Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1149: Book of civilization

Chapter 1149: Book of Civilization (Fifth)

Chapter 1149 The Book of Civilization (Fifth)

In Li Xing's eyes, as if there was a mystery of the universe's annihilation and the mystery of the heavens and the earth's movement, I didn't know how long it was before he turned the page gently. . . ┏_Net Suddenly, a ray of light flew from the book and fell into the ancient tree of civilization.

It turned out that Li Xing learned about this civilization, and the ancient tree of civilization naturally got the true meaning of this civilization. Therefore, there is another kind of civilization power in the civilization roulette, which greatly enlightens the ancient trees of civilization.

In this way, Li Xing flipped through the book of civilization one by one, forgetting the passing of time, the world changed, and he was immersed in all his mind. Civilization after civilization, like smoke in his eyes, gathered and scattered.

Among them, there are primary civilization, intermediate civilization, and advanced civilization. When Li Xing turned the last page, he slowly closed the book of civilization and solemnly placed it in the ancient tree of civilization.

At this time, he was very happy. This book of civilization contains sixty-four civilizations. There are 52 recorded primary civilizations, 11 intermediate civilizations and one advanced civilization.

He looked at all the civilizations and found that only some of them were intermediate civilizations and one advanced civilization, which could help him improve. The reason why only some intermediate civilizations are available is because intermediate civilizations are different from primary civilizations.

Intermediate civilization is a higher-level and more complete civilization, with a more detailed hierarchy and a longer perimeter. Intermediate civilization has nine levels, from low to high, which are ninth, eighth, seventh, sixth, fifth, fourth, third, second, and first.

There are gaps between all civilizations that are difficult to bridge. For example, the ninth civilization and the eighth civilization, the latter is more than ten times better than the former, and the comprehensive strength is dozens or hundreds of times stronger.

There are eleven intermediate civilizations, seven intermediate nine civilizations, three intermediate eight civilizations, and one intermediate six civilizations. It can be seen that although one civilization after another appears on the theme, there are not many higher civilizations among them.

And Li Xing was able to see a high-level civilization, and it can be said that luck was excellent.

The distinction between high-level civilization and intermediate civilization is different. This first-level civilization is divided into 24 levels. However, due to the limited memory of ancient civilizations, Li Xing was not able to know how to divide the twenty-four levels.

Eleven intermediate civilizations are helpful to Li Xing, including three intermediate nine civilizations, three intermediate eight civilizations, and one advanced civilization. The reason why there are only three intermediate and nine-level civilizations is available, because the civilizations that were originally available will become useless as he cultivates.

In addition, Li Xing felt that the advanced civilization could not be used for the time being, because his own realm could not match it. Therefore, this advanced civilization can only be used in the future.

Based on this calculation, Li Xing currently has six available civilizations, allowing him to ascend six realms, from the current forty-eight calamities to fifty-four calamities.

After realizing the civilization, Li Xing thought of the dragon elephant, and said, "Six civilizations can only elevate me to six realms. It seems that I have to find more civilizations. The emperor's head cannot be refined for the time being. Dragon Elephant World looks for opportunities. "

There is always a feeling in Li Xing, that the dragon elephant is definitely not simple, and there must be some secret in his body. You must know that strong men like Sihai Datianzun and giants like Dadaozun were defeated or injured by him one by one. How could he be a simple character?

Opening up the power of civilization requires opportunity, for example, Li Xing obtained the ancient tree of civilization. So what did Dragon Elephant Grand Celestial gain? Book of civilization? Or something else?

But no matter that, it must be very helpful to him. The thought of the Dragon Elephant, Li Xing could not help feeling.

Dragon Elephant Datianzun can be described as a generation of great talents, but this one only understands the elementary civilization, which is now the level of Li Xing.

The Dragon Elephant Datianzun was very promising, but unfortunately, his luck was not good, and he was hit again and again. First, he fought a fierce battle with Da Tianzun, who was defeated. Then he entered the abyss of dyeing and robbing to find materials, and wanted to make a measureless instrument to bear his wounds. But he encountered another ancestor.

In the process of fighting with the ancestral master, the latent enemies of the four seas, the Great Emperor, showed power, finally letting him drink the abyss, and never came out again.

The above is just a speculation by Li Xing based on all the information, presumably the real situation is inseparable from it. He secretly decided that he would definitely go to the Dragon Elephant World in the future to find something, not only to discover the secrets of the Dragon Elephant, but also to find the mountains and seas by the way, to open the second and third layers of the treasures of the four seas.

After gaining six types of civilization, Li Xing didn't delay at all. On the same day, he started retreat in the mixed Yuan Empire. If any place is the safest for it now, it is the mixed Yuan empire.

The Empire now has a large number of soldiers, many defense lines, as well as battleship escorts and expert care. Even if the immortal God comes, he has no fear and can cultivate with peace of mind.

Li Xing's body was wrapped in a strange group of seven-color light. This light group is actually a treasure, which he obtained in the Abyss of Dying. One thing can't be against the enemy, and the other can't be defended, but it has a function of changing time.

As he did not know the origin of this treasure, Li Xing named the gate of his time. The gate of time is like a space-time crystal bubble, the time change in the inside is different from the outside. Moreover, this change can be adjusted artificially.

At this moment, Li Xing adjusted the cultivation time to one day outside, three million years inside the door, and then began cultivation.

The mixed world is also part of Li Xing's body, so when Li Xing is practicing like this, the time in the big world is also virtually adjusted, which is no longer consistent with the frequency of time outside.

For this reason, every time Li Xing retreats, it is also a retreat for the mixed world.

This practice is obviously different from last time in Xuanhuang Tower, and the progress is very fast. In the first million years, Li Xing broke through three barriers in succession, from forty-eight calamities to Tianzun.

The next three ascents took longer than once. It takes 1.2 million years to step into the Great Celestial Masterpiece 52, and takes 3.8 million years to enter the Great Celestial Masterpiece 53. Eighteen million years.

After going back and forth, Li Xing went through 24 million years before finally breaking through to the 54th Great Deity. However, the next period of stability took more than 6 million years to complete.

When Li Xing stepped out of the gate of time, only a little more than ten days passed. However, in the ten days, the mixed world changed a lot. The strength of the monks was generally accompanied by Li Xing's cultivation, and they were upgraded by six levels.

The number of people living in Hunyuan has reached 11 from Beijing. Among them, the number of extinct Great Celestial Masters exceeded the 10 billion mark. The number of ancient great deities is as high as eight trillion.

Li Xing's memory of the ancient civilization tree made him know that this time his improvement increased his strength from the 81st calamity to the level of the Great Celestial Deity, and soared to the 90th calamity to the level of the Great Celestial Deity.

The Nimble Tianzun of Ninety Calamities has terrible fighting power. It sits in the middle of Wuliang Dazun, and is also called a master. He can walk sideways in the main position most of the time.

However, this retreat, Li Xing also felt that the power of his great world was limited to a bottleneck. Before he broke through to the level of Nirvana, even if he was upgraded again, the improvement of his strength would be very Limited.

Even if he reaches the 59th Grand Celestial Master, then his real combat power will only be slightly higher than that of the 90th Grand Master Celestial Master, increasing his combat power by two or three points.

However, this does not mean that Li Xing has not gained anything in the future. On the contrary, the subsequent upgrade will be very helpful to his niche construction and civilization growth. After all, the higher the realm, the smoother the growth of civilization, and the more comprehensive the construction of the plane.

These two aspects cannot be ignored, because the next step in which Li Xing can grow depends entirely on the level of these two aspects. The plane is his foundation, civilization is the core, and the two complement each other.

Li Xing didn't think there was anything wrong with the limited power. His combat power, equivalent to ninety calamities, is extremely appalling. Moreover, in conjunction with his three-life annihilation, the imperial battleship can definitely walk sideways in the immeasurable great deity.

Soon after Li Xing was out of customs, he asked about the construction of the chamber of commerce. For more than ten days, it was not possible to build a chamber of commerce, but news of environmental investigations has come.

At present, the mixed empire has dispatched personnel to 60 continents, of which two continents have heard news. The two continents are the origin continent and the star-hui continent.

Originating from the origin of civilization, the environment here is relatively stable and has a bright future. Moreover, those sent there have already communicated with several major forces on the mainland and are gradually discussing cooperation matters.

The origin continent is a relatively unified continent ~ www.readwn.com ~ A continent of origin was established on the continent. The lord of the dynasty, known as the holy king of origin, has great strength and can use one person's strength ### 一 Continent.

As for the other Xinghui continent, it is relatively loose and split into countless forces. Moreover, the various forces attacked each other, and when there was little stability, the environment was relatively unsatisfactory.

However, after analyzing the two continents, Li Xing found that the latter was more favorable. Because the more such a divided and chaotic continent, the easier it is for chambers of commerce to grow larger and stronger, and even to eventually include the entire continent in their pockets.

On the contrary, although the originating continent is stable in environment and unified in military and political affairs, once the chamber of commerce becomes strong, it must inevitably attract the attention of the originating dynasty, or it may be regarded as a threat and a target for removal.

Therefore, Li Xing quickly issued an order to allow all parties to quickly establish a chamber of commerce in Xinghui mainland, and to send more staff to strengthen the chamber of commerce in a short time.

Regarding the origin of the mainland, Li Xing's strategy is much lower-key, sending only a small number of staff, and then showing sincerity to associate with the local powers and forces, while giving more benefits to the local mighty.


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