Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1138: Emperor

Chapter 1138: Emperor Jiuyang (First)

Chapter 1138 The Emperor (First)

It can be said that the Yuan and Mongolian states should be regarded as one of the promoters of the mixed Yuan empire. ╚ Feizhong Zhongwen? ^ Net Li Xing, once joined the Yuan and Mongolian State Juyitang to do business, then expanded in the name of the Yuan and Mongolian state, and initially established a mixed Yuan empire, avoiding a lot of trouble.

Later, the Yuan Dynasty Empire grew stronger, and the Yuan and Mongolian States came up with a way to make the Yuan Dynasty Empire to be the leading bird, let it fight with Xuan Huang Kingdom, and take advantage of it.

However, the superiors of Yuanmengmen never imagined that the mixed Yuan empire would become so powerful that it would be able to compete with the Xuanhuang Kingdom, the largest country, and eventually destroy it, becoming the first hegemon of Xuanhuang.

At this time, the Yuan and Mongolian lords were sitting on needles every day, and he kept thinking, would the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty see through his original plan of driving tigers and wolves? Do you remember to hate yourself? Will it send troops to attack Yuan and Mongolia?

Compared with Xuan Huangguo, Yuan Mengguo is like a little sheep and a big tiger. The gap between the two is huge, and it is not at all a level. The hybrid empire and even the tigers are ###, isn't the little sheep even more invincible?

So, after many thoughts, the Yuan and Mongolian lords made a most secure decision to give up the entire country.

The Yuan Mongolian Lord is not only the Lord of the Kingdom, he is also a practitioner and knows to respect the strong. Moreover, Yuan Mengguo was not so important to him. The biggest purpose of his control of Yuanmeng was to collect training resources.

However, the reputation of the Yuan Dynasty emperor has always been very good, and he is very generous to His Majesty. This is the biggest reason why the Yuan and Mongolian Lords did so.

The Hao Hao Hall, the Yuan and Mongolian lords, and one of the civil and military forces, all five bodies were cast into the ground. Li Xing was on the throne, and the two sides were full of founding heroes of the mixed Yuan. At first glance, most of them had no great respect.

As a result of defeating Xuanhuang Kingdom, the national strength of the mixed Yuan Empire has also been greatly improved. His Majesty Li Xing, there are more than two hundred and twenty without the Great Celestial Master. This is not even the Promise Soldier and Promise of War.

In addition, Li Xing stood around eight immeasurable road soldiers, which perfectly matched Li Xing's breath, and became a whole. The monstrous oppression oppressed everyone in Yuanmeng and trembled, and the bones trembled.

"Chen et al., See the Emperor of Yuan Dynasty, the emperor dominates the universe, and stretches the universe!" Yuan Mengguo said loudly.

Li Xing smiled slightly and said warmly, "The Lord of Yuan and Mongolia invites you."

The Yuan and Mongolian lords were flattered, stood up carefully, and humbly said, "Thank you, Emperor."

At this time, a group of civil and military officials behind him also stood up, lowered their heads and stood behind, even panting very carefully.

Li Xingdao: "Yuan Mongolian Lord, it is said that you want to merge Yuan Mongolian Empire into the empire, is this true?"

The Yuan and Mongolian lords suddenly said with excitement: "The mixed Yuan empire will dominate Xuanhuang. His subordinates will do so, but after examining the situation, they will give the empire the icing on the cake. Please, the emperor must keep Yuan Mongolia!"

Li Xing nodded and said, "In theory, the emperor has a deep relationship with the Yuan and Mongolian kingdoms, and he has no reason to agree." He paused, "I read that you are so accessible, that all your clan are nobles, and the title is eternal. You You can also enter the second training area and practice with peace of mind and enjoy the highest national treatment. "

Yuan Mongolia was overjoyed, thanked him quickly, and then said, "Your Majesty, there is one more thing for the minister."

"You speak." Li Xing said, his voice was not loud, but he could shake the heavens. Every word he has now is a golden rule, he speaks the way, and there is a way to convey the Quartet without the power of God, which makes people admire and admire.

Yuan Meng Guo turned and whispered: "Not yet?"

I saw Yuanmeng Baiguan walking out of a green girl. This young girl's skin looks like autumn, and her beauty is hard to describe in words. In particular, she has a unique temperament, as if made of water, charming, and moving.

Seeing this woman, Li Xing couldn't help wondering, and asked, "What's the meaning of this move?"

Yuan Mengguo laughed: "This is a little girl. She is born with beauty and is beautiful. It is said that men in the world have three requirements, one is to have high force and kill without a knife; Charming lady, night night degree ###. "

This is the smooth word of the countryman's husband, who actually uttered it in the mouth of the Yuan and Mongolian state. Hearing was funny and funny, which made everyone laugh.

Li Xing shook his head and smiled, "Yuan Meng, you are really old and disrespectful. How can you give your daughter away at will? You make me Ye Ye ### is false, is it true to want to hold grandchildren?"

This is also a joke. The Yuan and Mongolian masters pretended to be panic, and even said that they did not dare, saying: "Your Majesty, the little girl has been raised in a deep boudoir, and she has never seen anyone. She loves her very much. However, she can marry her Majesty. This is The blessings she cultivated in the third life. And, Her Majesty is extremely honorable, just leave her with me as a messenger, and you don't have to give any name. "

Li Xing didn't refuse these small things. He knew in his heart that the move by the Yuan and Mongolian state leaders was actually a kind of flattery, and hoped that he would live a stable life in the mixed Yuan empire in the future. If he doesn't accept it, it will make his heart uneasy and cause trouble.

"Well, the emperor will accept your kindness and let her wait for the empress." Li Xingdao. The empress in his mouth was naturally Yan Zhenzhen. As early as in the world of dragon elephants, Yan Zhenzhen was the "Queen".

The Yuan and Mongolian lords were so grateful that the matter was settled.

Li Xing did not know that the surrender of the Yuan and Mongolian sovereigns was only the beginning.

Three days later, the leader of the Han Yi Kingdom led a hundred officials to ask for permission to join the mixed Yuan empire. Ten days later, the Baxiang country leader led a hundred officials to meet and hope to join the Empire.

In just half a year, countries around the Hunyuan Empire have successively joined the Hunyuan Empire.

These devoted owners understand that instead of being destroyed in the future and the country destroyed, it is better to join as early as possible, so that they can get a life and even wealth.

This is indeed the case. Li Xing takes care of the old and the young in these countries. They are all named nobles and enjoy high-standard national treatment. This makes most people more nourished than before, and they are very grateful.

The surrender of the nations increased the area of ​​the mixed Yuan empire to four-fifths of the entire Xuanhuang kingdom.

The remaining one-fifth of the place is a dangerous place, all of which are poor mountains and rivers, and there are inexperienced people hiding in it. Li Xing was not anxious to use soldiers, and temporarily spent energy on the construction of the empire.

The construction of the country is not a day's work. In the next five years, the mixed Yuan empire was frivolous, making everyone in the empire live and work in peace. At the same time, the construction of the empire has been relatively complete.

Great progress has been made in transportation, education, commerce, military, and personnel training. Among the empires, a large number of wizards who practiced loyalty to the empire, and governed the country.

But one day, it was a small village in the Hunyuan World. This village is extremely remote. Fortunately, they are all trained to be able to walk the world, but they have not cut off contact with the outside world, and instead walked frequently.

Just a while ago, the mixed Yuan empire launched a decisive battle with the Xuanhuang Kingdom, and the village also sent an ancient great deity to participate. After the man returned, he was sought after by the whole village, and the women in the village mostly felt secretly towards him. Men are also very envious of it.

At this moment, next to the small river in the village, a young man of great physique was sitting on a huge rock beside the river. He looked into the distance, his eyes glowed with luster.

Suddenly, a girl in red ran out behind him, covering the man's eyes from behind, and he smiled and asked, "Brother Yang, guess who I am?"

A helpless expression appeared on the man's face, saying: "Your voice is so nice, your little hands are so soft, and your breath is so sweet. I really can't remember how there are such wonderful people in the world, I really can't guess."

The girl was stomped with anger, but with a smile on her face, she said, "You're bad! You know it's me, but you say it on purpose."

As soon as the red shadow shook, the girl sat on the man's side, leaned her head on his shoulder, and her hair fluttered, stroking the man's face. She said cheerfully: "Brother Yang, what do you do when you run to the river every day? Is it good to envy the stone woman in the village?"

The man smiled faintly, and said, "Yeah, so I decided to join the army tomorrow and come back with a general."

The girl pursed her mouth, "I won't let you go!"

"Why?" The man asked.

"Because ..." The girl blushed and bit her lip. "They won't let you go anyway."

"If you don't say it, I'll leave." The man and you looked upright, very resolutely.

The girl was anxious, stretched out her pink fist and straightened the man's shoulder, and said, "You're bad, you're bad, you're bad ... people will ignore you in the future! You know it."

The man laughed, looking at the girl, with a gentle look in his eyes.

Suddenly, he turned to look forward.

In the east, a purple gas runs through 80,000 miles and connects the heavens and the earth. The earth and earth shook, the earth was flooded with golden lotuses, and the ceiling was sprinkled. There were hundreds of millions of days of vitality falling from the sky, and the visions were diverse.

That purple qi was so fast that it instantly reached the sky over the small river and came out of a great man. He wears a jade crown, imperial robes, rides on an imposing dragon and horse, and is followed by a group of imposing civil and military officials.

In this situation, the girl was stunned and said, "Brother Yang, who are they? What are you going to do?"

The man said lightly, "He is the emperor, come to me."

The emperor Li Gui rode down with a smile, walked in front of the man, and actually shouted, "Earth emperor, you should go out of the mountain."

On this day, the emperor entered the world, and the mixed world opened a new chapter ~ www.readwn.com ~ Where the emperor went, worship of all kinds and admiration of spirits. The earth rang for three days. Mountains and rivers, flowers, fish, insects, birds and beasts, and lightning storms all appeared visions.

A major change in the mixed world soon followed, and a heavy and orderly shore gradually dominated the entire plane. This is why the laws of the earth manifest humanity.

The emperor's name was Yang Shan, and he began to carry a girl in green clothes, walking around the world, longitude and latitude in all directions. Wherever the emperor goes, there must be space for the old trees to open the way to protect the ancient trees and protect the law. The emperor seems to represent the will of the heavenly respect and is respected everywhere.

Every time the emperor walks, his cultivation is upgraded by one level. He is a realm of legend. But three days later, he has reached the epic, and three days into the ancient times; after one month, he has steadily entered the state of eighty-four treacherous immortal gods! Forty-eight years of Li Xing's cultivation did not suppress his growth.

The emperor traveled north and south of the river, which lasted three years and six months, and finally used the divine will as the pen and ink, and the earth as the paper.

ps: Yesterday, they sent 183 red flowers, which is cruel; so Xiao Yao will update seven chapters today, with all kinds of grievances, continue to bitterly code.


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