Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1148: 4 Ara Shokai

Chapter 1148: The Four Desolate Chambers of Commerce (Fourth)

Chapter 1148 Four Chambers of Commerce (Fourth)

Shanhai Tongzi took out the secret key, and this time the key turned into a ball of light, emitting billion runes of light. In each rune, there was a complicated sequence of runes. ┝ & Net, from the perspective of Li Xing's past, this is definitely an extremely clever encryption method. It is almost impossible to crack.

Soon after the secret key contacted Achievo, it clicked, and the closed door slowly opened, and countless treasures burst out, very dazzling.

The boy cried, "Master, you can enter. The treasures on the first floor are all in there."

Li Xing nodded and walked slowly into the palace.

Although he had been mentally prepared, when he was in the palace and saw the myriad and numerous babies, his heart was beating, and he could not help but take a breath.

In the palace, there are jade benches, and each jade bench has only one box. However, this box is not ordinary, there are several spaces hidden in it, and in each space, several spaces are set up to hold various treasures.

Li Xing took a look at it, not counting those rare treasures, very elixir, just making a large amount of chemical Dan makes people's heart beat. According to statistics, in this first layer of treasure, there are 28,800 immortal great fortune Dans, 54.8 million immortal fortune Dans, and 356.6 billion immense fortune Dans.

If you ask about these great fortunes, if you convert them into no great fortunes, the number is about 180 million. At the beginning, Li Xing extorted the sword domain and demanded nearly half of his savings. He only got 10 million endless dans.

The treasures of the four seas, the first layer of the good fortune deposit, is as high as 1.8 billion, which is seven or eight times as much as the entire sword domain treasure! This has not been counted as such a rare treasure, if all have been converted into stepless fortune, this number will certainly double.

"How many adventures and cosmic planes did you get from this cosmopolitan celestial body to accumulate such a wealth of wealth!" Li Xingda was greatly impressed, meanwhile, he was extremely pleased.

With these accumulations, not only the cost of the mixed Yuan Empire and the mixed Yuan world can be guaranteed, even the idea he envisioned can now be implemented, that is, the establishment of a chamber of commerce.

Establishing a chamber of commerce is not something you can do with your mouth. You must have strong strength and deep financial resources; otherwise, you can only dream about it. Originally, Li Xing's decision to establish a chamber of commerce was still at the imaginary stage. But now that there are so many great creatures, he can really start to implement them.

Li Xing only made a circle in the treasure hall and did not take away anything. All of these treasures only attracted his attention, which was a book.

This book, hidden in the innermost position, is serious and very important. When Li Xing opened the box and took it out, he saw a book, a large book exuding the light of civilization.

The book is one inch and two inches thick, three feet five inches and six inches long, and two feet four inches wide. Holding this book in his hands, Li Xing felt that in the mixed Yuan world, the civilitarian authority was shaken violently.

He was thinking, asking in his heart, "What is this thing?" This question, as if it were an ancient tree of civilization, was actually asking himself. The ancient tree of civilization is no different from him.

"The Book of Civilization, which records the orthodoxy of civilizations, is written by the observer." Gu Shu answered.

"What is the observer?"

"Watching the change of civilization and recording the changes of the heavens and the earth, never interfering with the world, but only watching from the wall.

Li Xing nodded: "It seems that the Book of Civilization must be a good thing, but I feel that if I want to open him, I must have a civilization that I created. This is a book that only the Great Master of Civilization can read. No wonder the Great Master of Four Seas Put such a heavy treasure on the first floor, because he has no way to start with this book. "

The importance of this book of civilization to Li Xing is self-evident. If a high-level civilization is recorded in the book, his practice can be upgraded to a higher level.

Put away the book of civilization, Li Xing and Shan Hai Tong Zi left the treasures of the four seas. The treasure placement method inside the Four Seas Treasure is very easy to use. He does not plan to transfer the treasures because he can enter the treasures at any time to win. The Four Seas Treasure has become his back garden.

The treasures of the Four Seas came to an end. Li Xing was sitting on the throne, and he decided to start setting up a chamber of commerce. For a while, he summoned San Qing, Guang Yan, Zi Guang, Rong Hua and other big celestial beings to the scene to discuss the matter.

Everyone expressed their opinions and put forward many useful ideas and ideas. In the meantime, when Li Xing talked about opening the chamber of commerce to the central pure land and the broad theme, a great deity objected.

This Datianzun Taoist is a wise man, with a unique perspective. He often sees things clearly, and Li Xing attaches great importance to it. Seeing Zhida Tianzun said: "The Lord, the foundation of the Xuanhuang Empire lies in Xuanhuang. Although the Xuanhuang Empire is already the largest country in the Xuanhuang continent, it is four points in five points. Time, because the rest is an extremely difficult bone. "

"Today, there are two things that the mixed-yuan empire has to do. The first is to stabilize the ground and strengthen the empire. The second is to expand the empire. This second step cannot be completed overnight, and the establishment of a chamber of commerce to expand the power is A wonderful move. "

"So, instead of establishing the chamber of commerce in a central pure land far from the foundation, it is better to set it up in the Northern Wilderness. In the future, the Lord must unite the Northern Wilderness and dominate the world. If a powerful Chamber of Commerce can be established, it will not only expand its power You can also collect intelligence from all parties, killing two birds with one stone. "

After hearing Chen of Zhida Tianzun saying that Li Xing nodded, he didn't think of it just because of other considerations. However, after thinking for a while, he still decided to accept the suggestion of Jian Zhi Da Zun, saying, "Ji Zhi's words are very good to me, and the early stage of the chamber of commerce was developed in Beihuang."

The North Famine is one of the Four Famines, with countless sections, and each section is a continent. The confluence of adjacent sections is a chaotic flow of time and space, not a simple regional collision.

If you enter the chaotic flow of time and space, if you don't control it well, you may enter any continent on the northern wasteland. That is because Beihuang is not a flat world, but a three-dimensional and complex large area.

Beihuang is like a bucket of water, countless sections, like bubbles floating in the water one by one. This water, which is turbulent in space and time, is everywhere, and if caught in it, it may be taken to any section.

This characteristic of Beihuang has provided convenience for the establishment of the chamber of commerce. With the help of ancient trees in space, Li Xing can easily travel freely in the chaos of time and space to reach any continent with convenient transportation.

Moreover, the ancient trees of space and time can reach the ancient trees of miracle, which is the core of the chamber of commerce.

After several days of detailed analysis, Li Xing finally decided to name the Chamber of Commerce as the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce. The operation of the Chamber of Commerce is mainly based on franchising and cooperation, and also has independent branches.

Franchising and cooperation refers to the dispatch of a small number of personnel from the Empire of the Yuan Dynasty to cooperate with certain forces in a certain continent by virtue of its ancient space trees and ancient miracle trees. In the process of cooperation, a certain force must provide security protection, but also promote the development of the chamber of commerce and increase the popularity of the chamber of commerce. In return, one-third of the chamber's operating profit belongs to a certain force that joins.

This idea was put forward by Li Xing. After everyone heard it, they were all surprised. It felt that this method had a bright future and could definitely push the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce into a strong one.

So it didn't take long for the mixed empire to send a large number of staff to the various continents to investigate the cooperation environment and prepare for the next step in cooperation. Of course, Li Xing did not let go of the one-fifth area of ​​the Xuanhuang Kingdom that was not unified, and sent powerful staff to establish a branch.

The preparation in the early stage is a long process. For this reason, Li Xing borrowed the power of Guiyuan Society and Xiaoyao Palace, but even so, he still felt that the manpower was insufficient and he had to send a lot of headquarter troops.

After the early days, Li Xing was free. On the same day, he took out the book of civilization and enlightened him under the ancient tree of civilization. Gu Xing's Li Xing is his hypothetical body, which can be understood as the projection of his own consciousness in the plane.

The real Li Xing, while sitting side by side, looked inside the world. This practice method is actually similar to the inner view of oneself when practicing in Sanyi Garden. The difference is that at that time he did not build a big world.

Li Xing held the Book of Civilization in his left hand and gently touched the cover of the book with ### in his right hand. He smiled and opened the first page gently. Suddenly, the glory of a civilization rose into the sky, evolving the birth, growth, prosperity, and decline of a civilization.

With the help of the ancient memory of civilization and authority, he could see at a glance that the civilization on the first page was a primary civilization. Li Xing looked at it, from the basics, to sublimation, to perfection, and then to death.

Seeing the first scene, he suddenly moved in his mind, thinking about his own mixed world, and reluctantly stepped into the basic elementary civilization. In the future, he will also move towards sublimation and perfection. What is the difference between the two as a primary civilization? Why is a civilization staged in the theme, while another civilization is born in his mixed world?

In the plane of immeasurable great deities, there can be no great deities, and great deities can be born in the great deities plane ~ www.readwn.com ~ one plane envelops one plane, one world contains one world.

What about the theme? Is the thematic plane also developed by a supremely powerful being, just like he opened up the world of mixed yuan? And the civilizations and the big worlds in the theme are like the infinite celestial beings in the mixed world?

This idea has appeared in his mind more than once, but at this time, he still feels incredible and thinks it is unlikely.

Observing the ups and downs of civilization, Li Xing's thoughts turned into a sigh. He had too many doubts in his mind, but now he cannot explore all this.

For example, what is outside the theme? Who created the theme, or who created it? Where does the world in which he lived in the first life relate to the theme?

Various unknown mysteries need him to solve.

After reading only one page of the book, Li Xing seemed to be sitting for a while, watching the interest and decline of a civilization, like a cold watcher, watching the world change indifferently, watching life and death in the bureau.


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