Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1139: Zhenbaoyan

Chapter 1139 of the Jiuyang Evil Monarch Zhen Baoyan (second)

Chapter 1139 Zhen Baoyan (second)

The emperor ruled the people, the emperor ruled things, and the two complemented each other. The mixed Yuan empire developed steadily. . . At this time, Li Xing, who is Datianzun, finally has time. All the reported trivial matters are handled by his subordinates, so that he doesn't have to do everything himself.

Now that he has time, Li Xing is busy with his own affairs. The first thing is to study the Proto-Altar. Regarding the origin of this thing, the Emperor Tianxie didn't say much about it at that time, but only said that this thing does not belong to the main plane and has a strange origin.

At that time, Li Xing's cultivation was still shallow, and the wonders of the altar could not be seen yet. Now that he is high enough, he might be able to see what the doorway is.

At this moment, the altar was before him. He carefully issued a ray of divine thoughts and penetrated into the altar. After this divine thought entered, suddenly there were several extremely distant, yet extremely powerful thoughts hitting.

As if there were countless majestic voices blasting in his ear: "Bold!"

Li Xing knew the sting, and quickly withdrew from the gods, glaring at the altar. For a long time, he exhaled and murmured, "I don't know who is pretending to be a ghost, and when I'm strong enough, I must figure it out!"

The altar is still unpredictable, and Li Xing no longer ventures to study it. He just put it away. He still has more important things to do.

The development of the mixed-yuan empire and the mixed-yuan world is smooth. He has nothing to worry about, but his cultivation, but it is not easy to improve. After some thought, he decided to go to the Abyss again to get the North Emperor's head.

Of course, this trip is no longer involved in danger alone, but he will also take eight immense soldiers and drive the imperial ship. The battleship of the imperial ship is comparable to that of the immortal Goddess. With this reliance, Li Xing's safety can be guaranteed.

Before leaving, Li Xing gave the people below a task, asking them to do everything possible to get the design drawings of all the warships on the mysterious mainland. As the owner of the warship, he knew the power of the warship, and the empire must be equipped with a large amount.

If the miracle ancient tree can mass-produce these warships, then the mixed Yuan empire will definitely save a lot of money on the purchase of warships. Moreover, he knew that the most powerful warship in the history of the mysterious continent was not an emperor-class battleship, but a legendary skybreaker.

The skybreaker is rumored to be able to fight against fragmentation, behead immortality, and possess incredible combat power.

Everything was commanded, and Li Xing finally set off on his journey. During this trip, he took twelve pilots with no great celestial respect and eight guards with immeasurable troops.

The imperial battleships quickly traversed between the mainland sections, and the places they passed by were all marveled at the monks who saw the style of the warships. When the imperial ship walked for a few hours, shortly after entering the ocean of time and space, the accompanying Da Tianzun suddenly said, "God, there is something ahead."

Li Xing was enlightening a secret technique, and the eyes of the enlightened question asked, "What's the matter?"

"Lord, there should be Treasures in front of you, Treasures of Treasures of the Treasures. Would you like to bypass them?" Treasures of Treasure apparently knew the name of Treasures and asked.

Li Xing couldn't help laughing, "Don't go around, hit me directly. I just happened to visit the old man."

When he went out this time, he didn't actually think about finding trouble for Treasure Chest, but Treasure Chest was on the channel of the imperial ship. So he immediately decided to get rid of the worry-free shirt.

This worry-free tabard escaped from his hand last time because of Xuan Huang's son's cross, which has always been his regret.

The hull of the imperial ship is built with immortal true iron and black ancestral ancestors. It can be said that it is more arrogant than the physical body of the immortal god. This slammed into it in such a fierce way that it was approaching Treasure Chest.

Jumbo 阙 itself is an infinity tool, but how can it be compared with the imperial ship? The worry-free shirt was immediately alert, rushing out of the treasure chest, and behind him, it was the last lifeless sword king who attacked Li Xing last time.

"Who ..." Worry-free shirt drank halfway and suddenly shut up. Because he recognized the Emperor class battleship, he knew it better. So he said nothing, and collected the treasure directly, then pulled the swordless king and turned away.

Suddenly, a white light flickered, and Jiuyang splayed in front of the two, coldly: "Why go in such a hurry, old friends meet, you should be intimate and affectionate."

At the same time, Li Xing also stepped out of the emperor ship and appeared opposite the two.

Worry-free tabard angered: "Li Xing, don't bully people too much!"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "What you say is not level. Between heaven and earth, which place is not the strongest? The emperor is not bullying you, but you are unlucky, you have to settle the emperor. . We are old acquaintances, how can I not come over to say hello to you? "

The worry-free jersey was so angry that he could only hold back the attack. He knew very well that as long as Li Xing thought about it, the emperor could destroy him and the Emperor of the Unborn Blade together.

"Mixed Yuan emperor, what do you want to do? There doesn't seem to be any deep hatred between us." The worry-free jersey groaned, looking very aggrieved and angry.

"How does the Great Emperor remember that you beheaded and killed me before the treasure?" The Great Emperor would be dead if it were not for Ronghua's help. "Li Xingdan said," You are so forgetful. "

The worry-free jersey sighed, and his expression of confession was frightened: "I don't know! I admit to planting, please the emperor Yuanyuan say the conditions, what will I do, you will let me go."

Li Xing gave a thumbs up and praised him: "Sure enough clever, knowing that the emperor will not find you until he is bored. Okay! Then the emperor will speak frankly, you only have one chance now, that is to surrender all How far away and how far away! "

The worry-free jersey was full of anger, and his face was full of anger, shouting: "The emperor of Yuanyuan! These treasures are the foundation of my treasure, and I cannot give them all to you!"

Li Xing smiled: "It's okay not to give up." Then he separated from Jiuyang, trapped them one after the other, and made a gesture to the imperial ship. Suddenly, a layer of thunder began to brew on the imperial ship, which was a precursor to the warship's imminent attack.

There are literally a million haters and ten million unwilling hearts in his worry-free shirt, but he knows very well that Li Xing can easily kill him today. Compared with his own life, no amount of treasure can be let go. And if a person dies, even 10,000 times more treasure is useless.

Stomping hard, Jumbo Datian said: "Okay, I'll give it to you!" He gave Jumbo a very handy hand, saying painfully, "All the belongings are in it."

Li Xing took the treasure treasure, and was very uneasy to check on the spot. At a glance, his heart beat. I saw that this treasure treasure really deserves the name of "treasure", and actually has accumulated so many treasures!

The planes within the treasure hall are called the treasure world, and they have a large number of acquired instruments and innate instruments. Among them, the innate instruments are also called magic weapons.

He probably took a look. Most of the treasures were artifacts, of which there were 377 pieces of Promise, 5430 pieces of Nirvana, and 237,800 pieces of Silence. There are more than 170 million ancient artifacts, 18.96 billion epic artifacts, and 16 trillion 899.2 million legendary artifacts.

In addition, there are thirteen magic weapons, all of which are displayed in Promise.

Li Xing couldn't help but sigh: "There are so many things, worthy of the name of Treasure King!" Then his face sank. "However, this emperor feels that there is one thing missing!"

The muscles of the Worryless Robes jerked, he naturally knew what Li Xing was talking about, and trembled, "The town of Baoyan is under the foundation and cannot be surrendered."

Li Xing smiled coldly: "The Great Emperor has always disliked reluctant people. In that case, you go."

The worry-free jersey sank, but became frightened. He suddenly took out a black humble stone from his arms and threw it into Li Xing's hands, shouting, "Here you! Here you!" Has been distorted and very weird.

Li Xing smiled, took a look at it, and found that it was really magical. The power of the special restraint instrument was itself a rock. No wonder it was called Zhenbaoyan.

"You can go now. Don't let the great emperor see you next time." Li Xing waved his hands and said it casually. Worry-free jersey, he no longer looked at it, and left.

The Emperor Knife has never spoken, even with his head down, as if Li Xing could not recognize him. When the worry-free tabard turned and left, he quietly followed him, and wanted to go with him.

However, Li Xing spoke at this time: "King of no sword, have we seen each other?"

The sword emperor's body froze suddenly, gritting his teeth, "Hunyuan emperor, what do you want, do you want me to surrender my entire family?"

Li Xing scornfully said, "Do you have it?"

The Emperor Knife closed his mouth, and he was indeed inferior to the Great Treasure of the Treasure. Except for his cultivation, he had few treasures on his body.

"The last time you cut me, the emperor has a fresh memory. So far I think of it, I feel a lot of aftertastes." Li Xing was talking to an old friend with a relaxed and humorous tone.

Emperor Wudao's face showed a fearful expression, and then he suddenly looked up and said loudly: "Mixed Yuan emperor, if there is no emperor-class battleship, how dare you humiliate me so much? ! "

Li Xing's face turned away ~ www.readwn.com ~ with admiration and admiration: "There is ambition! The Emperor decided to satisfy your wishes and fight fair with you. But if you lose, you must die."

"Then how did I win?" Wusheng Daohuang seemed to have restored his confidence and domineering all of a sudden.

"Still dead." Li Xing shrugged.

Wu Sheng's domineering stiffened on his face, looked at Li Xing with an extremely weird look, and then spit out blood, pointing at Li Xing's speechlessness.

Li Xing looked at him like an idiot, and asked coldly, "You want to kill the great emperor, and still expect the great emperor to spare you? I have seen a lot of stupid people, but I have never seen such a stupid person."

"My emperor fights with you!" Wusheng Daohuang couldn't bear the humiliation, and suddenly pulled out a knife, a brilliant sword, cut to Li Xing fiercely.

Li Xingshen retreated, and with his current status and identity, he didn't have to shoot himself in many cases. Eight phantoms suddenly fell from the sky, and instantly formed a killing array, turned into an ancient octagonal hammer, and blasted down heavily.


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