Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1137: Plunder. Ancient Altar

Chapter 1137 of the Jiuyang Demon Prince Plunder. Ancient Altar (Fifth)

Chapter 1137 Predatory. Ancient Altar (Fifth)

The 12,000 attack ships led by Li Ba and the 4,000 attack ships of the enemy were instantly locked in a round of volley, as if the fireworks were blooming, killing 4,000 at once. . . This three-to-one tactic can instantly kill warships of the same class. With the help of ancient trees in the space, it was used by Li Xing at this moment.

At the same time, Li Gui, who ordered 185 kingships to attack with full force. The kingship had no suspense to the attacking ship. Each kingship actually issued forty lock-shaped beams of light at the same time.

As a result, one hundred and eighty-five kingships suddenly locked 7,400 enemy attack ships, and then fired in the same round. The sky was full of explosions of light, and the sound of rumbling explosions shocked the face of Xuanhuangzi as earthy.

The battle was completely beyond his expectation, and at this time he realized how foolish it was to enter the decisive battle of the mixed empire. Here, the mixed yuan empire occupies all time, geography, and peace.

At that time, the ancient ancient trees knew that the warship **** of the mixed Yuan empire could be haunted and cause fatal blows to the enemy.

The attack of the imperial assault ship and the kingship immediately cost Xuan Huangguo's assault ship 114,000. The next 1,600 ships were destroyed by more than 60 sniper ships led by Zilong Datianzun.

Each sniper ship can attack ten attack ships at the same time. It only takes a few rounds of salvos to destroy all of them.

After the attack, all the imperial battleships were once again transferred by the ancient trees in space, causing the remaining 63 kingships of the opponent to lose their attack targets, and their teeth were itchy.

After a moment of shock, the son of Xuanhuang showed a crazy expression on his face, and said loudly, "Guo Shi, please masters to go out and kill the Emperor Yuan. After the success, the wealth of the empire is allowed to be divided up by the superiors!"


With a loud laugh, I saw eight big deities walking out of the void. They were all imposing, all of them were immeasurable deities, including Xuanhuang Guoshi. Of the eight, one stood in the middle, with a pointed hat on his head, and an altar in his hand.

As soon as this altar came out, Li Xing jumped to his heart. It is exactly the Proto-Altar!

The person holding the altar swept the battlefield, his eyes flashed with joy, and he cried, "Well, so many blood foods, if all of them are sacrificed, you will get countless benefits." Then they will throw the altar in their hands down.

Suddenly, the altar turned into a big mountain, and emitted a huge amount of black light. With just one sweep, the tens of billions of celestial beings killed in the battle of Xuanhuang Kingdom were collected and all sacrificed.

"Well, comfortable!"

The big sky exhaled exquisitely.

Xuan Huang's son Shen said: "Seven seniors, please help the boy."

Da Tianzun with a pointed hat said lightly: "It's a trivial matter, but I never plundered Da Tianzun to do things for others. When things are done, you have to remember to pay the bill."

"The predatory predators rest assured, the boy will never dare to break his word." Xuanhuang son said quickly.

Predatory Da Tianzun nodded, and said to the remaining seven people: "Let's do our own thing, and see who kills more?" Said lightly, began to find the target, and soon locked the ancient tree that was flickering in space.


He took the altar and printed it forward, only to hear a "click", the ancient space tree of the Big Mac was actually settled, and then crushed inch by inch. The plundering Datianzun laughed loudly, and he would use the altar to bomb the empire's warships.

At this moment, a loud drink came from the sky, and one person screamed, "Old thing, it was you who snatched the Proterodic altar, and it will be cut today!"

With the words, a brilliant and domineering warship rushed out of the void, and as soon as this ship came out, Xuanhuang Kingdom was uproar. The division exclaimed: "Emperorship!"

The imperial ship shot down a ray of ray of light, as if the sun was shining, and the first one would lock down the plundering celestial deity. This ship, which claims to be able to fight against immortality and kill immeasurably, is not bragging, but it has its capabilities.

The plundering of Da Tianzun felt a tight body, and the power of the world stagnated. He was so surprised that he shouted "Yeah", desperately shook the altar in his hand, and said, "Open!"

With a bang, the altar shattered the lock-shaped thunder, and plundered Datianzun turned and left.


Li Xing coldly issued an order, and a second light shone over. This time, the opponent was unable to shake off, and the attack on the imperial ship came to an end.

In anxiety, plundering Da Tianzun took the altar one step forward, and he said angrily, "Boy, you are brave and dare to oppose your old husband!"


The altar was blown away, but it was intact, and the looting Datianzun was shaken open, his face was shocked. While the altar was flying away, a large hand of Jingguang looked forward and held the altar directly in his hand.

The looting Da Tianzun was so anxious that he turned to grab it. Unfortunately, at this time, the imperial ship shot another thunder. At this moment, he was frightened with a cold sweat, yelling, turned his head and walked away, straight out the mixed Yuan Empire.

All this happened too quickly, the electric light stone fire room was over, and when everyone reacted, no ancient altar changed hands, and the plundering of the Great Celestial Master was also stunned.

The other seven immeasurable celestial lords all screamed innocently, knowing that this emperor-class battleship can fight immortality. They are by no means adversaries. Except for the national division, the other six turned away and disappeared.

The Chinese teacher Yang Tian sighed. He looked at the son of Xuan Huang who had a stiff face in complex expression, and turned around and was about to go away. But at this time, a white giant fist came and killed him from the front, forcing him to fight against the enemy with all his strength.

After a slam, he was shaken back. In front of the white shadow, Jiuyang appeared, and he coldly said, "Everyone can walk, only you can't."

The teacher was furious: "Is it you?"

He did not dare to fight Jiuyang because he was worried that the imperial ship would lock him up. It's a pity that Jiuyang stubbornly entangled him and made him unable to escape.

Just as he was sweating on his forehead, a thunderbolt landed, the National Teacher was shocked, gave his life to hit a punch, and actually forced Jiuyang to step back. The National Teacher flashed the opportunity to break through the void.

The Chinese teacher was terrified and ran all the way, and suddenly felt that the surrounding space became very heavy. When he was shocked, he found that he had been surrounded by eight non-weightless masters.

This famous master is actually a guardian soldier cultivated by Li Xing. All of their realms are in the 85th calamity, and their combat strength is not weaker than the national division. Eight to one, the national division is at a disadvantage.

The muscles on the face of the teacher twitched, and he hated: "The emperor of Yuan Dynasty really has the means to reach the sky, but he still has this hand!"

The immeasurable soldiers looked indifferent, without a word, they went straight to suppress. Eight people evolved a massless killing array, evolved a massless bareman, and began to kill the national division to kill the town.

This was an unsuspecting battle. In only half an hour, the immeasurable plane of the state division was lightly broken into pieces, and he hated the scene on the spot.

The mixed Yuan Empire, the war is nearing its end, without the existence of a superfluous master, the advantages of the Mixed Yuan Empire are obvious. A large number of battleships, more than four hundred have no great celestial respect, and there are countless masters such as Jiuyang avatar, so Xuan Huangguo has no chance of winning.

The son of Xuanhuang watched 80 billion soldiers, and was volleyed by the imperial battleship once, and 20 billion was destroyed. The rest, no longer fighting, surrendered and became captives.

Xuan Huangguo's sixty-three king-class battleships had sixty-two beggars sent on the spot. No one is a fool. It is boring to get to this point in the battle.

The one who did not surrender was naturally the flagship of Xuan Huang's son. He sat with some Marshal Xuan Huang. At this moment, he was pale and shivering.

A marshal carefully said: "Lord, are we ..." He glanced around for a while and said in a difficult way, "Stay in the mountains, don't be afraid that there is no firewood, the meaning of his subordinates ..."

The son of Xuanhuang suddenly gave a sharp laugh: "Do you want to surrender?"

The marshal lowered his head and stopped speaking, but the meaning was clear, he really wanted to surrender.

"Traitors, you are all traitors!" Xuanhuang's son was furious. "I will inherit the will of Xuanhuang civilization, and I will never be defeated. You betray me, all death!"

The marshals exchanged a clear look, and then all turned their eyes to the son of Xuanhuang.

The battle was over. When Li Xing saw Xuan Huang's son, he had been bombarded to death and could not die anymore. The man who killed him was the Marshal of Xuanhuang Kingdom. The first person to shoot was the mighty general of Xuanhuang Kingdom, who was the one who fled under the attack of the Imperial Army.

For these rebellious generals, Li Xing's generous treatment gave them temporary side effects and was not treated as a captive.

This time, the Hunyuan Empire triumphed and captured nearly 50 billion soldiers, sixty-two kingships, and all the people on board.

However, after the victory, there are countless troubles. The regime of the Xuanhuang Kingdom shall take over, the people shall be appeased, and the prisoners of war shall be disposed of. Even some small forces around us should be prepared to take advantage of the fire. In short, there is a huge amount of government affairs that Li Xing needs to deal with every day.

Thanks to his chaotic mind, everything is well planned and everything is handled in an orderly manner.

The day after the war ~ www.readwn.com ~ Hundreds of billions of ancient trees in space continued to emerge from the air and underground. They were like commanded soldiers, quickly fighting the territory of the original Xuanhuang Kingdom. And united with the land of the original empire.

Where there are ancient trees in space, it represents the territory of the mixed Yuan empire. Those small forces that have not been destroyed are dreaded, and often go around.

This time, the area of ​​the mixed Yuan empire has reached two-thirds of the entire Xuanhuang Kingdom, which has increased several times. With it comes countless things to do.

However, the efficiency of the mixed-yuan civilization is extremely high. When the ancient trees of space are spread throughout the patriots, the remaining ancient trees of war, the ancient trees of guardianship, the ancient trees of life, the ancient trees of weather, the ancient trees of transmission, the ancient trees of information, the ancient trees of reincarnation, etc. , Have appeared one after another.

Almost overnight, the original Xuanhuang Kingdom changed dramatically, becoming prosperous and prosperous. All this made those aboriginal residents feel incredible and became more and more in awe of the emperor.

One day, someone reported it, saying that the Yuan and Mongolian leaders led the civil and military officials to ask for help and begged to join the mixed Yuan empire. Hearing the newspaper, Li Xing couldn't help but said, "Take someone to the temple."


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