Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1145: Capturing the North Emperor's Head

Chapter 1145 of the Jiuyang Demon King Captures the Head of the Northern Emperor (First)

Chapter 1145 Capture the Head of the Northern Emperor (First)

Li Xing observed for a moment and found that the prohibition was obviously to prevent outsiders from entering to find the emperor's head. Moreover, this prohibition is very special, and it is not afraid of the corrosion of the contaminated gas.

Corpse Datianzun said at this time: "Dao, this prohibition is very powerful. You slowly think of a way, and the gate of the corpse is gone."

Li Xing didn't bother him, looked at it for a while, and suddenly said to the imperial ship: "Crash! I want to see how powerful this restriction is."

The twelve non-extreme celestials started the imperial ship and rushed quickly. The characteristics of the imperial battleship are not only strong attack, but also better defense, even the bombardment of the immortal **** can bear.

The battleship swiftly struck, and plunged heavily into the ban. Listening to the sound of "clicking" in the void, as if it had been crushed, a large crack appeared, and then "wave" was completely shattered.

This powerful restraint completely disappeared under the collision of the imperial battleship, revealing the situation behind. I saw a huge bubble floating there, surrounded by twelve women, and seemed to be performing an invincible method to take away the North Emperor's head in the bubble.

"Who is it?" With a yell, the twelve women's figures fluttered together, forcing them all together. Above these women are suspended a red bead, as large as a chicken egg, releasing red light, forcing the scourge of robberies.

The woman who questioned seemed to be the leader of this place. She looked at the eyes of the imperial battleship and wanted to spit fire.

Li Xing laughed inside the ship: "Excuse me, one of the warships below didn't control it and hit here. Don't blame it, don't blame it." While responding, he looked at the twelve women.

The twelve women have good looks, and their cultivation has reached the state of no great heavenly respect. The woman who speaks in Utah has reached eighty-three calamities, and she can step into the state of infinite heavenly respect in one step.

Hearing Li Xing's statement, the woman was furious and angrily: "It's a bullshit, this restraining power is huge, and you are not blind, can't you see? I think you did it on purpose!"

Another woman said: "Sister, this person is very hateful, why not talk to him and catch people directly and train them as slaves."

Seeing the other party's arrogant tone, Li Xing raised an eyebrow, and said, "Are you catching me as a slave? With such a big tone, this great emperor has caught you as a daughter. The slaves are almost the same."

The other side's tone was hard, Li Xing's tone was even harder, and immediately the twelve women's faces sank. The "big sister" glanced at the imperial class battleship behind Li Xing and said scornfully: "You can only dare to speak out by relying on this thing. Unfortunately, the imperial class battleship cannot be used in the Abyss."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "The great emperor does not need a battleship and can destroy you at any time. But a group of damsels are so mad, it is really not how you live to this day."

"Big sister" blinked in his eyes, and said, "I don't know what to do, live!"

Suddenly, the beads above their heads emitted a ray of red light, converging into a point in the sky, and that point gradually expanded, condensing into a huge red long knife, carrying the potential of wind and thunder, and slashing at Li Xing.

Li Xing was slightly surprised. He felt that the power of this knife was very strong. So he flickered back and hid in the battleship.


The horrible sword was cut on the imperial battleship, and the battleship remained motionless, but the red long sword disintegrated, and the twelve women were shaken back.

In the battleship, Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Several people, it seems that your means are just the same. If you want to kill me, I am afraid there is no chance."

"Sister, I'll take it for granted. This man is hiding in an imperial battleship to shrink the turtle, so we can't help him." A woman said, there was irony in her words, and she might want to provoke Li Xing.

The elder sister frowned, and she also saw this. The emperor-class battleships were really the same as the legend. Their defense and attack were very strong, and their most powerful attack could not hurt them.

After turning around, "Big Sister" reprimanded: "I will not care about you today and leave here quickly, otherwise you will be the enemy of Suyin mainland, and you will regret it!"

Li Xingfu stepped out of the battleship and laughed, "Let me leave, but before leaving, the emperor wants to take something." As he said, his eyes fell on the huge bubble.

The faces of the twelve women were hard to look at, and one woman sneered: "The courage is not small, but he dare to fight the idea of ​​the North Emperor's head."

"That's right, this emperor is very daring, so please give it up and don't get in the way." Li Xingdao urged the battleship at the same time, and Xuan Huangzu gasified into a giant hand, trying to catch the bubble.


The lead woman was furious, urged the bead above her head for a second time, transfigured the red long sword, and chopped her hand to Xuanhuang's big hand. With a bang, Xuanhuang's fist was split apart and forced to shrink back.

It can also be seen that the attacks launched by the twelve women in a row are very powerful and can dispel the attacks launched by Xuanhuang Zuqi.

Li Xing looked cold, and said, "It seems that some of them are going to have trouble with the emperor. In this case, they will offend." Then, he raised his hand and shot the Proterotype altar. When this altar came out, it shook the Quartet and continued to dye Calamity also retreated, reluctant to approach it.

The altar flew into the air, sprinkled a black light, and shrouded the air bubble covering the emperor's head. At the same time, Li Xing yelled, "Altar, give me a head!"


Wuguang trembled three times, sending out three completely different strange forces. With only one pull, he pulled the head of the North Emperor into the altar, ### 起 了. During this process, the emperor's head violently released the godless power, but was suppressed by the three strange forces.

Li Xing secretly was surprised, if he shot, the outbreak of the North Emperor's head would make him extinct. Because he sensed that the moment when the North Emperor's head broke out, there was the power to destroy the world, and it was definitely an attacking force that transcended the boundlessness.

When Li Xing used the ancient altar to collect the head of the North Emperor, the twelve women were in a hurry and quickly urged the beads on their heads to send out a knife light to prevent the altar from landing. However, before the red long sword was close to the altar, it was shattered by a strange force ~ www.readwn.com ~ The twelve women were all injured by the shock, bleeding from their noses and noses, and their faces were shocked. They watched Li Xing take up the head of the North Emperor, and they hated the fire.

"Haha" Li Xing laughed and said, "I'm sorry, the emperor took it first. You can look for it, maybe you can find the feet and arms of the emperor here. Now. "

Relying on the power of the altar in exchange for the last sacrifice, Li Xing, who easily collected the head of the North Emperor, was in a good mood, stunned a few women, and turned away.


The female leader shouted sternly: "I recognize you. Those who own the battleship of the emperor only seem to have the mysterious continent, and the emperor of the Xuanhuang continent. You are the emperor of the yuan!"

ps: More than 130 red flowers yesterday, today should be six more. Looks like it won't come out today, no matter how close it is, we will make up tomorrow. Also, starting next month, it will not be so fierce ###, after all, the outbreak cannot last long. Next month, Baodi ### is three chapters, and if the total number of red flowers increases by one hundred, add another chapter. The specific situation has been mentioned in the book review.


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