Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1151: Southwest Attack

Chapter 1151: Southwest Attack

Chapter 1151: Southwest Attack

The people in the valley obviously noticed that Li Xing was a deceptive person, and he used the eagle to catch the chicks to wipe him out. . . [Fê he doesn't know, Li Xingfei is not only a chicken, but also a dragon. He is an eagle he can fight at all.

When Li Xing saw the other shot, he gave a cold hum, and Hunyuan Dashou ### continued. This one ### is a secret technique that his mixed civilization focuses on, calling it "the wedge of the palm". In other words, a palm shot will go down like a piling, wedging people directly into the ground, causing horrible damage.

Areas like the Xuanhuang continent are extremely **** the ground. If people are wedged into it, injuries are inevitable, and they may even be bombarded into the lowest lava layer or ice crystal layer and killed directly.

The big hand of Xunyuan slammed into the opponent, hearing only a loud noise, a scream came from below, and the big hand was broken by the palm of Li Xing. And the man in the palm of his hand was like a nail, wedged heavily into a deep place underground.

It broke through the lava layer and went directly into the ice crystal layer. This layer of ice crystals is a terrible area below the continent. It is extremely cold and can freeze to death. It belongs to the place where the core forces of the continent converge.

However, this person reacted quickly. Before the person fell into the ice crystal layer, he released a magic weapon guard, and at the same time he screamed to rush up, fearing that he would run slowly, and the magic weapon could not stop the power of the ice crystal.

It was just a man that rushed out of the ground. Li Xing patted him again, and sneered him into the ice crystal layer, sneer at the same time: "Why do you start with the Four Wild Chambers?"

The man was photographed a second time, almost like a thunderous blast, and the weapon of the protector also cracked. You know, this is an infinitely polar instrument. It was broken in such a moment, which made him feel cold.

Out of Li Xing's accident, this person was slammed into the ice crystal layer for the second time, and immediately screamed, "Brother, you haven't shot yet?"

Then Gu Zhongchuan sighed coldly and said in one person: "Miscellaneous things, I told you earlier, don't be too arrogant. Now that I've kicked the iron plate, do you know what is scared?"

Then, Li Xing saw a **** hand, blasting towards Skyrim. Da Tianzun's fight often suppresses the opponent with strength. Whoever has the strength can often kill the other with one punch and slap the other with one palm.

However, the strength of the person who shot was obviously not worse than his Li Xing. So he stared coldly, the mixed gun was already in his hand, and he looked down a little. The man in the Black Wind Valley dared to kill the Chamber of Commerce, and his crime should be killed, so he left no room for the shot and used three lives to kill.

The three-life annihilation of Li Xing is really a fierce and unparalleled killing technique, the supreme secret method. No matter when it is cast, it can push the combat power to a peak. I saw that the tip of the gun was extinguished, and the **** hand was crushed, followed by an intrusive cry, and suffered a big loss.

Li Xing's gun continued unabated, and a "kill", shaking the sky, up and down, left and right, countless Li Xing appeared, holding the assassination towards him. This time, the man in the valley was forced to manifest himself.

This man has a wide-nose lion, a tall body, and a mighty bully. At this moment, his left side is right and his right side is awkward, his face is full of shock, and he yells out, "Which one of the friends here is, can Yuan Yuansheng be offended? ? "

Li Xing said coldly: "Is it not yours to kill the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce? You are still asking how this emperor offended!"

Upon hearing Li Xing's "Ben Emperor" professing himself, Yuan Sheng was astonished and shouted, "Is it a mixed emperor?"

On the Xuanhuang continent, if you do n’t know the prestige of the Daoyuan Yuan Emperor, it is impossible. The Yuansheng Great Celestial Master immediately thought of Li Xing's identity.

"Huh! Knowing the Emperor's Chamber of Commerce, I dare to take action. Black Wind Valley really has a way to take death!" Li Xing's eyes are even more murderous. He was not anxious to start with Xuanhuang Southwest, but today he changed his mind, Wan, he is also determined to calm down the southwest and southeast.

Yuan Sheng Da Tian Zun immediately called out: "The Great Emperor was angry, and started against the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce. It is by no means what we mean. It is the **** below."

"The Emperor only knows that he is your Heifeng Valley." Li Xing said coldly, the gun was even tighter, forcing Yuan Shengtian Tianzun to wow. At this time, the eighty-four calamities who called for help rushed forward to help Yuan Sheng.

But at this time, Jiuyang shot himself, only he stepped forward and punched him again, making him stiff, but forcibly sending the destructive force into the opponent's body, making him lose his combat power in a short time.

Li Xing took advantage of it, and a ray of white awn shot into his eyebrow, and planted the plunder seed decisively.

During the battle between the two sides, a group of people involved in the Naval Chamber of Commerce in Nagu saw this scene, and their faces changed greatly. They did not expect that the Lord came to the door so quickly, so they looked at him and quietly withdrew, preparing to escape from the dark. Wind Valley.

But they can see that Otani and Nitani have joined forces, and they don't seem to be their opponents. If they lose, they will die, and they won't leave at this time, so when will they stay?

However, for a short while, this talent was stopped by eight immeasurable soldiers. Dao Bing is very straightforward. Without saying a word, he vigorously killed them from the beginning. Except for the one who has no great deity, the rest were all blown up.

Besides, the two people in the valley, then the owner of the valley that was wedged by Li Xing before was quickly plundered by the ancient trees to control it, and the battle was rampant. Instead, he joined the Li Xing party.

Otani Lord Otomo Tenjo is shocked and furious. He is an immeasurable Otogo who is ninety calamities, smiling and proud, but he doesn't want to be so passive today, and it makes people feel uncomfortable.

However, aggrieved are still behind. Jiuyang's avatar suddenly joined the battle group. His combat strength was stronger than that of Li Xing's deity, and he immediately made the situation of the other party drastically change.


Jiuyang smashed eighteen punches in tandem, but it was the "killing fist" learned from the "Wu Jing", and its lethality was very arrogant.

This time, Otani hit six punches on his body, causing him to vomit blood and fly. Li Xing then caught up with the mixed yuan gun and stabbed him to death, "pounced" and penetrated the opponent's chest, then trembled and smashed it to the ground.

But the other side is worthy of being the Nirvana of the Ninety Calamities, with super powerful fighting power, and with a roar, he suddenly hit a magic weapon and slammed into Li Xing and Jiuyang's avatars, trying to take the opportunity to take them away.

Li Xing did not hide, humming heavily, Xuanhuang Tower in the hands of the town fiercely down. This tower is extremely heavy. As soon as it is pressed, it smashes the implement, then hangs down hundreds of millions of mysterious ancestors, and gives Otani the master ###.

The Xuanhuang Tower is a treasure of Xuanhuang continent. The longer Li Xing used it, the better the tower became. In the Xuanhuang continent, this tower can exert its maximum power. It is displayed in his hands and the power is doubled. ### 大 谷主 has no effort.

The owner of Ergu was killed, and the owner of Otani was ###, and the people in the valley were immediately shocked, and the birds and beasts scattered. There are only two grain owners in the valley's megagravity. Once they are finished, the rest will be unable to compete, and it is a fool not to leave.

Unfortunately, eight immeasurable guardians have already guarded the place like an iron bucket, and no flies can fly, let alone escape. As a result, these people were frightened back, and a small number were also beheaded by Taoists.

Li Xing held the Xuanhuang Pagoda in his hand and stood on the valley. He glanced down and found that there were many people in the Heifeng Valley. There are no eighteen Great Celestial Masters, and the Celestial Masters below are different, with three thousand people.

When he was about to kill the Black Wind Valley, he had a detailed approach in his heart. At this time, he said, "Everyone listen, your Otani and Otani have been killed by my town. Now I will give you a choice. Either die or absolutely obey the order of the emperor. "

These people gathered in the Heifeng Valley can't talk about loyalty, but just stay together for a long time. After hearing this, they all said that they would be loyal to the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty in the future, and there would be no ambition.

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Okay, the emperor is very happy and decided to reward you for something." Then the words fell open, and hundreds of millions of predatory seeds flew out.

These seeds, little by little, have fallen into the planes of many people, taking root and sprouting, but they do not absorb the power of the planes and do not interfere with the will.

These people's faces changed greatly, they all knew that this was Li Xing's control method, but they dared not resist.

Li Xing smiled and said, "Your seeds have been planted and plundered. If there is a rebellion, the emperor's thoughts can make you look like him." He pointed to the owner of Nigu, "If you don't believe it, give it a try."

The crowd hurriedly said, "I will be loyal and I will never rebel."

Li Xing nodded with satisfaction, then landed on the ground and began to visit the Black Wind Valley. The area of ​​the Black Wind Valley is not small. Many houses are built and numerous caves are opened. They are all places for cultivation and settlement.

The Otani owner, ###, keeps roaring and struggling, and it is difficult to get out of control. Li Xing was impatient with his roar, and plunged directly into the plundering seeds. Not long after, the Yuansheng Saint, who was standing southwest, also became a trench.

Combining the memories of Otani and Otani, Li Xing has a deep understanding of Heifeng Valley and the entire southwestern region.

Heifeng Valley is one of the three largest forces in the southwest. These three forces are Heifeng Valley, Baigu Mountain, and Bailu Cave. Among them, the Heifeng Valley and Baigushan have the same strength, but they are not as good as the folding fan hole.

There are two valley owners in Heifeng Valley ~ www.readwn.com ~ Otani is called Yuansheng Datianzun, and Ergu is called Yuanxuan Datianzun, but they are siblings. At that time, they were with the White Bone Lady of Baigushan. , Rushed here, has been unable to go out.

To say that the strength of the Black Wind Valley itself is not comparable to Baigu Mountain. However, this Yuansheng Datianzun is very capable, and subdued the nearby 36-hole cave master and 72-peak peak master.

Taken together, there are three immense deities, including hundreds of immense deities, and the other great deities have more than 100,000 followers, which is a force to be reckoned with. It is with this point that Heifeng Valley can compete with Baigu Mountain.

Since Li Xing took the shot, this time he decided to calm down the southwest. These so-called 36 islands and 72 peaks are a force that can be used, and he will not waste it.

So, on the same day, in the name of Lord Otani, the Great Lord of the Holy Father, he issued a summons to 36 holes and 72 peaks and ordered them to come to discuss matters.

(It was passed a little late. I was allergic to eating at noon and almost coughed. My body was full of red envelopes. I spit old blood and scared my wife. My mouth was low. I went to He Xian, but I did n’t have an allergy history .)


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