at all, and watched each other fire. Within the killing light, there are countless great worlds annihilating, but they represent the power of death.


Killing light easily penetrated the sniper ~ www.readwn.com ~ and tore it. There was a loud explosion, one after another. Three hundred sniper ships disappeared in such an instant.

However, Li Xing used the correct tactics. The above match was against the middle, the upper was against the middle, and he quickly killed the enemy.

The sniper was bombed, and the son of Xuanhuang was so angry that he shouted, "Fire, fire!"

Thirteen thousand attack ships and sixty-three kingships launched an attack on the imperial battleships.

But at this time, the huge space ancient tree twisted its body, all the warships disappeared, and the enemy's lock-shaped light could not capture the enemy.

At the time of the Xuanhuang party ###, all the battleships of the empire appeared behind them and attacked directly. This time the volley was aimed at Xuan Huangguo's 13,000 attack ships.

Li Ba shouted, "Lock out every three ships, call me!"

0.0 after the fifth more zero.


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