Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1140: Sword Emperor

Chapter 1140: Jiuyang Evil Monarch Chapter 1140

Chapter 1140 Qingsheng Sword Emperor (Third)

The eight phantoms are the eight immeasurable soldiers. They shot at the last moment, and the shot was a thunder strike. The "mass hammer method" taught by Li Xing was incomparable, and they killed the town without swords. ,, ╗

The Emperor Sword Emperor is also regarded as a Wizard. He has always been proud and proud. But at this moment, in the face of the great hammer, he couldn't even produce a rebellious mind, and closed his eyes in despair.

"Please be merciful to the Emperor!"

On the Emperor Sword Emperor, a few rays of light suddenly fell and turned into five girls, all crying and kneeling on the ground, begging Li Xing in tears. These women are the harem beauties of the Emperor Knife, all with outstanding looks and refined temperament.

As soon as Li Xing waved his hand, the big hammer was settled in the air like that, he asked, "You two, why save him?"

A woman wept, "He is my lord, and of course he doesn't want him to die. If he wants to die, he will die for him!"

The other women also demanded to be willing to die on behalf of the Emperor. The sword emperor was indeed an amorous seed, and tears shed in his eyes at the moment, saying, "I have lost to you, and it is not worth treating you like this."

Then he suddenly showed his decisive color and sternly said, "Hunyuan emperor, you should kill me, but I beg you to let them go."

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "Who said that I would kill them?" Then his face became serious, and he asked quietly, "No life, if the emperor said that only one of you and these five women can leave alive, how will you choose ? "

The emperor, who had no sword, froze, and then exclaimed, "Hun Yuan, you must kill if you want to kill, why tease me!"

Li Xingzhengzheng said: "This great emperor Jinkou Yuyan, can you deceive you if you speak the way you want? Give you a chance, either go or die."

Without saying a word, the Emperor of the Unborn Sword, the long knife in his hand turned into a shocking sword, wiped his neck, and said, "Thank you, I will go too!"


Jiuyang's avatar suddenly shook his finger, and the long knife was burst open. He looked at Wu Sheng with an admiring look, and said, "You people, you shouldn't die."

Li Xing also sighed. He looked at the stunned Emperor Sword Emperor and said, "Without Emperor Sword Emperor, the mixed Yuan Empire is short of swordsmanship. Your sword is good. Would you like to go?"

The imperial sword emperor was stunned, and when he realized that Li Xing was soliciting him, he was full of thoughts and secretly said: "The emperor of the Yuan Dynasty is really a peerless hero. It is rumored that with ten years of work, he will destroy Xuanhuang Kingdom. After that, he will be able to unify Xuanhuang. Such characters, who follow them, do not humiliate me. "

With this thought in mind, he said crisply on one knee: "No life is willing to serve the left and right and serve the emperor!"

Li Xing smiled and said, "If you are not a loved one, you are dead."

In this way, Li Xing received the Emperor Bladeless King, boarded the Emperor again, and moved on. In order not to be noticed by the people on the way, he deliberately made the emperor hide his true body, and it looked like a normal flying boat.

The emperor's ship started to move, and suddenly Badao Guangguang fell, showing five men and three women, a total of eight monks. These eight monks are all sword repairs, of which two men and one woman have the practice of Wuji Realm, and the rest are Nirvana Realm.

And all eight are sword kings.

The sword king and sword emperor belong to the noble blood in sword repair, and they have a natural understanding of kendo, which has nothing to do with the level of the realm. Of course, the same level of sword king or sword emperor, the combat power far exceeds the ordinary sword repair of the same level.

The eight obviously didn't know where Li Xing came from, nor did they see Li Xing's previous scene of persevering in a worry-free shirt, so they recklessly intercepted it.

Li Xing is very strong, he is very high, but he is not killing innocent people. Although the other eight were very rude, he still ordered the emperor to stop the emperor. Otherwise, the emperor would inevitably die.

The Emperor Sword King was also in the cabin. He saw people outside and reminded: "Lord, these people should be from the sword domain."

"Huh? How do you know?" Li Xing asked.

Emperor Wudao: "One thing has n’t been said to the Lord. I ’m in Treasure Hall. The purpose is to go to the Seven-Color Continent with a group of people from Treasure Hall and Sword Field to find the Seven-Colored Glass Eggs. These eight people should be Sent from the sword realm, he must be looking for the treasure. "

"Seven-colored continent?" Li Xing thought for a while, and said, "I have heard here that it belongs to a very ancient civilized continent and is said to be deserted. What is the seven-colored glass egg you are looking for?"

"Jumbo Datianzun has an ancient book in his hand, and that ancient book records the deeds of the seven-color continent. It is rumored that each of the creatures on the seven-color continent has a color, and having different colors means that they have different powers. Seven-colored glazed eggs are a thing left behind by the master of the seven-colored civilization. Legend has it that if you can refine them, you will get seven-colored avatars, and the combat power is infinite. "Wusheng Daohuang said.

Li Xing: "That's the case. If you have time, you have to take a trip." He said that he had left the emperor to see eight sword repairers.

Five men and three women waited impatiently, and an infinite male sword Xiu shouted, "People in the ship, come out quickly!"

Another Promise Female Jianxiu even said coldly: "This kind of ants even dare to neglect me, it seems that they are impatient."

The imperial ship looks like an ordinary flying boat on the surface. And the person who walks in the universe in this kind of flying boat can never be a great person, that is, the epic, legend and the like. People in these realms are as small as ants in their eyes, and they are not seen properly.

During the conversation, Li Xing had stepped out of the ship, and no one was with him. When he was far away, he smiled at several people and said, "Eight Taoists stopped on the way down. I don't know any advice?"

Everyone saw that Li Xing turned out to be a lonely deity, with some surprises. He said that the lonely figure still walked with the help of Feizhou? Is there a problem in my head?

However, the attitude of the eight people towards him changed a bit. After all, the state of silence was not weak, and it could not be completely ignored.

The woman asked coldly, "We stopped half a day before the flying boat. Why did you come out at this time? What a big shelf!"

Li Xing touched his nose and said in an apologetic tone: "I thought some of the robbers were robbed. I'm really embarrassed, and I apologize."

At first sight of Li Xing, the eight people felt that it was a matter of course to oppress him. The man who had spoken before said: "Since you know, then you should pay your own thanks!"

There was a ray of killing in Li Xing's eyes. He did not kill innocent people, but it did not mean that he would not kill. These eight people had to be inch-footed.

At this time, the woman said, "Brother, it's still important to do business, and you don't have to worry about such little people."

Obviously, her persuasion was not due to goodwill, but she did not want to waste time on "little people" like Li Xing.

The man who was called a brother seemed to be convinced by the monk's words, nodded, and asked Li Xing, "Do you know where the treasures here moved?"

The smile on Li Xing's face swept away, and he said coldly, "I don't know." Turning around, he left for the imperial ship, leaving eight people with a cold back.

Even the clay figurines have a three-point nature. Even if Li Xing didn't want to have general knowledge with these people, the continued rudeness and arrogance of several people made him extremely disgusted, and he didn't want to say one more thing, he just turned around.

"you wanna die!"

It's a pity that the male Xiu didn't know life or death, he didn't realize that he had walked around the edge of death just now. Instead, he was furious, and when he read it, a sharp sword light was shot in his eyes, and he cut to the back of Li Xing.

Kendo Great Celestial Master, the combat power is generally higher than ordinary Great Celestial Master. The power of his own world is merged with the innate gold, and the sword is lightened, and the enemy is cut off in an instant. Just like that, it is the way of killing.

Jianguang is as thick as an arm, and it will be there in no time, stopping at a distance of three feet from Li Xing, and then "flutter" to explode, turning into a light rain.

The face of the man who changed the sword changed greatly and did not reflect on his own body, but he was cut out with a sword. This sword light resembled a roulette and turned at high speed towards Li Xing.

The other side repeatedly issued swords, and Li Xing finally turned around and stretched out his hands indifferently. Hearing the "ding", he pinched the sword wheel in his hands, his fingers trembled, and the sword wheel turned into a slender sword wire. Wandering in his palm.

The male Xiu was frightened and stared at Li Xing with wide eyes. This second blow was called a flywheel slash, and he used this to kill the incomparable celestial being, which was two heights higher than him, and was very powerful.

But this little man actually reached out and caught Jianguang! Even people who are higher in their five realms may not be able to do this. He couldn't figure it out anyway.

Before that, Li Xing's female Xiu looked slightly changed, Liu Mei's eyebrows turned upside down, and he asked, "Who are you in the end? Dare to provoke a ghost in front of the sword domain people, you are really looking for death!"

This female cultivator is four minor realms higher than the male cultivator, and is far superior in strength to the same class sword cultivator, so even if she sees Li Xingfang, she will use a little trick ~ www.readwn.com ~, but she thinks Li Xing is hidden Identity, conspiracy.

Li Xing shook his head, and the disgust on his face disappeared. Such people are not worthy of his disgust at all, because they are already dead.

His palm holding the sword silk turned down, and the sword silk turned into a mist of swords. Jianwu shook a bit, then faded away, and finally saw nothing. However, everyone can feel that Li Xing's palm is full of anger.

"What the **** are you doing?" The woman was quite impatient. She stepped forward and shot a ray of sword light, two white and red sword lights, shot left and right towards Li Xing.

Li Xing sighed and said, "Don't you know that the road is invisible? Daqiao doesn't work? This sword art, to a certain level, is already only sword art, that is a ray of killing."

After that, he flicked his fingers. A ray of murderous invisibility greeted the red and white Jianguang. The two sharp sword lights suddenly exploded. Immediately, the woman felt her neck cold and her head flew up.

She couldn't figure out how she was beheaded until she died.


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