Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1141: Offensive Sword Field

Chapter 1141: Jiuyang Xiejun Attacks the Sword Realm (Fourth)

Chapter 1141 Attacking the Sword Domain (Fourth)

At the moment of beheading, she strongly felt a force that had been countless times stronger than her own, and instantly destroyed her plane. . . [

As soon as the woman died, the other seven people were furious and desperate, and at the same time they released sword light towards Li Xing.

Li Xing had both hands, and looked indifferent. I saw the sword light emitted by seven people exploded and dissipated, then the blood light appeared, and each head fell to the ground. However, after one of them was chopped, there was a ray of light rising from his head, and he left in the air.

Li Xing glanced indifferently, and did not take any action to stop it. With a big wave, he collected the body and turned to the emperor ship.

On the ship, there is no sword. "The Lord, the light that has just gone away must be the method of sword field communication. The sword field has always been arrogant, and the people who killed them will never give up. It won't be long before they come again. "

Li Xing was not worried, and asked, "Nothing, how much do you know about Jian Yu?"

"The sword domain is composed of 1,200 planes, but this is only the number of celestial beings that constitute the group plane. Among them, there are a large number of monks living in the sword domain, and their realm is not low. A conservative estimate is that there are at least three sword domains. Infinite-weight sword emperor or sword ancestor. The number of kendo celestial deities in Promise Realm should be no less than one hundred, and a considerable part belongs to the realm of sword emperor. "Wusheng Sword Emperor said.

Li Xing nodded: "It seems that the sword field is just the same, let's go to the sword field for a while."

The Emperor was surprised, but when he looked at the eight silent Infinite Avenue soldiers and thought of the Emperor-class battleship, he suddenly felt that it would not be difficult to destroy the sword domain, so he nodded heavily, saying: "Master There is no fear of sword territory! "

Although it will be for a while, the sword field people, but Li Xing did not wait in place, if the other party came to the door, he is naturally fearless, and will win a victory with the sword field. But if the other party no longer finds him, then he will not take the initiative to prosecute, even if the incident has passed.

The efficiency of the sword domain is obviously very high. Before the emperor ship has stepped out of the space-time ocean, five brilliant sword lights have landed, forming a sword wall and stopping the battleship.

The people on the ship laughed and killed Da Tianzun and said, "Lord, here's the death."

Li Xing glanced and said lightly: "It may not be sent to death, it may be sent to create the chemical dandelion." Seeing everyone confused, he didn't explain much and immediately went out of the cabin.

Among these five uninvited guests, one of them made Li Xing feel very familiar. When searching for memories, he remembered that this person was the one who secretly counted himself. At that time, he was experiencing the first disaster in the Great Heavenly Celestial Sect, and was fighting for the disaster.

As a result, a sword light came down from the sky to kill him. Thanks to Sanqing and Guangyan, two great heavenly protection methods, this disaster was avoided. This person was the sneak attacker of that year, Dao Zun, the poisonous sword of Dao, was an emperor of swords.

Many years have passed, and the Venerable Sword might have progressed very quickly, or maybe he did not dispatch his deity that year, because he has reached the limitless state.

The other four Great Celestial Masters, although not the Emperor of the Sword, have also achieved no great Celestial Master, and they are also Kings of the Sword. The four of them all formed a sword array with the Venerable Sword as their core, and locked Li Xing faintly.

Seeing Li Xing, the poisonous sword Datianzun was very surprised and shouted, "It turned out to be you! That heavenly seed?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "The poisonous sword big deity, you cut me a sword then, come today, do you want to cut me again?"

The poison sword Datianzun snorted coldly: "Boy, you are very lucky, but you didn't kill you that day. If you had only sent a clone in this day, can you survive to this day? It must have been flesh and blood!"

Li Xing watched. Jing Guang, said: "Poison sword, talk nonsense, what are you doing to stop my flying boat?"

The poison sword Datianzun looked angrily, and said coldly, "You're less garlic! I sense the killing from you, and the eight disciples of my sword domain died in your hands!"

Li Xing patted his palm and praised: "Good eyesight, this can be seen, it seems my type of invisible sword still has traces to find, I can't work hard at home."

Another immortal shouted: "Poison sword, don't talk nonsense to him, just cut it!"

Li Xing glanced at the man and said, "I'm afraid you can't kill me because of this kind of waste, and I will be killed again."


With a roar, the man raised a sword light that shot from his fingertips. When the sword repairer issued the sword, the sword light came out from the eyes, from the fingertips, from the nose and nose, from the umbilicus, etc. The patterns were different, but the truth was similar.

There is no need for Li Xing to act. Eight immeasurable soldiers appear on the spot instantly. They occupy eight positions, form a battle line, and siege the five celestial siege.

Before that sword light was near Li Xing's body, he was smashed by a measureless soldier.

The face of the poison sword Datianzun and other people's faces changed greatly, horrified, "How come there are so many masters?"

You know, there are only three of them, and there are only eight of them! This completely exceeded his knowledge, and the expression on his face became terrified.

Eight immeasurable celestial deities, compared to the last five immense celestial deities, occupy an absolute advantage. The five people in the sword field felt that there was no way to heaven, no way to the ground, and they were staring at them. With a little movement, they might cause a fatal disaster.

The poison sword Datianzun stared fiercely at Li Xing and asked, "Li Xing, what are you doing? These eight people are related to you?"

He still does not believe that Li Xing can invite immeasurable great respect. No wonder Li Xing, in his eyes, is a deadly celestial deity, how could he have this ability? This is what he did not know about Xuanhuang continent, otherwise he would never think so.

There are countless continents in Beihuang, and there are countless wars every day. You sing me on stage. Of course, the changes of a mysterious country will not attract much attention.

Li Xing sighed and said, "What do you ask me for? Your poisonous sword, Tianzun, this is the second time to kill me. What do you think I should do?"

Poison Sword Datianzun's heart was cold, and his feeling was not good. Shen Li said: "Li Xing, I have eyes and no beads. I can't see that you are a hidden power. I apologize to you here, you see things. What about it? "

This poison sword Datianzun has the name "poison sword" because his heart is poisonous and his hands are hot and he is good at using a poison. At the same time, he is also a deep-hearted person who sees the wind to make the rudder able to bend and stretch. When he sees something bad, he immediately submits to Li Xing.

Li Xing smiled, "Hey," you said lightly, you can kill me again and again, how can there be such a cheap thing. Although I won't kill you, I will take you to Jianyu to ask why Jianyu repeatedly Start with me. "

The poison sword Datianzun seemed to see a madman and laughed wildly: "You have to go to the sword domain? Do you think you can yield the sword domain with eight immeasurable heavens? Really a joke! To tell you the truth, in the sword domain, The first sword ancestor and the second sword ancestor have both practiced the Supreme Kendo, and there are already more than one immense celestial being killed. If you know the truth, let me go today. From then on, we will violate each other, otherwise you will face serious s consequence!"

Li Xing laughed and said, "Will you be able to oppress the sword area, you will see immediately. And the consequences you said are not a big deal for the emperor." Then he waved and said lightly, " Bring them up, the battleship turns around and goes to Sword Realm! "

The poison sword Datian respected the incredible face, he could not imagine that Li Xing really dared to go to the sword domain. However, when he was taken into the cabin by Taoists and saw the layout inside, the man almost fainted and screamed, "Imperial battleship! It is an emperor-class battleship, is it my eyes?"

The emperor looked at the sword emperor mercilessly, stepped forward and patted the face of the poison sword, and sighed, "Poor child, it's not your dazzle. It's you who shouldn't deserve to, offend my homeowner. , So you are dead, and the sword domain is also suffering. "

The poisonous sword Datianzun returned to God, furious and said, "I don't know you, Sword Emperor! It's really shameful that you are willing to be a slave of Li Xing! Let the sword domain be ashamed!"

The Emperor Knife coldly said: "The Lord has the talents of heaven and earth, the power of dominating the realms of the world, how can you know this stupid person? Soon you will understand how wise my choice is." Then he shot the poison sword. Face, then walked away with a sneer.

Five Kendo princes were held in the hands by eight guardian chicks, all unable to move, waiting for the ship to arrive at the sword area. During this process, the poisonous sword Datianzun kept mentioning the power of the sword domain and wanted to dispel Li Xing's plan to question the sword domain.

Li Xing was unmoved and turned a deaf ear. From the beginning to the end, he only said one sentence: don't kill you, because you can get a lot of good luck.

Soon, the poisonous sword Datianzun can understand the meaning of this sentence, because the sword domain has arrived.

Sword domain is not in the central pure land, not in the four deserts, but in another spacetime in the main plane. When Li Xing arrived, he found that in this time and space, there was no one around it ~ www.readwn.com ~ It seems that only Jian Yu's side is in it. Or, there have been other forces here, but they have been destroyed by the sword domain.

That sword domain, located in the central area of ​​this space-time, looks like a huge silver plate from a distance, and is quietly suspended there. In fact, this disc is spinning at a very low speed, implying a cosmic order.

It's quite far from the sword field, and Li Xing gave the order to the twelve shipowners, who had no great celestial respect: "The sword field is ahead, give me full bombardment!"

Suddenly, a layer of thunder light flashed on the emperor-class battleship, and then a thick killing shot blasted the sword domain fiercely. At first, the killing was not large, and it gradually spread, and later, it was as large as one-tenth of the silver plate.

Everyone saw a kill, hit the center of the silver plate accurately. The silver plate immediately vibrated, a violent explosion occurred, and the whole time and space trembled. Immediately afterwards, an angry roar came from the sword domain.

In a single blow, more than one-tenth of the entire sword domain was bombed and fragmented, and more than 130 large worlds were destroyed. Under this blow, countless monks in Sword Realm died unsuccessfully, and even the Promise Masters among them failed to survive.


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