Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1150: Wankuling

Chapter 1150: The Cave of Ten Thousand Caves (Sixth)

Chapter 1150 Ten Thousand Cave Caves (sixth)

Subsequent times, news came from new continents, and the mixed empire continued to send a large number of staff to establish chambers of commerce in each continent. │ ''

While establishing a chamber of commerce outside the Xuanhuang continent, Li Xing did not ignore the Xuanhuang continent itself. Of course, the establishment of a chamber of commerce in the Xuanhuang continent, the drunkard does not mean to drink, not to make much profit, the most important is to use the platform of the chamber of commerce to understand and control the part of the Xuanhuang continent that has not been controlled.

However, what surprised Li Xing was that it was a huge trouble on this site, which was only one-fifth of the area of ​​Xuanhuang Continent.

On this day, there was news that a chamber of commerce on the Xuanhuang continent was destroyed, and the ancient trees in space and the ancient trees in miracles were seized. In this conflict, twenty-three monks in the mixed Yuan Empire were all beheaded and killed, and none were spared.

The moment he got the news, Li Xing's anger was ignited in the heart, killing infinitely. He realized that in all likelihood, some people were against the Yuan Empire. What kind of person would dare to start against the mixed yuan empire?

The situation was very serious, Li Xing rushed to the scene as soon as possible. And, for safety reasons, he brought eight Tao soldiers and Jiuyang avatars. Among them, the realm of Jiuyang's avatar has reached 72 calamities, and there is no great state of heaven.

When Li Xing was closed in the gate of time, Jiuyang's avatar was also training in retreat. Moreover, Jiuyang's requirements for the level of civilization are lower than Li Xing, so progress is easier.

In addition, the Jiuyang avatar is different from Li Xing's deity because it incorporates Pangu beads. Li Xing realized one kind of civilization and then advanced; Jiuyang avatar realized one kind of civilization and then cultivated a power to destroy such a civilization so that he could advance.

The sixty-four civilizations in the book of civilization are enough for Jiuyang to enlighten and seek to crack the way. This has improved his cultivation by twelve levels, from sixty to seventy to 72 , Into the Promise.

In terms of strength, the current Jiuyang avatar has a combat power above Li Xing, and is in the realm of the immeasurable Tianzun. Of course, if Li Xing displays his three-life lore, it is difficult to distinguish between the two, and he can only say that he has his own strengths.

The Xuanhuang continent has two regions that have not been ruled by the Yuan Empire. One is located in the southwest of the mainland and the other is located in the northwest of the mainland. Among them, the southwestern part of the mainland has the largest area and the most complicated environment.

The location of the accident was located in the most southwestern region of the Xuanhuang continent. The environment here is harsh and the aura is thin. It is not a place for practitioners to wait at all. But it is here that there are many powerful people.

The great characters mentioned here include two categories. One type is extremely ferocious, offending many people, and causing anger and anger, so I ca n’t stay elsewhere, so I live here. There is no bottom line for such people to do things. Once they compete, it is endless and very difficult.

The second type of person is the one who avoids the world. Such people are very high, there are no limitless, boundless figures, they don't want to disturb the outside world, they focus on cultivation and don't ask foreign affairs. They often have very short life spans, only one or two calamities, and they will even fall in the yin and yang era.

Both types of people are not easy to mess with. This is why Li Xing has not started to deal with this one-fifth place, because there are too many people here to deal with it.

In the southwest of Xuanhuang Continent, only one chamber of commerce was built on trial, the one that just happened. The detailed place where it is located is called Wankuling.

Wankuling is a sinister place. This mountain is vast and has many peaks. Moreover, there are often caves all over the mountain, hence the name Wanliling. The original reason to choose to establish a chamber of commerce here is that Wanlilings are located in the central part of the southwestern region, which is convenient for business radiation.

A mountain on Wanliling Mountain, a stream of light flew from the northeast. Xu Guang fell on top of the mountain, and manifested Li Xing and his team of ten people. The location of Li Xing's station was full of traces of fighting below, and even a trace of blood was not dispersed.

The corpses of their own personnel have been taken away by the killers. All that remains at the scene are the collapsed peaks, broken vegetation, and wreckage of artifacts scattered everywhere. These broken instruments were all on the side of the mixed Yuan empire, which showed that the fighting was fierce at the time.

Li Xing stopped for a moment, reaching out and grabbing, as if to grab something. Then, for a moment, he pointed silently and yelled, "Now!"

Suddenly, the empty ### is now a light curtain, and the light curtain reproduces what happened here.

It turned out that Li Xing operated a secret technique called "recourse", which could follow what happened in the past. This mystery is evolved from a hit in the past.

What happened on the light curtain saw Li Xing's face sinking like water. I saw that more than eighty celestial beings surrounded twenty-three people in the mixed Yuan empire. Of these besiegers, obviously one was without a great deity, and the rest were mostly nirvana lords.

Nirvana and Promise of the Promise can be regarded as masters everywhere. Twenty-three people on Li Xing's side are far behind, ten people are the Great Celestial Sovereign, and thirteen people are the Nirvana Great Celestial.

There was no suspense in the battle. Twenty-three people were beheaded and killed one by one, and then the ancient miracle tree and the ancient tree in space were sealed by a magical weapon and plundered.

The image on the light curtain gradually blurred. When the light curtain was about to disappear, Li Xing reached out and grabbed it. The image without great celestial body suddenly fell down, fell into Li Xing's hands, and stood there like a villain, looking Muran.

This is another mystery of Li Xing, called "Shape Tracking". You can track each other by inhaling the other person's breath. No matter how far apart they are, they can be found by this technique.

Of course, the premise is that the opponent's strength is weaker than the caster, otherwise, it will be sensed by the opponent and think of the corresponding solution.

Li Xingchao said in his palm: "Go!"

Suddenly ~ www.readwn.com ~ the villain turned into a white light, flying towards the east, Li Xing and others followed closely behind. White light flew for about half an hour into a lush valley. The valley was covered with strange flowers and weeds, and it was full of vitality, not like a poor place.

When Bai Guang arrived here, he stopped and slowly disappeared. This shows that the immense deity who killed and seized the tree is in the valley.

Li Xing killed his heart early and did not hide it. He landed in the valley in an imperial manner, and ordered eight immeasurable soldiers to guard the left and right. He and Jiuyang broke into the valley.

Only when Guangguang reached the sky above the valley, came out an angry drink: "Who dares to die in the Black Wind Valley? Come down to Lao Tzu!"

Then there was a big green hand, carrying immeasurable power, grabbing at Li Xing. It can be seen that the master of Dashou should be an immeasurable Da Tianzun who is eighty-four robbers. He wants to capture Li Xing and Jiuyang as siblings in one fell swoop.

(The six chapters that should have been written yesterday have been written, and then the six chapters that were not written today. These six chapters will take two or three days to fill in slowly. In addition, there are no restrictions on giving red flowers. Yes, it ’s okay to see someone jealous for a few days a day, and I also want to roll.)


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