Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1142: Must pay

Chapter 1142 of the Jiu Yang Xie Jun Must Compensate (Fifth)

Chapter 1142 Must Compensate (Fifth)

"Who dares to attack the sword domain? Damn it! Kill! Kill all!"

"Bold and insane! It is so insane and intimidating, I will cut off the enemy's head in revenge!"

"This is something that has never happened in the past. Who shot it in the end? Looking at that blow, it is a horrible horror. Is the person who shot it is the Immortal God?"

Some are angry, some are scared, but no matter what the state of mind, all of them are summoned by the ancestor of the sword, and they are together outside the sword domain? The net 'They have to take a look, who dares to start the sword domain!

A black monk rushed to the front. Three immeasurable masters, two old men, and a middle-aged man rushed forward. The three's faces were extremely ugly and murderous, and they seemed to kill immediately.

However, when they saw the imperial battleship, the expressions on their faces were replaced by shock and dignity, and they ordered the disciples behind to stop at a distance and not dare to get too close.

Li Xing flew out of the imperial ship. Behind him, eight immeasurable celestial beings also held out five celestial enlightenments. He pointed at the poison sword Da Tianzun five people, with an expression of "anger": "These five people attacked the emperor for no reason, and the evil was extremely high! This emperor came here to seek justice from the sword domain. If you do n’t give It is fair to me that the emperor will mobilize all warships and destroy the sword domain! "

For a while, everyone in the sword domain looked at the five people including the bitter poison sword Datianzun, and then looked at how much wrong Li Xing seemed to have suffered. For a moment, they couldn't figure out what happened.

The person headed by one side of the sword field is an old man with a white beard. With a full-bodied sword, he glanced at the poisonous sword, and asked, "What evil did you cause?"

The poison sword Datianzun saw the door of his own house, and suddenly boldly said, "Da Jianzu, this man killed eight disciples of our sword domain, and he is so guilty. He brought me here this time, he just wanted to blackmail. "

The old man is the first sword ancestor. He is called the great sword ancestor by the people in the sword domain. He has the highest skill and the strongest combat ability.

The first sword ancestor Wen Fang raised an eyebrow and sternly asked Li Xing: "His Excellency wants to blackmail the sword domain, I'm afraid he has an abacus!"

Li Xing sighed and said to the poisonous sword great god: "You are really impatient to live, actually in the presence of the emperor's provocation, very good." After that, he nodded to the infinite soldiers who controlled the poisonous sword.

The soldier sneered, and immediately blasted a destructive force into the poisonous sword world, making the poisonous sword Datianzhuang miserable, the voice was sharp and harsh, as if the ghost was crying, very unpleasant.

The first ancestor of the sword was furious, and a whole body of swordless light rang up all over his body. He went straight to Jiuxiao and was so powerful that Li Xing was secretly shocked. However, he immediately made the thunder light outside the imperial ship, ready to lock the first sword ancestor at any time.

Emperor-class battleships can fight immortality and kill immeasurably. Regardless of how powerful this old man is, they also die one by one, so Li Xingdan calmly.

The first sword ancestor was old and refined. I never experienced anything, and immediately felt danger. Helplessly regained the momentum of the release, and then said in a deep voice: "This Taoist, what is the matter, everyone will make it clear in person, Why bother hurting yourself? "

As soon as Li Xing waved his hands, the infinite soldiers let go of the poisonous sword Datianzun, and he couldn't help humming there.

"It seems that you are a reasonable person, okay, this emperor has always been reasonable, let's talk about it clearly before and after!" Immediately, he regarded himself as the seed of the heavenly court, and devoted himself to the disaster At the time of the robbery, he was attacked by the poisoned sword.

Then he was embarrassed by eight Sword Domain disciples for no reason, and when he said that the poison sword Datianzun came forward to intercept and so on, he said it completely according to the facts.

When everything is made clear, even many people in the sword domain feel that this Li Xing is indeed a reasonable one. After all, the sword domain is the first to start. But after thinking it over, I felt wrong.

Because from the beginning to the end, this Li Xing did not eat a small loss, but eight people died in the sword domain, five were caught again. And just now, this disaster star bombarded the sword area with the imperial ship, causing the loss of countless lives, which can be described by the big evil head and big devil.

Li Xing described himself as a victim and talked about "reason". After speaking, his face turned cold and grim, saying: "The truth has been said, the following sword domain should tell the emperor!"

The first sword ancestor was silent for a long time before he said: "I heard an old friend of Xuanhuang continent said that the Xuanhuang continent is the dominant empire of Xuanyuan. The emperor of Xuanhuang contends with the ability to destroy Xuanhuang empire in one fell swoop. . It seems that what he said is true, the emperor really has this ability. "

Li Xing sneered and listened quietly.

The first sword ancestor continued: "In this case, the fault is indeed in the sword domain. However, it was too much for the emperor to bombard nearly one-tenth of the soul in the sword domain. Therefore, although the sword domain had its fault first, the emperor Even greater faults. "

Li Xing repeatedly waved his hands and said, "This is a bad word. For example, if a tiger cannibalize people, people will kill the tigers. Is it wrong for some of them? Geinhu cannibalism, talents can kill tigers, you can't cause and effect inverted.

As he said, he also glanced at the imperial ship, his eyes flashing fiercely, and everyone in Jianyu was frightened.

The first ancestor of the sword was understood. People did n’t really understand it at all. When they came up, they killed the sword domain, in fact, to show their strength and use force to suppress people. He is an understanding person, and after thinking about this section, he knows that it is impossible to reason with Li Xing. It is better to be straightforward.

Therefore, the first sword ancestor said: "So what does the emperor want to do in the sword domain, can it be regarded as an explanation?"

Li Xing suddenly came to the spirit and said loudly: "Sword domain repeatedly kills this emperor, of course, compensation must be given. Moreover, the emperor-class battleship just tapped it, and it also took a lot of good luck, so these have to be compensated by sword domain. . The emperor has always been a man of his own, so it will not be too difficult for the sword domain. As long as you surrender 10 million without great fortune, the emperor will not blame the past, and will repel the grudges from now on. "

When the first sword ancestor heard it, he almost spit out black blood, and his body was shaking. This is not bullying! Even the cost of firing the battleship is out of the sword, which is simply an insult.

What's more, the opening is ten million without great fortune! That's the Promise of Fortune, the accumulation of the entire sword domain after many world disasters is only two or three thousand.

The second ancestor of the sword was soaring directly, angry: "Hunyuan emperor, do you bully me into sword field without anyone? Want 10 million Promise, don't even think about it!"


Suddenly, a thunderbolt landed, but it was the emperor's sudden power that locked the second sword ancestor directly. This lock unlocks Thunder Light, but is made with chaotic Thunder and many secret methods.

The second ancestor of the sword has gone through ninety calamities and has been repaired to immeasurable amount, but under this thunder, he cannot move at all, even his supreme sword intention cannot be used. Suddenly, his face was pale and sweaty.

At this point, Li Xing's eerie voice sounded: "Why, are you sword domain trying to bully people?"

The second sword ancestor spewed out at a mouthful of blood. This is really annoying. Who is the bully? Even when he was angry, he could only suppress it, and Shen said, "Mixed Yuan emperor, there is something to discuss, why do you want to start?"

Li Xing snorted, the Lei Guang disappeared immediately, and the second sword ancestor returned to freedom. However, his face was still ugly, and after just passing, he felt the horror of the imperial ship, and he deserved to be able to fight against the immortal being!

The first swordsman sighed secretly. From the performance of the second swordsman, he could also calculate the power of the imperial ship. Even if he took the shot, it would be the same.

However, the sword area is not without its means, and it can also be used to fight against the imperial ship. But then, Jian Yu will completely destroy the foundation, and most disciples will lose their lives. If you think about it, he can't make it, so he doesn't dare or do it.

Let go of the second sword ancestor, Li Xing was already impatient, and angrily said, "It seems that the sword domain is really going to play tricks, it is very good!" When talking, his eyes were already murderous.

The first sword ancestor suddenly sighed and said: "Mixed Yuan emperor, your conditions, Jian Yu agreed, please do not embarrass Jian Yu in the future, we will not commit river water."

Li Xing played a haha, and said with satisfaction: "Okay, let's take a word. As long as you compensate, we will not infringe each other and go our separate ways."

The disciples of Jianyu were very depressed. They never expected that the strong Jianyu would sign such an alliance under the city. This was a shame and a stain that made them intolerable.

However, no one dares to say anything, not even the sword ancestors, let alone them?

On the same day, the first ancestor of the sword fetched about 7 million Promise of Nature and 800 Promise of Nature. After the two were converted in proportion, it was about 10 million Wujidan, and Li Xing was basically satisfied with it.

After receiving the elixir, Li Xing dropped the poison sword Datianzun and others on the ground like a dead dog, and then swaggered to lead the emperor to leave the sword area.

As soon as Li Xing left, Jian Yu declared a retreat for 1,000 years to recuperate and heal the trauma caused by Li Xing.

The imperial ship turned around ~ www.readwn.com ~ and continued to march to the abyss of the ransack, along the way, everyone admired Li Xing admiringly and arrogantly.

Killing Datianzun said: "The Lord has a clever idea and forced the sword domain to be like his grandson. He gave away ten million great fortunes like his wife. Haha, it was a pleasure to watch!"

崆峒 Da Tianzun also sighed: "This is really a heavy loss for Jianyu. Without one or two robberies, it is difficult to restore vitality." Then he said, "Moreover, this is a big grudge with Jianyu. In the future, I'm afraid it will be difficult. "

The sword emperor did not take it seriously: "Through the power of the Lord, after one or two robbers, the sword domain is just like an ant in his eyes. How can it be a tooth?"

Li Xing waved his hand and said, "Okay, close your mouth. The abyss is in front of you, everyone is careful."

Everyone immediately turned their attention to the front, and saw a huge black hole in the distance, emitting a lot of black gas from it. Although far away, everyone felt a sense of crisis.

0.0 The remaining two chapters are updated late or will be updated tomorrow. Don't wait.


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