Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1146: 1 body obliteration

Chapter 1146 of the Jiuyang Demon King Eradication (Second)

Chapter 1146 Erasing Oneself (Second)

The battleship stopped, Li Xing asked coldly, "So what?"

The female leader sneered: "Hunyuan emperor, you don't know the power of Suyin continent at all, you Xuanhuang continent can't compare with it. [Fê Xuanhuang continent has not been unified for a long time, withered talents and limited strength. Suyin Different, it has always been ruled by the Taiyin dynasty, and the master is like a cloud. I tell you the truth, although the Suyin continent does not have an imperial battleship, it has the power of immortality! "

Li Xing sighed: "What do you mean, if I leave now, the Suyin continent will avenge the Yuan Empire in the future?"

"It seems that you are not stupid." The female leader sneered. "With the anger of the Taiyin dynasty, Hugh said that a small mixed Yuan country, even the entire Xuanhuang continent, was vulnerable!"

Li Xing didn't say a word, his face was all cold, and he said, "Since so, you all die."

Following his words, the Proterotype altar flew out, spilling a black light, covering all twelve women. Under the dark light, twelve red beads exploded. Twelve women also smoky and screamed.

The female leader screamed, "You are brave and dare to attack the people of the Taisu dynasty ..." Without being able to curse a few words, her body was turned into an ashes and sacrificed by an ancient altar.

Li Xing beckoned to retract the altar, no expression on his face.

Wu Sheng Dao sighed and said, "This stupid woman is not only arrogant, but also ignorant of the heights and heights. She dared to threaten the Lord. It really makes sense to take death."

Li Xing has always been neat in his killings. For these twelve women, there was no killing at first. After all, everyone wants to get the North Emperor's head. Who can get their own talents. But the female leader did not know what to do, threatened the future of the mixed empire with future events, which made Li Xing unacceptable.

If you threaten me, I will kill you. This is Li Xing's attitude towards behavior, even if the other person is a woman.

The twelve women were beheaded and killed, and the Xuanhuang Zuqi outside the battleship suddenly condensed into a large net of Xuanhuang, which was scattered all over the sky. The big net moved for a moment, then heard a few exclaims, more than a dozen silhouettes would jump out of nothingness, surrounded by the **** nets.

The people who were struggling in that net were a group of people like Tian Qimen. Corpse Datianzun shouted, "Hunyuan, what are you doing?"

Li Xing didn't say a word either, a flick of his fingers, a ball of mysterious yellow ancestral enveloping a Perak Red Pill, and hitting everyone in the net. After entering the big net, that red pill suddenly exploded.

This explosive force was really horrible. The battleships were backed up by the shock wave, and the people in the ship almost sat on the ground with their butts. The corpse of the explosion center, such as Da Tianzun, all turned into flying ash and died completely.

This group of corpse qi Tiantianzun did not know what method to use, secretly lurking down, the purpose is nothing more than to wait for Li Xing and Su Yin continent's injuries, he is a fisherman to benefit. Unfortunately, he couldn't hide Li Xing's eyes, he knew they were hiding nearby.

Originally, if Twelve women had not been killed, Li Xing would not have moved the corpse door. But after he killed those twelve people, he had to do so, because if he did not die, it would be difficult to guarantee that the corpse door would not sell the news to the Suyin continent, thus putting the mixed-yuan empire into danger.

He has no doubt that the Suyin continent has that ability. A continent that has long been unified is undoubtedly much more powerful than a scattered continent. What the female leader said was that there was an immortal deity in the Taisu dynasty.

Li Xing successively killed the killer, seeing everyone dazzled, and killing Da Tian praised: "The Lord is fiercely popular and kills decisively. He is not afraid of being a great emperor and not heroic!"

The Eight Great Masters also said: "The Lord will surely change into a peerless figure like the North Emperor in the future. He will rule the Northern Wilderness and command the world.

"What is the Northern Emperor? The Lord will definitely surpass the Northern Emperor, unify the main plane, and become the co-owner of the world!" Said Tian Mu Da Tian Zun.

After hearing the crowd slap the horse, Li Xing rolled his eyes and said, "After speaking, I will be on the road immediately. It has taken more than a year and we should go back."

"Yes." The crowd grinned and began to maneuver the battleship, rising.

As the battleship rose, the Dyed Abyss was close to somewhere on the ground floor, a bubble so large that it almost gambled to death, and Yokohama was there. Among the bubbles, countless pavilions were built, with flowers and trees growing and birds and beasts living.

The space-time in the bubble is divided into hundreds of millions of planes and infinite space. One of the core planes, the central space, is suspended in a chaotic atmosphere by a stone platform. Above the stone platform, sat an old road.

The old-style clothes are simple, white beards hang down, he is kind-hearted, calm. Opening his eyes slowly at this time, he said lightly, "War, you come out."

Void ### There is a door and a young man walks out of it. This man has a strong breath of war all over him. He was wearing a gold shirt and holding a three-pointed and two-edged sword. He was unrivaled in domineering and invincible warfare, and said in a deep voice: "Master, what do you call me?"

The old man said: "Only one of the later generations entered the abyss. He is young and has a short practice, but he has built a civilization. These talents have an unlimited future. My ancestors reckon that this yin and yang era will be a world of great chaos, which will give birth to countless Not a hero. You should go out, compete with Qunjie, and experience physical fitness. "

Young people don't take it for granted: "Patriarch, people outside are fragile. What's the use of going out?"

The old man waved his hand: "Don't underestimate the world, you will understand after going out."

The young man thought for a while and nodded, "Patriarch, after I went out, I said you that person was beheaded."

The old man shook his head: "It's up to you, but when you kill him, remember to watch his civilization build for your benefit."

The young man nodded, "I understand."

However, it said that the emperor-class battleship left the Abyss and ran into the Xuanhuang World. The speed of the battleship was fast, and it was halfway in a few days. On this day, the warship passed a star field on the main plane of heaven and earth.

Suddenly, Li Xing on the ship found that one of the big stars actually had a lot of monks coming and going, and he swept away with a divine idea, and immediately laughed: "I have met an acquaintance."

The Emperor Dao asked, "What is the matter, Lord?"

Li Xing said: "On the big star below, there is a miracle chamber of commerce established by the miracle deity. This miracle deity has some intersection with me."

After he had spoken, he froze, and then said, "Do you think it would be a good idea for the Emperor to establish a chamber of commerce?"

The Eight-Days Master respected and learned a lot, and the first one agreed and patted his thigh: "The Lord is wise! We have salvaged so many things in the Hell and Hell, and if they are all auctioned by the Chamber of Commerce, we will definitely make a lot. All of them are low-in, high-out, and earn a difference. As long as the chamber of commerce forms a scale, the creation is like the mountains and rivers, and it is constantly flowing. "

Li Xing smiled and said, "Okay, after I went back, I set up a chamber of commerce in Xuanhuang Continent."

Not long after, the warship returned.

More than a year after Li Xing left, the mixed Yuan country developed steadily, and nothing major happened. If there is anything worthy of note, it is the emperor.

The emperor's cultivation has actually made a breakthrough in a short period of time. Now it has reached the 80th Great Celestial Supreme, and it is not far from the boundless realm.

In this regard, Li Xing knew well that the emperor of this place was born of the luck of the mixed Yuan world. His growth actually represented the growth of the mixed Yuan world. In other words, the final strength of the emperor will match the mixed world, so he still has a lot of room for improvement.

After returning home, Li Xing first took out the head of the North Emperor who had just acquired it. This thing is a time bomb and must be dealt with, otherwise it is easy to get into trouble. However, after some observation, he found that the altar of the ancient times could be ### this thing, so he was relieved.

The emperor's head, he will slowly find ways to absorb it in the future, and extract the civilized power. But at the moment, he doesn't have this strength yet, so he can only put it on temporarily.

The emperor's head could not move, but the treasures of the four seas could be started. He is now strong enough and has many helpers around him. There is not much risk in opening the treasures of the four seas.

After some preparations, Li Xing brought eight immeasurable soldiers and the boys and girls of Shanhai on this day. They took out the dust hiding the treasures of the four seas, and then they were ready to open. The process of opening is very simple, as long as the treasure boy photographs the treasure key, it can be opened.

The place where it was opened was selected on a prairie in the mixed Yuan empire. Within a large area, no creature existed. Even if an accident occurs during the opening process, it will also affect other people.

The eight immeasurable celestial masters set up their positions ahead of time and stayed outside just in case. Li Xing and Shan Hai Tong Zi Tong Zi stood in the center, the two looked at each other, Li Xing said: "It can begin."

Shan Hai Tong Zi was a little excited, and sighed: "How many generations of Shan Hai Jing Yuan Ling have not seen the treasures of the four seas, today I finally got my wish, I am really excited!"

Li Xing slap in his head and said, "Why so much nonsense, drive!"

Shanhai Tongzi shrank his head, and then stretched his hands to the air. After that, the treasure keys hidden in the outer perimeter of heaven separated the layers of space and time and flew to the boys.

This secret key looks like a golden light, with countless mystic runes rolling inside. The boy held the secret key in his hands and uttered something in his mouth. Li Xing listened carefully before he knew that he was saying a spell.

Spells are a clumsy technique and are rarely used. However, spells also have the advantages of spells, such as being able to pass on secrets, and will not let outsiders know.

After the complicated spells were finished ~ www.readwn.com ~ The treasure of the four seas hidden in the dust suddenly burst out, turning into a large white light. This white light was obviously extremely heavy. As soon as it appeared, the entire Xuanhuang continent sank slightly, and the overwhelming momentum hit.

Li Xing's eyes brightened and he said, "I haven't started yet."

The boy smiled "Hey", shook the secret key, and turned it into a beam of light with a complex pattern, and then slowly drew it into the white light, as if using a key to unlock a lock.

However, how Li Xing felt and felt his qualifications were a bit wretched, his face was full of smirks, and looked awkward and not a good person.

# 今日 就 ### Here, a difference of four more. About 160 red flowers today, tomorrow should ### 六章. In such a calculation, tomorrow should ### 十 章. However, the ten chapters cannot be written, and it seems that the payment can only be made in installments.

In addition, starting from the 2nd of next month, the daily guarantee bottom ### is three chapters, and then based on the total number of red flowers in the month, it will be added, and for every one hundred red flowers, one chapter will be added. Of course, this chapter of additions and owes is superimposed, and I won't let it go.


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