Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1152: Expansion site

Chapter 1152: Expansion Site

Chapter 1152: Expansion

The master of the 36 holes and the master of the 72 peaks have always been the leader of the Heifengfenggu. They summoned them immediately, and each of them ordered a crowd.

When they came to the Valley of the Black Wind, they saw that the talkers were no longer brothers of Yuan Sheng and Xuan Sheng, but they changed their strange faces and repaired them so that they didn't look very high. Someone immediately asked: "Otani Lord Where is the Lord Niku? Who are you and dare to stand in this position? "

Li Xing smiled slightly and said something that shocked everyone: "I am the Great Emperor of Yuan Dynasty. You must know the name of this great emperor."

The faces of the people changed greatly, and the first thought was: Is the Emperor Yuanyuan finally going to start in the southwest? They immediately became vigilant, their eyes blinking.

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "I advise you, it is better to be pragmatic, because once you set foot here, you are destined to either use it for me or die here."

He talked down, and the lords of the cave and the lord of the peak scolded.

"Mixed Yuan emperor, don't be arrogant. Our thirty-six holes and seventy-two peaks, masters like clouds, may not be afraid of you. If you want to stay with us, you may not have that ability!"

"Yes, Emperor Yuan, we had better not make the river well. As long as you don't move us, we won't attack your people and don't invade each other. Isn't that great?"

Li Xing heard a lot of rumors and said, "Looking around, you might change your mind."

Everyone looked around curiously, and said, "Is there a failure to ambush?"

This doesn't matter, everyone's heart suddenly raised. It turned out that one time, an emperor-class battleship, fifty king-class battleships, and eight immeasurable celestial enemies surrounded the place.

They all realized that today's situation is terrible. They have long heard about the power of the Emperor-class battleships, and they immediately killed the immeasurable Da Tianzun, and even the fierce predatory Da Tianzun were run away and the Proto-Altar was lost.

The mixed Yuan empire can destroy Xuanhuang Kingdom, which is also very relevant to this ship. In addition, other king-class battleships are also absolutely powerful. Three or five salvos can definitely hurt or even kill an immense Celestial Master.

Not to mention, there are eight immeasurable grand deities, and in this respect, there are far more than the three immense immortals. This is a battle that can't be fought. Once it is fought, I am afraid it will be wiped out.

Faced with the threat of death, these people wisely chose silence, and none of them dared to shout again. They knew that only obedience would make it possible for them to survive, otherwise they would die.

Li Xing nodded with satisfaction, saying: "It seems that you are all smart people, recognize the situation and see the status quo. Then, if you are willing to continue to obey the Lord of the Black Wind Valley, you can stand up."

Without any hesitation, all of them stood in the past, joke, if there was one dead in the past, who would make fun of him?

Li Xing's face sank, and he said, "It is your willingness to obey the emperor, so in order to show loyalty, you must accept the restriction of the emperor."

When everyone heard this, they all sulked. Was this voluntary? But they can only be defamatory, and soon they are afraid of defamation, because a lot of plunder seeds fall into their plane.

After spilling the seeds, Li Xing smiled and said, "This great emperor knows that you like freedom, but what good is this place in the southwest where the birds do not **** and the chickens do not lay eggs? As long as you are loyal to the great emperor, you will enjoy it. Endless glory is precious, cultivation resources, reputation. "

After that, he patted his palm. Suddenly, a lot of old trees appeared in the sky, underground, and mountains. Then the ancient miracle tree, the ancient tree of war, the ancient tree of guardianship, etc., manifested one after another, and in a short time, the Black Wind Valley became solid.

At the same time, among the ancient trees, a large number of imperial soldiers came out, and the ligaments occupied the Black Wind Valley. Seeing these powerful and superbly prepared imperial teams, the people in the valley have developed a sense of powerlessness. They know that this life will be eaten by the mixed empire.

Li Xingdao: "What is the southwest with an empire behind you? What is Baigushan and Bailudong? As long as you work hard and work hard, you can destroy these forces sooner or later, and unite the southwest. At that time, you are all founding nations Everyone has a great reward, isn't it better than a hundred times better? "

Many people have come back to me, yeah, instead of here, why not follow this mixed Yuan emperor to do a career, maybe there will be a turn in life!

In these people's eyes, a strange light shone.

Li Xing knew that under the control of plundering seeds, and driven by his interests, these people would surely die for themselves. He knows the origin of these people very well. Like the Lord of the Black Wind Valley, he was driven out of the Xuanhuang continent and vowed never to set foot in the Central Plains.

Although they were unwilling to do so, they were very helpless, because that person was too powerful, that is, the current Bailudong Laodong said, that is, the son of Xuanhuang, the previous one.

The former son of Xuanhuang is said to have settled the demon and the most wicked people to the southwest for the tranquility of the Xuanhuang continent, and set up the White Deer Cave ###.

Li Xing scoffed at this statement. He believed that the biggest possibility was the son of Xuan Huang. At that time, he contacted the powerful people on the mainland in the name of Dayi and deliberately rushed everyone here.

As for why people are driven, there are two reasons. The second is for the Xuanhuang Kingdom at that time. The second is to gather such a group of people into one place. If they can slowly control it, it will be a very powerful force.

This is indeed the case. The Supreme Master Yuan and Mrs. White Bone have been in contact with Bailu Cave. At least Yuan Shengda Tianzun once hesitated whether to join the White Deer Cave and then use it to return to the Central Plains.

In addition, there was a message that attracted Li Xing's attention. The former son of Xuanhuang, who had established Bailu Cave, had suffered a dark injury. It is said that if he was not injured, he would have led Xuan Huangguo to rule the world.

He couldn't help wondering whether the son of Xuanhuang had nothing to do with the son of Xuanhuang who had been killed by him. It is said that the two are in the same vein and should be taken care of each other.

This incident made him feel bad about Bailudong, and has listed it as a hostile target. Moreover, the strength of Bailudong is very strong. It is said that the strength of the son of Lao Xuanhuang, the master of Laodong, is the great deity of Nirvana.

The current cave owner is also the Great Celestial Emperor Nirvana. There are also five countless elders in Bailu Cave, which are not easy to deal with, and their strength is far above the Black Wind Valley. Such a force is simply a time bomb. If it is not removed, Li Xing will have trouble sleeping.

These people who were originally mixed with Heifenggu have obviously surrendered, and there are some real people who want to follow Li Xinggan. After all, this step has already been reached, and we can only get better, and there may still be some day to come.

Li Xing immediately said, "Everyone, this emperor knows the situation in the southwest. In addition to the three major forces, those scattered small forces are not in the minority, and there are a lot of hermits here. The emperor has ordered you to cooperate and cooperate. Guide the imperial army and bring down these forces one by one. If there is any disobedience, kill all of them and leave one alone! For those who live in seclusion, you can temporarily give them courtesy and invite them to join the empire. If you do n’t want to, do n’t force them. In the future, Again. "

Soon, Li Xing ordered the matter to go on and ordered everyone to take action.

With the imperial army, the Black Wind Valley, and the 36 holes and 72 peaks, they are naturally confident. They divided their troops into several roads. Today they captured a mountain and tomorrow they built a valley. The forces expanded rapidly.

Amateur meets professional, losing is inevitable. These small forces collided with the real army, and they were almost unbeatable. They all bowed their heads and made Li Xing more and more powerful.

There are many small and medium-sized forces in the southwest, and even at this speed, it cannot be done overnight. Li Xing is not in a hurry. There are ancient trees, and he can immediately transfer supplies and troops to this place. Winning the southwest altogether is a matter of time.

Three months have passed, and all the surrendering forces, big and small bosses, shrimp soldiers and crabs, have numbered millions. Among them, there are thirteen people in the immeasurable Datianzun, most of which are eighty-four and five calamities. There are no more than 300 people in the Great Heavenly Respect, and thousands in the Nirvana Great Heavenly Respect.

This force is already quite powerful. Its strength is combined with the elite soldiers of the empire.

In order to facilitate control, Li Xing organized everyone into an irregular army and gave it a "guerilla battalion" designation. Everyone was assigned a position. Some were soldiers, some were commanders, and obeyed the unified command of the Marshal of the Empire.

As a result, efficiency has been greatly improved, and the speed of expansion has increased accordingly. Soon, the empire had circled the ground in front of Baigushan's house.

Originally, Baigu Mountain and Heifeng Valley, one eastward and one westward, each occupied a separate site. Although there was friction, no one went so boldly to the front of the opponent's door.

So ~ www.readwn.com ~ In Li Xing's expectation, Baigushan soon moved. On this day, hundreds of millions of demon rays rushed over the white bones, and a large army of white bones rushed down the White Bone Mountain and attacked the empire's defense line.

Here, a large number of old trees in space, old trees in war, and old trees are guarded. Inside are hidden fifty kingships, one imperial ship, tens of millions of empires, millions of guerrilla camps, etc. This is the moment.

When Li Xing was suspended in the air, he saw that there was a huge chariot in the bone skeleton. The chariot was equipped with four wheels, on which eighteen huge pillars of white bones were carved with strange runes.

In front of it, there are eight horrible bone dragons pulling the car, and the breath of each skull dragon is very powerful, and it has absolutely immeasurable great heavenly power.

In addition, around the chariot, there are about six immense celestial celestial deities and seventy-two infinite celestial celestial celestial guards guarding them and rushing with the chariots. It is united with countless white bone armies and is extremely powerful.

However, Li Xing's eyes were very poisonous. He saw that the bone force was damaged and did not exert his due strength at all, so he sneered and ordered the imperial ship to rush out of the line and snip the bone car.


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