Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1143: 0Evil God

Chapter 1143: Jiuyang Evil Prince

Chapter 1143: Thousand Eyed Evil God (Sixth)

Except for Li Xing, the others entered the Abyss for the first time, so their expressions were a little dignified. After the emperor-level battleship rushed into the black hole and was surrounded by the endless scourge of robberies, everyone's hearts sank.

"This ghost place is really an evil gate. It is very safe to stay in the imperial ship, but I have a cold air behind my head." Killing Datianzun cut his teeth and looked around without blinking, as if he was afraid of missing something. .

No one else joked at him, because they also felt similar, as if the trip had been gone forever, it was dangerous.

At this time, Li Xing said: "This abyss and abyss have always existed. Many characters and instruments from previous civilizations have been buried here. Your fears are normal, and this is a dangerous place."

After listening to Li Xing's remarks, everyone's mood gradually stabilized. After driving a little longer, they gradually adapted to that feeling and became active.

"Oh? Lord, what is that huge bubble in front of you? There seems to be a knife gas in it." Wusheng suddenly yelled that he was a knife repairer and was most sensitive to the induction of knife gas.

Li Xing glanced and found a bubble with a diameter of more than ten meters, and said, "Some things can still survive the corrosion of the tainted gas, and these things will be wrapped by the bubbles. Generally speaking, things There will be a solid layer of contamination from outside, so be careful when taking it. "

Said, Xuanhuang Zuqi outside the imperial battleship was driven by him, and quickly condensed into a large hand of Xuanhuang, grabbing at the bubble. When the big hand touched the air bubble, black smoke suddenly appeared.

The big hand retracted, bringing the bubble behind the light curtain formed by Xuanhuang Zuqi. After that, it was cleaned for a while. Mysterious yellow phosgene completely extinguishes the dyeing and robbing air, exposing the items in the bubbles.

This is a superb sword with a length of eight meters, and it is engraved with a mysterious cloud pattern, which is unparalleled. At the sight of the knife, the Emperor Wusheng exclaimed, "Good knife!"

Li Xing reached out his hand and took the knife into his hands. He glanced a few times and smiled: "It really is a good knife, but it is not a weapon, but it is a sword made by the civilization of the weapon, and it is extremely powerful."

After that, he threw the knife to the Emperor Knife: "It's yours."

The swordless soldiers were overjoyed, even thanked him, and ran away while holding the knife. No one shouted, so he got a lot of white eyes.

The imperial ship continued to descend, and like last time, it would encounter various bubbles, large or small, on the way. The things in the bubbles can be preserved, which means that they are not ordinary things, but what they see, Li Xing will never let them go, and all of them will be washed in the mysterious yellow light curtain.

This time, the Xuanhuang Tower is much more convenient than the last one. People are safe and secure in the imperial ship. At the same time, they can easily control the Xuanhuang ancestor outside, divide several large hands, and catch when they see bubbles.

So along the way, Li Xing has learned a lot, and from time to time he will get a treasure of ancient civilization, or the body of the Great Celestial Master. Twelve men with no great celestial respect, eight men with immeasurable powers, and finally everyone picked up a weapon or magic weapon in their hands, and they were all elated.

Fortunately, in the Abyss of Dyeing and Robbery, all the air bubbles enclosing things are not fixed, but instead change position with the gush of Dyeing and Robbery gas. This also led to a lot of discoveries and a lot of things to be found even if we went back to the old road we had gone back before.

So day after day, two months passed unconsciously, Li Xing collected a large number of rare treasures, some of which could not even be named, and could not tell the calendar, they were collected.

On this day, a giant air bubble suddenly appeared in front of them, and everyone screamed and exclaimed.

Li Xing looked closely and realized that what was wrapped in this bubble was not the emperor's head, but another thing. He was secretly surprised, and said to everyone: "Anything so huge is not to be taken lightly."

Among the crowd, a Taoist Tianyan Wudi Tianzun, he glanced at the bubble, and suddenly widened his eyes, with a terrified expression on his face, hurried to Li Xing, "Lord, leave this place quickly!"

Li Xing immediately ordered the imperial ship to temporarily retreat for a distance, and then asked: "Tianyan, what do you see?"

He knows that Tianyan Datianzun can see things invisible to others, see through the world, and swell in red dust. So, even if he can't see it, Tianyan Datianzun can see something from it.

Tianyan Datianzun saw that his side was far away from the huge bubble, and then he breathed a long sigh of relief. He smiled bitterly at Li Xing: "My subordinate is out of shape. Lord, there is a thousand-eye evil spirit in the bubble."

Speaking of the thousand-eye evil god, Tianyan Datianzun's face is full of dignity, and he continued: "The thousand-eye evil **** is a long-lasting old monster, a evil creature born in the source of civilization, capable of capturing the mind and cutting people. Shape. "

"It is said that the Thousand-Eyed Evil God specializes in killing ancient royalty for food, so as to absorb the ancient magical powers of the ancient royal family, so it has extremely powerful attack power. Only then do I feel that this Thousand-Eyed God does not die because when I see it , There is a sense of danger in palpitations. "

Li Xing has not heard of the name of a thousand-eyed evil god, but after hearing about it, he didn't rush into it. After thinking about it, he said, "Since it's dangerous and can't be used by me, it's easier to handle."

Everyone looked at Li Xing in confusion, and did not understand what it meant to be "more manageable."

Li Xing smiled and didn't give much explanation, urging the imperial ship to approach the big bubble. Afterwards, Xuanhuang Zuqi was turned into a giant net, and he carried it forward, covering the air bubbles, and slowly salvaged it on the boat.

Li Xing used the Xuanhuang Zuqi to refining the dying and robbing atmosphere on the outside of the bubbles, and released the Protarctic altar. There is nothing more evil when it comes to the Altar of the Ancients. He even felt that this Proto-altar altar seems to simply ignore all the order of the main plane and directly borrow external forces.

The Proto-Altar slowly flew out until it reached the top of the bubble, then it shook slightly, sprinkled a black light, and surrounded the bubble. I saw the air on the surface of the bubble, like cold water poured on the red hot iron plate, evaporated instantly, exposing the evil inside.

It was a huge eyeball, a hill-like volume, covered with all kinds of eyes, and each kind of eye had a different look. Everyone only glanced at it, feeling that their minds were disturbed, and they turned around quickly.

However, they soon heard "creak" screams, the huge eyeballs were squirming, thousands of eyes were exuding pus and green juice. The black light from the ancient altars burned and refined the thousands of evil spirits.

At the same time, dozens of desolate and ancient thoughts sounded in Li Xing's mind, and they all expressed their willingness to accept this sacrifice and provide hundreds of power for Li Xing to choose.

When Li Xing moved in his heart, he was not very cold about these so-called powers. You must know that all the powers that he had obtained from the Proto-Altars at that time were all eliminated during the process of robbing, because they belonged to foreign objects and restrained them. His freedom.

After thinking about it, he said in a deep voice: "I don't need any power. I just need to use your power to help me do one thing and suppress a powerful head in a broken state."

Soon, the Proto-Altar gave an answer. The main idea was that there was no problem, and three mysterious thoughts expressed their willingness to do this transaction. Of course, the power of the Thousand Eyed Evil God belongs to the three of them.

Li Xing was pleased that with this ancient altar, it might be possible to collect the head of the North Emperor, without having to rely on the blood of the North Emperor.

It didn't take long for the Thousand Eyed Evil God to turn into a pool of black ink-like things, and was thrown out by the ancient altar. It seems that it has been sacrificed successfully and will disappear forever in this world.

In this scene, the sword emperor and other people were embarrassed and asked: "Lord, this thing is so weird, can it be the legendary Proterotype altar? It is said that the Proterotype altar can sacrifice everything."

Li Xing nodded: "It's the Proto-Altar, it belongs to my master, the evil ancestor."

Mentioned the name of the evil ancestors, everyone was shocked, and then they all realized the expression suddenly. They said that it was no wonder that the Lord was so fierce, it turned out to be the master's disciple. Everyone present has heard about the evil ancestors' names, and showed enough awe.

You know, according to Tianwai Tiantian Tianzun, the evil ancestor and he came from the same origin, most likely the person who traversed. Moreover, he rose in a very short time, and finally entered the broken ancient road and entered the source of civilization.

It's hard to think of such an amazing figure. All heavens and earths will extoll the prestigious deeds and pass them on from generation to generation.

After refining the thousand-eye evil god, Li Xing ordered the imperial ship to continue searching for the position of the head of the North Emperor. This is a long process, but it is not boring, because the imperial ship has become a salvage ship ~ www.readwn.com ~ and it is often able to salvage something surprising.

In this way, it took more than a year to unknowingly, and more and more good things were salvaged, but they still couldn't find the direction of the North Emperor's head. In addition, among the salvage items, there are several things that Li Xing have attached great importance to, and solemnly gathered around them.

Among those things, the most conspicuous is a scripture, with the word "Wu Jing" written on it. Li Xing casually glanced at that time, suddenly shocked, he was attracted until he had read all the scriptures.

Although the title of the book is only the seemingly ordinary vocabulary of Wu Jing, this classic has greatly inspired Li Xing. The information in the book tells him that in that extremely ancient time, there was an extremely glorious civilization on the theme. That civilization almost completely ruled the four wastelands and truly dominated the world.

This civilization is martial arts civilization. In contrast, the "Wang Wu Wang Jing" that Li Xing saw at that time was not as bad as trash and judged high. Today's kendo, sword, boxing, ninja, and so on have all evolved from martial arts civilization.

It can be seen how far-reaching the influence of martial arts is. Even some of the great techniques of celestial respect and killing are now made on the basis of martial arts.


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