Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1153: Bone Chariot

Chapter 1153: Bone Chariot

Chapter 1153: Bone Chariot

On the side of Baigushan, Mrs. Baigu sits on the bone chariot. She holds a bone bone scepter, her eyes are cold, and she is matched with her beautiful face. The whole person gives a strange shocking beauty. . .

However, Li Xingke had no time to admire the beauty of the white husband, and today he must beheaded to kill the white bones, in order to prepare for the next step to occupy the southwest.

The emperor-level battleship arrived with an assault, and the first time, it sent a thunderbolt to lock the bone-bound chariot. If this bone power is not destroyed, its power will be comparable to that of the imperial battleship.

Unfortunately, this tank was damaged a lot and its power was greatly reduced. Therefore, as soon as it was locked by the imperial battleship, it could not move immediately. Even the six weightless boneless warriors and seventy-two infinite boneless warriors around were all settled.

Mrs. Bone on the chariot's face was as usual, and her expression was still indifferent. She raised her Bone Scepter and moved it slightly upwards. Suddenly, billions of bone-bone arrows shot from the void, and shot into the thunder, regardless of cost.

Strangely, these bones and arrows can actually disrupt the locking function of the chaotic thunder, actually interrupting this locking. If you ca n’t lock it, you ca n’t attack, naturally, Mrs. White Bone screamed, and the White Bone Army rushed to kill.

Li Xing frowned slightly, and he felt that the bone-bone staff could seem to be able to use some outside force to force even the locking of the imperial battleship could be interrupted.

Seeing that for the time being, it was not possible to kill Mrs. Bone Bone, and the opponent's Bone Bone Army had rushed to the first line of defense, and Li Xing began to command the army to besiege. He didn't pay much attention to this level of enemy attacks.

The old trees in space only coped with them for a while, and then they were thrown away. The old trees of war and the old trees of Taoism appeared before the Bone Army. I saw five million guardians, each holding a large bow, and Zhang Xian hanging arrows.

Then, under the command of the commander, millions of arrow corpses broke through the space and shot at the Bone Army. The strength of these Tao soldiers is not weak, all of them are in the ancient Great Celestial Order, which is generally three points stronger than the Bone Army.

In a round of volleys, millions of bone skeletons were shot into bone scum. At the same time, millions of fighting spirits rushed into the enemy's battlefield, beheaded and killed, and launched a fierce battle.

From above, fifty kingships continuously shoot down the bone-competent combat forces with relatively high combat effectiveness below. All those who have no realm, nirvana, and silence are hunting targets, posing a huge threat to the other party.

Then, on the left side of the Bone Army, the men of the guerrilla battalion killed them; on the right side, cavalry consisting of the elite elite rushed to the front, forming a three-sided encirclement of the Bone Army.

And in order to be on the safe side, Li Xing ordered twenty-four weightless masters to patrol the sky and use the killing technique to make indiscriminate attacks on the white bone army below. Under this attack, the six Boneless Bone Warriors couldn't bear it. Three of them were blasted into **** one after another. The Boneless Bone Soldiers suffered more damage and went to most of them.

On the Bone Chariot, Mrs. White Bone kept waving her bone stick and fired hundreds of millions of arrow corpses, forming a terrible suppression of the emperor. Thanks to the support of the imperial battleship, the ship's hull was continuously traversed forward, blocking the sky arrow feathers. Otherwise, the empire will suffer heavy losses.

On the battleship, Li Xing said: "The other side defends with bone strength and attacks with a bone scepter. The two should be one. It seems that this bone strength is good and it is a pity that it was damaged. It is better to collect it."

Seeing Zhi Datian said: "Lord, you can drag it with the emperor, and then the Lord will use the Prototype altar to ###."

Li Xing thought for a moment, then suddenly smiled: "This method is very wonderful, very wonderful! It is only necessary to sacrifice the beautiful Lady Bone, but unfortunately, if this girl can become a battle soul, the combat power is very strong."

After a while, he ordered the warship to lock the Bone Chariot again, while holding the Proto-Altar, he quietly walked around and started from behind.

Sure enough, the Emperor Ship launched Lei Guang, and Mrs. White Bone was very careful. She pushed the Bone Scepter with all her strength, countering the light, and could be interrupted instantly. When his bone scepter had just finished attacking, he thundered.

Li Xing suddenly appeared, throwing the Proto-Altar down and yelling, "Here!"

Thousands of black light were sprinkled on this altar, and immediately the lady and the bone chariot were smoky. Li Xing yelled: "Replace Mrs. Bone for a deal and repair the Bone Chariot!"

Today, he can already control the altar and trade with those forces represented in the altar. Just like recovering the head of the North Emperor, it relies on the power in the altar.

Sure enough, there were two forces taking over the business. The desperately struggling Lady Bone disappeared in an instant, and before her discoloration, there was no terror in her eyes, and some were just indifferent.

It is rumored that Mrs. White Bone was born from the white bones. There was no love and no desire. Only the instinct of the demon spirit killed the heart.

As soon as Mrs. Bone died, two bizarre forces fell from the altar, making the Bone Scepter and the Bone Fighting power into one. The damaged area on the chariot was quickly repaired and almost a breath was done.

Li Xing retracted the altar, and the full version of the bones fell to the ground, exuding a momentum comparable to that of an imperial battleship. He was overjoyed, flying down the chariot, holding a bone scepter.

After a few trials, he was urged by the power of the world, and found that it was very smooth, so he screamed, urging the fighting force to enter the Bone Army.

Although Mrs. White Bone fell, these army of white bones are still executing her previous orders, and they are not afraid of death. They are not even real lives. Like Mrs. White Bone, there is no human emotion.


An immense celestial master casts a mystery and kills millions of bone bone troops in one hit. The three-party pincers quickly reduced the number of white bone forces. On the ground, a layer of white bone residue was piled.

Li Xing drove a chariot. As long as he swung his scepter gently everywhere, the bones within five hundred miles fell to the ground and lost his combat power.

This was a battle that had already been doomed. It took half a day, the bone bone army was annihilated, and Mrs. White Bone died. In addition to getting the Bone Chariot and the Bone Scepter, Li Xing is a pity that those Bone Warriors are gone.

If it can be used for its own purposes, it can be regarded as a good force. But all these bone-warriors died in the battle, leaving only one place of bones and nothing else.

Soon, the empire occupied the territory controlled by White Bone Mountain. At this point, Li Xing decided to postpone the pace of expansion, ordered the emperor to rest, and stabilize the site already occupied. At the same time, the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce was opened again in the southwest, but the places where it was opened were located on the border of the Empire's territory for protection.

In order to attract the hermits in the southwest, Li Xing put down his blood and took out some Qidan. The so-called Qidan refers to the elixir with special effects. For example, the elixir of life extension, the elixir of improving qualifications, the elixir of increasing combat effectiveness, the elixir of strengthening the plane, and so on.

Li Xing opened four treasures and gained many. In addition, in the abyss of the robber, he also obtained a lot of useful elixir, and mentioned some of them for sale here.

There are good things, I'm not afraid that no one will buy them. On the same day, there are several retired people who are old and frail, and ran over to buy Yanshoudan. Yanshoudan is divided into one for Yanshoudan and used for the first extension of life; Yanshoudan for two times is used for the second extension of life; Yanshoudan for three times is used for the third extension of life. .

Taking Yanshou Dan, a person can extend life for up to three periods. Moreover, Fuhe Yanshoudan has a lot of risks. When Yanshou is in the first stage, 30% may explode; in Yanshou's second period, the mortality rate is as high as 50%; in the tertiary period, Yanshou will have 80% probability of death.

Even with all kinds of restrictions and risks, Yanshoudan is still a good thing. For those who do not have a lot of time, they are going to die anyway, fight hard, and bet on fate. With luck, you can live one more period, even three periods. Not good, nothing more than a death.

Therefore, the price of Yanshou Dan is extremely high.

There are different versions of this dan, which are called Ancient Yanshou Dan for ancient Datianzun, and Shiyan Yanshou Dan for Shizhuang Datianzun. The higher the level, the more expensive the elixir.

Take Promise Yanshou Dan as an example. One of them is Yanshou Dan. The price is about 800,000 without great fortune, and there is no price. Yanshou Dan is more expensive in Erjiao, up to two million yuan without great fortune.

The precious elixir similar to Yanshoudan, and even the precious Qidan, were displayed one by one by Li Xing and sold here.

On the first day, not many people came, but on the second day, it can be described as overcrowded. The person in charge of the chamber of commerce was so busy that in one day, he sold 100,000 miraculous elixir, and took a huge amount. Great Fortune Dan.

Li Xing's move is to temporarily stabilize the hermits and hope that they won't have trouble. Li Xing didn't intend to move them if they weren't working. After all, this kind of people couldn't thrive in the storm, so they could hide in the world and not interfere with the normal order of the empire.

After the trading of the chamber of commerce lasted for a month, it became famous, and even monks rushed to buy it on the southeast side of Xuanhuang continent. There are even people who come from other continents to cross-border, just to purchase the magical effects needed.

The mixed-yuan empire now occupies half of the southwestern part of the Xuanhuang continent, and adopts a step-by-step strategy. For each place, it will be managed, defense will be established, and rule will be established so that outsiders can no longer intervene.

The other half of the southwest, www.readwn.com, is the site of White Deer Cave. This is undoubtedly a very powerful force, suppressing the Black Wind Valley and Baigu Mountain for many years.

Unexpectedly, Li Xing did not move the White Deer Cave first, but White Deer Cave first took action.

On this day, the ancient trees in the space were escorted by ten ancient celestial beings to see the limping space and deliver goods to the southwestern chamber of commerce. Because this kind of goods is quite special, it is Qixiaodan, and no ancient trees are used.

Because the ancient tree needs to pass through the wormhole, and some unstable forces in the wormhole will affect the effect of Qixiaodan, and even make the medicine lose its effect.

The ancient trees in space kept jumping and flying, and a group of white monks suddenly appeared in front of them. There were men and women, about a dozen people. They stood in front of them, forcibly blocking the space with secret methods, and the ancient trees in space could not jump at once.

The head-headed man stopped the cold and coldly, saying, "Who are you, dare to limp in the area of ​​Bailu Cave!"

(Today ’s basic ###, three chapters are finished. There is one chapter before zero, which is one of the six chapters that made up last month.)


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